How to bind two datatables horizontal scrolling? - datatable

I trying to get on scroll event for horizontal scrolling on a Datatable and trigger scrolling on the other Datatable at the same time using jquery


Mouse hover event with Locomotive horizontal scroll

I use LocoScroll to achieve a horizontal scroll.
On my page I also have a mouseover event that i used to show images.
The problem is that my images doesn't change on scroll, and i want to see the images shift as the user scroll through the page. I tried to insert my mouseover function inside locoScroll.on('scroll', (instance) => {}); But it don't seems to be the right direction.
You can find my code here :

Kendo Grid Cell Templates

I need to add a checkbox and a circle to every cells of Kendo Grid. According to position attribute of Kendo grid cells, the result won't be aligned. Here is the result:
I'm using RTL version of Kendo grid.
Consider that I can't change the position attribute of Kendo grid cell because if I do so, when I click on each cell, the scroll will jump abnormally.

How to scroll a ListView to the bottom of the page?

I have a XAML page in Xamarin Forms. I create a Grid in code behind dynamically,after loading my data. After creating the Grid I need my ScrollView to scroll to the bottom of the page, how? How can I load my grid without scrolling of it ...?
I use
scroll.ScrollToAsync(lastLabel, ScrollToPosition.End, true)
but I do not get any result.

How to stop listview from scrolling to default when re binding the item

I have a ListView loaded with items.
When I update the model and try to re-bind the ItemsSource the ListView scrolls to the default position.
I there a way to prevent the ListView from scrolling when re-binding the data or scroll to the previous position.
I am using ObservableCollection for the list.

kendo grid auto scroll on first click

Only on first click on kendo grid widget (thead or tbody), the page scroll as shown on attached gif.
The problem is due to tabindex attribute added to table when 'allowCopy' is enabled.
Removing tabindex attribute in jquery, the scroll issue disappear, but copy doesn't work.
Any way to avoid this annoying behaviour?
