Avoid collision with walls. first-person - three.js

I've created navigation mesh on my Scene with walkable Property in Blender. The walkable area is floor without objects (You can see in the attached image).I could load it as glb data in my Three js project, connect it with addevent click action and calculate between mouse Position and my navmesh by Raycasting. The problem is when i click on the floor ,returned array via intersectObject, has length of one but as soon as i click on the walls it returns null array, even though I'm still on the the navMesh. btw I'm using first-person Camera. I've searched everywhere and the only solution that I've found was Three-pathfinding library-> function clampStep but there is no example for that. Any suggestion how can i restrict movement of camera between the walls?
Could Verge3d from Blender help or it has nothing to do with my Problem?
I'm totally beginner in both threejs and blender, would really appreciate any help or suggestion.
loading glb and mesh:
init: function(){
this.scene = new THREE.Scene();
this.scene.background = new THREE.Color(0xdddddd);
this.camera.rotation.y = 10 / 180 * Math.PI;
this.camera.position.x = 10;
this.camera.position.y = 3;
this.camera.position.z = 20;
this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ antialias: true });
this.renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
this.renderer.outputEncoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding;
this.renderer.physicallyCorrectLights = true;
this.controls = new FirstPersonControls(this.camera, this.renderer.domElement);
this.controls.movementSpeed = 5;
this.controls.lookSpeed = 0.01;
this.controls.noFly = false;
this.controls.lookVertical = false;
this.hlight = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff, 3);;
let loader = new GLTFLoader();
loader.load("/ShowRoom121122.glb", (gltf) => {
const self = this;
gltf.scene.traverse(function (child) {
if (child.isMesh){
if (child.name=="navMesh_1"){
child.material.transparent = true;
child.material.opacity = 0.5;
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(child.geometry, new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ wireframe: true, color: 0x111111}));
child.castShadow = false;
child.receiveShadow = true;
self.scene.add( gltf.scene );
this.mouse.x = ( e.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
this.mouse.y = - ( e.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
//2. set the picking ray from the camera position and mouse coordinates
this.raycaster.setFromCamera( this.mouse, this.camera );
//3. compute intersections
const intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObject( this.navmesh );
if (intersects.length>0){
const pt = intersects[0].point;
} },
this.renderer.render(this.scene, this.camera);
this.renderer.domElement.addEventListener( 'click', this.raycast,false );


THREE.js Raycasting Points

I'm trying to implement raycasting for the Points object.
The problem is that the raycaster selection doesn't match the pointer position.
I took as reference these 2 examples from three:
but i can't still figure out what i am doing wrong.
here is my code pen:
let scene = new THREE.Scene()
const near = 0.1
const far = 5000
const fov = 30
const aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight
const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(fov, aspect, near, far)
camera.position.set(-1.25, 0.8, -1.9)
let ambientLight = new THREE.AmbientLight('white', 1)
// POINTS CONTAINER ==========================================================
const worldCenter = [-1.07, 0, -6.85]
const rotationCorrection = [0.781, 4.305, 0.28]
const worldMap = new THREE.Object3D()
// THREE.Points =============================================================
const PARTICLE_SIZE = 0.1
let particles, raycaster, INTERSECTED, pointer
let vertices = []
let names = []
let sizes = []
prepareData(sampleData).forEach(coords => {
const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry()
geometry.attributes.position = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(vertices, 3)
geometry.attributes.size = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(sizes, 1)
let material = new THREE.PointsMaterial({
color: 0xffffff,
transparent: true,
depthTest: true,
depthWrite: false
material.onBeforeCompile = shader => {
shader.vertexShader =
shader.vertexShader.replace('uniform float size;', 'attribute float size;')
particles = new THREE.Points(geometry, material)
// RAYCASTER =============================================================
raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster()
pointer = new THREE.Vector2(99999, 99999)
document.addEventListener('pointermove', (event) => {
pointer.x = (event.clientX / window.innerWidth) * 2 - 1;
pointer.y = - (event.clientY / window.innerHeight) * 2 + 1;
document.addEventListener('pointerout', () => pointer.set(99999, 99999))
// RENDERING ==================================================================
let canvas = document.querySelector('#c')
const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
canvas: canvas, alpha: false
function resizeRendererToDisplaySize(renderer) {
const width = canvas.clientWidth
const height = canvas.clientHeight
const needResize = canvas.width !== width || canvas.height !== height
if (needResize) renderer.setSize(width, height, false)
return needResize
function render(time) {
if (resizeRendererToDisplaySize(renderer)) {
const canvas = renderer.domElement
camera.aspect = canvas.clientWidth / canvas.clientHeight
const geometry = particles.geometry
const attributes = geometry.attributes
raycaster.setFromCamera(pointer, camera)
let intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(particles)
if (intersects.length > 0) {
if (INTERSECTED != intersects[0].index) {
attributes.size.array[INTERSECTED] = PARTICLE_SIZE
INTERSECTED = intersects[0].index
attributes.size.array[INTERSECTED] = PARTICLE_SIZE * 3
attributes.size.needsUpdate = true
} else if (INTERSECTED !== null) {
attributes.size.array[INTERSECTED] = PARTICLE_SIZE
attributes.size.needsUpdate = true
renderer.render(scene, camera)
You're very close. The only thing missing is to declare how "wide" you want your raycaster to be. Add this line after initiating the raycaster:
raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster()
raycaster.params.Points.threshold = 0.05;
The threshold is by default 1 unit wide. Think of this as painting with a very broad brush, the first particle you'll hit may not be the closest to your mouse pointer. So when you get intersects[0].index, it's going to be the first particle you hit with that broad ray (closest to the camera), not the closest one to your mouse. If you declare a narrower threshold, your ray will be more precise and you'll get more accurate results.

