Is it possible to view the actual data (schema data) that is stored by a smart contract? There is a "Counter" smart contract out there and I would like to see (perhaps on a block explorer) how and where this data is stored. I am looking to find the current state of the data (the counter) without calling "get_query" on the contract. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Short answer no.
Building a contract, as a developer you choose what to send as a response, you can return events, attributes and data that can be read by explorers.
If the contract in question doesn't expose the counter data as an attribute, you have no way of getting this data without doing a query on that contract.
I have been struggling for quite some time with finding an explanation to what events are in Solidity (or in the Blockchain context). As far as I understand, they are a way of storing (or logging) information on the particular contract that can then be updated throughout the life of that contract. But how is this different than a plain ol' variable? Why can't I just create a variable that is then simply updated with new information?
Events in Solidity can be used to log certain events in EVM logs. These are useful when clients are required to be notified of any change or event in the contract. Or maybe in the future you need to search for something that has happened so you go through all the logs. These logs are stored on the blockchain in transaction logs. Logs cannot be accessed from the contracts but are used as a mechanism to notify change of state or the occurrence of an event in the contract. They help us write asynchronous applications.
Events are stored in the logsBloom which is in the header of each block.
Events are piece of data executed on the blockchain and stored in the blockchain but not accessible by any smart contracts. it is kinda console.log in javascript or print in python.
Events are much more gas efficient than using a storage variable
Events are useful for testing the contract. If you interact with oracles, you sometimes want to see if the function call by oracle service is done or not. To see if the function call is done, you emit the result of the function or one of the properties of the result.
Events are useful if you want to maintain the history/log of every change that happens in a mapping.
Deposit contracts were created on the Ethereum 1.0 chain. This kind of smart contract is used for depositing ETH on the beacon chain. An event is emitted every time a deposit is made.
There are two events that must be present in an ERC-20-compliant token:
Transfer : This event must trigger when tokens are transferred, including any zero-value transfers. The event is defined as follows:
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value)
Approval : This event must trigger when a successful call is made to the approve function.
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value)
You can read this article for deep dive: transaction-receipt-trie-and-logs-simplified
From the docs:
Solidity events give an abstraction on top of the EVM’s logging functionality. Applications can subscribe and listen to these events through the RPC interface of an Ethereum client.
It's easier for an off-chain app to subscribe to new event logs than to a variable change. Especially when the variable is not public.
Same goes for querying historical event logs (easy through the JSON-RPC API and its wrappers such as Web3 or Ethers.js), vs. historical changes of the variable (complicated, would need to query a node for each block and look for the changes proactively).
Example: The ERC-20 token standard defines the Transfer() event. A token contract emits this event each time a transfer (of its tokens) occurs. This allows a blockchain explorer (or any other off-chain app) to react to this event - for example to update their own database of token holders. Without the event, they would have no way (or a very complicated way at least) to learn about the transfer.
Solidity events are pieces of data that are emitted and stored in the blockchain. When you emit an event it creates a log that front-end applications can use to trigger changes in the UI.
It's a cheap form of storage.
You can define an event like this:
event Message(address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, string message);
and emit an event like this:
emit Message(msg.sender, _recipient, "Hello World!");
Read this article for more information and this one to learn how to get events in JavaScript using Ethers.js
I am trying to send 0 ETH transaction which will be able to send some readable text. I was trying it through data, but it is only used for smart contracts. Can you help me find some solution?
Data field can be used for non-smart contract transactions as well.
You are free to put any text to Data field.
However there are very few use cases where you would want to do so. It is better to pass around messages signed with the private key corresponding the address.
I'm developing small CQRS+ES framework and develop applications with it. In my system, I should log some action of the client and use it for analytics, statistics and maybe in the future do something in domain with it. For example, client (on web) download some resource(s) and I need save date, time, type (download, partial,...), from region or country (maybe IP), etc. after that in some view client can see count of download or some complex report. I'm not sure how to implement this feather.
First solution creates analytic context and some aggregate, in each client action send some command like IncreaseDownloadCounter(resourced) them handle the command and raise domain event's and updating view, but in this scenario first download occurred and after that, I send command so this is not really command and on other side version conflict increase.
