Is it possible to create a pipeline table function returning a table of a record of record - oracle

create package pa as
type ra1 is record (
one integer,
two integer
type ra2 is record (
r1 ra1,
three integer,
fore integer
type ta1 is table of ra1;
type ta2 is table of ra2;
function pa1 return ta1 pipelined;
function pa2 return ta2 pipelined; --pipelined functions must have a supported collection return type
It doesn't seem possible too create a table of a record.
I explain why I want to do that. Perhaps you a another solution.
I have a big query with a "with statement" with n part.
Some parts are reused in others queries. I could rewrite these parts as views. But views doesn't accept parameters and the what is in the where block is long.
I want to define each step like that:
function f_stepn(arg integer) return t_stepn
for c in (
select r_stepnMinus1(stepnMinus1.* ) , o.f1,o.f2
f_stepnMinus1(arg) stepnMinus1 join othertable o on .....
) loop
pipe row(c)
end loop
In the end I do this this select :
select skip(t.r_stepMinus1.r_stepMinus1.*), skip(t.r_stepMinus1.*), skip(t.*))
where skip in a polymophich function that delete the fields that are records.
the function in example in simplified. I can't do that : select r_stepnMinus1(stepnMinus1.* )
I know that I could rewrite the whole definition of r1 inside r2 but I don't want to write 2 times the same thing

A Record is a PL/SQL-only data type and CANNOT be used in SQL statements.
A pipelined function is designed to be used in SQL statements and MUST return a collection that can be used in SQL.
When you return a collection of records, Oracle will implicitly create an OBJECT data-type that reflects the attributes of the record and will return a collection of this object rather than the record (and a collection of object can be used in SQL statements).
However, an OBJECT cannot contain an attribute with a RECORD data type. So when you try to create pipelined function returning a collection of records with a nested record attribute then Oracle cannot implicitly create an Object that reflects the record as the nested record is incompatible and so creating a PIPELINED function will fail.
Use OBJECT data types created in the SQL scope (instead of records); or
Do not nest records inside records.


Can a type table of table%rowtype be indexed by some field of table%rowtype?

Why to I asked this question?
I have a table which as key that have a lot of field. Every time, I'm making a jointure, I miss a field. Therefore I have defined a pipelined function that take the key as an argument so that I am sure that I get only one element when I'm doing a jointure.
But the query take more time now. The table a has an index on some fields but not the table type used by pipelined function. I would like to know if it is possible to created a index on some fields of the table%rowtype
create table a ( a1 integer);
create package p_a
type t_a iS TABLE of a%ROWTYPE;
function f(i_a1 integer) return t_a pipelined;
FROM a t
WHERE t.a1 = i_a1;
FOR c IN c_a (i_a1)
with b as( select 1 b1 from dual) select * from b cross apply (table(p_a.f(b.b1)));
the question
I've tried to index the type table by a field of a table like this
create table a ( a1 integer);
create package p_a2
type t_a iS TABLE of a%ROWTYPE index by a.a1%type;
function f(i_a1 integer) return t_a pipelined;
PLS-00315: Implementation restriction: unsupported table index type
Is what I want to do possible. If not how to solve the performance problems mentioned in the introduction?
A TYPE is NOT a table and cannot be indexed.
When you do:
create package p_a
type t_a iS TABLE of a%ROWTYPE;
You are defining a type and the type is a collection data type; an instance of that type is NOT a physical table and but is more like an in-memory array.
When you create a PIPELINED function:
function f(i_a1 integer) return t_a pipelined;
It does NOT return a table; it returns the collection data type.
When you do:
type t_a iS TABLE of a%ROWTYPE index by a.a1%type;
You are NOT creating an index on a table; you are changing to a different collection data type that is an associative array (like a JavaScript object or a Python dictionary) that stores key-value pairs.
An associative array is a PL/SQL data type and (with limited exceptions in later versions for insert, update and delete statements) cannot be used in SQL statements.
When you do:
SELECT * FROM TABLE(p_a.f(1));
Then you are passing a collection data type to an SQL statement and the table collection expression TABLE() is treating the collection expression as if it was a table. It is still NOT a table.
If you want to use an index on the table then use the table (without a cursor or a pipeline function):
WITH b (b1) AS (
WHERE a.a1 = b.b1;
I think the first line of your question says it all: "key that have a lot of field". If I understand correctly, the table has a primary key that consists of a large number of columns and because of that writing queries becomes a challenge.
It sounds like you're trying to do something pretty complex that should not be an issue at all.
Take a step back and ask yourself - does this need to be the primary key of the table ? Or can you use a surrogate key (identity column, sequence), use that as the primary key and just create a unique index on the set of field that currently make up the primary key. It will (1) simplify your data model and (2) make writing the queries a lot easier.

