import yaml file with svelte - yaml

Svelte can natively import json file
how to make this possible with a yaml file?
import data from 'data.yml'

Svelte does not do anything. It all depends on the bundler/build tools, which usually support things like JSON.
If you want to import YAML, you need a plugin/loader for whatever build system you are using, and if none exist, you can write your own.


Is there any efficiency issue in duplicated importing in vue.js

I do refactoring some vue code And find duplication like below;
- main.ts
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vuew';
I know that if main.ts do 'import bootstrap-vue' then other vue file use bootstrap component without importing.
But my co-worker do this meaningless imporing on every vue component.
So i Wonder that is this duplication has any critical efficiency issue?
If yes, it related to velocity of rendering?
Imports themselves aren't a problem. A module is evaluated and included into a bundle only once. It's discarded in production build if imported values aren't used in modules that import them.
It's Vue.use that makes it different. Imported plugin won't be discarded because it's used. A plugin can do side effects that should be applied only once and should have a safeguard against multiple installation. The plugin in question has such safeguard, so this introduces no problems except several bytes of unnecessary code per module.
The necessity of this is doubtful. Vue plugins affect global application behaviour. Vue.use needs to be used only once per plugin, this is commonly done in entry point, but can be done in feature modules as well, the latter can specify their own plugin dependencies for decoupling purposes. It doesn't make sense to use Vue.use in each module where library components are used. Instead they can import components per need basis, this allows to not include the whole library, considering that there's no plugin installation anywhere in the application.
So it's either installing a plugin once or several times globally per application or feature module:
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue';
Or using a subset of library locally as many times as needed:
import { DropdownPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue';
And/or importing all used components locally as many times as needed:
import { BDropdown, BDropdownItem, ... } from 'bootstrap-vue';
export default {
components: {
BDropdown, BDropdownItem, ...
It always depends on a library if it's supposed to be used one way or another.
Importing a library in global "main.ts" enough to use in any component throughout the application. But importing multiple times in all components can cause large size build file. So, it's better to use only one import of the library in "main.ts".

bundling apollo useQuery hook with rollup

I'm trying to create a package that exports functionality using useQuery
However I get the following error:
Could not find "client" in the context or passed in as an option. Wrap the root component in an <ApolloProvider>, or pass an ApolloClient instance in via options.
This is even with simplest possible example which just exports useQuery (obvs real code does more than this)
I know my code is ok otherwise as if I import useQuery using
import { useQuery } from '#apollo/react-hooks'
it works fine
simple example is here..
The hook and the ApolloProvider used should be from the same module, otherwise the context used by the hook will be different than what is provided by the ApolloProvider. You should export ApolloProvider in your package in addition to the hook, and then make sure you import it from your package whereever you're using the hook.

Where to import React-Bootstrap components from?

I am using React-Bootstrap version 1.0.0-beta.10.
Whenever I want to use a component, for example Alert, I will get three import options from the IDE to choose from:
Which of them should I use and why?
Yes. We have multiple options to import a component.
When importing directly from react-bootstrap you need to import as,
import {Alert} from `react-bootstrap`;
Because Alert component is exported as named export.
If you expand the react-bootstrap folder from node_modules folder, you will see multiple folders and files.
The files directly available in react-bootstrap folder are based on ES5.
When I say based on ES5 means, the required package for this component are imported like this,
var _extends2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("#babel/runtime/helpers/extends"));
and you can import component as,
import Alert from `react-bootstrap/Alert`;
Because Alert component is exported as default export.
The files available in es folder are based on ES6.
When I say based on ES6 means, the required package for this component are imported like this,
import _extends from "#babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends";
and you can import component as,
import Alert from `react-bootstrap/es/Alert`;
Because Alert component is exported as default export.
You must have to change your codebase.
react-bootstrap doesn't have a default export, so the default import syntax cannot be used in this case.
You can do the following though:
import * as ReactBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap';
And then, you can use the Alert component.

es6 module import of d3 4.x fails

TL;DR: The documented way to import d3 into es6 modules fails. What is the correct way to do this? My guess is the documentation assumes I use a workflow that resolves these problems
The readme for d3 4.x says:
D3 is written using ES2015 modules. Create a custom bundle using Rollup, Webpack, or your preferred bundler. To import D3 into an ES2015 application, either import specific symbols from specific D3 modules:
import {scaleLinear} from "d3-scale";
Or import everything into a namespace (here, d3):
import * as d3 from "d3";
Yet when I yarn add d3 and use a es6 script tag, this fails to work:
<script type="module">
import * as d3 from "./node_modules/d3"
Failed to load module script: The server responded with a non-JavaScript MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.
Replacing the import with:
import * as d3 from "./node_modules/d3/index.js" this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier 'd3-array'
#jimmont is correct: importing the module form of d3 packages does not work without local building due to the "bare" imports. These can be resolved by the CDN's D3 uses, in particular Here's the story.
It turns out d3 uses package.json to allow it to export two formats from a single source, npm itself. To do so, it uses the module: field.
The easiest way to access either all of d3, or a submodule/repo (there are 30 of them!) unpkg is ideal:
A dashboard to the repo:
The current umd/iife:
The current collection of all modules:
To import all of d3:
import * as d3 from ''
To import sub-modules:
import * as selection from ''
es6 and es2015 modules will not work with d3 because d3 has chosen to use rollup instead. You are seeing this error because the module cannot be resolved as specified in the file "./node_modules/d3/index.js" which has lines like export {default as ascending} from "./src/ascending"; which are missing the real file name which ends with '.js'. So in other words all these entries are mis-configured to not support native modules in browsers or Nodejs.
you can either use rollup or make all the text substitutions yourself using a script or manually. I use a perl one-liner because I dislike rollup and the extra dependencies were breaking between node 8 and node 10. it is unbelievably strange that this is necessary but I also haven't been supporting a kitchen sink of module loaders.
import * as d3 from "./node_modules/d3-something/index.js"
which has content like export {default as something} from './src/thing'. because these files do not use the natively supported syntax with a full relative path (it's missing the actual file extension), it won't work without rollup or whatever making these corrections. multiple popular projects have made this same decision to require extra modules to work properly and forego native support.

Importing all external golang modules to one file and then importing from that file?

Is there a way to import external modules into one file and then import from that file?
For example:
// externals.go
import (
Bitbucket ""
Github ""
// main.go
import (
Is the above in some form possible?
No, this is not possible. It is a specific design goal of Go
to make all dependencies explicit.
See and section 7
in particular for more detail on this.
No. This is not possible, not even with some tricks.