The second solution is raising event, from client side and update the view model base on it, but in this type of handling my event not store in event store because it's not raise by command and never change any domain context. If is store it in event store, no aggregate to handle it after fetch for some other use.
Third solution is raising event, from client side and I store it on other database may be for each type of event have special table, but in this manner of event handle I have multiple event storage with different schema and difficult on recreating view models and trace events for recreating contexts states so in future if I add some domain for use this type of event's it's difficult to use events.
What is the best approach and solution for this scenario?
First solution creates analytic context and some aggregate
Unquestionably the wrong answer; the event has already happened, so it is too late for the domain model to complain.
What you have is a stream of events. Putting them in the same event store that you use for your aggregate event streams is fine. Putting them in a separate store is also fine. So you are going to need some other constraint to make a good choice.
Typically, reads vastly outnumber writes, so one concern might be that these events are going to saturate the domain store. That might push you towards storing these events separately from your data model (prior art: we typically keep the business data in our persistent book of record, but the sequence of http requests received by the server is typically written instead to a log...)
If you are supporting an operational view, push on the requirement that the state be recovered after a restart. You might be able to get by with building your view off of an in memory model of the event counts, and use something more practical for the representations of the events.
Thanks for your complete answer, so I should create something like the ES schema without some field (aggregate name or type, version, etc.) and collect client event in that repository, some offline process read and update read model or create command to do something on domain space.
Something like that, yes. If the view for the client doesn't actually require any validation by your model at all, then building the read model from the externally provided events is fine.
Are you recommending save some claim or authorization token of the user and sender app for validation in another process?
Maybe, maybe not. The token describes the authority of the event; our own event handler is the authority for the command(s) that is/are derived from the events. It's an interesting question that probably requires more context -- I'd suggest you open a new question on that point.
I need to know the relative position of an object in a list. Lets say I need to know the position of a certain wine of all wines added to the database, based in the votes received by users. The app should be able to receive the ranking position as an object property when retrieving a "wine" class object.
This should be easy to do in the backend side but I've seen Cloud Code and it seems it only is able to execute code before or after saving or deleting, not before reading and giving response.
Any way to do this task?. Any workaround?.
I think you would have to write a Cloud function to perform this calculation for a particular wine.
This would be a function you would call manually. You would have to provide the "wine" object or objectId as a parameter and then get have your cloud function return the value you need. Keep in mind there are limitations on cloud functions. Read the documentation about time limits. You also don't want to make too many API calls every time you run this. It sounds like your computation could be fairly heavy if your dataset is large and you aren't caching at least some of the information.
If I lock my phone while running my application and unlock it say after 30 minutes or 60 minutes, my screen appears blank. All my data (its a huge list compare it to a user's twitter feed) which was in an Observable collection in my ViewModel has disappeared. When I refresh I get NullReferenceException. Note that I am not handling any state save while locking and unlocking the phone. Is that the reason for the loss of my data? How can I handle it? Since there is a limit on the state data which can be saved of 4Mb Max, will it affect the functioning of my application even if I do implement it?
I have tried the following things:
and many more.
The problem which I now face is that my application's viewModel contains an observable collection which I have binded to the UI. This observable collection is a collection of my user-defined class which contains complex data members. One of them is a dictionary. When i try to save my viewModel using XMLSerialization it throws an error as XML serialization doesn't support Dictionary.
I have also tried to write my viewmodel after Data contract serialization onto the IS during App_Deactivated and retrieve it on App_Activated. But my collection is null on resume. On opening the IS file it shows that the collection was not written onto the file. Am I missing some key ingredient in-order to solve this problem?
Note: I need my list. I cannot refresh data.
I'd suggest that this is the wrong approach.
Tombstoning is designed to allow you to save your state, not your data. You want to store the following:
The page you're currently on
The parameters, if any, that were used to get your list of data that you are currently showing
Any selection state (has the user selected a row, etc)
Any page state (is it in edit-mode, etc)
Not all of these things will apply, but it should provide you with an idea of what you should be storing.
This will be a significantly smaller set of data using simple data types rather than large chains of complex objects.
Store the properties/parameters that you use to get your data
When the app resumes go get your data again using the params. If this take a while give the user some form of progress notification. If you can't accurately do this then display activity on the screen until the load finishes so the user knows that something is happening.