How to use StepVerifier to process a list of products using the Webflux reactive framework - spring-boot

I have list of products returned from a controller as a Flux. I am able to verify the count but I don't know how to verify the individual products. The product has a lot of properties so I do want to do a direct equals which may not work. Here is a subset of the properties of the class. The repository layer works fine and returns the data. The problem is that I don't know how to use the StepVerifier to validate the data returned by the ProductService. I am using a mock ProductRepository not shown as it just mocks return a Flux of hardcoded products like this Flux.just(productData)
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;
public class ProductData {
static class Order {
String orderId;
String orderedBy;
LocalDateTime orderDate;
List<OrderItem> orderItems;
static class OrderItem {
String itemCode;
String name;
int quantity;
int quantityOnHold;
ItemGroup group;
static class ItemGroup{
String category;
String warehouseID;
String warehoueLocation;
Here is the service class.
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;
public class ProductService {
final ProductRepository productRepository;
Flux<ProductData> findAll(){
return productRepository.findAll();

Since your example ProductData class doesn't have any fields to verify, let's assume it has one order field:
public class ProductData {
Order order;
//rest of the code
Then fields can be verified like this:
void whenFindAllThenReturnFluxOfProductData() {
Flux<ProductData> products = productRepository.findAll();
.assertNext(product -> {
ProductData.Order order = product.order;
LocalDateTime expectedOrderDate =;
assertEquals("expectedOrderId", order.orderId);
assertEquals(expectedOrderDate, order.orderDate);
//more checks
}).assertNext(product -> {
List<ProductData.OrderItem> orderItems = product.order.orderItems;
int expectedSize = 12;
assertEquals( expectedSize, orderItems.size());
//more checks


How do I implement tenant-based routing for elasticsearch in JHipster?

