dbeaver connect TNS:destination host unreachable ca - oracle

Can connect to oracle database from Oracle SQL developer but cannot connect to sys as sysdb from command prompt
I wanted to connect to oracle database using dbeaver. Facing an error


While connecting to Oracle 12c DB facing error ORA-12543: TNS : destination host unreachable

I am able to connect to Oracle12C DB with with Oracle SQL Developer. but not able to connect with SQL Plus. with same credentials.
Why this is happening ?

Oracle 12c network connection issue

I face the below error when i try to connect to the database

TNS: Listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor

I am able to connect to database using sqlplus /nolog but SQL Developer throws the below error when I connect to it
here are my configuration in tnsnames.ora
and listener.ora
SQL /nolog does not connect to database.
If you are able to connect using conn then need to see parameter passed while connecting database in SQL developer
Which connection type are you using while connecting using SQL developer?
Are you having multiple oracle homes on the server if yes then check which home you are pointing to.

Oracle 11g SqlDeveloper connects to remote database but SqlPlus cannot

As the title suggests, I am trying to connect to a remote database via VPN. When I connect using SQL Developer, the connection is fine. However when I try to connect using SQLPlus I get the below error
ORA-12638: Credential retrieval failed
Enter user-name:
I am using the exact same credentials for both (cannot copy the details here as they are a clients and confidential).
Any thoughts as to why SQL Developer acts differently to SQLPlus?
Thanks in advance

Error while connecting to Oracle database from oracle SQL Developer though I've the oracle client installed

I've installed Oracle client in my machine, when I'm trying to connect to the oracle database server from Oracle SQL Developer am getting the following error:
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
But am able to connect to the server using sql plus and TOAD as well from my machine. What is the issue if Toad connects to the server why cant my Oracle sql developer could not connect??
checked all the possible solutions like:
tns strings checking, telnet to the server and its port,
changing the oracle home in the sqldeveloper->tools->preferences->database->advanced tab.
None solved my issue. Is this the firewall issue?
If it is so how am able to connect using TOAD/sql plus ??
UPDATE: I'm connecting to the Oracle database server using the VPN.
Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