Three.js - Smooth shading results in weird edges

I’m trying to get .stl files to appear smooth, but the edges result in these weird dark areas.
With flatShading set to true
With flatShading set to false
Is there any way to make the edges perfectly smooth without these weird artifacts?
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true });
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(30, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 500);
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
}, false);
var controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera, renderer.domElement);
controls.enableDamping = true;
controls.dampingFactor = 0.2;
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
// Hemisphere light
var hemiLight = new THREE.HemisphereLight(0xffffff, 0x444444);
hemiLight.position.set(0, 100, 0);
// Directional light
var dirLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0x323232);
dirLight.position.set(- 0, 40, 50);
dirLight.castShadow = true;
dirLight.shadow.camera.top = 50;
dirLight.shadow.camera.bottom = - 25;
dirLight.shadow.camera.left = - 25;
dirLight.shadow.camera.right = 25;
dirLight.shadow.camera.near = 0.1;
dirLight.shadow.camera.far = 200;
dirLight.shadow.mapSize.set(1024, 1024);
var loader = new THREE.STLLoader();
loader.load( 'https://bymu.eu/test.stl', function ( geometry ) {
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({ specular: 0x111111, shininess: 200, color: 0xff5533, flatShading: false });
var tempGeometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(geometry);
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(tempGeometry, material);
// Compute the middle
var middle = new THREE.Vector3();
// Center it
mesh.position.x = -1 * middle.x;
mesh.position.y = -1 * middle.y;
mesh.position.z = -1 * middle.z;
// Pull the camera away as needed
var largestDimension = Math.max(geometry.boundingBox.max.x,
geometry.boundingBox.max.y, geometry.boundingBox.max.z)
camera.position.z = largestDimension * 1.5;
function render() {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
var animate = function () {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
}; animate();
body {
background: #b2b2b2;
overflow: hidden;
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/mrdoob/three.js/dev/build/three.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/mrdoob/three.js/dev/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
<script src="https://raw.githack.com/mrdoob/three.js/dev/examples/js/loaders/STLLoader.js"></script>
The problem isn't with Three.js, but with your geometry. Three.js uses "vertex normals" to know which direction the vertex is facing. This is used to smooth out faces. See the illustration below, your edge has a "smooth edge" (left diagram), where the direction of the faces is blended along that 90-degree angle. If you want a "sharp edge" (on the right), you'll have to tell your your geometry to create a second normal, each one pointing perpendicular to the face, so the angles don't blend.
Here's what your normals look like in Blender, in a before/after animation. Notice that a single normal down the middle gives the undesired smooth shading:
The way to achieve this varies from one editor to another, but I'm sure you can find the exact step-by-step instructions by looking up "mark sharp edge" for your editor of choice.
