how to step into the assembly code of C/C++ of my project in Clion - clion

I know I could force step into the assembly code in debug mode if there is no corresponding source code. However, is there a way to to make Clion step by step on
the assembly code of my source files?


Visual Studio project types Makefile and Utility

I am creating a vcxproj project to build C code (UEFI) which builds with custom build steps. I need the source C and H files to display with full IntelliSense support, then when I hit F5, I want the project to build if any source file changed, then start Debug. If nothing changed, just start the Debugger. The Build just needs to run my command line commands, I do not need Visual Studio to use its C compiler and Linker. It seems the only way to build with custom steps is to set Configuration Type to either Makefile or Utility.
One problem with Makefile project is that it always builds the NMake command line even if I did not touch any files. Is there a way to configure build so that it only builds if any of the source files changed, like with Application or Dynamic Library project types?
Another problem (only with Makefile project) is that it forces IntelliSense to some C++ mode that marks all my CHAR16* L"Strings" as errors: a value type of const wchar_t* cannot be used to initialize an entry of type "CHAR16*". There are Additional Options under NMake IntelliSense menu, but no matter what I put there makes no difference. There is no documentation about what the available switches are and their effect. Is it possible to configure a Makefile project to C mode? BTW, VS2013 does not have this problem, it is only VS2019 and VS2022.
Utility project type does not have the above-mentioned problem with IntelliSense, but it always returns "build up-to-date" even when I change source files, which should set a dirty flag and cause a build. The build only starts when I select Rebuild. Is it possible to configure a Utility project to build when a source file changed?

Using Telerek Just Decompile to re-create a .NET source projectL: Unable to debug as normal

We lost some source code, so I used Telerek's Just Decompile to decompile a dll and create a C# project in Visual Studio. I changed project that referenced the dll and instead referenced the new decompiled project that I added to the solution.
When I went to debug my project, I expected to be able to step into the decompiled code. Instead, it stepped over the line of code where I expected the debugging to step into.
I discovered that if I changed my Debug options and unchecked the "Debug Just My Code" setting and then selected Debug => Windows => Modules and loaded the debug symbols for the decompiled project, I could step into the code of the decompiled project but I did not have normal debugging capabilities such as the ability to display variables values much less the ability to change code and continue.
I expected to be able to debug the decompiled project as normal. I could try to create a brand new project and copy each code file, one at a time into it to see if I could reconstruct a brand new project manually, but this would be long and tedious.
Any thoughts on what do I have to do to my decompiled project to be able to create a project that I can debug as a normal project?

Build Visual Studio Solution without Compile

Can Visual Studio build Solutions without a Compile step? I have a Pre-Build event that builds a .obj library and I just want the Visual Studio .sln to link against it. If I put a dummy Main.cpp file in the Solution, it will Compile that, then link against my Prebuild Event output. Without this dummy file though, the Linking never occurs.
I could put a Post-Build event Link in there, but the default Linking step has a lot of (Macro?) values that expand to directories that I would not want to try and mimic. I just want this VS Solution so it's easier as a link-only build script. The Pre-build event assembles some fasmg assembly sources.
Much appreciated..!
(This may be a duplicate question, but I could not find the duplicate. Will remove if so.)

How to indicate to Visual studio where third party dll source code is?

I am writing a C++/CLI for a C library. I have the source code of the library. When I launch a debug session, I can't step into the C dll, VS says that the source code is not available. So how do I tell VS where it is?
Thank you... I've tried pointing Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> Symbols to add the folder where the pdb is but it changed nothing.
Turns out I needed to copy the dll and .pdb files to the Debug folder of my C# project calling the C++/CLI dll.

Visual Studio cannot find CPPUNIT debugging database

I am using Visual Studio 2008 with CPPUNIT. I already compiled CPPUNIT and added the CPPUNIT path to Include and Library path. Currently, I can compile my program with CPPUNIT library.
However, the linker generates the following warning:
Warning 2 warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc90.pdb' was not found with
'C:\Program Files\cppunit\cppunit-1.12.1\lib\cppunitd.lib' or at
'c:\Users\hide1713\Desktop\3d_tank\cpp_pj\bin\vc90.pdb'; linking
object as if no debug info cppunitd.lib GameUnitTest
There's a cppunitd_dll.pdb file along with cppunitd.lib. How do I tell the linker where to find the CPPUNIT debug database?
Thanks all.
In your CppUnit project, be sure you have your compiler emitting a program database file that's compatible with your main project. In the CppUnit project properties window, under the Config properties / C++ / General tree, you'll see the Debug Information Format box. Select "Program Database /Zi" or whatever value exactly matches the same setting on your main project. You'll then have to recompile them both, of course.