I´m currently trying to implement multi-tenancy into my JHipster microservices. However, I can't find a way to implement tenant-based routing for elasticsearch.
So far I have managed to implement datasource routing for the PostgreSQL DBs similar to the following article:
When I started looking for ways to implement multi tenancy in elasticsearch, I found the following article:
There I read about tenant-based routing. First I tried looking it up on the internet, but anything I found was either over 5 years old or not related to java, much less to Spring/Jhipster. Then I tried looking into the methods of ElasticSearchTemplate, the annotation variables of #Document and #Settings and the configuration options in the .yml file, but didn't find anything useful.
I'm currently using Jhipster version 7.9.3, which uses the Spring-Boot version 2.7.3. All the microservices were created with JDL and on half of them I put elasticsearch into the configuration. The other half does not matter.
Edit: I want to add that multi-tenancy in my database is archived by database separation(Tenant1 uses DB1, Tenant2 uses DB2 etc.). The tenant variable is an enum and not included in my entities.
Edit2: I implemented my own solution. I use the tenants as indexes and use my ContextHolder from DataSource Routing to route to the correct tenant index. For that I had to do some changes the elasticsearchTemplate in the generated classes of the package "<>".
It might not be the most efficient way to reach multi tenancy with elasticsearch, but it doesn't need much configuration.
Here is the code:
public interface ProductSearchRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Product, Long>, ProductSearchRepositoryInternal {}
interface ProductSearchRepositoryInternal {
Stream<Product> search(String query);
Stream<Product> search(Query query);
void index(Product entity);
class ProductSearchRepositoryInternalImpl implements ProductSearchRepositoryInternal {
private final ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchTemplate;
private final ProductRepository repository;
ProductSearchRepositoryInternalImpl(ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchTemplate, ProductRepository repository) {
this.elasticsearchTemplate = elasticsearchTemplate;
this.repository = repository;
public Stream<Product> search(String query) {
NativeSearchQuery nativeSearchQuery = new NativeSearchQuery(queryStringQuery(query));
return search(nativeSearchQuery);
public Stream<Product> search(Query query) {
return, Product.class, IndexCoordinates.of(TenantContextHolder.getTenantContext().getTenant())).map(SearchHit::getContent).stream();
public void index(Product entity) {
repository.findById(entity.getId()).ifPresent(t ->, IndexCoordinates.of(TenantContextHolder.getTenantContext().getTenant())));
Edit3: Since people might not know where ".getTenant()" comes from, I'll show my tenant enumeration:
public enum Tenant {
String tenant;
Tenant(String name) {
public String getTenant() {
return this.tenant;
Edit4: My solution is not working as planned. I will give an update once I found a better and more robust solution.
Edit5: I have found out how to implement tenant-based routing. First you have to add the following Annotation to your entities: = "tenant")
In my case I had to include the enum "Tenant" into my entities along with the getter and setter:
private Tenant tenant;
public Tenant getTenant() {
return tenant;
public void setTenant(Tenant tenant) {
this.tenant = tenant;
Then I have to set the tenant during the processing of a REST request before it gets indexed by elasticsearchtemplate:
As for the search function, I had to add a term query as a filter to enable routing:
public Stream<Product> search(String query) {
NativeSearchQuery nativeSearchQuery = new NativeSearchQuery(queryStringQuery(query)
, QueryBuilders.termQuery("_routing", TenantContextHolder.getTenantContext()));
return search(nativeSearchQuery);
The method "setRoute(String route)" of "nativeSearchQuery" either does not work in my case or I didn't understand how it works.
I have successfully tested this implementation with GET and POST requests. Currently I have a problem with elasticsearch overwriting data if the id of the entity from one tenant I want to save is the same id as another entity with a different tenant.
After some trial and error, I found a solution to the overwriting problem and successfully completed and tested my implementation of tenant-based routing. Here is the code:
import javax.persistence.*;
import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache;
