Unable to install avm - windows

I am using instructions from this site to install Anchor on my Windows laptop
I have executed the command avm install latest and it gave this error:
Error: The system cannot find the file specified. (os error 2)
And the next command avm use latest returns this error:
Version 0.25.0 is not installed, no current version. Error: You need to run 'avm install 0.25.0' to install it before using it.
What should I do?

Try running the install command like this: cargo install --git https://github.com/project-serum/anchor --tag v0.26.0 anchor-cli --locked
I'm not 100% sure why this works, however, I was running into the same exact problem. If you specify the version via the --tag flag (v0.26.0 would be where you replace with the version you're interested in) and change the command from avm to anchor-cli it seems to work.


Solana Anchor Framework Installation Error: linking with 'cc' Failed

I have beed facing problem to install solana anchor framework.
rust version rustc 1.65.0 (897e37553 2022-11-02)
cargo version cargo 1.65.0 (4bc8f24d3 2022-10-20)
if anybody know how to resolve this issue please reply
or tell me if i'm using a wrong version or wrong command
OS - Ubuntu 20.04
I have tried all the commands mentioned below but every command is throwing the same error.
cargo install --git https://github.com/project-serum/anchor avm --locked --force
cargo install --git https://github.com/coral-xyz/anchor avm --locked --force

bazel windows patch: command not found

I followed the Installing Bazel on Windows, and everything work but the patch. I get the following error
/usr/bin/bash: line 1: patch: command not found.
I installed msys64 in C:\dev\msys64, and added C:\dev\msys64\usr\bin to my PATH. Bazel work fine, but when I open C:\dev\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe and I type patch, the command is not found.
If I open mingw32.exe, mingw64.exe or msys2.exe, and type "patch" it works. it is well installed. I tried to reinstall it many time. but still the bash.exe does not have the patch command.
I used the following command pacman -S zip unzip patch diffutils git. Everything seems to be well installed.
The error occurs when building the rules_go, specifically the following element wrapper

Xcode: Command not found

I have installed Xcode on my MacBook.
I checked that I have the XCode command line tool also installed as shown below:
I need to use Xcode command to install some dependencies, so I opened my terminal and run the command:
But I get Xcode: Command not found error. Why? How to get rid of this issue?
Okk, if you're trying to install the AWS ELastic beanstalk CLI (you're coming from EB CLI Installer on Github here)
then the line Xcode openssl zlib readline refers to all the packages that are prerequisites to the installation and not a command that you should run.
In short use:
brew install openssl
brew install zlib
brew install readline
And make sure Xcode is installed through which g++ if you get /usr/bin/g++
you're all set and you can proceed to the following steps

I'm trying to set up the emscripten SDK on Windows 10 but emcc can't be found

On linux there's no problem but I want to compile my code on windows. I follow the instructions exactly. Specifically, I open a command prompt and run the following in the same directory I cloned the emscripten git repo in to.
git pull
emsdk install latest
emsdk activate latest
There is suspiciously no output and emcc cannot be found. What could I be doing wrong here?
If you go to the command line and type python --version the version of python installed should come up.
If it doesn't, go to the directory in which python is installed and add this to your PATH.
Restart the command prompt and try python --version again. If you get the version of python, follow the steps you mentioned.
You should get some output.
Let me know if the problem still has not been resolved.
You need to install Python 2.7.12 or newer.

Unbound variable error when installing ffmpeg on openshift online

I followed the steps on https://forums.openshift.com/ffmpeg but when performing make install I got this error:
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg.1
INSTALL doc/ffprobe.1
INSTALL doc/ffserver.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-all.1
INSTALL doc/ffprobe-all.1
INSTALL doc/ffserver-all.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-utils.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-scaler.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-resampler.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-codecs.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-bitstream-filters.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-formats.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-protocols.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-devices.1
INSTALL doc/ffmpeg-filters.1
INSTALL doc/libavutil.3
INSTALL doc/libswscale.3
INSTALL doc/libswresample.3
INSTALL doc/libavcodec.3
INSTALL doc/libavformat.3
INSTALL doc/libavdevice.3
INSTALL doc/libavfilter.3
/var/lib/openshift//python//bin/install: line 10: version: unbound variable
make: *** [install-man] Error 1
And It's the install file(which gives error):
#!/bin/bash -eu
case "$1" in
mkdir -p ${OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_DIR}template
# Call the version specific install script
exec ${OPENSHIFT_PYTHON_DIR}usr/versions/${version}/bin/install $version
So what is the problem ? And how can I solve it?
/var/lib/openshift//python//bin/install is the bin/install script from the OpenShift Python cartridge, so I'm very confused why it's getting called from make install.
Are you using a Python cartridge? I suspect make could be incorrectly resolving the standard install command to your Python cartridge due to a bad PATH variable. In your OpenShift environment try
which install
and if you get anything other than /usr/bin/install then that's the problem. If you get the correct path here, then maybe the PATH when make calls install is messed up. Try to print the PATH at that point in the Makefile to see what's going on.
When i tried to compile FFMPEG from Source Code, I faced insufficient space issue in the gear. However, using the binary from the url "https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/" works in openshift without any issue.
I am using the git based binary of 3.1.3 version and its working fine for me.
Hope this helps...
