powershell script to find duplicate attribute values - windows

i need help with a powershell script that helps find if there is any duplicate attribute values for example employeeid and employeenumber having same value like 12345 in an AD environment.
i have tried
Get-ADUser -Filter {(employeeID -like "*")} -property employeeID |Group employeeID | ? {$_.Count -ge 2} | select -ExpandProperty group | Select-Object Name, Employeenumber, employeeID


In Powershell how can I remove the first x number of characters from Get-ADUser results?

I have a list of results from Get-ADUser giving me all users in an OU. The format of the output username is '-prefix-username'. I need to remove the 7 character '-prefix-' and then conduct another Get-ADUser lookup against the remaining 'username' portions. The issue I'm finding is that if I run just the second Get-ADUser lookup where I set $User as just one specific '-prefix-username' it works fine but when I try to process a list I either get an error where there seems to be space after the trimmed username (txt format list - Get-ADUser : Cannot find an object with identity: 'user ' under:) or the username includes a " that I can't remove from the end of the username (csv format list - Get-ADUser : Cannot find an object with identity: 'user"').
So far I have:
get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=SomeOU' -SearchScope 2 |
Select SAMAccountName |
Out-File C:\Temp\UserList.txt
$UserList = (Get-Content C:\Temp\UserList.txt)
$StandardUsers = ForEach($User in $UserList) {
Write-Host "Now checking $User"
Get-ADUser $User.Substring(7) -Properties * |
Select-object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, Mail, Manager,EmployeeID
$StandardUsers | Out-File -FilePath C:\Temp\StandardUserList.txt
First thing to mention is that if you create the list using Select -ExpandProperty SAMAccountName, you would only get SamAccountnames in the file.
Having said that, why bother with an 'in-between' file at all and simply do:
# By default, Get-ADUser returns these properties:
# DistinguishedName, Enabled, GivenName, Name, ObjectClass, ObjectGUID, SamAccountName, SID, Surname, UserPrincipalName
# Only ask for properties that are not already in this list.
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=SomeOU' -SearchScope 2 -Properties DisplayName, EmailAddress, Manager, EmployeeId |
Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, EmailAddress, Manager,EmployeeID |
Set-Content -Path 'C:\Temp\StandardUserList.txt'
You are likely having issues with saving it to a file (where it gets formatted) and then reading it back in. The formatting could be adding " and reading a newline (which you think is a space) character. If you really need to save it then do the following (else just hook up the pipelines):
$userList = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'OU=SomeOU' -SearchScope 2 |
Select-Object SAMAccountName
$userList |
Out-File C:\Temp\UserList.txt
$standardUsers = $userList |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty SAMAccountName -PipelineVariable user |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Now checking $user"
$userWithoutPrefix = ($user -Replace '^-prefix-','') -Replace '(\w|\n)$','' # to use a more advanced version of the suggestion by #Avshalom
Get-ADUser $userWithoutPrefix -Properties * | Write-Output
} |
Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName, Mail, Manager, EmployeeID
$standardUsers | Out-File -FilePath C:\Temp\StandardUserList.txt

AD Users Script correction

Can anyone please correct?
Individual runs of user1 and user 2 running good and appending results
(get-aduser -Identity user1 -Properties memberof | select -expand memberof | get-adgroup) |
select Name, groupscope | Out-File -Append c:\scripts\resultsusersad.txt
(get-aduser -Identity user2 -Properties memberof | select -expand memberof | get-adgroup) |
select Name, groupscope | Out-File -Append c:\scripts\resultsusersad.txt
When I tried to save both users in a text file and used for loop I am getting error.
This is what I did, given below (Update):
$file = Get-Content -path "c:\scripts\usersad.txt"
foreach ($i in $file)
(get-aduser -Identity $($i) -Properties memberof | select -expand memberof | get-adgroup) | select Name, groupscope | Add-Content -Path c:\scripts\resultsusersad.txt
Please correct where I am doing wrong.
I always have trouble with out-file.
What I would do is:
Either create a new file in the script, or have one already created and waiting.
Variablize the output. Something like
$Var1 = #(user1 -Properties memberof | select -expand memberof | get-adgroup) | select Name, groupscope)
Use 'Add-Content' to write to the file
Add-Content -Path .\myfile.txt -Value $Var1
I it will append the string as a new line right under the previous one. I use to use a similar method to build CSVs from grabbing data from AD.