Create Type based on an exiting Table

As the title said : I want to create a type in oracle based on an existing Table.
I did as follow :
create or replace type MY_NEW_TYPE as object( one_row EXISTING_TABLE%rowtype);
The Aim is to be able to use this into a function which will return a table containing sample row of the table EXISTING_TABLE :
create or replace function OUTPUT_FCT() return MY_NEW_TYPE AS
If you only need to create a function that returns a row from your table, you could try something like the following, without creating types.
create table EXISTING_TABLE( a number, b varchar2(100));
insert into EXISTING_TABLE values (1, 'one');
create or replace function OUTPUT_FCT return EXISTING_TABLE%rowtype AS
retVal EXISTING_TABLE%rowType;
select *
into retVal
where rownum = 1;
return retVal;
function call
SQL> begin
2 dbms_output.put_line(OUTPUT_FCT().a);
3 dbms_output.put_line(OUTPUT_FCT().b);
4 end;
5 /
However, I would not recommend such an approach, because things like select * can be really dangerous; I would much prefer defining a type with the fields I need, and then explicitly query my table for the needed columns.
No, you can't do that, you'll get a compilation error:
create or replace type my_new_type as object(one_row t42%rowtype);
Type MY_NEW_TYPE compiled
Errors: check compiler log
show errors
-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0/0 PL/SQL: Compilation unit analysis terminated
1/36 PLS-00329: schema-level type has illegal reference to MYSCHEMA.T42
You will need to specify each field in the object type, and you will have to specify the data types manually too - you can't use table.column%type either.
You could create the type dynamically based on column and data type information from the data dictionary, but as this will (hopefully) be a one-off task and not something you'd do at runtime, that doesn't really seem worth it.
You can create a PL/SQL table type based on your table's rowtype, but you would only be able to call a function returning that from PL/SQL, not from plain SQL - so you couldn't use it in a table collection expression for example. If you were only returning a single sample row you could return a record rather than a table, but the same applies. You can also have a function that returns a ref cursor which could match the table's structure, but you wouldn't be able to treat that as a table either.
Read more about object type creation in the documentation. Specifically the attribute and datatype sections.

Select from recursive call result in plsql

In PL\SQL, I need to return a collection type on which I can do a SELECT, but I cannot select from a table of record : PLS-00642: local collection types not allowed in SQL statements.
Long version
I have a table representing nodes of a graph and a table representing it's oriented arcs :
node_id int,
source_node_id int,
destination_node_id int
In a package, I have a recursive algorithm representing a graph traversal. It returns all the possible nodes currently visited for a condition and a number of step. It presumes that we can start on any node. The pseudo-codes goes like this.
function getPossibleNodes(number_of_steps, condition):
returns node_collection_type
previous_result node_collection_type
result node_collection_type
if number_of_step = 0:
select node_id
bulk collect into result
from node_table;
previous_result = getPossibleNodes(number_of_steps - 1, condition);
select destination_node_id
bulk collect into result
from node_table join arc_table on
node_id = source_node_id
where *condition*
end id;
return result;
The problematic is the format of the returned data. I wanted to return a table of record, declared in this way :
TYPE node_search IS RECORD (
error_count INT,
previous_error_count INT, -- for transposition
TYPE se_node_search_list IS TABLE OF node_search ;
However at the compilation I get : PLS-00642: local collection types not allowed in SQL statements.
I've been thinking of using a cursor, but looping on each line implies making a select to get the nodes accessible from the current node for each line. Plus, I'm not sure if I can populate another cursor to return for the current iteration in this way.
I tried declaring the record type in the current package and the table type as a global type, but then it cannot access the current type.
This function is executed to help with autocomplete at run time, so I have a strong execution-time constraint. The number of node however should not be higher than 5000.
What collection type can I return to get it to work ?
Try to define a schema level type and not plsql type. This error depicts that you are trying to access plsql type rather than SQL object. Hope tho helps.
error_count NUMBER,
previous_error_count NUMBER, -- for transposition
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE se_node_search_list IS TABLE OF node_search ;

