How to trigger a script when I see that I get a SNMP Set packet - snmp

I have a something that is sending an SNMP set command to my server. I can see the packet in wireshark, and I know that I'm getting the packet. Once I get this packet I need to decode it and do an operation (using a script). I can't believe I am the first person that needs to do this, but have googled for hours and found no one else in this use case. I've seen utilities that allow me to use a get snmp, but as the set doesn't actually set anything on my server, there is no way to get it. It doesn't seem traps are helpful as that seems to find the message, as its not labeled a trap. Is there a way to convert the set to a trap once my server gets it, or is there a better method. My server is windows, but if I have to create a linux VM to make this easier I'm all ears. As of now I'm thinking powershell, but if there is an easy way in go, c#, etc I would totally do it.
I am attempting to get a SNMP SET to and use that as a trigger for running a script.

You are 100% correct in that you are not the first person to ask this question. The answer depends on which SNMP agent you have deployed. Many people have had success with Net SNMP and if you want to invoke a shell script from the SNMP agent, see this tutorial. Good luck with your project.

I ended up using pythons pysnmp to build an agent that would recieve the set/get requests. I had to compile my own MIBs for the PDU I was emulating, but got the job done. I also looked into Net SNMP, but I'm more familiar with python and found many helpful examples and good documentation.
I would like to flatten my use case, but at the moment I have two scripts, one that is the agent using pysnmp and one that will do a get request to see what the value is and set off a ssh script. I wish I could hook into the snmp set function, like when the var is written, but for now I have working setup. If anyone wants me to post my code I can.
Copied a lot of code from the second example here:
Learned about MIB compiling and used the tool. Looks like if you don't provide the proper file the old host server might be compromised and it downloads a file be careful.


How would I build a game that allowed players to write their engines with resource constraints in Ruby?

I want to copy the Scribd developers challenge, but build it using the Gosu framework in ruby. I know how to do most of it, except I'm not 100% sure how to do the following. I'd like a few ideas on the best way to approach this.
Other people (students) will be able to check their ruby code into the repo and I'd like to eventually run all the different bots against each other to determine a winner. Here are my questions about how I would do this.
There is a time limit and ram usage limit. How would you enforce this. Essentially, what I think I want to do is have the game class have a board representation, and then call each engine's main method and pass it in the game board. The method then should return a move. If it doesn't return a move in the time limit, then we move on to the next move. Also, there should be a ram limit such that they can't just iterate over all possibilities and store them in memory and essentially store all the states in the game.
Specifically, how can I spawn a process I can monitor and kill in ruby?
Time and RAM are concerns, sure, but the greater concern is security. Running arbitrary user code on your server invites attacks. What's to prevent a user from uploading code that monkey-patches your app code in order to cheat, or send spam from your server, or break things with FileUtils.rm_rf(__dir__) or while { fork }?
To run user code safely, you must run it in a sandbox. But I'll get back to that.
The simplest way to start (and solve the time/RAM problem) will be to...
Run user code in a separate process
Mandate that the user's script must define a class (or module) with a specific name, e.g. Bot, that implements your main interface. Write a wrapper script that will take as an argument the path to a user's script and read the board data (as Marshaled data, or serialized to YAML or JSON) from $stdin. The script will then require the temporary file and pass the board data to Bot. Finally, it will take the output from Bot, marshal/serialized it, and write it to $stdout.
When a user uploads a script, your app will write it to a temporary file and run the above wrapper script (with e.g. Open3), passing it the marshaled/serialized board data on stdin, then reading and unmarshaling/deserializing the result from its stdout/stderr.
How does this solve the time/RAM problem? Well, since you're just running your wrapper script in a separate process by invoking ruby, you can lean on your OS's process-management features, thus removing the possibility of the user monkey-patching their way around those restrictions. If you google e.g. "limit process memory" along with the name of your OS you'll find lots of information. For example, for Linux this tool looks handy: timeout. With such a tool you might run e.g.:
$ timeout -t 60 -m 10000 ruby /path/to/user/script.rb
Okay, so what about security? It's a hard problem, not least because Ruby is so flexible, and so I can't just tell you "this is the solution."
One thing you could do is run all user code in a virtual machine using e.g. Docker. This would make it easy to prevent the user code from accessing your (real) filesystem or the network. (In this case it may make sense to have a simple Ruby server running on the VM that can receive scripts and board data from your app, run the scripts, and respond with the results, since your app won't be able to directly invoke ruby on the VM.)
This still leaves a lot of room for mischief, though. It mitigates the damage that can be done by FileUtils.rm_rf or while { fork }, as you can just spin up a fresh VM, but that's still an inconvenience. To prevent those entirely, you really need a sandbox that reliably keeps the user from accessing methods and modules that could be used maliciously. There's no One True Way to do this in Ruby, alas, but there are some tools and some code out there that will help you get started. Googling "Ruby sandbox" will turn up a lot. One project I've found instructive is RubyFiddle, which is open source and so its code is available on GitHub. It will point you to jruby-sandbox, which does sandboxing with JRuby because Java, unlike (MRI) Ruby, does have mature sandboxing solutions.
I hope that's helpful. Good luck!

