Solana Hello World Example in Documentation Uses Deprecated Functions - solana

I am working through the hello world example and am getting an error when I compile with node. The issue is
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
SyntaxError: await is only valid in async functions and the top level bodies of modules
It appears here that the connection.confirmTransaction is deprecated. In my VS code, I see a cross through the "confirmTransaction" portion of my code indicating an error there. How can I correct the code so that I avoid this error? Should the hello_world example in the documentation be updated to reflect this?

Your code is running into two problems:
the confirmTransaction method is not fully deprecated
your code is incorrectly using JavaScript async/await
1. confirmTransaction method is not fully deprecated
The #solana/web3.js method you (and the example code from the Solana docs) are using is not a fully deprecated method. But rather, the desired parameter format changed.
NOTE: You can see the source code of the confirmTransaction method here which may help you see the difference.
So in a sense, the confirmTransaction(string_of_tx_sig) format was deprecated. The new desired parameter format should pass an object as the first parameter, with the signature field defined. Like this:
await connection.confirmTransaction({ signature: airdropSignature });
Updating your code to using this updated parameter format will get rid of the "deprecated method line through". But either way, this should not cause your code to fail like it is.
2. Incorrect usage of async/await
The specific error message you are getting is due to the improper use of JavaScript's async/await functions.
Since you did not include much of your source code, I am guessing that you are attempting to call the await connection.requestAirdrop() function out side of an async function.
Perhaps just in the normal flow of a single JavaScript function like this:
const web3 = require("#solana/web3.js");
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
// using the deprecated parameter
await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);
Attempting to run this code above will result in the specific error message you gave since the requestAirdrop is not being run inside of a async function.
You can fix code in a few different ways, either:
creating a new "named" function with the async keyword before it, adding all the code above to within that function, then running that function. or,
creating an "arrow" fucntion that does effectively the same thing as the option above
For example:
Using a "named" function:
const web3 = require("#solana/web3.js");
async function main(){
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
// using the non-deprecated parameter
await connection.confirmTransaction({ signature: airdropSignature });
// now run the "named" function
Using an "arrow" function:
const web3 = require("#solana/web3.js");
// create an run an inline "arrow" function
const runs_automatically = async () => {
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
// using the non-deprecated parameter
await connection.confirmTransaction({ signature: airdropSignature });
NOTE: We do not need to call our "arrow" function for it to execute the function's internal logic, unlike the "named" function
You can read more about arrow functions here on the Moz JavaScript docs.


Proper way to call RTK Query with no arguments (and skip options)

I would like to use the function to create selectors from cached RTK Query data, see RTK Advanced Patterns.
The documentation clearly states that if there is no query argument, you can pass undefined to select() (see the Selecting Users Data section).
However, in my case this does not work unless i trigger the query by the initiate() function. When triggering the query from the query hook on the other hand, the selector fails to retrieve the cached data.
The not working setup here is pretty simple:
export const productsApi = createApi({
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: API.ENDPOINTS.PRODUCTS }),
reducerPath: 'productsApi',
endpoints: (builder) => ({
listAllProducts: builder.query({
query: ()=>'/list',
export const { useListAllProductsQuery } = productsApi;
Then in a customHook I call the useListAllProducts hook:
const {
} = useListAllProductsQuery({skip:shouldSkip});
And finally in the selector:
export const selectProducts =; //undefined param as docs recommend
Potential Fix: (or more like a hacky workaround):
Strangely enough, I discovered that if i pass an argument (aka cacheKey) into the select function and pass that same cacheKey into the query hook, all of a sudden the stars align and everything works (although the docs state this is not necessary). So the modified code looks like:
// in selector
export const selectProducts ='products');
// in hook
const {
} = useListAllProductsQuery('products');
Im wondering if anyone can shed some wisdom on why this works, or even better can
recommend the best practice for utilizing the select function on a query with no cacheKey (since the docs seem incorrect or outdated?).
I would also like to point out, when calling select() without a parameter, a typescript warning surfaces indicating a parameter is required.
I am not certain where you think that the docs do state that you do not need an argument.
You will need to call select with the same argument as you call your hook to get a selector for that cache key - so if you call useMyQuery(), you can call select() - and if you call useMyQuery(5), you can call select(5) to get a selector for the cache key 5.
Those are individual cache entries and you will need a selector for each of those cache entries.
Also, could you clarify what exactly you mean by "not working"? Using the selector will give you only the cache entry, but not make a request - you are after all just selecting from the store. So before you used the hook or dispatched initiate, you will get an uninitiated cache entry.
I think, this can solve your problem
in component.jsx file
const state = useSelector((state: RootState)=>state);
console.log(getState(state, params));
in api.js file
export const getState = (state: RootState, params) =>;