plsql table type with index of is complaining

Intent: My intent was to access employee tuple object defied as cursor below by using key as the employee_id.
Problem: I created a cursor - *l_employees_cur* and want to create type table as below type *l_employees_t*, as below but the compiler is complaining saying that PLS-00315 implementation restriction unsupported table index type.
CURSOR l_employees_cur
SELECT employee_id,manager_id,first_name,last_name FROM employees;
type l_employees_t
TABLE OF l_employees_cur%rowtype INDEX BY employees.employee_id%TYPE;
The definition of employees.employee_id is:
why can't I do this ? or Am I doint something wrong.
From the Oracle Documenation:
Associative Arrays
An associative array (formerly called PL/SQL table or index-by table) is a set of key-value pairs. Each key is a unique index, used to locate the associated value with the syntax variable_name(index).
The data type of index can be either a string type or PLS_INTEGER. Indexes are stored in sort order, not creation order. For string types, sort order is determined by the initialization parameters NLS_SORT and NLS_COMP.
I think that your mistake is the declaration of the plsql table.
Why don't you try the next one:
type l_employees_t
TABLE OF l_employees_cur%rowtype INDEX BY pls_integer;
I also have a question for you:
What is the meaning of EMPLOYEE_ID NOT NULL NUMBER(6) in your code above?
Storing and Retreiving SQL Query Output in a PL/SQL Collection
The example in the OP looks a lot like Oracle's new sample HR data schema. (For those old-timers who know, the successor to the SCOTT-TIGER data model). This solution was developed on an Oracle 11g R2 instance.
The Demo Table Design - EMP
Demonstration Objectives
This example will show how to create a PL/SQL collection from an object TYPE definition. The complex data type is derived from the following cursor definition:
CURSOR l_employees_cur IS
SELECT emp.empno as EMPLOYEE_ID, emp.mgr as MANAGER_ID, emp.ename as LAST_NAME
After loading the cursor contents into an index-by collection variable, the last half of the stored procedure contains an optional step which loops back through the collection and displays the data either through DBMS_OUTPUT or an INSERT DML operation on another table.
Stored Procedure Example Source Code
This is the stored procedure used to query the demonstration table, EMP.
create or replace procedure zz_proc_employee is
CURSOR l_employees_cur IS
SELECT emp.empno as EMPLOYEE_ID, emp.mgr as MANAGER_ID, emp.ename as LAST_NAME
TYPE employees_tbl_type IS TABLE OF l_employees_cur%ROWTYPE INDEX BY PLS_INTEGER;
employees_rec_var l_employees_cur%ROWTYPE;
employees_tbl_var employees_tbl_type;
v_output_string varchar2(80);
c_output_template constant varchar2(80):=
'Employee: <<EMP>>; Manager: <<MGR>>; Employee Name: <<ENAME>>';
idx integer;
outloop integer;
idx:= 1;
OPEN l_employees_cur;
FETCH l_employees_cur INTO employees_rec_var;
WHILE l_employees_cur%FOUND LOOP
employees_tbl_var(idx):= employees_rec_var;
FETCH l_employees_cur INTO employees_rec_var;
idx:= idx + 1;
CLOSE l_employees_cur;
-- OPTIONAL (below) Output Loop for Displaying The Array Contents
-- At this point, employees_tbl_var can be handed off or returned
-- for additional processing.
FOR outloop IN 1 .. idx LOOP
-- Build the output string:
v_output_string:= replace(c_output_template, '<<EMP>>',
v_output_string:= replace(v_output_string, '<<MGR>>',
v_output_string:= replace(v_output_string, '<<ENAME>>',
-- dbms_output.put_line(v_output_string);
INSERT INTO zz_output(output_string, output_ts)
VALUES(v_output_string, sysdate);
END zz_proc_employee;
I commented out the dbms_output call due to problems with the configuration of my server beyond my control. The alternate insert command to a output table is a quick way of visually verifying that the data from the EMP table found its way successfully into the declared collection variable.
Results and Discussion of the Solution
Here is my output after calling the procedure and querying my output table:
While the actual purpose behind the access to this table isn't clear in the very terse detail of the OP, I assumed that the first approach was an attempt to understand the use of collections and custom data types for efficient data extraction and handling from structures such as PL/SQL cursors.
The portion of this example procedure is very reusable, and the initial steps represent a working way of making and loading PL/SQL collections. If you notice, even if your own version of this EMP table is different, the only place that requires redefinition is the cursor itself.
Working with types, arrays, nested tables and other collection types will actually simplify work in the long run because of their dynamic nature.