Bash/Syslog referer Address

I have a syslog server, but I need to find out the URL that has been used to reach my server. For example I have and, both of which hit the same server, then in the conf file I will filter which URL was set and update a database field based on this value.
I have added fields to the database and using the conf file I am able to manipulate the request, but I need the referer URl. Does anyone have any idea how I can get this.
Obviously I have managed everything else, but have tried little towards this part of the task as I need to know if it is possible and my searches are bringing up results based on Curl which is not what I need. If anyone knows how I can get the URL, it would be most appreciated.
I have a device which has busybox and syslogd installed. I am able to set an address on the device for the syslog, for example But I am not able to do anymore on the device other than this.
I have for example 100 devices, 50 are type A and 50 are type B. The issue is that when using in every device as the syslog server address, when receiving the device information on the remote syslog server I am unable to differentiate whether the device is type A or type B.
I have the following solution in mind, although there may be another way to achieve this. If I create two subdomains and point them to the same address, ie and, then in theory in devices with a type A I will set the remote syslog address to and for type B, Both of these subdomains will point to, therefore the syslog information is now being received by devices of Type A and devices of Type B.
I need to now figure out how to in the syslog.conf on the remote server, find out whether the information was received by a device using or
The server does not have apache installed etc, however, in PHP for example we can use $_SERVER and normally I would be able to retrieve this information from, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']. Is there any way to do this in the syslog.conf on the remote syslog server.
As mentioned this is one solution I have in mind and it may not be the only one. Syslog is new to me and I am currently wrapping my head around this. From what I understand rather than variable or parameters, syslog uses macros. None of the macros provided seem to give me the information I need.
I know I can also set the syslog by doing say
syslogd -R
Is there anyway here I can include further information for example:
syslogd -R type=a
Then I could say use $TYPE to get the value or alternatively add a custom header with the syslog.
As you can likely tell I am racking my brains for solutions and hitting brick walls. Any solution or docs that may point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Final point would be to mention I am also looking at redirecting the syslog info to a PHP script or a C (I'll say script but I know I am wrong) in order to vet the information there and then insert into the DB.
Quite simply I need a way to differentiate by type A or type B. Hopefully this clears matters up and these are not just the ramblings of a mad man.

How to execute console applications on windows operating system from ruby installed on linux?

