Xcode Cloud: unable to open configuration settings file - xcode

I'm working with a React Native project, setting up Xcode Cloud builds.
I keep getting this error:
unable to open configuration settings file
The files in my workspace look like the following:
|-- XXX
|-- Pods
|. -- Podfile
|. -- Targets Support Files
|. -- Pods-XXX
|. -- Pods-XXX.debug

Guess what? XCode is garbage but doc can help us here.
This what I'm using to smoothly build my workflow. I'l share exact bash scripts here.
Why it's failing?
First open logs on your workflow window side bar.
Check if you're installing necessary dependencies before running archive process. You're using virtual machine so any dependencies like cocoapods or yarn aren't installed by default there.
If you haven't read and skipped to the SOLUTION:
Here is the steps:
Create ci_scripts folder inside ios folder.
Create 3 files inside ci_scripts folder:
Inside your ci_post_clone.sh file add this:
# fail if any command fails
echo "🧩 Stage: Post-clone is activated .... "
set -e
# debug log
set -x
# Install dependencies using Homebrew. This is MUST! Do not delete.
brew install node yarn cocoapods fastlane
# Install yarn and pods dependencies.
# If you're using Flutter or Swift
# just install pods by "pod install" command
ls && cd .. && yarn && pod install
echo "🎯 Stage: Post-clone is done .... "
exit 0
Inside your ci_pre_xcodebuild.sh file add this:
echo "🧩 Stage: PRE-Xcode Build is activated .... "
# You can add additional scripts here...
echo "🎯 Stage: PRE-Xcode Build is DONE .... "
exit 0
Inside your ci_post_xcodebuild.sh file add this:
echo "🧩 Stage: POST-Xcode Build is activated .... "
# You can add additional scripts here...
echo "🎯 Stage: POST-Xcode Build is DONE .... "
exit 0

I've had this same issue recently, there is now a default workflow for xcode cloud that performs the post clone step that was provided by #BEK ROZ
I also had the same issue locally when building a VueJS app with Ionic/Capacitor
Before now my knowledge of iOS builds is precisely zero, so excuse innocence, but I found the issues were relating to the *xcconfig files. Every capacitor module that you install with npm will have it's own xcconfig file for debug and release - Stored in:
ios/App/Pods/Target Support Files/{{ Module Name }}/{{ Module Name }}.debug.xcconfig
ios/App/Pods/Target Support Files/{{ Module Name }}/{{ Module Name }}.release.xcconfig
I've only installed two plugins, so I uninstalled one of them, which was cordova-plugin-screen-orientation, synced and then archived (steps below) and this time it passed.
# Remove a capacitor module with npm e.g. cordova-plugin-screen-orientation
npm uninstall cordova-plugin-screen-orientation
# Sync the iOS plugins to remove the plugin from your Podfile (ios/App/Podfile)
npx cap sync ios
So I'd recommend going through all of the plugins you've installed and see if any of them are playing up. Then go back to xcode, run "Product -> Archive" from the menus to start a new build or push your changes and let xcode cloud do the heavy lifting for you.
Good luck