Table-Valued Functions in ORACLE 11g ? ( parameterized views )

I've seen discussions about this in the past, such as here. But I'm wondering if somewhere along the line, maybe 10g or 11g (we are using 11g), ORACLE has introduced any better support for "parameterized views", without needing to litter the database with all sorts of user-defined types and/or cursor definitions or sys_context variables all over.
I'm hoping maybe ORACLE's added support for something that simply "just works", as per the following example in T-SQL:
Then just selecting it as so:
SELECT * FROM dbo.getSomeData(23)
No need for SYS_CONTEXT or cursor definitions.
You do need a type so that, when the SQL is parsed, it can determine which columns are going to be returned.
That said, you can easily write a script that will generate type and collection type definitions for one or more tables based on the data in user_tab_columns.
The closest is
create table my_table
(prodid number, a varchar2(1), b varchar2(1),
c varchar2(1), d varchar2(1), e varchar2(1));
create type my_tab_type is object
(prodid number, a varchar2(1), b varchar2(1),
c varchar2(1), d varchar2(1), e varchar2(1))
create type my_tab_type_coll is table of my_tab_type;
create or replace function get_some_data (p_val in number)
return my_tab_type_coll pipelined is
FOR i in (select * from my_table where prodid=p_val) loop
pipe row(my_tab_type(i.prodid,i.a,i.b,i.c,i.d,i.e));
end loop;
SELECT * FROM table(get_Some_Data(3));
It is possible to define a kind of "parametrized" views in Oracle.
The steps are:
Define a package containing as public members that are in fact the needed parameters (there is no need for functions or procedures in that package),
Define a view that is based on that package members.
To use this mechanism one user should:
open a session,
assign the desired values to that package members,
SELECT data from the view,
do other stuff or close the session.
REMARK: it is essential for the user to do all the three steps in only one session as the package members scope is exactly a session.
There are TWO types of table-valued functions in SQL SERVER:
Inline table-valued function: For an inline table-valued function, there is no function body; the table is the result set of a single SELECT statement. This type can be named as
'parameterized view' and it has no equivalent in ORACLE as I know.
Multistatement table-valued function: For a multistatement table-valued function, the function body, defined in a BEGIN...END block, contains a series of Transact-SQL statements that build and insert rows into the table that will be returned.
The above sample (By Gary Myers) creates a table function of the second type and it is NOT a 'parameterized view'.