I am trying to run console application (say win_a.exe; which is having few command line parameters) from ruby script(say lin_r.rb) on linux. win_a.exe is interacting with windows services on windows server 2008. I want to run win_a.exe at particular point via lin_r.rb (reason is that, at this time; I am having few parameters those need to be passed to win_a.exe and get some result)
I searched online but I did not get any useful links.
One solution in my mind is:
create the NFS share on windows and map that to linux.
Linux: write parameter/command in a new file(should be created on NFS share) from lin_r.rb
Window: watchdog program(need to write this) looking for a new file. If found execute win_a.exe with parameters and write result to new out file.
Linux: Yey! Got result
Is this good approach? What do you think?
Thanks, Vipul
Your approach could be made to work, however If I were implementing this, I would use HTTP instead of NFS. Likely both computers involved already are capable of making and receiving HTTP requests, so the setup should be less than NFS.
The basic approach would be to have the linux based script make an HTTP request to the windows machine, with the parameters to the .exe specified as query parameters (if you use a GET request). On the windows side, your "watchdog" program would be a small web service that would respond to the request from the linux machine, execute the program with the specified options, and return the result.
The web service on the windows machine can use whatever technology you prefer. I would likely use Sinatra+Thin, but the choice is up to you.
Whichever approach you take, NFS based, HTTP based, or something else, you should make sure you give thought to security. That means that you should not blindly pass the arguments you receive from lin_r.rb to the win_a.exe program. You should only accept specific arguments, and you should make some effort to verify that the person making the request (or writing the file if you use NFS) is someone who you have authorized to have access.

Sending automated alerts through a XMPP server via command line? (WINDOWS)

I've spent hours trying to figure out the answer to this and just continue to come up empty handed. I've setup a XMPP server through OpenFire that is fully functional. My goal with creating the server was placing an alert system for when an event is completed on my server. For example when one of my renders is finished rendering (takes hours, sometimes days), it has the option of running a command when it's finished. This command would then run a .bat file telling a theoretical program to send a message via the broadcast plugin in OpenFire to all parties involved in the render. So it needs to be able to receive parameters such as %N for name of the render and %L for the label of it.
I've located two programs that do exactly what I'm looking to do but one does not work and from the sounds of the comments may have never worked and the second one is seemingly LINUX only. The render server is Windows as is the OpenFire server so naturally it would not work. Here are the links though so you can get an idea.
Basically the command I want to push is identical to that of the first link.
xmppalert.exe -m "%N is complete." %L#broadcast.myserver
This would broadcast to everyone in the labels Group that the named render is complete.
If anyone has any idea how to get either of the above links working, know of another way or simply have a better idea on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do please let me know. This is something that has been eating at me for 2 days now.
you can take a look at PoshXMPP which allows you to use XMPP from the Powershell.

Getting data from my program into snmpd

I guess I have missed the obvious, maybe, but I am lost for a good answer.
I am developing a stand alone program that will be running on a Linux (Ubuntu?) embedded PC inside a piece of hardware. I want it to be the "thing" SNMP talks to. Well, short of compiling in my own SNMD "daemon" code and persuading Linux to let a general user have access to port 161, I think I'll opt for Net-SNMP's snmpd. I am open to suggestions for better products to use. LGPL, BSD, MIT, licenses, please.
I am working separately on the MIB and assigning OIDs, etc. I know what vars I want to set and get, etc.
I have read and reread the stuff on making an SNMP/snmpd Agent and/or subagent. Near as I can tell, they are both compiled into snmp or linked to it as a shared library. Right?
So, how do I get that agent to talk to my sepaprate program running in a separate general user session? Is there a direct technique to use? D-Bus? ppen()? Named pipes? Shared memory? Temp files? UDP port? Something better? Or do I really want to turn my program into a .SO and let snmpd launch it? I assume at that point I'd be abe to tell snmpd where to call in to me to get/set vars. Right?
The "AgentX" protocol is a way for arbitrary applications to supply SNMP services to a running system SNMP daemon. Your application listens on some port other than 161 (typically a library will take care of the details for you), and the system snmpd will forward requests for your OIDs to your subagent. This method doesn't involve linking any code into the system snmpd.
Often an easier way is to configure the system snmpd to run a script to get or set data. The script can, if you like, use some other kind of IPC to talk to your application (such as JSON to an HTTP server, for example).