import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy;
#Table(name = "product")
#Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.READ_WRITE) = "product")
#SuppressWarnings("common-java:DuplicatedBlocks") = "tenant")
public class Product implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private Tenant tenant;
#Field(name = "elastic_id")
private String elasticsearchId;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator =
#SequenceGenerator(name = "sequenceGenerator")
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
//Getters, Setters and other variables
public interface ProductSearchRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Product, Long>, ProductSearchRepositoryInternal {}
interface ProductSearchRepositoryInternal {
Stream<Product> search(String query);
Stream<Product> search(Query query);
void index(Product entity);
Product save(Product entity);
void deleteById(Long id);
class ProductSearchRepositoryInternalImpl implements ProductSearchRepositoryInternal {
private final ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchTemplate;
private final ProductRepository repository;
ProductSearchRepositoryInternalImpl(ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchTemplate, ProductRepository repository) {
this.elasticsearchTemplate = elasticsearchTemplate;
this.repository = repository;
public Stream<Product> search(String query) {
NativeSearchQuery nativeSearchQuery = new NativeSearchQuery(queryStringQuery(query)
, QueryBuilders.termQuery("_routing", TenantContextHolder.getTenantContext()));
return search(nativeSearchQuery);
public Stream<Product> search(Query query) {
return, Product.class).map(SearchHit::getContent).stream();
public void index(Product entity) {
repository.findById(Long.valueOf(entity.getId())).ifPresent(t -> {
public Product save(Product entity) {
public void deleteById(Long id) {
elasticsearchTemplate.delete(TenantContextHolder.getTenantContext() + String.valueOf(id), Product.class);

QuerySyntaxException with enum

I have a UserAssignmentRole class like this :
public class UserAssignmentRole {
public Role role;
And the Role is enum, it looks like this:
public enum Role{
Now when in my repository I try to query to select all with role of admin, it gives me error:
#Query("select uar from UserAssignmentRole uar where uar.role=Role.admin")
public List<UserAssignmentRole> listAdmin(Long userID, Long assignmentID);
How this can be solved?
Error : org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Invalid path: 'Role.admin'
Full error :
It is a strange but intended behaviour of Hibernate since 5.2.x
An enum value is a constant and you're using a non-conventional naming (lowercase)
Take a look at this issue and Vlad Mihalcea's long explanation of the performance penalty.
If you’re using non-conventional Java constants, then you’ll have to set the hibernate.query.conventional_java_constants configuration property to false. This way, Hibernate will fall back to the previous behavior, treating any expression as a possible candidate for a Java constant.
You can try not to write this sql by yourself but with repository create code like this:
public interface UserAssignmentRolelRepository extends JpaRepository<UserModel, Long>{
public List<UserAssignmentRole> findByRole(Role role);
And then:
UserAssignmentRolelRepository repository ;
public void someMethod(){
List<UserAssignmentRole> userAssignmentRoles = repository.findByRole(Role.admin);
As it was point out in this answer: non-conventional naming. You can change labels in your enum to uppercase.
public enum Role{
and then:
#Query("select uar from UserAssignmentRole uar where uar.role=com.example.package.Role.Admin")
public List<UserAssignmentRole> listAdmin(Long userID, Long assignmentID);
But if you really want to have lowercase in DB.
It requires more code to change. Enum change to:
public enum Role{
private String name;
Role(String name) { = name;
public String getName() { return name; }
public static Role parse(String id) {
Role role = null; // Default
for (Role item : Role.values()) {
if ( {
role = item;
return role;
In UserAssignmentRole
// #Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)
#Convert(converter = RoleConverter.class)
private Role role;
And additional class:
import javax.persistence.AttributeConverter;
import javax.persistence.Converter;
#Converter(autoApply = true)
public class RoleConverter implements AttributeConverter<Role, String> {
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Role role) {
return role.getName();
public Role convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
return Role.parse(dbData);

