Spring Batch Remote Chunking Chunk Response - spring

I have implemented Spring Batch Remote Chunking with Kafka. I have implemented both Manager and worker configuration. I want to send some DTO or object in chunkresponse from worker side to Manager and do some processing once I receive the response. Is there any way to achieve this. I want to know the count of records processed after each chunk is processed from worker side and I have to update the database frequently with count.

I want to send some DTO or object in chunkresponse from worker side to Manager and do some processing once I receive the response. Is there any way to achieve this.
I'm not sure the remote chunking feature was designed to send items from the manager to workers and back again. The ChunkResponse is what the manager is expecting from workers and I see no way you can send processed items in it (except probably serializing the item in the ChunkResponse#message field, or storing it in the execution context, which both are not good ideas..).
I want to know the count of records processed after each chunk is processed from worker side and I have to update the database frequently with count.
The StepContribution is what you are looking for here. It holds all the counts (read count, write count, etc). You can get the step contribution from the ChunkResponse on the manager side and do what is required with the result.


Design of a system where results from a separate worker process need to be sent back to the correct producer thread

I'm designing a system where an HTTP service with multiple threads accepts request to perform work. These requests are placed into a multiprocessing queue and sent downstream to a worker process where the work is performed (let's assume that we have a reasonable expectation that work can be handled quickly and the HTTP threads aren't blocking for a long time)
The issue that I can't figure out how to solve is - once the worker process is done processing the request, how are the results returned to the specific producer that produced a request?
I considered having another multiprocessing queue - a "results" queue - that each producer has a handle to, and they can wait on this queue for the results. The issue is that there's no guarantee that a specific producer will pull the results for their request from this queue, it might go to some other producer, and that other producer won't hold the open connection to the requesting HTTP client so it won't be able to do anything with the results.
I've included a simple system diagram below that shows the producer threads and worker process
One solution here would be to have the worker process write the results to some data store, e.g. Redis, under a random key created by the producer, and the producer could watch this key for the result. However, I would prefer to avoid adding an external storage system if possible as the overhead of serializing to/from Redis would be non-trivial in some cases.
I don't think the language should matter here, but in case it does, this would be developed in Python using some standard microframework (like FastAPI)
EDIT - I thought of one possible solution. I can have another thread in the producer process that is responsible for reading from a "response" multiprocessing queue from the worker process. All other producer threads can then query some thread-safe data structure within this "response reader" thread for their specific results (which will be placed under some unique key generated by the producer)
The main issue I'm struggling with now is how to scale this to multiple producer processes (each with multiple producer threads) and multiple worker processes that are distinct (worker A handles different jobs from worker B)

Access ProcessContext::forward from multiple user threads

Given: DSL topology with KStream::transform. As part of Transformer::transform execution multiple messages are generated from the input one (it could be thousands of output messages from the single input message).
New messages are generated based on the data retrieved from the database. To speed up the process I would like to create multiple user threads to access data in DB in parallel. Upon generating a new message the thread will call ProcessContext::forward to send the message downstream.
Is it safe to call ProcessContext::forward from the different threads?
It is not safe and not allowed to call ProcessorContext#forward() from a different thread. If you try it, an exception will be thrown.
As a workaround, you could let all threads "buffer" their result data, and collect all data in the next call to process(). As an alternative, you could also schedule a punctuation that collects and forwards the data from the different threads.

Send Concurrent HTTP Requests From Array In Springboot

I have an array of objects that i need to send to an endpoint. I am currently looping through the array and sending the requests one by one. The issue is that i now have over 35,000 requests to be made, and i need to update the database with the response.In my limited knowledge of springboot , i am not aware of any method i can use to send the 35,000 requests at once (without looping through one by one).
Is the best method to use still employing looping but utilize asynchronous calls, or is there a method that i can use to send the 35,000 http requests at once?..i just need a pointer because i am not aware how threads can be used, since this is already an array and each element needs to be sent.
Thank you
Well, first off 35,000 at a time of, well, anything, is a bad idea.
However, if you look in to the Java ExecutorService, this gives you the ability to fill a queue with tasks, and then each task will be performed by a thread taken from a thread pool. As the threads complete, the service pulls another request from the queue and handles that. So, you simply provide a Runnable that performs your web requests, create an Adequately Sized Thread Pool (which is basically sized through experimentation to give the best throughput), and then let the threads crunch away on the queue of tasks.
You will need a queue large enough to absorb all of your tasks, or you can look at something like the NotifyingBlockingThreadPoolExecutor. This will allow you to just gorge a queue and block when the queue gets to full, until all of your tasks are complete.
I don't know enough about Spring Boot to comment about whether a "batch job" would do what you want or not.
However, on that note, an alternative to creating 35,000 individual entries for the ExecutorService, you could, indeed, send a subset. For example 3,500 entries representing 10 items each, or 350 with 100 each. The idea there is to leverage any potential gains from reusing HTTP connections and what not, so there's less stand up and tear down for each request. Standing up 350 connections if far cheaper than standing up 35,000.

Clustering the Batch Job & distributing the data load

I have Batch Processing project, wanted to cluster on 5 machines.
Suppose I have input source is database having 1000 records.
I want to split these records equally i.e. 200 records/instance of batch job.
How could we distribute the work load ?
Given below, is the workflow that you may want to follow.
You have the necessary Domain Objects respective to the DB table.
You have a batch flow configured wherein, there is a
reader/writer/tasklet mechanism.
You have a Messaging System (Messaging Queues are a great way to
make distributed applications talk to each other)
Input object is an object to the queue that contains the set of
input records split as per the required size.
Result object is an object to the queue that contains the processed
records or result value(if scalar)
The chunkSize is configured in a property file. Here 200
In the application,
Configure a queueReader to read from a queue
Configure a queueWriter to write to a queue
If using the task/tasklet mechanism, configure different queues to carry the input/result objects.
Configure a DB reader which reads from a DB
Logic in the DBReader
Read records from DB one by one and count of records maintained. if
(count%chunkSize==0) then write all the records to the inputMessage
object and write the object to the queue.
Logic in queueReader
Read the messages one by one
For each present message do the necessary processing.
Create a resultObject
Logic in the queueWriter
Read the resultObject (usually batch frameworks provide a way to
ensure that writers are able to read the output from readers)
If any applicable processing or downstream interaction is needed,
add it here.
Write the result object to the outputQueue.
Package once, deploy multiple instances. For better performance, ensure that the chunkSize is small to enable fast processing. The queues are managed by the messaging system (The available systems in the market provide ways to monitor the queues) where you will be able to see the message flow.

Get the most out of high performance MDB

Application server creates a new transaction before calling MDB's onMessage method. Also I am processing database update in onMessage method. Transactions create additional overhead and processing several message in one transaction could increase performance.
Is it possible to make App server to use one transaction for several messages. Or maybe there are other approaches to this problem?
And, by the way, I can't use multiple instances, cause I need to preserve the sequence order.
I guess you can store the messages in a list and depending upon how many messages you want to process in one transaction you can check the size of the list and process the messages.