Solved it, found this great function https://codepen.io/Ni55aN/pen/zROmoe
THREE.Geometry.prototype.computeAngleVertexNormals = function(angle){
function weightedNormal( normals, vector ) {
var normal = new THREE.Vector3();
for ( var i = 0, l = normals.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
if ( normals[ i ].angleTo( vector ) < angle ) {
normal.add( normals[ i ] );
return normal.normalize();
var vertexNormals = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = this.vertices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
vertexNormals[ i ] = [];
for ( var i = 0, fl = this.faces.length; i < fl; i ++ ) {
var face = this.faces[ i ];
vertexNormals[ face.a ].push( face.normal );
vertexNormals[ face.b ].push( face.normal );
vertexNormals[ face.c ].push( face.normal );
for ( var i = 0, fl = this.faces.length; i < fl; i ++ ) {
var face = this.faces[ i ];
face.vertexNormals[ 0 ] = weightedNormal( vertexNormals[ face.a ], face.normal );
face.vertexNormals[ 1 ] = weightedNormal( vertexNormals[ face.b ], face.normal );
face.vertexNormals[ 2 ] = weightedNormal( vertexNormals[ face.c ], face.normal );
if ( this.faces.length > 0 ) {
this.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
Results in exactly what I want after playing around with the angle, however increases loading time and has a bit of a performance penalty when a bunch of meshes are loaded, something I can live with as the meshes look amazing. I tried exporting the meshes so the browser wouldn’t have to recalculate every time, but some of them inflated 5-10 times due to this process. So it’s a sacrifice of loading time either way.

In three.js how to position image texture similar to 'contain' in css?

My image texture is positioned relative to the center of 3d space instead of mesh and I don't quite understand what determines its size.
Here is example showing how the same image is positioned on different meshes:
I'd like the image be in the center of the mesh and it's size set similar as 'contain' in css.
The mesh is flat plane created using ShapeBufferGeometry:
const shape = new THREE.Shape( edgePoints );
const geometry = new THREE.ShapeBufferGeometry( shape );
To see any image I have to set:
texture.repeat.set(0.001, 0.001);
Not sure if that matters but after creating the mesh I than set its position and rotation:
mesh.position.copy( position[0] );
mesh.rotation.set( rotation[0], rotation[1], rotation[2] );
I've tried setting those:
mesh.updateMatrixWorld( true );
mesh.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.morphTargetsNeedUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true;
mesh.geometry.tangentsNeedUpdate = true;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
I've played with wrapS / wrapT and offset.
I've checked UV's - I don't yet fully understand this concept but it seems fine. Example of UV for one mesh (I understand those are XY coordinates and they seem to reflect the actual corners of my mesh):
uv: Float32BufferAttribute
array: Float32Array(8)
0: -208
1: 188
2: 338
3: 188
4: 338
5: 12
6: -208
7: 12
I've tried setting:
texture.repeat.set(imgHeight/geometryHeight/1000, imgWidth/geometryWidth/1000);
This is how THREE.ShapeGeometry() computes UV coordinate:
But you can re-compute them, to put in range [0..1].
Here is an example, click the button to re-compute uvs of the shape geometry:
var scene = new THREE.Scene();
var camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000);
camera.position.set(0, 0, 10);
var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
var grid = new THREE.GridHelper(10, 10);
grid.rotation.x = Math.PI * 0.5;
var points = [
new THREE.Vector2(0, 5),
new THREE.Vector2(-5, 4),
new THREE.Vector2(-3, -3),
new THREE.Vector2(2, -5),
new THREE.Vector2(5, 0)
var shape = new THREE.Shape(points);
var shapeGeom = new THREE.ShapeBufferGeometry(shape);
var shapeMat = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: new THREE.TextureLoader().load("https://threejs.org/examples/textures/uv_grid_opengl.jpg")
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(shapeGeom, shapeMat);
btnRecalc.addEventListener("click", onClick);
var box3 = new THREE.Box3();
var size = new THREE.Vector3();
var v3 = new THREE.Vector3(); // for re-use
function onClick(event) {
box3.setFromObject(mesh); // get AABB of the shape mesh
box3.getSize(size); // get size of that box
var pos = shapeGeom.attributes.position;
var uv = shapeGeom.attributes.uv;
for (let i = 0; i < pos.count; i++) {
v3.fromBufferAttribute(pos, i);
v3.subVectors(v3, box3.min).divide(size); // cast world uvs to range 0..1
uv.setXY(i, v3.x, v3.y);
uv.needsUpdate = true; // set it to true to make changes visible
renderer.setAnimationLoop(() => {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
body {
overflow: hidden;
margin: 0;
<script src="https://threejs.org/build/three.min.js"></script>
<button id="btnRecalc" style="position: absolute;">Re-calculate UVs</button>

Three.js - Create new mesh from certain faces/vertices of another mesh

I´ve been several days struggling with a particular Three.js issue, and I cannot find any way to do it. This is my case:
1) I have a floating mesh, formed by several triangled faces. This mesh is created from the geometry returned by a loader, after obtaining its vertices and faces using getAttribute('position'): How to smooth mesh triangles in STL loaded BufferGeometry
2) What I want to do now is to "project" the bottom face agains the floor.