MapStruct does not detect setters in builder

I am building a simple REST service using spring. I separated my entities from DTOs and I made the DTOs immutable using Immutables. I needed mapping between DTOs and DAOs, so I chose MapStruct. The Mapper is not able to detect the setters I have defined in my DAOs.
The problem is exactly similar to this question. This question does not have an accepted answer and I have tried all of the suggestions in that question and they don't work. I don't want to try this answer because I feel it defeats the purpose for which I am using Immutables. #marc-von-renteln summarizes this reason nicely in the comment here
I tried the answer provided by #tobias-schulte. But that caused a different problem. In the Mapper class in the answer, trying to return Immutable*.Builder from the mapping method throws an error saying the Immutable type cannot be found.
I have exhaustively searched issues logged against MapStruct and Immutables and I haven't been able to find a solution. Unfortunately there are hardly few examples or people using a combination of MapStruct and Immutables. The mapstruct-examples repository also doesn't have an example for working with Immutables.
I even tried defining separate Mapper interfaces for each of the DtTOs (like UserStatusMapper). I was only making it more complicated with more errors.
I have created a sample spring project to demonstrate the problem.
GitHub Repo Link. This demo app is almost same as the REST service I am creating. All database (spring-data-jpa , hibernate) stuff is removed and I am using mock data.
If you checkout the project and run the demo-app you can make two API calls.
"id": 0,
"username": "TestUser",
"email": "",
"userStatus": {
"id": 1,
"status": 1,
"statusName": "Active"
Createuser: PROBLEM HERE
Sample Input:
"username": "TestUser",
"email": "",
"userStatus": {
"id": 1,
"status": 1,
"statusName": "Active"
"timestamp": "2019-04-28T09:29:24.933+0000",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"message": "Type definition error: [simple type, class com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model.ImmutableUserDto$Builder]; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot construct instance of `com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model.ImmutableUserDto$Builder`, problem: Cannot build UserDto, some of required attributes are not set [username, email, userStatus]\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 9, column: 1]",
"path": "/user/api/v1/users/create"
Below are important pieces of code related to problem:
1. UserDao
public class User {
// Primary Key. Something that is annotated with #Id
private int id;
private String username;
private String email;
private UserStatus userStatus;
private User(Builder builder) {
id =;
username = builder.username;
email =;
userStatus = builder.userStatus;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public String getEmail() {
return email;
public UserStatus getUserStatus() {
return userStatus;
public static final class Builder {
private int id;
private String username;
private String email;
private UserStatus userStatus;
private Builder() {
public Builder setId(int id) { = id;
return this;
public Builder setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
return this;
public Builder setEmail(String email) { = email;
return this;
public Builder setUserStatus(UserStatus userStatus) {
this.userStatus = userStatus;
return this;
public User build() {
return new User(this);
2. UserStatusDao:
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dao.model;
* Status of user.
* Example: Active or Inactive
public class UserStatus {
// Primary Key. Something that is annotated with #Id
private int id;
// A value of 1 or 0
private int status;
// Active , InActive
private String statusName;
private UserStatus(Builder builder) {
id =;
status = builder.status;
statusName = builder.statusName;
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public int getId() {
return id;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public String getStatusName() {
return statusName;
public static final class Builder {
private int id;
private int status;
private String statusName;
private Builder() {
public Builder setId(int id) { = id;
return this;
public Builder setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
return this;
public Builder setStatusName(String statusName) {
this.statusName = statusName;
return this;
public UserStatus build() {
return new UserStatus(this);
1. UserDto:
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
#Value.Style(defaults = #Value.Immutable(copy = false), init = "set*")
#JsonSerialize(as = ImmutableUserDto.class)
#JsonDeserialize(builder = ImmutableUserDto.Builder.class)
public abstract class UserDto {
public int id() {
return 0;
public abstract String username();
public abstract String email();
public abstract UserStatusDto userStatus();
2. UserStatusDto:
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
#Value.Style(defaults = #Value.Immutable(copy = false), init = "set*")
#JsonSerialize(as = ImmutableUserStatusDto.class)
#JsonDeserialize(builder = ImmutableUserStatusDto.Builder.class)
public abstract class UserStatusDto {
public abstract int id();
public abstract int status();
public abstract String statusName();
MapStruct UserMapper:
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.mapper;
import com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dao.model.User;
import com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dao.model.UserStatus;
import com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model.UserDto;
import com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model.UserStatusDto;
import org.mapstruct.Mapper;
import org.mapstruct.factory.Mappers;
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface UserMapper {
UserMapper USER_MAPPER_INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
UserDto userDaoToDto(User user);
//Problem here.
User userDtoToDao(UserDto userDto);
UserStatusDto userStatusDaoToDto(UserStatus userStatusDao);
UserStatus userStatusDtoToDao(UserStatusDto userStatusDto);
If I look at the concrete method generated by MapStruct for userDtoToDao I can clearly see that the setters are not being recognized.
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.mapper;
value = "org.mapstruct.ap.MappingProcessor",
date = "2019-04-28T02:29:03-0700",
comments = "version: 1.3.0.Final, compiler: javac, environment: Java 1.8.0_191 (Oracle Corporation)"
public class UserMapperImpl implements UserMapper {
public User userDtoToDao(UserDto userDto) {
if ( userDto == null ) {
return null;
com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dao.model.User.Builder user = User.builder();
Mapstruct doesn't recognize your getters in UserDto and UserStatusDto.
When you change the existing methods (like public abstract String username()) in these abstract classes to classic getters like
public abstract String getUsername();
the MapperImpl will contain the required calls. Note, that the #JsonProperty needs to have the attributes name itself afterwards (because of the changed method name).
Here are the complete classes UserDto and UserStatusDto with said changes:
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
#Value.Style(defaults = #Value.Immutable(copy = false), init = "set*")
#JsonSerialize(as = ImmutableUserDto.class)
#JsonDeserialize(builder = ImmutableUserDto.Builder.class)
public abstract class UserDto {
public int getId() {
return 0;
public abstract String getUsername();
public abstract String getEmail();
public abstract UserStatusDto getUserStatus();
package com.immutablesmapstruct.demo.dto.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
#Value.Style(defaults = #Value.Immutable(copy = false), init = "set*")
#JsonSerialize(as = ImmutableUserStatusDto.class)
#JsonDeserialize(builder = ImmutableUserStatusDto.Builder.class)
public abstract class UserStatusDto {
public abstract int getId();
public abstract int getStatus();
public abstract String getStatusName();

