I am currently building a WebSocket client and would like to test basic connectivity (connect, disconnect, reconnect).
I am looking for a WebSocket server tool/app that I can run on my desktop and test my client against it without coding it myself, is there a thing like it out there?
I have created a php websocket server, and a php websocket client, the websocket client communicate with the server using JSON format, each message means an operation to handle by the websocket server.
when running both the client and the server in localhost I can reach about 35 operations/sconds, and the same results when running both client and websocket server on the production server, but running client in locahost (my machine) with production websocket server (remote) that only results in 5 operations/seconds.
What could be the reason behind that bad performance when using remote websocket server?
Solved by changing websocket client app logic (sending messages asynchronously instead of synchronously), by using that approach we have increased the score to more than 100 operations/s.
Credits to Jérôme Richard (See the question comments)
Websockets are hailed as a bi-directional process. However, whilst there are hundreds of websocket code examples on the web, they all require a request from the client(browser) to the server to get the data (like an echo server or chat).
So far, I have not found any code which will send new data (originating at the server end) to the client via an open websocket. Ideally, I would like to use a node.js server but I'm open to alternatives. Any ideas?
I was experimenting hashicorp/yamux over gorilla/websocket, and got stuck.
I started with vanilla WebSocket using the echo example from Gorilla WebSocket project. It was very a straight forward client-server setup. Then image that the server is now behind a firewall, thus the client cannot make a direct connection to it. So I introduced a hub and an agent. The hub is supposed to be publicly visible and connectable for the client. The agent would run alongside the server, who would first make a WebSocket connection to the hub and then multiplex the connection using Yamux so that the hub can then initiate requests to the server. In this way, I effectively "exposed" the server beyond the firewall.
For normal HTTP endpoints, things are good. The client can make requests to the hub, who would proxy these requests to the agent using the WebSocket connection initiated by the hub, and then the hub would further proxy these requests to the server.
However, this trick failed to work with WebSocket endpoints. For the echo example, the client can access the HTML on / through the hub-agent-server chain, but would fail on the /echo path, which is a WebSocket endpoint.
My question is, is this WebSocker over Yamux over WebSocket fundamentally impossible, or do I just need some extra lines to get things work? Here's the code I've been experimenting with. Really appreciate your helps!
I have a server that uses websockets. It is written in Go. For testing, I have another application written in Go. To test, I start the server, then run the test client. The test client creates websocket connections to the server and does things (basically impersonating user activity). Both the client and the server are using the gorilla/websockets library, and standard browsers also work fine with the server.
This was all working beautifully.
To support non-compliant browsers, I was asked to start using the SockJS Go server library. I did this and the new version works just fine when used from a browser by clients using the SockJS library.
Now for the problem. SockJS does not accept incoming websocket connections. Only connections from the SockJS client. So my testing application doesn't work, and I'm unable to test.
I could recover the old version of my connection code from git and make a separate connection type that uses gorilla/websockets and have my server listen on an additional port that only listens on localhost. This would allow me to test the functionality. The downside is that I have to maintain two versions of essentially the same code, and I wouldn't be testing the real user experience and possibly not find bugs until production.
Ideally the SockJS server, considering it still uses gorilla/websockets as a dependency would automatically accept proper websocket connections, but barring that it seems I'd need a SockJS client library in Go which, as far as I can tell, doesn't exist.
Does anyone have a solution for this? Thanks!
I'm using node.js with the socket.io module. I have a need to disconnect a websocket client on occasion. Can I do this forcibly from the server, or does the server have to "ask" the client to disconnect?
Note. From the server I've tried socket.end() which works from the client, but not on the server side.