Not getting success after publish cocoaPod libray push

pod repo push iOS_FS iOS_FS.podspec
Validating spec
-> iOS_FS (0.1.0)
- NOTE | xcodebuild: note: Using new build system
- NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Planning build
- NOTE | [iOS] xcodebuild: note: Constructing build description
And trying to add in my project pod 'iOS_FS'. it's not working saying not available. How get know whether my library has been publish successfully or not.
I am able to create own iOS cocoa pod. follow below steps.
How to create your own pod file and shared it with other developers.
Create and public own pod.
Step 1:-
Create pod file in a local directory by running the below command.
pod spec create podspecificationfileName
pod spec create iOSUtilis
After creating file do configuration of target version, tag, code sync, dependency of other framework.
Step 2: once you make sure your code is compiling and well working
Create tag of your branch like below
git tag 0.0.1
git push origin 0.0.1
And update tag number in iOSUtilis.podspec file
Step 3: run command:
pod spec lint iOSUtilis.podspec
Result will be:
iOSUtilis.podspec passed validation
Step 4: publish you pod to online
Run command.
pod trunk push iOSUtilis.podspec
Result will be:
🎉 Congrats
🚀 iOSLoader (0.0.1) successfully published
📅 September 28th, 20:27
🌎 https://cocoapods.org/pods/iOSLoader
👍 Tell your friends!
MacBook-Pro:iOSUtilis chandrakant$
How to create another version of pod.
Step 1: Just make changes in your code and validate the working.
Step 2. Create another version of tag
git tag 0.0.2
git push origin tag 0.0.2
Step 3. Update new tag version in iOSUtils.podspec
Run command
pod spec lint iOSUtils.podspec
Still getting error fix
Delete tag
git tag -d tagName
git push origin tagName
Clear cache
pod cache clean --all
Fix error in origin branch and again create tag and do the remaining process when get success “iOSUtilis.podspec passed validation”
Step 4. Final step
Run command
pod trunk push iOSUtils.podspec

Not able to upload application because of .sh file of Crittercism

We are using Crittercism SDK since last 2 years and we are successfully able to upload application. Since last 2 days, we are not able to upload application with Crittercism because of dsym_upload.sh file.
Anyone getting same issue...!!!
This issue is resolved in CrittercismSDK 5.2.0 CocoaPods spec: https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/blob/master/Specs/CrittercismSDK/5.2.0/CrittercismSDK.podspec.json
If you don't want to upgrade to 5.2.0, then just delete the file
and remove these lines from the Pods-resources.sh file
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]]; then
install_resource "CrittercismSDK/CrittercismSDK/dsym_upload.sh"
if [[ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Release" ]]; then
install_resource "CrittercismSDK/CrittercismSDK/dsym_upload.sh"
That shell script should not be part of the app bundle as it's only used while building (if it's anything like the Crashlytics version then it just uploads the .dsym files to their server so crash logs can be symbolicated for you).
Find the Build Phase Copy Files step that is copying it to the app bundle and remove the script from that step.
EDIT Please note that the script still needs to be executed during a build in order to upload debug symbols, however it does not need to be copied to the app bundle.
Had the same issue using cocoa pods.
As a temporary workaround I have put the following into my Podfile:
post_install do |installer|
system('perl -pi.back -e "s/install_resource \"CrittercismSDK\/CrittercismSDK\/dsym_upload.sh\"//" "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods/Pods-resources.sh"')
What it does is it removes the line where the dsym_upload.sh is copied as a resource to what in the end ends up in you .app file
I've also met this kind of problem. In my case, it was caused by putting space and special character in the package file name (.app file). After changing the name (removed space and special character) I was able to sign and upload application without any problems.

Error with JEST tests on TRAVIS-CI

Error: /home/travis/build/ElectronicaGitHub/pictureAvenue/node_modules/jest-
Release/contextify.node: invalid ELF header
That's happening when i'm trying to start JEST tests, it's just example test from JEST tutorial and looks like
describe('sum', function() {
it('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', function() {
var sum = require('../sum');
expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);
Locally test with JEST runs fine.
Tried to start mocha tests on travis-ci and it's ok!
But my project on ReactJS and i they advise to use JEST for tests.
How to fix that problem?
Found your project on GH: https://github.com/ElectronicaGitHub/pictureAvenue
Almost guaranteed that this is because you checked in the node_modules folder. This should be downloaded by each consumer of the project, using npm install. Add a .gitignore file to the root of your project with the following content:
Before you do this, you'll need to do:
rm -fr node_modules && \
git commit -a -m 'remove node_modules from source control' && \
git push origin master
Then add your .gitignore file and do another commit.
While you're at it, it looks like you're also checking in your sass-cache (.sass-cache\*). You'll want to do the same thing.
Final thoughts:
Typically source control is great for any artifact or code, it is not great for things that are often OS dependent (like node_modules) or host dependent (.sass-cache).
Hope that helps.

