Counting all the 5 from a specific range in Bash - bash

I want to count how many times the digit "5" appears from the range 1 to 4321. For example, the number 5 appears 1 or the number 555, 5 would appear 3 times etc.
Here is my code so far, however, the results are 0, and they are supposed to be 1262.
typeset -i count5=0
for n in {1..4321}; do
echo ${n}
done | \
while read -n1 digit ; do
if [ `echo "${digit}" | grep 5` ] ; then
done | echo "${count5}"
P.s. I am looking to fix my code so it can print the right output. I do not want a completely different solution or a shortcut.

What about something like this
seq 4321 | tr -Cd 5 | wc -c
Creates the sequence, delete everything but 5's and count the chars

The main problem here is With minimal changes, your code could be refactored to
typeset -i count5=0
for n in {1..4321}; do
echo $n # braces around ${n} provide no benefit
done | # no backslash required here; fix weird indentation
while read -n1 digit ; do
# prefer modern command substitution syntax over backticks
if [ $(echo "${digit}" | grep 5) ] ; then
echo "${count5}" # variable will not persist outside subprocess
done | head -n 1 # so instead just print the last one after the loop
With some common antipatterns removed, this reduces to
printf '%s\n' {1..4321} |
grep 5 |
wc -l
A more efficient and elegant way to do the same is simply
printf '%s\n' {1..4321} | grep -c 5

One primary issue:
each time results are sent to a pipe said pipe starts a new subshell; in bash any variables set in the subshell are 'lost' when the subshell exits; net result is even if you're correctly incrementing count5 within a subshell you'll still end up with 0 (the starting value) when you exit from the subshell
Making minimal changes to OP's current code:
while read -n1 digit ; do
if [ `echo "${digit}" | grep 5` ]; then
done < <(for n in {1..4321}; do echo ${n}; done)
echo "${count5}"
NOTE: there are a couple performance related issues with this method of coding but since OP has explicitly asked to a) 'fix' the current code and b) not provide any shortcuts ... we'll leave the performance fixes for another day ...

A simpler way to get the number for a certain n would be
nx=${n//[^5]/} # Remove all non-5 characters
count5=${#nx} # Calculate the length of what is left

A simpler method in pure bash could be:
printf -v seq '%s' {1..4321} # print the sequence into the variable seq
fives=${seq//[!5]} # delete all characters but 5s
count5=${#fives} # length of the string is the count of 5s
echo $count5 # print it
Or, using standard utilities tr and wc
printf '%s' {1..4321} | tr -dc 5 | wc -c

Or using awk:
awk 'BEGIN { for(i=1;i<=4321;i++) {$0=i; x=x+gsub("5",""); } print x} '


Find the occurrences of an element in array

arr=(7793 7793123 7793 37793 3214)
I'd like to find the occurrence of 7793. I tried: grep -o '7793' <<< $arr | wc -l
However, this also counts other elements that contain 7793 (e.g. 7793123, 37793)
printf '%s\n' "${arr[#]}" | grep -c '^7793$'
printf prints each item of the array on a new line
grep -c '^7793$' uses the start and end anchors to match 7793 exactly and outputs the count
With GNU grep (note the correct counting of elements containing newlines, refer to documentation for a description of options used):
arr=(7793 7793123 7793 37793 3214 7793$'\n'7793)
printf '%s\0' "${arr[#]}" | grep --null-data -cFxe 7793
This works because variables in bash cannot contain the NUL character.
You can use regex in this case
grep -e ^7793$
To make a bash script efficient (from CPU/memory consumption point of view), whenever possible, avoid running sub-shells and programs. Hence, instead of using grep or any other program, here we have the choice of using a simple loop with variable comparison and arithmetic:
arr=(7793 7793123 7793 37793 3214)
for i in "${arr[#]}"
do if [ "$i" = "$key" ]
then count=$((count+1))
echo $count

How to get all characters except the last one in a bash script?