Spring Data REST #Idclass not recognized

I have an entity named EmployeeDepartment as below
#IdClass(EmployeeDepartmentPK.class) //EmployeeDepartmentPK is a serializeable object
private String employeeID;
private String departmentCode;
---- Getters, Setters and other props/columns
and I have a Spring Data Repository defined as as below
public interface IEmployeeDepartmentRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<EmployeeDepartment, EmployeeDepartmentPK> {
Further, I have a converter registered to convert from String to EmployeeDepartmentPK.
Now, for an entity, qualified by ID employeeID="abc123" and departmentCode="JBG", I expect the ID to use when SDR interface is called is abc123_JBG.
For example http://localhost/EmployeeDepartment/abc123_JBG should fetch me the result and indeed it does.
But, when I try to save an entity using PUT, the ID property available in BasicPersistentEntity class of Spring Data Commons is having a value of
abc123_JBG for departmentCode. This is wrong. I'm not sure if this is an expected behaviour.
Please help.
Currently Spring Data REST only supports compound keys that are represented as by a single field. That effectively means only #EmbeddedId is supported. I've filed DATAJPA-770 to fix that.
If you can switch to #EmbeddedId you still need to teach Spring Data REST the way you'd like to represent your complex identifier in the URI and how to transform the path segment back into an instance of your id type. To achieve that, implement a BackendIdConverter and register it as Spring bean.
class CustomBackendIdConverter implements BackendIdConverter {
public Serializable fromRequestId(String id, Class<?> entityType) {
// Make sure you validate the input
String[] parts = id.split("_");
return new YourEmbeddedIdType(parts[0], parts[1]);
public String toRequestId(Serializable source, Class<?> entityType) {
YourIdType id = (YourIdType) source;
return String.format("%s_%s", …);
public boolean supports(Class<?> type) {
return YourDomainType.class.equals(type);
If you can't use #EmbeddedId, you can still use #IdClass. For that, you need the BackendIdConverter as Oliver Gierke answered, but you also need to add a Lookup for your domain type:
public class IdClassAllowingConfig extends RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {
config.withEntityLookup().forRepository(EmployeeDepartmentRepository.class, (EmployeeDepartment ed) -> {
EmployeeDepartmentPK pk = new EmployeeDepartmentPK();
return pk;
}, EmployeeDepartmentRepository::findOne);
Use #BasePathAwareController to customize Spring data rest controller.
public class CustInfoCustAcctController {
CustInfoCustAcctRepository cicaRepo;
#RequestMapping(value = "/custInfoCustAccts/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody custInfoCustAccts getOne(#PathVariable("id") String id) {
String[] parts = id.split("_");
CustInfoCustAcctKey key = new CustInfoCustAcctKey(parts[0],parts[1]);
return cicaRepo.getOne(key);
It's work fine for me with sample uri /api/custInfoCustAccts/89232_70
A more generic approach would be following -
package com.pratham.persistence.config;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.sun.istack.NotNull;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import org.springframework.lang.NonNull;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Optional;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
* Customization of how composite ids are exposed in URIs.
* The implementation will convert the Ids marked with {#link EmbeddedId} to base64 encoded json
* in order to expose them properly within URI.
* #author im-pratham
public class EmbeddedBackendIdConverter implements BackendIdConverter {
private final ObjectMapper objectMapper;
public Serializable fromRequestId(String id, Class<?> entityType) {
return getFieldWithEmbeddedAnnotation(entityType)
.map(ret -> {
try {
String decodedId = new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(id));
return (Serializable) objectMapper.readValue(decodedId, (Class) ret);
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignored) {
return null;
public String toRequestId(Serializable id, Class<?> entityType) {
try {
String json = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(id);
return Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(json.getBytes(UTF_8));
} catch (JsonProcessingException ignored) {
return id.toString();
public boolean supports(#NonNull Class<?> entity) {
return isEmbeddedIdAnnotationPresent(entity);
private boolean isEmbeddedIdAnnotationPresent(Class<?> entity) {
return getFieldWithEmbeddedAnnotation(entity)
private static Optional<Field> getFieldWithEmbeddedAnnotation(Class<?> entity) {
.filter(method -> method.isAnnotationPresent(EmbeddedId.class))

Unitest by using mockito(one class is dependent with other scenario)

Hi I am very new to mocking framework. Can any one please help me to write a junit by using any mocking framework. Below is my requirement
I wanted to write a unitest for getListOfEmp method by using mock with expected value.
Note Here I am facing difficulty to mock EmpValue class to get the accurate value in ServiceClass
public class ServiceClass {
public Employe getListOfEmp(List<String> criteria) {
Employe emp = new Employe();
EmpValue empValue = new EmpValue();
if (criteria.contains("IT")) {
if (criteria.contains("SALES")) {
if (criteria.contains("SERVICE")) {
return emp;
public class EmpValue {
private String it = "IT-1001";
private String service = "SERVICE-1001";
private String sales = "SALES-1001";
public String getIt() {
return it;
public String getService() {
return service;
public String getSales() {
return sales;
First I will do some changes to the code to make it testable.
1: EmplValue object should be passed to the method by the client or should be an instance variable in your Service class. Here I am using it as an instance variable, so that client can set it.
public class ServiceClass {
private EmpValue empValue;
public ServiceClass(EmpValue empValue){
this.empValue = empValue;
public Employe getListOfEmp(List<String> criteria) {
Employe emp = new Employe();
if (criteria.contains("IT")) {
if (criteria.contains("SALES")) {
if (criteria.contains("SERVICE")) {
return emp;
I am using Mockito and JUnit to write unit-test for this class .
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.mockito.runners.MockitoJUnitRunner;
public class ServiceClassTest{
public void shouldReturnEmployeeWithEidSetWhenCriteriaIsIT(){
// Craete mock and define its behaviour
EmpValue mEmpValue = mock(EmpValue.class);
// Create the object of class user test with mock agent and invoke
ServiceClass serviceClass = new ServiceClass(mEnpValue);
Employee result = serviceClass.getListOfEmp(asList("IT"));
// Verify the result as per your expectation
assertEquals("It-001", result.getEid());
