Is it possible to bind subreport by string and not by an integer? I'm trying to do it because I have such a data in database and the string (unique code) has signs like "/" and "-", but after many tries I'm not certain if it is possible.
Never used this, but probably you have to URL-escape those special characters.
I'd like to add a large string (above 76k characters) to CLOB column in Oracle database.
I need to run a script from liquibase framework.
How can achive this?
Simple insert
INSERT INTO table_clob (clob_column) VALUES (to_Clob('string above 72000 chars...'));
with and without to_clob() method is returning exception like:
ORA-01704: string literal too long
Cannot load data from file as described here with procedure:
as I don't have priviliges to any directory
Searched google but didn't enounter any solution for my requirement.
Any advice?
After hours of searching finally found a workaround here:
It is not sufficient as I need to cut the text for 3 chunks manually (with around 30k chars), but it works.
Now just need to figure our how to do it dynamically in case that the string will have vary lenghts of chars (above 10k chars for example).
A hard-coded string enclosed in single quotes is known as a string literal. An example is 'Hello world'. Another example is the very long string you are trying to insert in the table. By contrast, 'abc' || 'def' is a string expression but it is not a string literal. Similarly, to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd') is a string expression, but not a literal. "Literal" means constant, hard-coded text.
The issue you are facing has nothing to do with insert, or to_clob(), or the data type of columns in your table, etc. It only has to do with the string literal itself.
In Oracle, a string literal can be at most 4000 bytes long (or 32767 bytes if the database is set up with extended MAX_STRING_SIZE). PERIOD! There is no way around it.
So, the question is, how can you ever get a string as long as the one you have into a table with a CLOB column. The answer depends on how you are receiving the string in the first place. The best option would be if it came in chunked already - as a collection of strings, with a tag (an id) to keep track of which fragment belongs to which CLOB and an ordinal number (to show if it's the first chunk, the second, etc.) Then you could re-assemble them using TO_CLOB() on the first chunk, plus the concatenation operator.
If your process is to type 72000 characters at the keyboard, you will have to type 4000 of them at a time, enclose in single quotes, and use the concatenation operator (essentially doing by hand what I described above). You would also have to use TO_CLOB() on the first fragment (otherwise the concatenation will fail).
Another option is for the string to come as a value, from some application that supports long strings (something compatible with Oracle's CLOB) and that can hand over such values to the Oracle database without the need to write out the hard-coded string in full.
So, the ball is in your court. The first question is, Where is the long string coming from in the first place?
My chart contains this dimension:
but if I do this I will actually have the value "Column2" written in every cell.
How can I make QlikView interpret Column2 as a column name, as opposed to a value?
I know it works if I use a variable vDim2 that is equal to: [Column2]:
, but I am interested to know if there is a solution that doesn't use variables? Many thanks in advance!
I think just removing the quotation marks will give you what you want.
I think the key concept is when are you telling QlikView to return the text in a field or to return only the text you have typed in.
Have a look at this example of using the text qualifier (') vs not using it.
In the expression editor you can see what QlikView is expecting red words are fields and black ones are text
I have a string column description in a hive table which may contain tab characters '\t', these characters are however messing some views when connecting hive to an external application.
is there a simple way to get rid of all tab characters in that column?. I could run a simple python program to do it, but I want to find a better solution for this.
regexp_replace UDF performs my task. Below is the definition and usage from apache Wiki.
regexp_replace(string INITIAL_STRING, string PATTERN, string REPLACEMENT):
This returns the string resulting from replacing all substrings in INITIAL_STRING
that match the java regular expression syntax defined in PATTERN with instances of REPLACEMENT,
e.g.: regexp_replace("foobar", "oo|ar", "") returns fb
Custom SerDe might be a way to do it. Or you could use some kind of mediation process with regex_replace:
create table tableB as
regexp_replace(description, '\\t', '') as description
from tableA
select translate(description,'\\t','') from myTable;
Translates the input string by replacing the characters present in the from string with the corresponding characters in the to string. This is similar to the translate function in PostgreSQL. If any of the parameters to this UDF are NULL, the result is NULL as well. (Available as of Hive 0.10.0, for string types)
Char/varchar support added as of Hive 0.14.0
You can also use translate(). If the third argument is too short, the corresponding characters from the second argument are deleted. Unlike regexp_replace() you don't need to worry about special characters.
Source code.
There is no OOTB feature at this moment which allows this. One way to achieve that could be to write a custom InputFormat and/or SerDe that will do this for you. You might this JIRA useful : (not related directly to your problem though).
I am retrieving data from DB and make each field merged with Comma between them to generate CSV.
But the problem is one the field is Company Name and the data includes comma which leads to malformed CSV file.
Example: Name, Telephone, Email
AAA, 12345,
BBB Co,.Ltd, 43466,
For the record BBB the generated CSV becomes problem as it includes , in the data.
How should I make the correct CSV for such records of including , ?
Most of the developers handle this situation by using different characters instead of "comma". But i would suggest you to look into an old post here
Dealing with commas in a CSV file
Is your question related to Salesforce APEX?
When the CSV was generated there ought to be an option to enclose the fields in Double quotes so that commas can appear inside the field content. For example "Company, Name","1234","etc."
The CSV generator will also "escape" any double quotes inside a field like this "Some field with \"double\" quotes","123","etc"
This all means you need a CSV parser that can handle these situations.
If your question is related to Salesforce APEX then it is quite difficult to build such a CSV parser because of the limitations Salesforce imposes on the number of statements that can run in any given action.
How can I automatically .Trim() whitespace from the results of my Linq2SQL query?
It seems that if SQL has a varchar width of 255 my returned result for "abc" will have 252 chars of whitespace.
Are using char(255) rather than varchar(255)?
If not, check the data in your database - you must be storing all those spaces in the column. Linq-to-sql will only return the column as a string. It does not pad it with spaces, and will only return the 252 spaces if they exist in your database. Are you storing all those spaces in the database? e.g. "abc______________"
I'd firstly suggest you fix your database, but if you can't do that then you can edit the generated code as Exoas suggests.
Try casting as a string:
A Quick and Dirty way to make sure the fields are trimmed from your query's automatically, is to modify the designer generated getters for the fields you want trimmed to call the trim method.
return this._sometext.Trim();
Downside is that if you change the mappings it will be generated.