JMeter: design isssues - jmeter

Please help me for the follow two questions:
Is it possible to set Jmeter up so that when we start GUI of the program and there is 'View Results Tree' the Option: Scroll automatically? to be checked by default?
And second one: Is it possible to create shortcut keys for Zoom In, Zoom Out:
Or, if this is not possible, at least set different Values for them in some properties JMeter file?
Thanks in advance!

It's unchecked and it's hardcoded and cannot be changed (at least in JMeter 5.5)
if you want to amend the behaviour change autoScrollCB.setSelected(false); to autoScrollCB.setSelected(true); and re-build JMeter
Since JMeter 5.3 you can use Ctrl + Alt + mouse wheel to change fonts size.


Giving to FLAUI the command for hit a key combination (such as ALT + F4) changes the keyboard controls

i'm making an automated test with flaui, it includes
it works fine, but then my keyboard controls are completely different, for example i'm not able anymore to write using letters because they have different behavior, what i need to do for restore them is by performing again ALT + F4. I also tried using different keyboard but is the same, help pls!!
what i need to do for restore them is by performing again ALT + F4. I also tried using different keyboard but is the same, help pls!!
You have to use the .TypeSimultaneously() method, like below:
Keyboard.TypeSimultaneously(VirtualKeyShort.ALT, VirtualKeyShort.F4);
See the full documentation here.

JMeter - Folding options in Samplers

Inside Body Data of HTTP Sampler or JSR223 Sampler (or other Sampler )
I can Right click and get the following:
Copy/Paste/Cut/... functions work but Folding options seems to do nothing and irrelevant in that context
What folding is executing in this context? is it a specific feature for specific sampler?
I checked with code/XML/JSON and there's no impact on the text in field.
Code folding is a feature of some text editors and IDEs that allow some text to be temporarily hidden or "collapsed" in order to hide detail.
I found I can disable it by changing in
This feature can hide anything that represents a "block" and is useful when you have a large lump of code, including comments, function definitions, possibly lengthy array definitions, but want to concentrate on main script flow instead. Anything that can be collapsed can be seeing by "minus in square" symbol and anything that can be expanded has an opposite "plus in square" symbol . You can expand or collapse using right-click menu items or by clicking that symbol.
Here's a primitive example when this can be useful.
Without folds:
As you can tell, I can't even see any runnable code without scrolling. But the way it's displayed below, I can tell what script is actually doing (which, btw, exposes one problem right away), and expand relevant parts to see more details if needed:

Check Text Size Via Command Prompt Windows 7

I'm using Sikuli to do some tests which requires the computers resolution and text size to be set to a certain size. In this case, the text size should be set as "smaller - 100%". I'd like the computer to check to make sure this is the case before it actually wastes time attempting to run the test.
Is there a command you can type into command prompt that will tell you what the text size setting is set to? Or another quick way of finding the information? The only way I know of to get the information is Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization\Display. Using Sikuli to open up the control panel and visually check the text size wouldn't be worth the time, so I'd like a quick way of checking.
Also, I'd rather this be without any addon or anything like that.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics
AppliedDPI DWord
This is a per user setting.

Is it possible to set Wordwrap in WebStorm? I need to set by default all the files should be in wordwraping

is there any way to set word-wrap for all new/existing files should be in word-wrapping.
i need to set by default all the file in word-wrapping like notepadd++.
Thanks in advance.
Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Use soft wraps in editor -- this setting affects all files.
You can disable or enable this option on per file basis (until it's closed) via View | Active Editor | Use Soft Wraps
More recent version (compared to the versions available when this question was answered) also have these options available in the Editor's gutter menu (right click in the area where the line numbers/breakpoints/etc are).
Settings screen has very nice feature -- quick search box (top left corner) -- it does wonders. It allows you to quickly narrow the search scope of the specific setting by it's name (keyword).
You can also use "Search anywhere" (Shift two times) as well as "Find Action" (Help | Find Action... Ctrl + Shift + A) to search for individual settings.
Webstorm 9.0.3 Evaluation version on Windows 7:
I know I'm a bit late coming here, but if like me, you find that there's no "Use soft wraps in editor" option when you look in Settings>Editor>, i just discovered you can apply 'soft wrap' to individual files:
Open the file,
Left click the left margin (where the line numbers are),
You'll see "Use Soft Wraps" as an option you can turn on.
It's not quite what I wanted (change settings to apply to all files), but it's something.
Yes, it is possible. I have webstorm 2016. Follow these step.
Step 1:
This step may vary depending on OS used. Just search for preferences. I have screenshot for Mac.
Step 2:
Click on Editor twice. Note that arrow will change to downward position as shown.
Step 3 :
Click on general and see the option Use soft wraps in editor.
Step 4:
Select it and click ok
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | General | Use soft wraps in editor
Although its an old thread but updating as someone may find it usefull. In version 9.0.1, you have to select General inside Editor and then Use soft wraps in editor
Settings(ctrl+alt+s)--->Editor--->general--->use soft wrap in editor

Controlling keyboard content shift behaviour

I have following content layout on a page:
Then text is entered into input box, keyboard appears and 1. Fixed header is shited up:
How can I make area 1. Fixed header really fixed, so it's not moved by keyboard?
Update 1: solution #1, however I find it rather cumbersome and complex to implement. If there any other ways I will be happy to see them.
Kindly go through this example we have to do some manual works as this issue is because of the default property of keyboard in wp7