3) Later, with this new face added, create the resulting mesh of filling the space between the 3 vertices of both faces.
I already have troubles in step 2... To create a new face I´m supossed to have its 3 vertices already added to geometry.vertices. I did it, cloning the original face vertices. I use geometry.vertices.push() results to know their new indexes, and later I use that indexes (-1) to finally create the new face. But its shape is weird, also the positions and the size. I think I´m not getting the world/scene/vector position equivalence theory right :P
I tried applying this, with no luck:
How to get the absolute position of a vertex in three.js?
Converting World coordinates to Screen coordinates in Three.js using Projection
I discovered that if I directly clone the full original face and simply add it to the mesh, the face is added but in the same position, so I cannot then change its vertices to place it on the floor (or at least without modifying the original face vertices!). I mean, I can change their x, y, z properties, but they are in a very small measure that doesn´t match the original mesh dimensions.
Could someone help me get this concept right?
EDIT: source code
// Create geometry
var geo = new THREE.Geometry();
var geofaces = [];
var geovertices = [];
for(var index in original_geometry.faces){
// Get original face vertexNormals to know its 3 vertices
var face = original_geometry[index];
var vertexNormals = face.vertexNormals;
// Create 3 new vertices, add it to the array and then create a new face using the vertices indexes
var vertexIndexes = [null, null, null];
for (var i = 0, l = vertexNormals.length; i < l; i++) {
var vectorClone = vertexNormals[i].clone();
vectorClone.applyMatrix4( original_geometry.matrixWorld );
//vectorClone.unproject(camera); // JUST TESTING
//vectorClone.normalize(); // JUST TESTING
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(vectorClone.x, vectorClone.z, vectorClone.y)
//vector.normalize(); // JUST TESTING
//vector.project(camera); // JUST TESTING
//vector.unproject(camera); // JUST TESTING
vertexIndexes[i] = geovertices.push( vector ) - 1;
var newFace = new THREE.Face3( vertexIndexes[0], vertexIndexes[1], vertexIndexes[2] );
// Assign filled arrays to the geometry
geo.faces = geofaces;
geo.vertices = geovertices;
// Create a new mesh with resulting geometry and add it to scene (in this case, to the original mesh to keep the positions)
new_mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geo, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(material) ); // material is defined elsewhere
new_mesh.position.set(0, -100, 0);
original_mesh.add( new_mesh );
I created a fully operational JSFiddle with the case to try things and see the problem more clear. With this STL (smaller than my local example) I cannot even see the badly cloned faces added to the scene.. Maybe they are too small or out of focus.
Take a look to the calculateProjectedMesh() function, here is where I tried to clone and place the bottom faces (already detected because they have a different materialIndex):
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/tc39sgo1/
var container;
var stlPath = 'https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/p1xp4lhy4wxmf19/Handle_Tab_floating.STL';
var camera, controls, scene, renderer, model;
var mouseX = 0,
mouseY = 0;
var test = true;
var meshPlane = null, meshStl = null, meshCube = null, meshHang = null;
var windowHalfX = window.innerWidth / 2;
var windowHalfY = window.innerHeight / 2;
/*THREE.FrontSide = 0;
THREE.BackSide = 1;
THREE.DoubleSide = 2;*/
var materials = [];
materials.push( new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color : 0x00FF00, side:0, shading: THREE.FlatShading, transparent: true, opacity: 0.9, overdraw : true, wireframe: false}) );
materials.push( new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color : 0xFF0000, transparent: true, opacity: 0.8, side:0, shading: THREE.FlatShading, overdraw : true, metal: false, wireframe: false}) );
materials.push( new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color : 0x0000FF, side:2, shading: THREE.FlatShading, overdraw : true, metal: false, wireframe: false}) );
var lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ color: 0x0000ff, transparent: true, opacity: 0.05 });
function webglAvailable() {
try {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
return !!(window.WebGLRenderingContext && (
canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl')));
} catch (e) {
return false;
function init() {
container = document.createElement('div');
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(25, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 0.1, 100000000);
