JPOS: Using pure java code vs Q2 to simulate acquirer and issuer? - jpos

currently I'm using jPOS to connect to our switch (payment gateway?), simulating both the acquirer and issuer. In other words, jPOS (client) will connect to the acq port on the switch (server), pack and send the iso message, switch routes it to the issuer port, which jPOS is also connected as a client, receives the request, packs and sends a response back to the switch.
I hope the above makes sense. I do have java code in place, but as it gets more complicated I've been considering using Q2 instead, but after reading through all of the Q2 documentation, I'm still unsure on a few things.
Firstly, my program will receive an HTTP POST request with all of the PORT, IP, and Transaction details. It won't know what the port is until it receives that data, so how can I create Q2 Channel-adapters, qservers, etc dynamically? Don't those files need to be predefined in the deploy folder? There will also be N number of these connections.
I would like to be able to have the issuer side open and waiting to respond automatically for any transaction, but also have the ability to modify the response for specific txns. Can that be achieved?
Thanks for any advice.

In a comment, I suggested breaking this question in 2, but meanwhile I'll answer the easy one (the number 2).
For this, you can use the ServerSimulator jPOS-EE module (see section 10.2 of jPOS-EE manual).
You can see an example configuration at


Detecting socket connection using ZeroMQ STREAM sockets

I am building a new application that receives data from a number of external devices and needs to make it available to a number of different components. ZeroMQ seems purpose-built for the "data bus" aspect of my architecture.
I recently became aware that zmq STREAM sockets can connect to native TCP sockets and send/received messages. Using zmq throughout has a lot of appeal, but I have one problem that I don't know how to get around.
One of my devices needs to be set up. That is, I connect a socket to it, send it some configuration information, then sit back and wait for it to send me data. The device also has a "reset" capability (useful in some contexts), that requires re-sending the configuration information. Doing this depends upon having visibility to the setup/tear-down stage of the socket interface. I need to know when a new connection is established, so I can send the necessary configuration messages.
It seems that zmq is purposely designed to shield me from that knowledge. Is there a way to do what I want? Or should I just use regular sockets for this interface?
Well, it turns out that reading (the right version of) the fine manual can be instructive.
When a connection is made, a zero-length message will be received by the application. Similarly, when the peer disconnects (or the connection is lost), a zero-length message will be received by the application.
I guess all that remains is to disambiguate between connect and disconnect. Still looking for advice from the community, if others have dealt with this situation before.
Following up on your own answer, I would hesitate to rely on that zero length connect/disconnect message as your whole strategy - that seems needlessly fragile. It's not clear to me from your question which end is persistent and which end needs configuration information, but I expect that one end knows it's resetting and reconnecting, and that end needs configuration information from the peer, so it should ask for it with a message when it needs it, to which the peer responds with the requested information.
If the peer does not yet have the required configuration information before it receives some other message, it could either queue up that work or it could respond back with the need for the config, and then have the rest of the network handle that need appropriately.
You shouldn't need stream/tcp sockets to make that work, it should work with more standard ZMQ socket types, you just need to build the robustness into your application rather than trying to get it for free from TCP/socket actions.
If I've missed your point, and what I'm suggesting won't work for some reason, you will have to give more specific information about your network topology for anyone else to understand what a suitable solution might be.

Dealer/Router for asynchronous client server?

Using ZeroMQ, I am building a client/server application that requires asynchronous message - at some point my server might send 2 messages in a row and then the client sends 10, or continuous exchange of messages.
Does this qualify for use of the dealer/router setup or if this is not something ZeroMQ is setup for?
ZeroMQ can out of question provide means for doing this,
yet, this is not the very case for using the original ROUTER/DEALER smart Scalable Formal Communication Pattern archetype.
Given an unspecified message ordering is required, may be fine to use PAIR/PAIR where any side may send whatever amount of messages, whenever it decides to ( there is no formal ordering pre-wired ).
Hope this helps.

How to handle global resources in Spring State Machine?

