why use tagCode to caculate the deliverTime in ScheduleMessageService of rocketMQ - rocketmq

the method executeOnTimeup of ScheduleMessageService caculate the deliverTimestamp ,if the cqUnit.isTagsCodeValid() return true the tagsCode is tag hasCode,why can use this to caculate the time
CqUnit cqUnit = bufferCQ.next();
long offsetPy = cqUnit.getPos();
int sizePy = cqUnit.getSize();
long tagsCode = cqUnit.getTagsCode();
if (!cqUnit.isTagsCodeValid()) {
long msgStoreTime = ScheduleMessageService.this.brokerController.getMessageStore().getCommitLog().pickupStoreTimestamp(offsetPy, sizePy);
tagsCode = computeDeliverTimestamp(delayLevel, msgStoreTime);
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
long deliverTimestamp = this.correctDeliverTimestamp(now, tagsCode);

This is definitely not what tagsCode is meant to be. As tagsCode in CQUnit represents the address for CQ extend files, which should not be utilized as a timestamp here. It should be another variable replacing the tagsCode usage for the deliverTimestamp here.


Context Free Grammar for English Sounding Names

I am currently writing an application that will generate random data; specifically, random names. I have made some decent progress, but am not satisfied with many of the generated names. The problem lies in my production rules, which I've attached to the bottom of this post.
The basic idea is: consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel, but some consonants themselves map to vowels (such as b< VO >).
I have not fully created the rules yet, but the final idea would follow the format shown below. However, rather than finishing it, I would like to make a better basis for the production rules.
I have tried to find a reference that discusses either: a CFG already created for English-sounding words, or an English reference that disassembles the basic format of letter combinations for words. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a useful resource to help me advance farther than I already have. Does anyone know of a place I should look, or a reference I can look at?
ALSO: in your opinion, do you believe a context-sensitive grammar might work better?
//the following will deal with single vowels and consonants
var CO = ['b','c','d','f','g','h','j','k','l','m','n','p','qu','r','s','t','v','w','x','y','z'];
CO.probabilities = [2.41,4.49,6.87,3.59,3.25,9.84,0.24,1.24,6.5,3.88,10.9,3.11,0.153,9.67,10.2,14.6,1.58,3.81,0.242,3.19,0.12];
CO.name = "CO";
var VO = ['a','e','i','o','u'];
VO.probabilities = [21.43,33.33,18.28,19.7,7.23];
VO.name = "VO";
var LETTER = ['<VO>','<CO>'];
LETTER.probabilities = [38.1,61.9];
//the following deal with connsonant pairs
var BH = ['c','p','r','s','t']; //the fisrt part of a th, ph, sh, pair (before H)
BH.probabilities = [20,10,20,25,25];
BH.name = "BH";
var BL = ['b','c','f','g','p','s']; //before letter l
BL.probabilities = [10,20,10,10,25,25]
BL.name = "BL";
var COP = ['<BH>h','<BL>l'] //consonant pairs
COP.probabilities = [50,50];
COP.name = "COP";
//this is a generic syllable, that does not take grammar rules into consideration
var SYL = ['<CO><VO>','<VO><CO>','<CO><VO><VO>'];
SYL.probabilities = [50,20,30];
SYL.name = "SYL";
//the following deal with mid word syllablse
var CLOSED = ['<CO><VO><CO>','<CO><VO><CO><CO>'];
CLOSED.probabilities = [75,25];
var OPEN = ['<CO><VO>','<CO><CO><VO>'];
OPEN.probabilities = [60,40];
OPEN.name = "OPEN";
var VR = ['<VO>r']; //vowel-r
VR.probabilities = [100];
VR.name = "VR";
var MID = ['<CLOSED>','<OPEN>','<VR>'];
MID.probabilities = [33,33,33];
MID.name = "MID";
//the following will deal with ending syllables
var VCE = ['<VO><CO>e','<LETTER><VO><CO>e'];
VCE.probabilities = [75,25];
VCE.name = "VCE";
var CLE = ['<CO>le'];
CLE.probabilities = [100];
CLE.name = "CLE";
var OE = ['tion','age','ive']; //other endings
OE.probabilities = [33,33,33];
OE.name = "OE";
var ES = ['<VCE>','<CLE>','<OE>','<VR>']; //contains all ending syllables
ES.probabilities = [40,40,20];
ES.name = "ES";
//These are some highly-defined production rules
var streetSuffix = ['road','street','way','avenue','drive','grove','lane','gardens','place','crescent','close','square','hill','circus','mews','vale','rise','mead'];
streetSuffix.probabilities = [15,15,5,10,5,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7];
var states = ['Alabama','Alaska','American Samoa','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware','Florida','Georgia','Guam','Hawaii','Idaho','Illinois','Indiana','Iowa','Kansas','Kentucky','Louisiana','Maine','Marshall Islands','Maryland','Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi','Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire','New Jersey','New Mexico','New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Palau','Pennsylvania','Puerto Rico','Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont','Virgin Island','Virginia','Washington','West Virginia','Wisconsin','Wyoming'];
var cityNewWordSuffix = ['city','town',''];
var cityEndWordSuffix = ['polis','ville','ford','furt','forth','shire','berg','gurg','borough','brough','field','kirk','bury','stadt',''];
var siteSuffix = ['com','org','net','edu'];
This will generate a random name of Length length
function generateRandomName() {
//string will be random length of CO VO pattern for now
var result;
result = "<COP><VO><MID><VO><ES>";
while (hasNonTerminal(result)) {
result = replaceFirstNonTerminal(result);
return result;
Here are a few words generated by the machine in its current state:

gdata.data.PhoneNumber: How do I get the type of Phone Number?

Using the class gdata.data.PhoneNumber, how do I get the type (Home/Business/Mobile/etc.) of that phone number?
This is the documentation I am referencing: https://gdata-python-client.googlecode.com/hg/pydocs/gdata.data.html#PhoneNumber
The "rel" attribute should be what you are looking for.
This is example code from https://github.com/google/gdata-python-client/blob/master/tests/gdata_tests/contacts/service_test.py:
# Create a new entry
new_entry = gdata.contacts.ContactEntry()
new_entry.title = atom.Title(text='Elizabeth Bennet')
new_entry.content = atom.Content(text='Test Notes')
rel='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work', text='(206)555-1212'))
new_entry.organization = gdata.contacts.Organization(
It doesn't access the "rel" attribute but it is there, I swear :)
Once you get a PhoneNumer instance you can print every attribute with the built-in dir() function:
The following is a list of "rel"s (https://github.com/google/gdata-python-client/blob/master/src/gdata/data.py). I don't know whether all are applicable to phone numbers or not but it may be useful for checking the type:
FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#fax'
HOME_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#home'
HOME_FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#home_fax'
ISDN_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#isdn'
MAIN_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#main'
MOBILE_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#mobile'
OTHER_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other'
OTHER_FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#other_fax'
PAGER_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#pager'
RADIO_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#radio'
TELEX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#telex'
TTL_TDD_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#tty_tdd'
WORK_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work'
WORK_FAX_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work_fax'
WORK_MOBILE_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work_mobile'
WORK_PAGER_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#work_pager'
NETMEETING_REL = 'http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#netmeeting'
Those OTHER "rel"s can (or maybe should?) be joined with the object's "label" attribute.

In windowsphone converting current time into millisecond

i have a time format like this:
string s = DateTime.Now.ToString();
which gives me output like
11/29/2013 6:26:13PM
Now how can i convert this output into millisecond in windowsPhone???
First i want to save the current time when the user launch my app. after that whenever the user launch my app again then i also get the time and compare the current launching time with previously stored time and check whether the time difference becomes "one day" or not.
For this comparison i need to covert 11/29/2013 6:26:13PM this into millisecond.
Another question tell me how can i convert "6:26:13PM" only this into millisecond??
If I understood correctly just do this:
Create a date from your input:
DateTime yourInitialDateTime = DateTime.Parse("11/29/2013 6:26:13PM");
After that
TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now - yourInitialDateTime;
So in span.TotalDays you will have how many days has passed.
If you have only the time of day and want to know the millisecond of that time you must add a date and subtract it with hour 0:00:00 like this:
string dummyDate = "01/01/0001";
DateTime end = DateTime.Parse(dummyDate + " " + "6:26:13PM");
var milli = end.Subtract(new DateTime()).TotalMilliseconds;
That is it.
Try this.
var ThatDay = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); //This is hard coded but you have to get from where you are storing.
var Today = DateTime.Now;
var Diff = (Today - ThatDay).Milliseconds;
var FriendlyDiff = (Today - ThatDay).ToFriendlyDisplay(5);
public static class TimeSpanExtensions
private enum TimeSpanElement
public static string ToFriendlyDisplay(this TimeSpan timeSpan, int maxNrOfElements)
maxNrOfElements = Math.Max(Math.Min(maxNrOfElements, 5), 1);
var parts = new[]
Tuple.Create(TimeSpanElement.Day, timeSpan.Days),
Tuple.Create(TimeSpanElement.Hour, timeSpan.Hours),
Tuple.Create(TimeSpanElement.Minute, timeSpan.Minutes),
Tuple.Create(TimeSpanElement.Second, timeSpan.Seconds),
Tuple.Create(TimeSpanElement.Millisecond, timeSpan.Milliseconds)
.SkipWhile(i => i.Item2 <= 0)
return string.Join(", ", parts.Select(p => string.Format("{0} {1}{2}", p.Item2, p.Item1, p.Item2 > 1 ? "s" : string.Empty)));

