How to get user multiple column in Laravel Relationship? - laravel

I am using Laravel 9, I stuck into the Relationship, I have a table called test_series_question another is test_series_responses. Every test_series_question has one row in test_series_responses. I need to select the responses available in the table. Something like WHERE question_id = '$id' AND test_id = $test_id
I have tried to to get the responses from Laravel Model
function response()
return $this->hasOne(TestSeriesResponse::class, 'question_id', 'id');
It's working fine, But There is a one column named test_id and if I dont compare test_id It'll return previously submitted responses which match the question_id id not the test_id
I have two questions
Can I put a parameter into function response() in Model from controller?
How can I achive the thing, Please help me out.
Here is the Controller code:
function testOngoing($test_id, $history_id)
$test = TestSeries::find($test_id);
$history = $history_id;
$questions = TestSeriesQuestion::where('test_id', $test_id)->with('response')->paginate(1);
$data = compact('test', 'questions', 'history');
return view('test-series/test-question')->with($data);

Maybe something like
$questions = TestSeriesQuestion::with(['response' => function ($query) use ($history_id) {
$query->where('history_id', $history_id);
}])->where('test_id', $test_id)->paginate(1)


Laravel Eloquent is there a better way to write this query?

I have a typical pivot table structure like this:
id [...]
id [...]
id | user_id | location_id
I need to get the locations the current authorized user has access to, and then I need to get all the users who also have access to all of those locations.
I tried to figure out an "eloquent" way to do this, but I'm not familiar enough with it. This works, but I'm wondering if it's the best way to do it?
$locations = auth()->user()->locations(); //returns the user_location records
$locationIds = $locations->pluck('location_id');
$locationUsers = new UserLocation();
$userIds = $locationUsers->whereIn('location_id', $locationIds)->groupBy('user_id')->pluck('user_id');
$users = User::withTrashed()
->whereIn('id', $userIds)
return view('users.index')->with('users', $users);
here's the locations() relationship referenced in the code:
public function locations()
return $this->belongsToMany(Location::class, 'user_location')->withPivot('primary');
You must create a new method in the Locations model.
public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'user_location');
Then your query could look like this.
$locations = auth()->user()->locations()->with('users')->get();
$users = $locations->pluck('users');
If you need to get all users withTrashed then you should modify the first line for this.
$locations = auth()->user()->locations()->with(['users' => function ($user) {

Get only one column from relation

I have found this: Get Specific Columns Using “With()” Function in Laravel Eloquent
but nothing from there did not help.
I have users table, columns: id , name , supplier_id. Table suppliers with columns: id, name.
When I call relation from Model or use eager constraints, relation is empty. When I comment(remove) constraint select(['id']) - results are present, but with all users fields.
$query = Supplier::with(['test_staff_id_only' => function ($query) {
//$query->where('id',8); // works only for testing
// option 1
$query->select(['id']); // not working , no results in // "test_staff_id_only": []
// option 2
//$query->raw('select id from users'); // results with all fields from users table
return $query;
In Supplier model:
public function test_staff_id_only(){
return $this->hasMany(User::class,'supplier_id','id')
//option 3 - if enabled, no results in this relation
->select(['id']);// also tried: ->selectRaw(' as uid from users') and ->select('')
How can I select only id from users?
in you relation remove select(['id'])
public function test_staff_id_only(){
return $this->hasMany(User::class,'supplier_id','id');
now in your code:
$query = Supplier::with(['test_staff_id_only:id,supplier_id'])->first();
There's a pretty simple answer actually. Define your relationship as:
public function users(){
return $this->hasMany(User::class, 'supplier_id', 'id');
Now, if you call Supplier::with('users')->get(), you'll get a list of all suppliers with their users, which is close, but a bit bloated. To limit the columns returned in the relationship, use the : modifier:
$suppliersWithUserIds = Supplier::with('users:id')->get();
Now, you will have a list of Supplier models, and each $supplier->users value will only contain the ID.