JS: Async function with await statement results in undefined promise. What am I doing wrong? Simple example

I'm new to JS and am currently immersing myself in asynchronous functions and promises. Having quite some experience in Python and R, this is totally new for me. I read many different websites, topics and solutions for returning a value in an asynchronous function - but I can't get it to work. Below I boiled it down to a simplification of the function I wrote, designed to get information from google about a location and return it. Simple as that. I followed the advice online and tried to rewrite the following advice from Benjamin Gruenbaum on How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?.
async function foo(){
var data = await fetch("/echo/json"); // notice the await
// code here only executes _after_ the request is done
return data.json(); // data is defined
Please see my own code below. It seems to me that it I'm doing the same thing, but it still logs as PromiseĀ {<pending>}... What am I doing wrong? data should be an array. Even if I only replace my googleapi url and use fetch() and .json(), it logs as PromiseĀ {<pending>}.
async function foo() {
var data = await axios.get("");
return data;
try This way of calling async function
async function foo()
let response = await fetch(``);
let data = await response.json()
return data;
foo().then(data => console.log(data));
Can you try below code to know what is going on in the "data" you got .
This is not the solution of your problem but just you will know what you got in result

How to load JSON or see load-errors? [duplicate]

I am trying to load a GeoJSON file and to draw some graphics using it as a basis with D3 v5.
The problem is that the browser is skipping over everything included inside the d3.json() call. I tried inserting breakpoints to test but the browser skips over them and I cannot figure out why.
Code snippet below.
d3.json("/trip_animate/tripData.geojson", function(data) {
console.log("It just works"); // This never logs to console.
//...all the rest
The code continues on from the initial console.log(), but I omitted all of it since I suspect the issue is with the d3.json call itself.
The signature of d3.json has changed from D3 v4 to v5. It has been moved from the now deprecated module d3-request to the new d3-fetch module. As of v5 D3 uses the Fetch API in favor of the older XMLHttpRequest and has in turn adopted the use of Promises to handle those asynchronous requests.
The second argument to d3.json() no longer is the callback handling the request but an optional RequestInit object. d3.json() will now return a Promise you can handle in its .then() method.
Your code thus becomes:
// Code from your callback goes here...
Error handling of the call has also changed with the introduction of the Fetch API. Versions prior to v5 used the first parameter of the callback passed to d3.json() to handle errors:
d3.json(url, function(error, data) {
if (error) throw error;
// Normal handling beyond this point.
Since D3 v5 the promise returned by d3.json() will be rejected if an error is encountered. Hence, vanilla JS methods of handling those rejections can be applied:
Pass a rejection handler as the second argument to .then(onFulfilled, onRejected).
Use .catch(onRejected) to add a rejection handler to the promise.
Applying the second solution your code thus becomes
.then(function(data) {
// Code from your callback goes here...
.catch(function(error) {
// Do some error handling.
Since none of the answers helped, I had to find the solution on my own that works. I am using v4 and have to stick with it. The problem was (in my case) that d3.json worked the first time, but did not work the second or third time (with a HTML dropdown).
The idea is to use the initial function, and then simply to use a second function with
let data = await d3.json("URL");
instead of
d3.json("URL", function(data) {
Therefore, the general pattern becomes:
async function drawWordcloudGraph() {
let data = await d3.json("URL");
function initialFunction() {
d3.json("URL", function (data) {
I have tried several approaches, and only this worked. Not sure if it can be simplified, please test on your own.