failed to manipulate my Arraylist

I need help , I have an arrayList of objects . This object contains multiple fields I'm interested in this question by two date fields (date_panne date_mise and running) and two other time fields (heure_panne and time start),
And I would like to obtain the sum of the difference between (date_panne, heure_panne) and (date_mise_en_marche; heure_mise_en_marche) to give the total time of failure.
if someone can help me please I will be gratful this is my function :
public String disponibile() throws Exception {
int nbreArrets = 0;
List<Intervention> allInterventions = interventionDAO.fetchAllIntervention();
List<Intervention> listInterventions = new ArrayList<Intervention>();
for (Intervention currentIntervention : allInterventions) {
if (currentIntervention.getId_machine() == this.intervention.getId_machine()
&& currentIntervention.getDate_panne().compareTo(getProductionStartDate()) >= 0
&& currentIntervention.getDate_panne().compareTo(getProductionEndDate()) <= 0) {
savedInterventionList = listInterventions;
return "successView" ;
Assuming the the dates are truncated to the day and are of type java.util.Date, and that the times only contain hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds and are also of type Date, start by creating a method like
private Date combine(Date dateOnly, Date timeOnly) {
Calendar dateCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar timeCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
dateCalendar.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, timeCalendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
dateCalendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, timeCalendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
dateCalendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, timeCalendar.get(Calendar.SECOND));
dateCalendar.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, timeCalendar.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));
return dateCalendar.getTime();
Now, it's simply a matter of looping through the interventions you want to sum, computing the difference between the dates as milliseconds, and add them:
long totalMillis = 0L;
for (Intervention intervention : interventions) {
Date marche = combine(intervention.getDateMiseEnMarche(), intervention.getTimeMiseEnMarche());
Date panne = combine(intervention.getDatePanne(), intervention.getTimePanne());
long differenceInMillis = marche.getTime() - panne.getTime();
totalMillis += differenceInMillis;

Groovy I/O performance issue

I'm not a groovy expert, just use it from time to time. One of the latest goals was to generate a very simple file containing some random data. I created the following script:
out = new File('sampledata.txt')
Random random = new Random();
java.util.Date dt = new java.util.Date();
for (int i=0; i<100000; ++i) {
dt = new java.util.Date();
out << dt.format('yyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS') + '|box|process|||java.lang.Long|' + random.nextInt(100) + '|name\n'
Now, I'm really puzzled with its performance. It takes around 1.5 minutes to complete whilst the same code written in Java or Ruby takes less than a second.
Similar code in Ruby (takes around 1 second to execute):
require "time"
File.open("output.txt", "w") do |file|
100000.times do
line = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S.%L") + '|box|process|||java.lang.Long|' + rand(100).to_s + '|name'
file.puts line
Any ideas how groovy's processing speed could be improved?
The left shift operator opens the file, jumps to the end, appends the text, and closes the file again...
Instead, try:
Random random = new Random();
// Open the file and append to it.
// If you want a new file each time, use withWriter instead of withWriterAppend
new File('sampledata.txt').withWriterAppend { w ->
100000.times {
w.writeLine "${new Date().format('yyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.SSS')}|box|process|||java.lang.Long|${random.nextInt(100)}|name"
(this is also much more like what the Ruby code is doing)
