Enqueue JobRunr Background Job with lambda subclass of abstract class - spring

I want to use JobRunr for scheduling tasks which are defined as follows:
public class TaskExecutionListener implements ApplicationListener<TaskEvent> {
private final List<Task> tasks;
public void onApplicationEvent(TaskEvent event) {
BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> tasks.get(0).process()
abstract class Task {
abstract void process();
class Task1 extends Task{
void process() {
class Task2 extends Task {
void process() {
But I get the exception "org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type 'my.Task' available: expected single matching bean but found 2:
Is there a way to use JobRunr this way. It seems to me that the reason for not finding exactly one specific Task class is the serialization process of JobRunr, which serialize my.Task instead of my.Task1.
Can anyone give me some direction?


Programatically find the qualifier annotation value of a bean

I've a class where I've autowired a list of type
Class A{
List<Super> supers;
Class BSuperImpl implements Super{....}
Class CSuperImpl implements Super{....}
Class DSuperImpl implements Super{....}
Now I want to write a code in Class A, where I can look upon the bean, based upon the qualifier like following, Without making my bean aware of the Context. Using Spring MVC 4.3
Class A {
List<Super> supers;
void process(String str){
// Code to do supers.applyMethod(getTheBeanWithQualifierAs(str));
For what it's worth
public class A {
List<Super> supers;
void process(String str) {
for(Super sup : supers) {
// executes when the bean qualifier name and str matches.
---- Another attempt ----
public interface Super {
String getQualifier();
Sample Implemenation
public class BSuperImpl implements Super {
static final String QUALIFIER = "B";
public String getQualifier() {
public class A {
Map<String,Super> supers;
void process(String str) {
for(String beanName : supers.keySet()) {
// execute the logic
When a bean is required from the container not through dependency injection , one way or another you will need to refer the application context.
In this approach , the usage of #Qualifier is not required infact . Usage of map is to demonstrate a possiblity that the beanName can also be passed as parameter to the method .

How to schedule a cron job in spring boot without using #Scheduled() annotation

In spring boot, can I schedule a spring job by not using #Scheduled annotation to a method?
I am working with spring job in the spring boot. I want to schedule a job by using cron expression, but without using #Scheduled(cron = " ") annotation to the method.
I know that I can schedule a job inside this method as below.
#Scheduled (cron = "0 10 10 10 * ?")
public void execute() {
/ * some job code * /
But I want it to be dynamic so that I can take a cron expression as input from the user and schedule it.
I came up with a working example since I found your question interesting and have been interested in this problem before. It's based entirely on the source code so I have no idea if it comes close to following best practice. Nonetheless, you may be able to tune it to your needs. FYI, you don't necessarily need to create a new ScheduledTaskRegistrar object - I figured that since your objective is a dynamic scheduler, you wouldn't be interested in defining your tasks purely in the overwritten method.
public class TaskScheduler implements SchedulingConfigurer, CommandLineRunner {
public static void main(String[] args){SpringApplication.run(TaskScheduler.class, args);}
List<CronTask> cronTasks;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
CronTask task = this.createCronTask(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, "1/10 * * * * *");
ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar = new ScheduledTaskRegistrar();
taskRegistrar = null;
ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar2 = new ScheduledTaskRegistrar();
public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
// "Calls scheduleTasks() at bean construction time" - docs
public CronTask createCronTask(Runnable action, String expression) {
return new CronTask(action, new CronTrigger(expression));
I have experience using cron jobs in Azure and other places. Programming in Java, I have typically used #Scheduled with fixed times just for the sake of simplicity. Hope this is useful to you though.
Here is my working example, If somebody wants to use TaskScheduler without using #Scheduled Annotation
#Configuration Class
public class SchedulerConfig implements SchedulingConfigurer {
final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(SchedulerConfig.class);
public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar scheduledTaskRegistrar) {
LOGGER.debug("Creating Async Task Scheduler");
// This is mandatory otherwise it will to be able to find bean of
// taskScheduler. Without this it was giving runtime error says, can not find
// taskScheduler bean.
public TaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler scheduler = new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
scheduler.setPoolSize(20); // Better to read it from property file.
return scheduler;
Scheduler Class which is called from Application class.
public class MyTaskScheduler {
private TaskScheduler taskScheduler;
// Here we are auto-wiring taskScheduler, that's why need to create
// taskScheduler bean in configuration class
public void setScheduler(TaskScheduler scheduler) {
this.taskScheduler = scheduler;
public void schedule() {
taskScheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable(){
public void run() {
System.out.println("I am running after every 1 second");
}, 1000);
If in any chance #Configuration annotation is not working so put #EnableConfigurationProperties at main running class.
Make sure that you put #EnableScheduling at Application class, so main runnable class will look like
public class MainApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
MyTaskScheduler myTaskScheduler;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(MainApplication.class);
SpringApplication.run(MainApplication.class, args);
logger.info("Application started");
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
This answer is similar to the two previous ones, but is more compact because it leverages the scheduling registrar already provided in the application context:
public class Schedule implements SchedulingConfigurer {
private final transient WorkflowTriggerService workflowTriggerService;
public Schedule(final WorkflowTriggerService workflowTriggerService) {
this.workflowTriggerService = workflowTriggerService;
public void configureTasks(final ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
for (final WorkflowTrigger trigger : workflowTriggerService.getWorkflowTriggersWithSchedules()) {
taskRegistrar.addCronTask(new WorkflowTask(trigger), trigger.getSchedule());
Each WorkflowTrigger returned by the service has its own cron schedule, and therefore allows dynamic registration of scheduled tasks that are not known at compilation time.

