Spring prototype scope - spring

it is guaranteed that a new instance is always created for a prototype scoped bean whenever it is injected? Or it can happen that the container recycles an old instance?


Will a new instance of Singleton scoped object in a WebApplicationContext be created if the application is closed and started again in Spring MVC

In a Spring MVC app, will a new instance of Singleton Class in WebApplicationContext ,be created if the application is closed and then started again?
Say there is a singleton scoped DAO class with some member variables(states) that were modified in the application and then the application was closed.
Now when we run that app again, would the previous changes(made before the application was closed) be still there for that DAO or it will be a fresh singleton instance when the app restarts ?
Fresh singleton instance.
Assuming that by "Singleton" you mean bean scope:
Singleton scoped bean is created by IoC container during startup of application, and then it is stored there. So, anytime you inject a class of specific type, IoC container returns that single instance it created
IoC container in Spring applications can configure bean only according to configuration metadata (check annotation-based and java-based configuration). IoC container is represented by ApplicationContext class.
ApplicationContext "lives" only when application lives. When application is stopped, ApplicationContext dies, and loses all beans with all their variables values.
DAO pattern concerns creating interface for communication with data source (in persistence layer, by using e.g. EntityManager, configured properly with metadata stored in e.g. application.properties). If you have a domain object (object, which "represents" database record), that have been modified inside application and not saved somewhere externally (e.g. in database), than it is lost, when application stops.
If it was a web application, then application will be down when the server stops or undeploys the given war if war was the artifact, or in case of jar(embedded server like in spring boot) application closes by terminating the program by quitting.
In this case when application is quitted, jvm process will also quit and the spring container inside your application will also quit with it, and when spring container is no longer up, the objects contained in it will also be not available.
Hence, you will get a fresh instance on app restart.

destroy-method not invoked on beans registered as prototype

I have a bean registered as singleton and init-method and destroy-method defined on it. I am accessing the bean and can see the calls being made to both the methods. However, on changing the scope to prototype the destroy-method is not invoked.
I am not getting the rationale behind this.
Read the documentation:
In contrast to the other scopes, Spring does not manage the complete lifecycle of a prototype bean: the container instantiates, configures, and otherwise assembles a prototype object, and hands it to the client, with no further record of that prototype instance. Thus, although initialization lifecycle callback methods are called on all objects regardless of scope, in the case of prototypes, configured destruction lifecycle callbacks are not called.
And that's quite logical: your application could ask for new instances of prototype beans every 10 milliseconds, do something with the bean, and then let it go out of scope. If Spring had to destroy() them when the application shuts down, it would have to keep a reference to every created prototype bean, preventing them to be garbage-collected, and thus causing a memory leak.

Can we undeploy a Spring container managed bean which is no more needed

I a get a get a bean from Spring container say
MyClass obj1 = Context.getBean("obj1");
After using obj1, I am sure that it will not be needed in rest of my application.
Then is there any way to ask Spring container to destroy the bean.
Atleast giving hint to Spring container that it is no more needed and spring my decide whether to destroy it or not (Similar to garbage collection)?
Make "obj1" a prototype-scoped bean. Then Spring will create a new instance of it each time you ask for it (make sure you are ok with this), and then it will not manage the instance any further, so when you are done with it and release all your references it can be garbage collected.
Prototype scope is like new, only giving you Spring-configured beans.
I don't think it will be possible for you to tell Spring container to destroy that bean. If you notice most of these beans created by Spring framework are Singleton that are supposed to give you same instance of the bean every time you get it injected into your code. A singleton by nature is supposed to live through the life of the application hence it cannot be destroyed.

Spring injection and object instantiation

I am trying to better understand Spring instantiation of beans. To illustrate my doubts, let's assume we have a Service class being wired in a Controller, here are the questions:
How will Spring manage the lifecycle
of the Controller? Will a new object
be created per request?
Once a Service is instantiaded and
wired to a Controller, will Spring
re-use that object reference to wire
it in to other beans?
Like Servlets, Controllers' lifecycle spans beyond requests. All of controllers in the application are instantiated only once when application is started; afterwards those objects are re-used to service all requests.
As Bozho pointed out, by default all beans are in singleton scope, therefore they will be re-used everywhere, unless specified otherwise.
The default scope is singleton, which means beans will be re-used (i.e. 1) no, a new object will not be created per request, and 2) yes, the object reference will be reused).
This can all be configured. Have a look at http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/beans.html#beans-factory-scopes.
It all depends on the bean scope. By default all beans are in singleton scope - that is, they are instantiated by the container only once.
If you specify #Scope("request") (or the xml equivalent) then the same service object (singleton) will be injected in all instances of the request-scoped controller. (But you rarely need request-scoped controllers)

Can the object created in IoC container be called Singleton. If not - why?

can the object created in IOC container can be called Singleton if yes why if no why?
Can anybody explain me in detail in simple words how IOC conatiner exactly manages the objects..
You can say that a spring singleton is not a singleton.
Singleton has its meaningful scope, the spring singleton scope is the spring ioc container. And the classic singleton's meaningful scope is the ClassLoader. You may find more about the distinction between these kinds of singleton here: A spring singleton is not a singleton.
Spring manage its singleton in a hashmap(Singleton Cache). When you get a bean from the spring ioc container, it first checks if the bean has already exists in the singleton cache, if does, it returns the bean from the singleton cache
Spring (and other ioc-containers) offer different scopes. One of the scopes is singleton - i.e. the container instantiates the object only once and gives / injects only one instance. Singleton is the default scope, so most of the beans are indeed singletons from the point of view of the container- i.e. they have only one instance in it.
However, there are other scopes, like prototype or the web-based request and session.
In managing the bean, the container does the following:
invokes the #PostConstruct and #PreDestroy methods (or the init and destroy methods, configured by any available means)
injects all their defined dependencies (=sets other beans existing in the container to the fields of this bean)
creates AOP aspects around the bean methods
Note: you can instantiate more than one objects of a class that is defined as as singleton bean. The container instantiates the object only once, but your code is not limited to instantiating it multiple times.
can the object created in IOC
container can be called Singleton if
yes why if no why?
Read this, from the Spring Reference.
Can anybody explain me in detail in
simple words how IOC conatiner exactly
manages the objects..
Read this, from the Spring Reference.
I use a more generic definition of a Singleton:
A Singleton is an object that is
guaranteed to be unique inside a given
This scope is the ClassLoader in the traditional singleton definition, but other possible scopes are:
Application (may be clustered and therefor classic Singleton won't help)
HTTP Session
Thread (implemented through ThreadLocals)
HTTP Request etc.
(I really like the Seam method Component.getInstance(Class, ScopeType) that lets you choose the Scope you want a singleton for.)
You might find this Google Groups thread useful.