camera.position.x = 1500;
camera.position.z = -2000;
camera.position.y = 1000;
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(camera);
// scene
scene = new THREE.Scene();
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x101030); //0x101030
var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 2);
directionalLight.position.set(0, 3, 0).normalize();
var directionalLight = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 2);
directionalLight.position.set(0, 1, -2).normalize();
if (webglAvailable()) {
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
} else {
renderer = new THREE.CanvasRenderer();
renderer.setClearColor( 0xCDCDCD, 1 );
// renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);
createPlane(500, 500);
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
function onDocumentMouseMove(event) {
mouseX = (event.clientX - windowHalfX) / 2;
mouseY = (event.clientY - windowHalfY) / 2;
function animate() {
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
function createPlane(width, height) {
var planegeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(width, height, 0, 0);
var material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
color: 0xFFFFFF,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
meshPlane = new THREE.Mesh(planegeometry, material);
meshPlane.rotation.x = 90 * (Math.PI/180);
//meshPlane.position.y = -height/2;
function createCube(size) {
var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( size, size, size );
var material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({
color: 0xFF0000,
opacity: 0.04,
transparent: true,
wireframe: true,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
meshCube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
meshCube.position.y = size/2;
function loadStl() {
var loader = new THREE.STLLoader();
loader.load( stlPath, function ( geometry ) {
// Convert BufferGeometry to Geometry
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry( geometry );
var faces = geometry.faces;
for(var index in faces){
var face = faces[index];
var faceNormal = face.normal;
var axis = new THREE.Vector3(0,-1,0);
var angle = Math.acos(axis.dot(faceNormal));
var angleReal = (angle / (Math.PI/180));
if(angleReal <= 70){
face.materialIndex = 1;
face.materialIndex = 0;
meshStl = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials));
meshStl.position.x = 0;
meshStl.position.y = 400;
scene.add( meshStl );
// Once loaded, calculate projections mesh
function calculateProjectedMesh(){
var geometry = meshStl.geometry;
var faces = geometry.faces;
var vertices = geometry.vertices;
var geometry_projected = new THREE.Geometry();
var faces_projected = [];
var vertices_projected = [];
for(var index in faces){
var face = faces[index];
// This are the faces
if(face.materialIndex == 1){
var vertexIndexes = [face.a, face.b, face.c];
for (var i = 0, l = vertexIndexes.length; i < l; i++) {
var relatedVertice = vertices[ vertexIndexes[i] ];
var vectorClone = relatedVertice.clone();
vectorClone.applyMatrix4( meshStl.matrixWorld );
// TEST: draw line
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(vectorClone.x, vectorClone.y, vectorClone.z));
//geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(vectorClone.x, vectorClone.y, vectorClone.z));
geometry.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(vectorClone.x, meshPlane.position.y, vectorClone.z));
var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, lineMaterial);
console.log("line added");
vectorClone.y = 0;
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(vectorClone.x, vectorClone.y, vectorClone.z);
vertexIndexes[i] = vertices_projected.push( vector ) - 1;
var newFace = new THREE.Face3( vertexIndexes[0], vertexIndexes[1], vertexIndexes[2] );
newFace.materialIndex = 2;
geometry_projected.faces = faces_projected;
geometry_projected.vertices = vertices_projected;
meshHang = new THREE.Mesh(geometry_projected, new THREE.MeshFaceMaterial(materials));
var newY = -(2 * meshStl.position.y) + 0;
var newY = -meshStl.position.y;
meshHang.position.set(0, newY, 0);
meshStl.add( meshHang );
EDIT: Finally!! I got it! To clone the original faces I must access their 3 original vertices using "a", "b" and "c" properties, which are indexes referencing Vector3 instances in the "vertices" array of the original geometry.
I cloned the 3 vertices flatting the Z position to zero, use their new indexes to create the new face and add it to the projection mesh (in blue).
I´m also adding lines as a visual union between both faces. Now I´m ready for step 3, but I think this is complex enough to close this question.
