I am a beginner, so i try to practice as much as i can. In below code, i have to extract numbers from a text file with hundred lines and sum numbers. I wrote below code and the ouput message is : float object are not iterable.
I will appreciate help and advises.
fname = 'mbox-short.txt'
fh = open(fname,"r")
count = 0
for line in fh :
line = line.rstrip()
if not line.startswith('X-DSPAM-Confidence:') : continue
count = count + 1
colonn_pos = line.find(':')
fnum = line[colonn_pos+1:]
numbers = float(fnum)
total = 0
for values in numbers :
if values < 1 :
total = total + values
Here below numbers output to sum :
You're setting numbers to a single float object, which is not iterable.
If you want to iterate over all of the floats that are generated by the first loop, you should create a list called "numbers" and append() every individual float to it.
numbers = []
count = 0
for line in fh :
line = line.rstrip()
total = 0
for value in numbers:
I would also point out that iterating over a list to generate a list that you iterate over again is redundant, so I'd actually change it to this:
count = 0
total = 0.0
for line in fh :
line = line.rstrip()
num = float(fnum)
if num < 1:
total += num
I'm trying to make a random number game but the condition is always false even though I added the b = input box statement
Option Explicit
dim b,a,max,min
'To randomize variable (a)
a = (Int((max-min+1)*Rnd+min))
b = inputbox("Guess a number from " & min & " to " & max)
If a = b Then
msgbox("you win")
msgbox("you died it was " & a)
End If
I expected when you guessed the right number it would say you when but it always you died the number was #
You are almost there but as has been mentioned in the comments you do not populate the variable be with a values so the comparison will always be False.
If you are expecting b to be populated by the user you could ask for input via the InputBox() function by adding one line;
Option Explicit
Dim beans, b, a, max, min
'To randomize variable (a)
max = 100
min = 1
Call Randomize()
'Enter the line below to collect input from the user.
b = InputBox("Enter a number between " & min & " and " & max & ".")
'Remember to round the number to make sure you have a whole number.
a = Round((Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd() + min)))
If (a = b) Then
Call MsgBox("You win")
Call MsgBox("You died it was " & a)
End If
You might also consider validating the input to make sure that the user enters a value between your min and max and responding accordingly if the value is invalid.
This matches 1 - 10.
Num = Int((10 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
If CInt(Inputbox("Enter Number")) = Num Then
Msgbox "match"
Msgbox "Nope it was " & Num
End If
The formula from help is Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound). See http://download.microsoft.com/download/winscript56/Install/5.6/W982KMeXP/EN-US/scrdoc56en.exe.
I am having a problem in really simple program. My problem is that i lose value (y = 50 or 100 or 150) because at that time first condition is not valid. so how can i repeat loop for let say y = 50. (i don't want to use '=' e.g y< = (50+increment) because this is just a dummy program.
increment = 0
b = 1
var = 0
for y in range(1,1000):
if y>= increment and y< (50+increment):
print(f'{y} in List {b}')
var = y
increment += 50
Not sure if this is possible:
myString = 313233
counter = Len(myString)
Do while counter > 0
position = 1
take = 2
response.write (" counter:" & counter)
first_two = Mid(myString, position, take)
response.write (" Each loop:" & first_two)
position = position + 2
counter = counter - 2
Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong please? or is this possible via different method?
The code above is running once and returning: 31 not 31 32 33
UPDATE: Realized my error shortly after but now position won't increment to give to move up the variable
You set the position variable to 1 at the start of the Do loop. As it stands whenever Mid() is called it is passed position = 1 which will return 31.
Fix this by moving it outside the loop so position can increment.
myString = 313233
counter = Len(myString)
'Set before start of loop
position = 1
take = 2
Do while counter > 0
response.write (" counter:" & counter)
first_two = Mid(myString, position, take)
response.write (" Each loop:" & first_two)
'Use take variable so increment is always the same.
position = position + take
counter = counter - take
Code untested
Recently I am trying to get the permutation of undetermined number of variables. For undetermined I mean I was aiming to create an input box for users to put in the number.
Start from simple. Originally I was aiming to get a 4 digits permutations with each digit have different number of variables, i.e. 1st digit can only be A,B,C,D; 2nd digit be E,F; 3rd digit be G, H etc. Code are below:
Sub Permut()
Count = 1
For a = 1 To 4
For b = 1 To 2
For c = 1 To 2
For d = 1 To 2
For e = 1 To 2
'chr(97) is the alphabet "a"
Cells(Count, 1) = Chr(96 + a) & Chr(96 + Len(a) + b) & Chr(96 + Len(a) + Len(b) + c) & _
Chr(96 + Len(a) + Len(b) + Len(c) + d) & Chr(96 + Len(a) + Len(b) + Len(c) + Len(d) + e)
Count = Count + 1
End Sub
This will give you 64 different combinations without repetition.
Just wondering is there a way to generalize this process so that people can choose how many variables in total as well as within each digit?
Thank you.
Here is a solution, where you would pass the Permut function the minimum value for each of the characters (digits) as one string, and the maximum characters also as a string. Both strings should have an equal number of characters of course:
Function Permut(min, max)
Dim str, nxt, count
str = min
count = 1
Do While str < max
Cells(count, 1) = str
count = count + 1
nxt = ""
For i = Len(str) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(str, i, 1) < Mid(max, i, 1) Then
nxt = ChrW(AscW(Mid(str, i, 1))+1) & nxt
Exit For
End If
nxt = Mid(min, i, 1) & nxt
str = Left(str, Len(str) - Len(nxt)) & nxt
Cells(count, 1) = str
End Sub
You would call it like this:
Permut "abc", "bcf"
That example would produce this list on your sheet:
How to Execute This with User Input and Button Click
If you want to call this code in response to an event, such as a button click, and want to pass it the contents of two cells where the user would first enter the min and max strings, then follow these steps:
Place an ActiveX command button on your sheet (put it somewhere in D1 to leave room for some other stuff)
Double click it to generate the empty click event handler. If that does not work, go to the code window and select the name of the button from the drop-down at the top of the window, and select Click from the next drop down.
Complete the code of that event handler as follows (I assume the button is called CommandButton1, but don't change the generated name):
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Permut Range("B1"), Range("C1")
End Sub
This code assumes the user has to enter the min and max digits/characters in cells B1 and C1. The A column is of course reserved for the output of the code.
For a more complete explanation on how to add a command button and attach code to its click event, read "Add a command button (ActiveX control)" in the Office manual.
credit to the answer from trincot above.
I have tried to run the code with a bit modification coz I am not sure how to get set value into cells (0,1). It keeps saying error. But If I change the starting point to Cells(1,1) then I will miss the last permutation. So I just add an additional if statement to get the code work as I want.
Function Permut(min, max)
Dim str, nxt, count
str = min
count = 1
Do While str < max
Cells(count, 1) = str
count = count + 1
nxt = ""
For i = Len(str) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(str, i, 1) < Mid(max, i, 1) Then
'asc("a")=97; chr(97) ="a"
nxt = Chr(AscW(Mid(str, i, 1)) + 1) & nxt
Exit For
End If
nxt = Mid(min, i, 1) & nxt
str = Left(str, Len(str) - Len(nxt)) & nxt
If str = max Then
Cells(count, 1) = str
End If
End Function