Create or generate xfce configuration before user log in in xfce - xfce

I initialize a vm with vagrant and want to configure different keyboard shortcuts before the user login in xfce.
The shortcut is created but after user login in xfce .config files are overriden and shortcut does not exist
# shortcut does not exist yet
$ vagrant ssh -c "xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -p '/commands/custom/<Super>t'"
Eigenschaft »/commands/custom/<Super>t« ist für den Kanal »xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts« nicht vorhanden.
# create shortcut
$ vagrant ssh -c "xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -p '/commands/custom/<Super>t' --create -v -t string -s 'exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator'"
# shortcut exists
$ vagrant ssh -c "xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -p '/commands/custom/<Super>t'"
exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator
# user login in xfce
# .config files are overriden and shortcut does not exist
$ vagrant ssh -c "xfconf-query -c xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts -p '/commands/custom/<Super>t'"
Eigenschaft »/commands/custom/<Super>t« ist für den Kanal »xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts« nicht vorhanden.


Empty ssh invitation (no "user#host:~$") when run command after connect (sh script, sshpass)

Client OS: MacOS 12.1, Server OS: Linux Debian 9 (any server)
case 1:
sshpass -p mypass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
works fine:
case 2:
sshpass -p mypass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "cd /var/www ; git status ; /bin/bash"
Output of "git status" works fine, but
no "user#host:~$" message in output (input is active).
I tried:
bash -l
(in server "echo $SHELL" shows /bin/bash)
How to fix it?
Use ssh -t and && inside commands list
sshpass -p mypass ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "cd /var/www && git status && /bin/bash"

Installing brew from macOS app's pre/postinstall script

In my's preinstall script I was able to install brew from a modified version of brew's that removed the sudo check:
if brew ls --versions wget > /dev/null; then
# The package is installed
osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to display dialog "The package is installed"'
# The package is not installed
osascript -e 'tell app "Finder" to display dialog "The package is not installed"'
/usr/bin/su root -c ./
exit 0
This is the line I removed from brew's to get this to work:
if [[ "${EUID:-${UID}}" == "0" ]]; then
I don't know what "${EUID:-${UID}}" is exactly.
This is what I've tried so far unsuccessfully instead of using su root:
# /bin/bash -c ./
# sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a $USER -t user admin
# sudo /usr/bin/su $USER -c ./
# /usr/bin/su ladmin -c ./
# nohup /usr/bin/su $USER -c /bin/bash -c ./ &
Notably trying to add $USER to admin group from here:
Any ideas/solutions?
You can install Brew without root by using the "untar install" option for brew:
Why brew installation needs sudo access?
See Brew docs here:
If Brew is still blocking for root reasons you can modify Library/Homebrew/bin/ to remove the root check and then from postinstall, rm the existing and replace if with your copy that you added in's Script's Addition Resources:

How to create a tunnel after ssh to remote machine using private key using bash script

I have a server where i will be logging into the server from my local machine and create a tunnel.
I have a bash script which is not creating tunnel
sshpass -p ${1} ssh ${2}#${3}
ssh -L <port1>:<host>:80 -i /home/<user>/private_key <user_ID>#<host2>
Result i am getting -
sh pwd username remotehost
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-145-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
* Management:
* Support:
144 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.
New release '18.04.2 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
*** System restart required ***
Last login: Thu May 30 09:36:36 2019 from remotehost
Script is not doing tunneling.
Also it should do $bash
How to ssh to remote and create tunnel from that remote machine and keep the tunnel alive?
Probably you are in fact creating the tunnel, you should check if
ss -lptn | awk '{ print $4 }' | awk -F ':' '{ print $2 }' | sed -e '/<port1>/!d'
Is returning something when the ssh console is opened, if true you have a tunnel.
(May there is a better way to do this check but I didn't know very well awk)
If you want the tunnel to be persistent may you execute it inside tmux/screen or run nohup <tunnel_command> &
It's important to note that name will be dns resolved by the remote host also.
Solved the issue - sshpass -p ${1} ssh -t ${2}#${3} 'ssh -L '${4}':'${5}':'${6}' -i /home/_key '${2}'#'${7}''

Need to run chromium as normal user from root script

I have a kiosk that shuts down every day using rtcwake, and this uses root user. I've used && to execute the boot script after rtcwake completes, however it then starts the browser as root causing problems.
This is the command I use:
echo debian | sudo -S rtcwake -m mem -u -t $(date +%s -d '3 days 7:45') && sudo -u debian -i bash $HOME/kiosk/bin/ &.
The sudo command does work to some extent. It calls the debian user, and executes the correct script, however, it still screws up my chromium preferences.
Here is the startup script:
echo debian | sudo -S hwclock -w
export HOME=/home/debian
#log boot time
echo "Booting at" $(date) >> $HOME/kiosk/bin/logs/boot.log
#echo debian | sudo -S service connman restart
echo debian | sudo -S at 15:30 -f $HOME/kiosk/bin/
crontab -u debian crontab.txt
bash $HOME/
#sudo -i -u debian
#start kiosk
export DISPLAY=:0
chromium-browser --kiosk --disable-gpu
http://localhost/kiosk/Client/main.html &
#update ip
bash /home/debian/ &
I'm wondering what could be causing chrome to be executed as root. I have no idea what is going wrong.
If you execute a command with sudo it will not change environment variables like $HOME. Since per user settings are stored in $HOME, this affects the executed program if it needs such configuration files. Check this for example:
sudo -u debian bash -c 'echo $HOME'
It will print the home folder of the calling user, not the home folder of the user specified trough -u. The sudo command supports the -H command line option to handle this, however if it works depends on the security police in use.
As a solution you can use the su command instead of sudo in this case:
... && su debian -c chromium
Since su itself is executed by root you won't be asked for the password.
You must enter a password to log into a new user shell.
The command needs to be modified as follows:
echo debian | sudo -S rtcwake -m mem -u -t $(date +%s -d '3 days 7:45') && echo debian | sudo -S -u debian -i bash $HOME/kiosk/bin/ &
This avoids needing a password to log in as normal Debian user, and executes the script.

