I have a model User
Suppose I write in my views.py
users = User.objects.all()
When does django convert it to sql query? During the request or during the server loading? Which file in django does the conversion?
I go through 'SPATIE query builder' documentation and find they cannot describe properly how to post methods implemented. I need to filter data based on multiple parameters including the data add date filter, and I am using the POST method, How I can achieve this for 'SPATIE query builder'.
I can Filter 1 field by writing below code
$data = QueryBuilder::for(EmpData::where('empAddedByAgent', $request->searchAgent))
The form Look Like Below Image
I want to retrieve data from the database and create the dynamic route.
For example, in Laravel web route file we write :
Route::get('/{slug}', function($slug){
return $slug;
So, I want to create this code after retrieving data from the database. and based on the data I can create the dynamic route with params or passing model data to the view.
And also how do I create dynamic view files. Like for different layout or from the database data.
Thanks in Advance.
i want to use DB::select and DB::table in my laravel project
how can i get Eloquent Models from them ?
they returns array and can't used with API Resources
i want to get html tables instead of raw data by function based views ,
in class based views html tables and raw data appear but in function based views raw data appears only but html tables not.
so what i can do to show html tables with FBV ?
Have you looked at this https://www.django-rest-framework.org/topics/html-and-forms/#rendering-html? Example is for class-based-view, but you can use it with functions
Make a decorator for renderer_classes and check what type of response should you return, if request.accepted_renderer.format == 'html':
P.S. I could hardly imagine, that you are not able to do this in FBV, when you already have same in classes
I have a complex business logic to retrieve data from a MYSQL database.
I am using laravel eloquent query builder to retrieve data but if I call a MYSQL procedure using raw query in laravel, I would not be able to exploit features of laravel like model relationships or pagination, etc.
What is the correct way to handle this situation? Should I write my logic in proc (use joins (model relationships) ) and use it as raw query or is there any better approach?