Can a class that is a Spring Bean also implement Runnable

For the first time, I am writing an app that manually creates a new thread. I am creating and using the thread like so:
public class MyAppService
myThread = new Thread(runnableThreadImpl);
runnableThreadImpl is an instance of:
public class RunnableThreadImpl implements Runnable
public void run()
myProcessor is an instance of:
public class MyProcessor
My boss would like me to combine RunnableThreadImpl and MyProcessor into one class that would look something like:
public class MyProcessor implements Runnable
public void run()
My question is: Are there any problems with having a Spring Bean implement Runnable?

Autowiring in implementation classes of an interface in Spring

I'm having a Spring boot application in which based on a variable, I need to call corresponding implementation classes of an interface. This is what I have right now:
public interface Parent{
public void call();
public class ABC implements Parent{
public void call(){
System.out.println("Called ABC");
public class XYZ implements Parent{
public void call(){
System.out.println("Called XYZ");
public class Caller{
protected OrderInfoRepository orderInfoRepository;
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context;
public Caller(){
context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Config.class);
public void callMethod(String param){
Parent p = (Parent) context.getBean(param+"_Caller");
public class Config{
public Parent getABC(){
return new ABC();
public Parent getXYZ(){
return new XYZ();
public interface MyRepo extends Repository<MyDAO, Long> {
// ....
Basically what I want to do is, based on the param passed to Caller.callMethod(), I want to add "_Caller" to the param, and call the corresponding implementation class. So, I'm defining a #Configuration class, where I define which implementation class to return. And then using the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext, I get the corresponding bean. This works fine.
The problem I'm having is, when I try to Autowire anything in the implementation classes, I get a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException. For instance, when I autowire in the implementation class ABC
public class ABC implements Parent{
MyRepo myRepo;
public void call(){
System.out.println("Called ABC");
I get Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type [com.persistence.repositories.MyRepo] when I try to start the application. However, when I do the Autowiring in the Caller class instead, it works fine. I had asked a similar question a while back, but was not able to resolve it. Any ideas?

Spring : #Scheduled task triggered through the #Controller and Websocket

I have an #Scheduled task which send data to a client every sec throught a websocket.
My need is to start running my scheduled task only when the client ask for it.
Instead of, my task starts when my server starts. it's not the behavior i want.
currently, I have a bean of my scheduled task which is declared in my SchedulingConfigurer :
public class SchedulingConfigurer implements org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.SchedulingConfigurer {
public ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler() {
return new ThreadPoolTaskScheduler();
public ScheduledTask scheduledTask() {
return new ScheduledTask();
public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
Here is my spring controller code :
public void greeting() throws Exception {
//How do I start my scheduled task here ?
Maybe isn't possible to do that with #Scheduled annotation and i have to use the TaskScheduler interface ?
remove #Scheduled declaration from ScheduledTask class
implements Runnable interface instead of
public class ScheduledTask implements Runnable {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScheduledTask.class);
private static final SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss");
public void doWork() {
// TODO real work
private void printMessage() {
log.info("time to work: {}", dateFormat.format(new Date()));
public void run() {
schedule Your task in controller area like this
public class ScheduledTaskController {
private TaskScheduler taskScheduler;
private ScheduledTask scheduledTask;
#RequestMapping(value = "/task/run", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String runTask() {
// start to run task every 5 sec.
taskScheduler.schedule(scheduledTask, new CronTrigger("0/5 * * * * ?"));
// ok, redirect
return "redirect:/task";
#Schedule is the declarative way, so not the point you're trying to achieve here.
You could create a Bean using one of the TaskScheduler implementations, such as ThreadPoolTaskScheduler and inject that bean in your application.
It has all the necessary methods to dynamically schedule tasks.