I am thinking of using Spring State Machine for a TCP client. The protocol itself is given and based on proprietary TCP messages with message id and length field. The client sets up a TCP connection to the server, sends a message and always waits for the response before sending the next message. In each state, only certain responses are allowed. Multiple clients must run in parallel.
Now I have the following questions related to Spring State machine.
1) During the initial transition from disconnected to connected the client sets up a connection via How can I make this socket (or the DataOutputStream and BufferedReader objects got from the socket) available to the actions of the other transitions?
In this sense, the socket would be some kind of global resource of the state machine. The only way I have seen so far would be to put it in the message headers. But this does not look very natural.
2) Which runtime environment do I need for Spring State Machine?
Is a JVM enough or do I need Tomcat?
Is it thread-safe?
Thanks, Wolfgang
There's nothing wrong using event headers but those are not really global resources as header exists only for duration of a event processing. I'd try to add needed objects into an machine's extended state which is then available for all actions.
You need just JVM. On default machine execution is synchronous so there should not be any threading issues. Docs have notes if you want to replace underlying executor asynchronous(this is usually done if multiple concurrent regions are used).

Web Notifications (HTML5) - How it works?

I'm trying to understand whether the HTML5 Web Notifications API can help me out, but I'm falling short in understanding how it works.
I'd like user_a to be able to send user_b a message within my webapp.
I'd like user_b to receive a notification of this.
Can the web notifications API help here? Does it let me specifically target a user (rather than notify everyone the site has been updated_? I can't see how I would create an alert for one person.
Can anyone help me understand a little more?
The notifications API is client side, so it needs to get events from another client-side technology. Here, read THIS: Just kidding. is probably the best way to go here, you can emit events to one or all clients (broadcast). That's a push scenario. Or each user could be pulling their notifications from the server.
HTML5 Web Notifications API gives you ability to display desktop notifications that your application has generated.
What you are trying to achieve is a different thing and web notification is just a part of your scenario.
Depending upon how you are managing your application, for chat and messaging purpose as humbolight mentioned, you should look into node.js. it will provide you the necessary back-end to manage sending and receiving messages between users.
To notify a user that (s)he has received a message, you can opt for ajax polling on client side.
Simply create a javascript that pings the server every x seconds and checks if there is any notification or new message available for this user.
If response is successful, then you can use HTML5 notification API to show a message to user that (s)he has a new message.
The main problem with long polling is server load, and bandwidth usage even when there are no messages, and if number of users are in thousands then you can expect your server always busy responding to poll calls.
An alternate is to use Server Sent Events API, where you send a request to server and then server PUSHES the notifications/messages to the client as soon as they are available.
This reduces the unnecessary client->server polling and seems much better option in your case.
To get started you can check a good tutorial at
What you're looking for is WebSocket. It's the technology that allows a client (browser) to open a persistent connection to the server and receive data from it at the server's whim, rather than having to "poll" the server to see if there's anything new.
Other answers here have already mentioned node.js, but Node is simply one (though arguably the best) option for implementing websockets on your server. You might also be comfortable with Ratchet, which is a websocket server library for PHP, or Tornado which is in Python.
How you handle your real-time communication is up to you. Websockets are merely the underlying technology that you can use to pass data back and forth. The client side of this will be fairly easy, but on the server side, you'll need a mechanism for websocket handlers to get information from each other. Look at tools like ZeroMQ for handling queues, and Memcached or Redis to handle large swaths of data which don't need to be stored permanently.

Biztalk Send Port Group and Filtering

So the model I need for my solution is as follows:
I need to poll the database and based on a result, create a request to the database for more data, get the response and pass it to a group of ports, for which based on a promoted property, only one of the ports will act.
It looks like this:
However, if you assign "Temp Out" to a send port group, the message is sent to all the ports in the group, irregardless of the filters set on each port. From my understanding, this is expected behavior (read here).
So I explored other options such as using Content Based Routing (CBR sample) like in the SDK. You can view this here.
I tried this and completely removed the orchestration (its really not needed). However, there are major routing/subscription errors, and upon further research, it appears that you can't do this if you have solicit-response ports. Some articles on that here. I pretty much have the same issue this user does.
In the end it doesn't matter to me whether I use an orchestration or not. However, I need a solution in which I can pass the message to multiple send ports, and I can have only one actually use the message and send. This is needed so that I can edit and add ports easily without having to modify anything else or hard code decisions into the orchestration.
You can use Direct Binding on the orchestration's send port to inject the message back into the message box db. Using multiple port groups, each port group can then directly subscribe to the desired message type and filter on promoted properties.
I found that the CBR example model does indeed work. The problem with routing were the subscriptions. If I was to subscribe a send port to a solicit-response port, I had to set the BTS.SPName (Send Port Name) filter instead of the BTS.ReceivePort filter. By doing this, the message was correctly filter through. You're answer would have worked too, but it requires using an orchestration which I was trying to avoid.