Can't make Travis-CI work

I'm trying to set up Travis on this repo: https://github.com/lcguida/worksheet
I've put the travis.yml file there.
I've enabled the repository in my travis account (the "ON" button)
I've pushed some commits to see if it woukld trigger the tester.
I'm always getting this message in "My Repositories" tab: You don't have any repos set up on Travis CI
Here is my travis.yml file:
language: ruby
- 2.0.0
- 2.1.1
script: 'bundle exec rake test'
Can't figure out what I'm doing wrrong
I made the same mistake as you when starting on Travis :-)
The file name you need is .travis.yml
Note the first dot.
You can see what's wrong by looking at https://travis-ci.org/lcguida/worksheet/requests . . . where it repeatedly says "missing config"

Mogenerator and Xcode 4

I just installed mogenerator+xmo'd on my development machine and would like to start playing with it. The only instructions I could really find online were from a previous SO post, and those don't work with XCode 4 (or at least ⌘I doesn't pull up metadata any more and I don't know how).
So to get things up and running, is all that needs to happen to add xmod in the .xcdatamodeld's comments (wherever they are) and the classes will be generated/updated on save from then on?
While trying to find this answer myself, I found MOGenerator and Xcode 4 integration guide on esenciadev.com. This solution is not a push-button integration, but it works. The link has detailed instructions, but generally you:
Copy the shell scripts into your project
Add build rules to your target to run the two shell scripts
When you build your project, the script runs MOGenerator on all .xcdatamodel files in your project directory. After the build, if the script generates new class files, you must manually add them to your project. Subsequent builds will remember existing MO-Generated files.
The example's build rule assumes you put the scripts into a /scripts/ file folder within your project directory. When I ignored this detail (creating a project folder but not a file folder) I got a build error. Make sure the build rule points to the script's file location.
The script uses the --base-class argument. Unless your model classes are subclasses of a custom class (not NSManagedObject), you must delete this argument from the script. E.g.,
mogenerator --model "${INPUT_FILE_PATH}/$curVer" --output-dir "${INPUT_FILE_DIR}/" --base-class $baseClass
Now that Xcode 4 is released Take a look at the Issues page for mogenerator
After I make changes to my model file, I just run mogenerator manually from the terminal. Using Xcode 4 and ARC, this does the trick:
cd <directory of model file>
mogenerator --model <your model>.xcdatamodeld/<current version>.xcdatamodel --template-var arc=YES
Maybe I'll use build scripts at some point, but the terminal approach is too simple to screw up.
I've found a Script in the "Build Phases" to be more reliable than the "Build Rules".
Under "Build Phases" for your Target, choose the button at the bottom to "Add Run Script". Drag the run script to the top so that it executes before compiling sources.
Remember that the actual data model files (.xcdatamodel) are contained within a package (.xcdatamodeld), and that you only need to compile the latest data model for your project.
Add the following to the script (replacing text in angle-brackets as appropriate)
MODELS_DIR="${PROJECT_DIR}/<path to your models without trailing slash>"
DATA_MODEL_PACKAGE="$MODELS_DIR/<your model name>.xcdatamodeld"
CURRENT_VERSION=`/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy "$DATA_MODEL_PACKAGE/.xccurrentversion" -c 'print _XCCurrentVersionName'`
# Mogenerator Location
if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mogenerator ]; then
echo "mogenerator exists in /usr/local/bin path";
elif [ -x /usr/bin/mogenerator ]; then
echo "mogenerator exists in /usr/bin path";
echo "mogenerator not found"; exit 1;
Add options to mogenerator as appropriate. --base-class <your base class> and --template-var arc=true are common.
Random tip. If you get Illegal Instruction: 4 when you run mogenerator. Install it from the command line:
$ brew update && brew upgrade mogenerator