Thanks for the updateMatrixWorld clue! It was vital to achieve my goal ;)
try this
var vertexIndexes = [null, null, null];
for (var i = 0, l = vertexNormals.length; i < l; i++) {
var position = original_geometry.geometry.vertices[i].clone();
position.applyMatrix4( original_geometry.matrixWorld );
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(position.x, position.y, position.z)
vertexIndexes[i] = geovertices.push( vector ) - 1;

Object moving in different direction after rotating the plane, three js(v73)

I am have having issue in moving the object, when using mouse. When i move the object initially it works fine, but after rotating the scene about the y-axis, the object starts moving in opposite direction of the mouse. I have created a jsfiddle for that. Here is the code:
//define global variables here
var container, renderer;
var camera, scene, projector,mouseVector,controls;
var mouseX, mouseY, draggable;
var pen,c_mesh,interactiveObj = [];
var cube_selected=false;
var wallWidth=1200;
var wallHeight=400;
var raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); // create once
var mouse = new THREE.Vector2(); // create once
function init(){
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 10, 10000);
// camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(0,-wallWidth/2 +10,10));
//camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(10,10,10));
scene = new THREE.Scene();
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x666666);
walls = new THREE.Object3D();
var groundMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial({color:0x808080});
var groundGeo_2 = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(wallWidth, wallWidth); //for roof and floor
var ground = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo_2, groundMat);
ground.overdraw = true;
ground.position.set(0, -wallHeight, 0);
ground.rotation.x = -Math.PI/2;
var cube_geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(500,300,100);
var c_material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial();
c_mesh = new THREE.Mesh(cube_geometry, c_material);
c_mesh.overdraw = true;
c_mesh.name = "first_cube";
c_mesh.position.set(0, -wallHeight+100/2-1 ,0); //c_mesh.add(camera);
c_mesh.rotation.x = Math.PI * 0.1;
//projector = new THREE.Projector();
mouseVector = new THREE.Vector3();
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true;
container.appendChild( renderer.domElement );
//IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera
document.addEventListener('mousewheel',onDocumentMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onDocumentMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false );
document.addEventListener('mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
window.addEventListener( 'resize', onWindowResize, false );
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
function render() {
renderer.render( scene, camera );
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize( window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight );
function onDocumentMouseDown(event){
draggable = true;
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / renderer.domElement.width ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = - ( event.clientY / renderer.domElement.height ) * 2 + 1;
raycaster.setFromCamera( mouse, camera );
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects( interactiveObj, true );
if ( intersects.length > 0 ) {
if(intersects[0].object == c_mesh) {
renderer.domElement.style.cursor = 'pointer';
console.log("cube selected "); cube_selected=true;
draggable = false;
function onDocumentMouseUp(event){
draggable = false;
renderer.domElement.style.cursor = 'auto';
function onDocumentMouseMove( event ) {
if(mouseX != 0 && mouseY != 0){
deltaX = event.clientX - mouseX;
deltaY = event.clientY - mouseY;
walls.rotation.y += deltaX * 0.01;
walls.rotation.x += deltaY * 0.01;
}else if (cube_selected==true){
if(mouseX != 0 && mouseY != 0){
deltaX = event.clientX - mouseX;
deltaY = event.clientY - mouseY;
c_mesh.position.x += deltaX*1.5 ;
c_mesh.position.y -= deltaY*1.5 ;
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;
function onDocumentMouseWheel( event ) {
mouseDelta = (-event.wheelDeltaY|| event.detail);
camera.position.z += mouseDelta * 1 ;
// console.log("camera position : "+ camera.position.z);
What i have done:
Added object in plane, rather then to scene because I want the same rotation of plane and object in the same direction.
The problem was that when you rotated the walls/ground with the mouse drag, the cube's rotation was not updated to match. So when you went to drag the cube after a world rotation, the cube is still operating in its old coordinate system. Also, be careful how you add children to parents. The cube should be a child of the scene (or world coordinate system) if you intend to move it all around. If it is a child of the floor or walls, things can get wacky really fast. :)
I updated your JSFiddle as well as cleaned up the code a little bit:
The magic is happening on line 126 with the copying of the wall's rotation into the cube's rotation so it matches:
I won't assume how much 3D math you know, but I'll just say that copying the ground's rotation essentially creates a new frame of reference or local coordinate system for the cube so that when you drag it to the right, and the code says x = x + ... , its new coordinate system has its x direction pointing in the same direction as the ground/walls' new x direction (after the rotation you performed on them).
Hope this makes sense - don't worry if you don't quite get how it all works. I am a veteran 3D game programmer hobbyist for 20 years and I still sometimes forget how this all works and I have struggled with it plenty. I also refresh my understanding by browsing scratchapixel (the 3D math / coordinate system primer section) every now and then. It keeps all this 3D math stuff fresh. Good luck to you! :)
The following is a 2nd answer to this problem. The OP has added orbitControls.js to his app and now all the objects are more manageable. Here is the whole app's .html file, updated to reflect the changes. Now, you can click/drag to rotate the whole room. And then you can click/drag on the chair or the sofa and drag them around the room. Their Y positions are clamped to the ground (0.0) so that they do not incorrectly penetrate the floor.