I have a text file which contains filenames and labels to this files
Example String:
0-3081031014094495-0.png 0
I am using this command to iterate over the text file and get last char.
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo $line | tail -c 2
done <$PWD/$i/caffe/test.txt
I also want to get everything before the last char.
Something like echo $line | head -c -2 which I interpret as:
start from the beginning and get everything until the two last chars
Thank you for so many really fast answers. Something I did not mention in the original question was that I am using a mac. I thought it would not matter, but trying some of your answers I realized that it matters.
For example using negative substrings is not supported on mac.
James Brown solution was the first which worked for me, so thats why I accepted his answer.
To get everything before the last char in bash:
$ foo="0-3081031014094495-0.png 0"
$ echo ${foo%?}
From :
Deletes shortest match of $substring from back of $string.
from man head and man tail
# head
-c, --bytes=[-]K
print the first K bytes of each file; with the leading `-', print all but the last K bytes of each file
# tail
-c, --bytes=K
output the last K bytes; alternatively, use -c +K to output bytes starting with the Kth of each file
$ tail -c -2 <<< 'hello world!'
$ head -c -2 <<< 'hello world!'; echo
hello world
However last char and all except last char can be obtain more efficiently with shell expansion
$ line='hello world!'
$ echo "${line:${#line}-1}"
$ echo "${line:0:${#line}-1}"
If your input is space separated and the file names cannot contain spaces, read by itself is sufficient.
while read -r filename label; do
printf "filename: %s label: %s\n" "$filename" "$label"
done <"$PWD/$i/caffe/test.txt"
The simplest solution would be to use rev(1), i.e.:
$ echo "$line" | rev | cut -c 1 | rev
You can also pass line length to cut, i.e.:
$ echo "$line" | cut -c ${#line}
Or to cut few last chars:
$ echo "$line" | cut -c $((${#line} - 2))-
g 0

Find number of files with prefixes in bash

I've been trying to count all files with a specific prefix and then if the number of files with the prefix does not match the number 5 I want to print the prefix.
To achieve this, I wrote the following bash script:
for filename in $(ls); do
name=$(echo $filename | cut -f 1 -d '.')
num=$(ls $name* | wc -l)
if [$num != 5]; then
echo $name
But I get this error (repeatedly):
./ line 5: [1: command not found
Thank you!
The if statement takes a command, runs it, and checks its exit status. Left bracket ([) by itself is a command, but you wrote [$num. The shell expands $num to 1, creating the word [1, which is not a command.
if [ $num != 5 ]; then
Your code loops over file names, not prefixes; so if there are three file names with a particular prefix, you will get three warnings, instead of one.
Try this instead:
# Avoid pesky ls
printf '%s\n' * |
# Trim to just prefixes
cut -d . -f 1 |
# Reduce to unique
sort -u |
while IFS='' read -r prefix; do
# Pay attention to quoting
num=$(printf . "$prefix"* | wc -c)
# Pay attention to spaces
if [ "$num" -ne 5 ]; then
printf '%s\n' "$prefix"
Personally, I'd prefer case over the clunky if here, but it takes some getting used to.

Bash piping command output into sum loop

Getting into bash, I love it, but it seems there are lots of subtleties that end up making a big difference in functionality, and whatnot, anyway here is my question:
I know this works:
for i in $(grep number some.txt | cut -d " " -f 1); do
(( total+=i ))
But why doesn't this?:
grep number some.txt | cut -d " " -f 1 | while read i; do (( total+=i )); done
1 number
2 number
50 number
both the for and the while loop receive 1, 2, and 50 separately, but the for loop shows the total variable being 53 in the end, while in the while loop code, it just stays in zero. I know there's some fundamental knowledge I'm lacking here, please help me.
I also don't get the differences in piping, for example
If I run
grep number some.txt | cut -d " " -f 1 | while read i; echo "-> $i"; done
I get the expected output
-> 1
-> 2
-> 50
But if run like so
while read i; echo "-> $i"; done <<< $(grep number some.txt | cut -d " " -f 1)
then the output changes to
-> 1 2 50
This seems weird to me since grep outputs the result in separate lines. As if this wasn't ambiguous, if I had a file with only numbers 1 2 3 in separate lines, and I ran
while read i; echo "-> $i"; done < someother.txt
Then the output would be printed by the echo in different lines, as expected in the previous example. I know < is for files and <<< for command outputs, but why does that line difference exist?
Anyways, I was hoping someone could shed some light on the matter, thank you for your time!
grep number some.txt | cut -d " " -f 1 | while read i; do (( total+=i )); done
Each command in a pipeline is run in a subshell. That means when you put the while read loop in a pipeline any variable assignments are lost.
See: BashFAQ 024 - "I set variables in a loop that's in a pipeline. Why do they disappear after the loop terminates? Or, why can't I pipe data to read?"
while read i; do echo "-> $i"; done <<< "$(grep number some.txt | cut -d " " -f 1)"
To preserve grep's newlines, add double quotes. Otherwise the result of $(...) is subject to word splitting which collapses all the whitespace into single spaces.