Using ssh-agent with docker on macOS

I would like to use ssh-agent to forward my keys into the docker image and pull from a private github repo.
I am using a slightly modified version of with boot2docker on Yosemite.
ssh-add -l
...key details
boot2docker up
Then I use the command which I have seen in a number of places (i.e.
docker run --rm -t -i -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent my_image /bin/bash
However it doesn't seem to work:
root#299212f6fee3:/# ssh-add -l
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
root#299212f6fee3:/# eval `ssh-agent -s`
Agent pid 19
root#299212f6fee3:/# ssh-add -l
The agent has no identities.
root#299212f6fee3:/# ssh
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).
Since version, docker for macOS allows users to access the host’s SSH agent inside containers.
Here's an example command that let's you do it:
docker run --rm -it \
-v /run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock:/ssh-agent \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/ssh-agent" \
Note that you have to mount the specific path (/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock) instead of the path contained in $SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable, like you would do on linux hosts.
A one-liner:
Here’s how to set it up on Ubuntu 16 running a Debian Jessie image:
docker run --rm -it --name container_name \
-v $(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK):$(dirname $SSH_AUTH_SOCK) \
I expanded on #wilwilson's answer, and created a script that will setup agent forwarding in an OSX boot2docker environment.
# Use a unique ssh socket name per-invocation of this script
# ssh into boot2docker with agent forwarding
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_boot2docker \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
-o IdentitiesOnly=yes \
-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
-o LogLevel=quiet \
-p 2022 docker#localhost \
-A -M -S $SSH_SOCK -f -n \
tail -f /dev/null
# get the agent socket path from the boot2docker vm
B2D_AGENT_SOCK=$(ssh -S $SSH_SOCK docker#localhost echo \$SSH_AUTH_SOCK)
# mount the socket (from the boot2docker vm) onto the docker container
# and set the ssh agent environment variable so ssh tools pick it up
docker run \
-v $B2D_AGENT_SOCK:/ssh-agent \
-e "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent" \
# we're done; kill off the boot2docker ssh agent
ssh -S $SSH_SOCK -O exit docker#localhost
Stick it in ~/bin/docker-run-ssh, chmod +x it, and use docker-run-ssh instead of docker run.
I ran into a similar issue, and was able to make things pretty seamless by using ssh in master mode with a control socket and wrapping it all in a script like this:
ssh -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key -p 2222 -A -M -S ssh.socket -f docker# tail -f /dev/null
HOST_SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$(ssh -S ssh.socket docker# env | grep "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" | cut -f 2 -d =)
docker run -v $HOST_SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent \
-e "SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent" \
-t hello-world "$#"
ssh -S ssh.socket -O exit docker#
Not the prettiest thing in the universe, but much better than manually keeping an SSH session open IMO.
For me accessing ssh-agent to forward keys worked on OSX Mavericks and docker 1.5 as follows:
ssh into the boot2docker VM with boot2docker ssh -A. Don't forget to use option -A which enables forwarding of the authentication agent connection.
Inside the boot2docker ssh session:
docker#boot2docker:~$ echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
This session must be left open. Take note of the value of the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environmental variable.
In another OS X terminal issue the docker run command with the SSH_AUTH_SOCK value from step 2 as follows:
docker run --rm -t -i \
-v /tmp/ssh-BRLb99Y69U/agent.7750:/ssh-agent \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent my_image /bin/bash
root#600d0e9b443d:/# ssh-add -l
2048 6c:8e:82:08:74:33:78:61:f9:9a:74:1b:65:46:be:eb
/Users/dev/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
I don't really like the fact that I have to keep a boot2docker ssh session open to make this work, but until a better solution is found, this at least worked for me.
Socket forwarding doesn't work on OS X yet. Here is a variation of #henrjk answer brought into 2019 using Docker for Mac instead of boot2docker which is now obsolete.
First run a ssh server in the container, with /tmp being on the exportable volume. Like this
docker run -v tmp:/tmp -v \
${HOME}/.ssh/ \
-d -p 2222:22 arvindr226/alpine-ssh
Then ssh into this container with agent forwarding
ssh -A -p 2222 root#localhost
Inside of that ssh session find out the current socket for ssh-agent
3f53fa1f5452:~# echo $SSH_AUTH_SOCK
Now you can run your real container. Just make sure to replace the value of SSH_AUTH_SOCK below, with the value you got in the step above
docker run -it -v tmp:/tmp \
-e SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-9zjJcSa3DM/agent.7 \
By default, boot2docker shares only files under /Users. SSH_AUTH_SOCK is probably under /tmp so the -v mounts the agent of the VM, not the one from your mac.
If you setup your VirtualBox to share /tmp, it should be working.
Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.
This error occurs when $SSH_AUTH_SOCK env var is set incorrectly on the host or not set at all. There are various workarounds you could try. My suggestion, however, is to dual-boot Linux and macOS.
Additional resources:
Using SSH keys inside docker container - Related Question
SSH and docker-compose - Blog post
Build secrets and SSH forwarding in Docker 18.09 - Blog post