"gwmi win32_quickfixengineering" but only need InstalledOn date

gwmi win32_quickfixengineering InstalledOn |sort installedon -desc | select -First 1
I've tried but that gives me an odd formatting. I simply need to return the installedOn date and maybe the name.
i'm trying to find the most recently installed patch on a system and get that date value.
I've also tried.
gwmi win32_quickfixengineering |sort installedon -desc | select -First 1
better formatting but still too much information.
To get just the InstalledOn properties, you can use the -ExpandProperty option as below.
GWMI win32_quickfixengineering | sort -Descending InstalledOn `
| Select -ExpandProperty InstalledOn -First 1
Otherwise you can do something like the below to get a brief overview of the installed KBs.
GWMI win32_quickfixengineering | Select HotFixID, InstalledOn, Caption
Select -ExpandProperty
Get-HotFix / win32_quickfixengineering
The easiest way to get specific information you want is the following:
Lets say you need a name of a service for a command:
$Service = Get-Service Spooler
That command would retrieve more information than just the name, but to get the only name, you can type:
That will return only that value from the saved variable.
So in your case you could do:
(Here you save all the information into a variable)
$Quickfix = gwmi win32_quickfixengineering | sort installedon -desc | select -First 1
(You can then use that variable to return specific information from that variable)
Then use: $Quickfix.InstalledOn
That will return you JUST the date.
Then you could do something like:
Write-Output "Latest update was $($Quickfix.HotFixID) installed on: $($Quickfix.InstalledOn)"
That will give you an output of the KB and the date installed. You can of course edit the text, it was just an example.

Powershell group member ship field from AD

I have a powershell query here which look in a particular group in AD and extracts the users into a CSV. Currently it only extracts the SamAcountName and Display name. How would I get it extract the group membership of each user in that group ?
Get-ADGroupMember -identity GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full | select -Property Name,SamAccountName | Export-csv -path X:\QlikView_AD_Groups\GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full.csv -NoTypeInformation
So if you are looking to get the group membership of all users in a certain group this would be one approach. You need to add a calculated propery in your Select-Object
Get-ADGroupMember -identity GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full |
Select-Object -Property Name,SamAccountName,#{Label="MemberOf";Expression={(Get-ADUser -identity $_.SamAccountName -Properties memberof).memberof -Join ";"}} |
Export-csv -path X:\QlikView_AD_Groups\GLS-IW-APP-QV-KPI-Full.csv -NoTypeInformation
What the #{} portion does is take the SamAccountName and call Get-Aduser to extract the memberof property. Since that returns an object we concat that to a semicolon delimited string with a -Join for proper/better CSV output

Get Logged on Users from a List of Computer Names

I wanted to extract a list of users logged on to remote pc, the ps names would be fed in using a .csv file.
I was able to get a command
Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $Computer | Select Antecedent -Unique
to query the user names, could any one help me more on how to write this code?
Assuming the csv file contains a ComputerName header:
Import-Csv computers.csv | Foreach-Object{
Get-WmiObject Win32_LoggedOnUser -ComputerName $_.ComputerName | Select-Object __SERVER,Antecedent -Unique | Foreach-Object {
$domain,$user = [regex]::matches($_.Antecedent,'="([^"]+)"') | Foreach-Object {$_.Groups[1].Value}
$_ | Select-Object __SERVER,#{Name='Domain';Expression={$domain}},#{Name='User';Expression={$user}}