how do i verify presence of special characters in a bash password generator

Supposed to be a simple bash script, but turned into a monster. This is the 5th try. You don't even want to see the 30 line monstrosity that was attempt #4.. :)
Here's what I want to do: Script generates a random password, with $1=password length, and $2=amount of special characters present in the output.
Or at least, verify before sending to standard out, that at least 1 special character exists. I would prefer the former, but settle for the latter.
Here's my very simple 5th version of this script. It has no verification, or $2:
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [=!=][=#=][=#=][=$=][=%=][=^=][:alnum:] | head -c $1
This works just fine, and it's a sufficiently secure password with Usage:
$ passgen 12
But it, of course, doesn't always print special characters, and it's become an obsession for me now to be able to allow selection of how many special characters are present in the output. It's not as easy as I thought.
Make sense?
By the way, I don't mind a complete rework of the code, I'd be very interested to see some creative solutions!
(By the way: I've tried to pipe it into egrep/grep in various ways, to no avail, but I have a feeling that is a possible solution...)
How about this:
while [ $HASRANDOM -eq 0 ]; do
PASS=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [=!=][=#=][=#=][=$=][=%=][=^=][:alnum:] | head -c $1`
if [[ "$PASS" =~ "[~\!#\#\$%^&\*\(\)\-\+\{\}\\\/=]{$2,}" ]]; then
echo $PASS
Supports specifying characters in the output. You could add characters in the regex though I couldn't seem to get square brackets to work even when escaping them.
You probably would want to add some kind of check to make sure it doesn't loop infinitely (though it never went that far for me but I didn't ask for too many special characters either)
Checking for special characters is easy:
echo "$pass" | grep -q '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'
Like this:
while [ 1 ]; do
pass=`cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [=!=][=#=][=#=][=$=][=%=][=^=][:alnum:] | head -c $1`
if echo "$pass" | grep -q '[^a-zA-Z0-9]'; then
And finally:
normal=$(($1 - $2))
for ((i=1; i <= $normal; i++)); do
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [:alnum:] | head -c 1
for ((i=1; i <= $2; i++)); do
cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc [=!=][=#=][=#=][=$=][=%=][=^=] | head -c 1
) | shuf | sed -e :a -e '$!N;s/\n//;ta'
Keep it simple... Solution in awk that return the number of "special characters" in input
for (i in array) {
for (s in special) {
if (special[s] == array[i])
print tot
Example output for a2ZuQacN9M#6! is
Similar approach in bash:
while (( i++ < ${#MyString} ))
char=$(expr substr "$MyString" $i 1)
while (( n++ < ${#special} ))
s=$(expr substr "$special" $n 1)
if [[ $s == $char ]]
echo $s
You may also use a character class in parameter expansion to delete all special chars in a string and then apply some simple Bash string length math to check if there was a minimum (or exact) number of special chars in the password.
# example: delete all punctuation characters in string
echo "${str//[[:punct:]]/}"
# ... taking Cfreak's approach we could write ...
set -- 12 3
while [ $HASRANDOM -eq 0 ]; do
PASS=`cat /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc "${special_chars}[:alnum:]" | head -c $1`
#if [[ $((strlen1 - strlen2)) -eq $nchars ]]; then # set exact number of special chars
if [[ $((strlen1 - strlen2)) -ge $nchars ]]; then # set minimum number of special chars
echo "$PASS"
You can count the number of special chars using something like:
number of characters - number of non special characters
Try this:
$ # define a string
$ string='abc!d$'
$ # extract non special chars to letters
$ letters=$(echo $string | tr -dc [:alnum:] )
$ # substract the number on non special chars from total
$ echo $(( ${#string} - ${#letters} ))
The last part $(( ... )) evaluate a mathematical expression.
