Highlight brackets when caret be after bracket - emeditor

now, the pair brackets be highlighted only when caret be before bracket,
it will be good to highlight when caret be after bracket , like vscode/jetbrains IDE

EmEditor v22.0.902 or later will allow brackets highlighted even when the cursor is after the bracket.


Jump to matching brace in Xcode

In Xcode, if the cursor is on one brace (or bracket or parenthesis) of a matched pair, what keyboard shortcut will jump to the matching brace? Or how can I create such a shortcut?
An example of the feature I'm after is the "goto brace" shortcut in Visual Studio.
There is a Balance Delimiters menu command. So simply assign it any keyboard shortcut you prefer (all commands have customizable key bindings). You can also double-click the first delimiter to perform the same action.
A partial solution is to use code folding. For example, to jump from the opening brace to the closing brace:
Put the cursor just after the opening brace.
Fold with ⌥⌘←.
Arrow the cursor right to just before the closing brace.
Unfold with ⌥⌘←.
Since Xcode now has Vim mode you can use that and just hit %.
(Adding this answer for completeness - I understand it kind of amounts to "just use Vim".)

Xcode Matching Pairs of Braces, Parentheses, and Brackets

If you are a notepad++ user you will understand what I want Xcode to do for me , it's very simple I want when i place the cursor before or after a Braces, Parentheses, and Brackets , it highlight for me its pair to know the matching ones juste try to place the cursor in notepad++ and tell me how to do that in Xcode i know already the trick of the right arrow of the keyboard and the double click but the trick of notepad++ is faster , thanks in advance
The only thing I can add (and I have looked a fair bit) is to train your eyes on the vertical grey bar on the left edge of the editor, called the "code folding ribbon" in preferences. It will visually hint at matching braces (not parenthesis) at all nested levels, and mousing over it hints quite strongly and gives the interface for folding.
See here for a snapshot and brief description from Apple.

xcode: select expressions shortcut

With Eclipse/Java one of the shortcuts I used a lot was selecting expressions. alt+shift+up would increase selection to the next parent/enclosing expression, alt+shift+down would bring it back down.
Is there anything like this for XCode/Objective-C. What about when using vi?
I don't know about any keyboard shortcuts, but in XCode double-clicking a parentheses, curly bracket, square bracket, or quote will select the corresponding expression/block.
Doesn't seem to be any way to do this, even in XC4. Sad.

Text Mate double quote a selection?

is there an easy way within TextMate that I can select a string, hit some key and magically it will surround the string with double quotes.
For example:
I have some text here
I select this text, use some command sequence and I have:
"I have some text here"
Sure! once you have selected the text, the key is "
Handy extra tip: don't miss Ctrl-Shift-' (that is, Ctrl-") to toggle the quotes surrounding the cursor from single to double quotes.

What is the best practice to Jump out of closing bracket in Resharper?

Its good when resharper inserts closing bracket automatically.
But assume condition that the method didn't have any parameter
in this situation it takes more time to jump out of the brackets is there a work around ?
now I use mouse to jump out from closing bracket.
Assuming you haven't typed anywhere else, you should also be able to just type the closing brace and ReSharper should automagically skip over it as though it hadn't added it in the first place. (same thing works with closing quotes and semicolons, btw)
You can turn this off by going to Resharper options/Editor and unchecking "Auto-insert pair brackets, parentheses, and quotes". I personally just use the right arrow key.