The sliding of objects along the floor is achieved through raycasting against just the ground (when the mouse has selected them and dragging them). The raycast returns the intersection point in world space, so I just copy that into the draggable objects' position. Then a post-clamp of their Y positions prevent them from falling through the floor.
Even better, is the fact that we don't need localToWorld and worldToLocal matrix 'hacks' anymore because everything is relative to the Scene, which is how it is in real life. :) To prove this, I added an example update the chair's rotation around its own Y axis, so we have a spinning chair that is able to rotate around its own local center of gravity, while also being able to move its position relative to the Scene (world).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/html">
<head lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="http://alexan0308.github.io/threejs/build/three.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://alexan0308.github.io/threejs/examples/js/loaders/OBJLoader.js"></script>
<script src="http://alexan0308.github.io/threejs/examples/js/loaders/MTLLoader.js"></script>
<script src="http://alexan0308.github.io/threejs/examples/js/loaders/OBJMTLLoader.js"></script>
<script src="http://threejs.org/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
<div id="workspace"></div>
//define global variables here
var container, renderer;
var camera, scene, projector, mouseVector, controls;
var mouseX, mouseY, draggable;
var pen, c_mesh, interactiveObj = [], rotateObj = [], groundRaycastObj = [];
var wallWidth = 1200;
var wallHeight = 400;
var chair_model, sofa_model;
var chair_selected = false;
var sofa_selected = false;
var raycaster;
var mouse = new THREE.Vector2(), INTERSECTED;
var radius = 100, theta = 0;
var oldIntersectPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
var newIntersectPoint = new THREE.Vector3();
var intersectOffset = new THREE.Vector3();
var chair_rotate = false;
var walls;
var mesh_box;
var wallright, wallleft, wallback, wallfront, ceiling, ground;
var strDownloadMime = "image/octet-stream";
function init() {
container = document.getElementById('workspace'); //document.createElement('div');
//camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 10, 10000);
// camera.position.set(0, -wallHeight / 2 + 10, wallWidth);
// camera.lookAt(new THREE.Vector3(10, 10, 10));
renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({preserveDrawingBuffer: true});
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
renderer.shadowMapEnabled = true;
scene = new THREE.Scene();
raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
var ambient = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xffffff);
camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 60, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 10000 );
camera.position.z= wallWidth;
camera.position.y= wallWidth/2;
controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera, renderer.domElement );
//controls.addEventListener( 'change', render ); // add this only if there is no animation loop (requestAnimationFrame)
controls.enableDamping = true;
controls.dampingFactor = 0.25;
//controls.enableZoom = false;
walls = new THREE.Object3D();
var groundGeo_2 = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(wallWidth, wallWidth); //for roof and floor
var groundGeo = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(wallWidth, wallHeight);
var wallTextureRight = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/walls/rainbow.jpg')
wallTextureRight.map.needsUpdate = true;
var wallTextureLeft = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/walls/rainbow.jpg')
var wallTextureFront = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/walls/wall4.jpg')
var wallTextureBack = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/walls/wall3.png')
var floorTexture = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/walls/floor.jpg')
floorTexture.map.needsUpdate = true;
var ceilTexture = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture('textures/walls/wall4.jpg')
ground = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo_2, floorTexture);
ground.overdraw = true;
ground.position.set(0, 0, 0);
ground.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2;
wallleft = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo, wallTextureLeft);
wallleft.overdraw = true;
wallleft.position.set(-wallWidth / 2, wallHeight / 2, 0);
wallleft.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2;
wallright = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo, wallTextureRight);
wallright.overdraw = true;
wallright.position.set(wallWidth / 2, wallHeight / 2, 0);
wallright.rotation.y = -Math.PI / 2;
wallback = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo, wallTextureBack);
wallback.overdraw = true;
wallback.position.set(0, wallHeight / 2, -wallWidth / 2);
wallfront = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo, wallTextureFront);
wallfront.overdraw = true;
wallfront.position.set(0, wallHeight / 2, wallWidth / 2);
wallfront.rotation.y = -Math.PI;
ceiling = new THREE.Mesh(groundGeo_2, ceilTexture);
ceiling.position.set(0, wallHeight, 0);
ceiling.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;
//load bed texture
var bed_texture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("textures/cb-rochelle-gray_baked.png");
var bedMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: bed_texture,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
//load bed
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load('js/sofa.js', function (geometry) {
sofa_model = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, bedMaterial);
for (var i = 0; i < sofa_model.children.length; i++) {
sofa_model.children[i].material = material;
sofa_model.children[i].userDataParent = sofa_model;
sofa_model.children[i].name = 'sofa_model';
sofa_model.position.set(200,0, -200);
sofa_model.rotation.set(0, 0, 0);
sofa_model.scale.set(3, 3, 3);
sofa_model.name = 'sofa_model';
//load chair texture
var chair_texture = new THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("textures/chair.png");
var chairMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
map: chair_texture,
side: THREE.DoubleSide
//load chair
var loader = new THREE.JSONLoader();
loader.load('js/chair_model.js', function (geometry) {
chair_model = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, chairMaterial);
for (var i = 0; i < chair_model.children.length; i++) {
chair_model.children[i].material = material;
chair_model.children[i].userDataParent = sofa_model;
chair_model.children[i].name = 'chair_model';
chair_model.position.set(-200,0, -200);
chair_model.rotation.set(0, 0, 0);
chair_model.scale.set(3, 3, 3);
chair_model.name = 'chair_model';
//IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera
document.addEventListener('mousewheel', onDocumentMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', onDocumentMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener('mousemove', onDocumentMouseMove, false);
document.addEventListener('mousedown', onDocumentMouseDown, false);
document.addEventListener('mouseup', onDocumentMouseUp, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', onWindowResize, false);
function animate() {
chair_model.rotation.y += 0.02;
// Render the frame
//Don't render twice, it will slow down your animation!
renderer.render(scene, camera);
function render() {
renderer.render(scene, camera);
function onWindowResize() {
camera.aspect = window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight;
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
function onDocumentMouseDown(event) {
draggable = true;
var testIntersects;
testIntersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(groundRaycastObj, true);
if (testIntersects.length > 0)
// find intersections
raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera);
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(interactiveObj, true);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
if (intersects[0].object.name == 'chair_model') {
container.style.cursor = 'pointer';
chair_selected = true;
} else if (intersects[0].object.name == 'sofa_model') {
container.style.cursor = 'pointer';
sofa_selected = true;
else {
chair_selected = false;
sofa_selected = false;
draggable = false;
function onDocumentMouseUp(event) {
draggable = false;
chair_selected = false;
sofa_selected = false;
chair_rotate = false;
container.style.cursor = 'auto';
function onDocumentMouseMove(event) {
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = -( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
var deltaX = event.clientX - mouseX;
var deltaY = event.clientY - mouseY;
var testIntersects;
raycaster.setFromCamera(mouse, camera);
var intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(interactiveObj, true);
if (intersects.length > 0) {
container.style.cursor = 'pointer';
} else {
container.style.cursor = 'auto';
if (draggable) {
} else if (chair_selected == true) {
testIntersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(groundRaycastObj, true);
if (testIntersects.length > 0) {
//uncomment below if you want more precision mouse movements of objects
// clamp chair position to the ground
chair_model.position.y = 0;
} else if (chair_rotate == true) {
rotate_object(chair_model, event);
else if (sofa_selected == true) {
testIntersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(groundRaycastObj, true);
if (testIntersects.length > 0) {
//uncomment below if you want more precision mouse movements of objects
// clamp sofa position to the ground
sofa_model.position.y = 0;
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;
//render(); // no need to render
function onDocumentMouseWheel(event) {
// This is automatically handled for you by orbitControls.js,
// but you can't disable zoom on the controls - so don't type controls.enableZoom = false;
//mouseDelta = (-event.wheelDeltaY || event.detail);
//camera.position.z += mouseDelta * 1;
//render(); // no need to render
function addRotationLine(objModel) {
var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
color: 0x0000ff,
linewidth: 6
var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();
new THREE.Vector3(-10, 500, 0),
new THREE.Vector3(1000, 500, 0)
var line = new THREE.Line(geometry, material);
function rotate_object(object, event) {
mouse.x = ( event.clientX / window.innerWidth ) * 2 - 1;
mouse.y = -( event.clientY / window.innerHeight ) * 2 + 1;
var deltaX = event.clientX - mouseX;
var deltaY = event.clientY - mouseY;
object.rotation.y += deltaX * 0.02;
object.rotation.y += deltaY * 0.01;
Change line 143 of the fiddle to:
c_mesh.position.x += deltaX*1.5 * Math.cos( walls.rotation.y);
When you rotate the scene, the plane the mouse moves on doesn't rotate with it. So you have to act like it does by scaling by the cosine of the rotation.