Laravel firstOrCreate without Eloquent

Eloquent has a firstOrCreate method which gets a model based on a condition, or creates it if it doesn't exist.
Is there any equivalent method in Laravel's query builder (i.e. NOT in Eloquent)? For example:
$row = DB::table('users')->where('user_id', 5)->firstOrCreate('name' => 'Peter', 'last_name' => 'Pan');
That would try to get a row from users with 'user_id'==5. If it doesn't exist, it would insert a row with that id number, plus the other mentioned fields.
EDIT: I'm not trying to apply my question with users. I used users as an example to make as clear as possible what I'm looking for.
updateOrInsert function with empty values give me the result like firstOrCreate
Nope, Laravel firstOrCreate is function, that says next:
public function firstOrCreate(array $attributes, array $values = [])
if (! is_null($instance = $this->where($attributes)->first())) {
return $instance;
return tap($this->newModelInstance($attributes + $values), function ($instance) {
But you can add it with query micro:
DB::query()->macro('firstOrCreate', function (array $attributes, array $values = [])
if ($record = $this->first()) {
// return model instance
// create model instance
So than you will be able to call it same way you do with Eloquent.
$record= DB::table('records')->where('alias', $alias)->firstOrFail();
Yeah of course! Just use normal SQL and ->selectRaw( your conditions ) and look for if there is a entry where your specifications are.

Using find() in Laravel to retrieve a database object

I am working through the Laravel 4 From Scratch tutorial at Tutorial 4: Database Access describes several methods for retrieving data from a database.
One in particular I cannot get to work:
In my routes.php, I have
Route::get('/', function()
$bottle = DB::table('bottle')->find(1);
The only output is the "Whoops, looks like something went wrong." page. In the bottle table of my database, the primary key has the name bottle_ID. I would guess this has something to do with the problem, but I cannot find any information on how to change the find() parameter. So how do I use 'find' to return an object from my database?
The following code does work:
// returns everything from bottle table
$bottles = DB::table('brewery')->get();
return $bottles;
// returns all data for the bottle with an ID of 10
$bottle = DB::table('bottle')->where('bottle_ID', '=', 10)->get();
return $bottle;
// returns all ales from the database
$bottles = DB::table('bottle')->where('beer_type', '=', 'Ale')->get();
return $bottles;
When used in the query builder (DB::table()...) the find() method has the primary key column hardcoded as id:
public function find($id, $columns = array('*'))
return $this->where('id', '=', $id)->first($columns);
What you should do instead is use where() and first():
$bottle = DB::table('bottle')->where('bottle_ID', 1)->first();
Or if you decide to use Eloquent Models you can specify the key column name:
class Bottle extends Eloquent {
protected $primaryKey = 'bottle_ID';
And retrieve the model like this:
$bottle = Bottle::find(1);

codeigniter pass variable from controller to model

simple issue I presume.
My controller is getting the if to display from the url using $this->uri->segment(3). This will always be a single value. I am putting this in an array to pass to the model with:
$customerid = array(
'id' => $this->uri->segment(3)
The controller syntax is below:
function confirm_delete_customer()
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
//query model to get data results for form
I am then trying to access this array value and pass it to my model to process. If I hard code the array into the model it works as per below syntax:
Model - Manual Syntax is:
function get_customer_records_to_delete()
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('id'=>43));
return $query->result();
if I try replace this with the array from my controller it fails with error:
Undefined variable: customerid
idea of model that I want to get working:
function get_customer_records_to_delete()
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', $customerid);
return $query->result();
I have a feeling it is something small. however is this the best way to get a single record from the database in order to output to a view?
Thanks in advance for the assistance.
The best way to do that is:
function confirm_delete_customer()
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
$customerId = $this->uri->segment(3);
//Prevent SQL injections
if(!is_numeric($customerId) || empty($customerId)) {
show_error("Bad Request");
$query = $this->model_master_data->get_customer_records_to_delete($customerId);
if ($query){
and then you can simply call:
function get_customer_records_to_delete($customerId)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('id'=>$customerId));
return $query->result();
at your model.
You need to pass the value as an argument to the function so it can access it.
// now $customerid is accessible
$query = ....;
return $……;
You should heavily rely on function parameters. Grab the customer id from the controller and send it to the model. Moreover, you can use row() to get a single result from the database.
function confirm_delete_customer(){
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
//query model to get data results for form
if($query=$this->model_master_data->get_customer_records_to_delete( $customerid)) //you are sending customer id as a parameter here
function get_customer_records_to_delete($customerid)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array("id"=>$customerid)); //you are using the customer id sent from the controller here
return $query->row(); //this will return a single row
Old thread but the answer is to declare the variable as "public" in the controller (i.e. public $customerid;), in which case it'll be available to your model. In some cases it's probably safer to explicitly pass as an argument. However, when you have several variables, it's useful to have the option to declare them instead.