Amazon IAP Plugin for Xamarin - crash when using TaskCompletionSource

I'm trying to implement a wrapper for the Amazon IAP Plugin for Xamarin. It uses an event based system in the following way:
You can initiate method calls and listen for events. Method calls initiate requests, some of which return a response. Events are asynchronous system-generated messages that are sent in response to method calls to return the requested data to you.
See more here
My goal is to wrap this event based system into some API which allows me to use the plugin with tasks, so I can use the async-await syntax. To achieve that I'm using the TaskCompletionSource like in the following example:
public async Task<bool> GetProductInfoAsync(params string[] productIds)
var iapService = AmazonIapV2Impl.Instance;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
var skus = new SkusInput { Skus = productIds.ToList() };
var requestId = iapService.GetProductData(skus).RequestId;
GetProductDataResponseDelegator delegator = null;
delegator = new GetProductDataResponseDelegator(response =>
if(response.Id == requestId) {
var result = GetResultFromResponse(response);
return await tcs.Task;
This code seems to work fine if the method gets called once, but if it gets called two times in a row the app crashes immediately and the only thing printed to the console is the following message..
[mono] Unhandled Exception:
[mono] System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[mono-rt] [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
..which kinda makes no sense at all.
So is there something obvious I'm missing here? Or could it be a bug from the plugin?
I have created a repository with the code above so you can reproduce the problem. It's my playground, so please ignore the whole structure of the project and just focus on the classes AmazonIAPService and MainActivity.
Hint 1:
The commented line //iapService.RemoveGetProductDataResponseListener(delegator.responseDelegate); causes also a crash with the same message but already at the first call of the method.
Hint 2:
The AmazonIAPService contains a commented method which uses await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1)) and solves the problem from above in a very hacky way which I really don't like.
Problem seems to be that those functions have to run asynchronously. Also mentioned here in the doc. So once you run those functions synchronously somehow they throw exception, i dont what is happening in the library but your hacky solution is the actual solution for that. If you write the function as below. it also works.
PurchaseResponseDelegator delegator = null;
delegator = new PurchaseResponseDelegator(async response =>
await Task.Run(() =>
if (response.RequestId == requestId)
var result = GetPurchaseEventHandler(response);
var sucess = taskCompletionSource.TrySetResult(result);
} );
// Register for an event
One other exception I had despite the async-await solution, somehow, it always throws exception for the line taskCompletionSource.SetResult(result); for PurchaseUpdates functions only. if i use instead this line var sucess = taskCompletionSource.TrySetResult(result); it works fine

In Jasmine derivative promises gets resolved incorrectly

I spy on get method of my rest service:
spyOn(restService, 'get').and.callFake(function () {
return deferred.promise;
The method I am trying to test is myService.getFormData() that returns a chained promise:
function getFormData() {
var getPromise = this.restService.get(endPoint, params, true);
var processedDataPromise = then(successHandle, failHandler);
return processedDataPromise;
Back to Jasmine spec, I invoke getFormData function and make assertions:
var processedDataPromise = myService.getFormData();
processedDataPromise.then(function(data) {
The Problem:
The above derivative promise (processedDataPromise) does indeed get resolved. However the 'data' passed to it is undefined. Is it anything to do with $digest cycles not doing its job in Jasmine?
Why does Jasmine not pass any data to the above derived promise.?
Further Note: The processedDataPromise is a completely new promise than the get returned promise.
It is a promise for processedData which as we can see is returned by successHandle (Definition not shown) once its parent getPromise gets resolved.
In UI everything works like a Charm.
Sorry for posting the question. The derivative promise indeed got the resolved data I was referring to. The problem was that I was incorrectly accessing the JSON data inside of successHandle.
As a result the 'successHandle' returned null and the the processedDataPromise got back undefined response.
Stupid mistake, very hard to find, but the best part is the learning and understanding of JS Promises.
