Images not loading in gmail for some regions like UAE & Europe - proxy

We are facing image broken issue in some regions like the UAE, France. Images are loading fine in application while accessing the image in browser. But after send that in mail we facing broken image issue.
Image url -
Image url with Google proxy
While working fine regions:
enter image description here
While accessing from Europe region:
enter image description here
Note - Here I hided my domain for security purpose.
Can anyone help to resolve this issue.


amazon s3 bucket images not showing up in application

Today I got this error while displaying the images on site
Your request contains duplicate headers.
but still last week my site was showing images properly. there ware no error
I checked on s3 bucket there is not changes in settings .but still images not showing
enter image description here

Uploading images in wagtail accepted but image is not shown

Django 1.11.2
Wagtail 1.10.1
I uploaded an image from my computer via the wagtail dashboard. Wagtail shows the image and I clicked "update".
Then I went back to images. There is no new image but a new card with the name of the new file. There is also a picture symbol with the file name of the picture. If I click this field I get the template to edit the image. But the image is not shown (Bildschirmfoto_2018_03_18_17_23_06.png).
Why is the image not shown?
You need to configure Apache to serve files from /media/images/ (or whatever you've set as MEDIA_ROOT in your settings file). See

images are not displaying in gmail using amazon ses in laravel

In my gmail it's not showing images which are sent via amazon ses, src url is correct(when I'm checking this in browser it's showing image), but in mail body it's not displaying. when I checked this in console it's showing like this,
<img style="width:323px" src="" class="CToWUd">
Please help me in this
#r-chiranjeevi Did you solve this?
Things to try:
I'd recommend checking if the image is set to be set to 'publicly visible'.
Please refer to this help article on 'Gmail signatures'.
Or move the image to Amazon S3
It seems you already tried the following without success:
I'd recommend checking if the image is set to be set to 'publicly visible'. Additionally Gmail caches the images it receives in emails, hence the domain. Also did you fill in the #MYFILEPATH as they should be your original path to your image on Amazon.

Displaying an image in Web browser, Ubuntu

I want to display an image on my website.
My website is located in
The image is located in
I am using codeIgniter and Image src I am passing is same as above.
File/directory permissions are proper but still I am unable to display an image.

In Bassi Banner Slider Image is not uploading in magento?

In Bassi Banner Slider, I'm going to upload an image in a slide. The image path has been stored to database, but the image is not uploading to site.
So image is not showing in front end, Only the path is shown.
What's the solution for this ?
All the images are coming from the amazon server and i was uploading it to testing server.
On live site, it works well.
