Visual studio devenv.exe crash - visual-studio

My PC is going bad lately, I get blue screens once in a while and almost everyday random files become corrupted. It include infinite freezes until restart. However corrupted files are repairable by running windows disk check. But anyways I came to a point where I cant open/start any solution in Visual Studio but all other programs/games work just fine. In the image below I clicked on "continue without code" button and GUI isnt supposed to be black(i use white theme) and then the crash window appears..SCREENSHOT I tried reinstalling .NET Framework completely, Repairing Visual Studio with installer, Reinstalling all runtimes, Running diskcheck, Running Windows files verification, Tried to reset devenv.exe with his paramaters in CMD and My Windows is up to date
btw about my pc, im pretty sure its a spoiled ram stick or hdd. i just hope its not motherboard


Visual Studio 2015 seems to be hiding from me?

I have a problem with Visual Studio 2015 Community.
It's a bit difficult to explain, but here goes.
It seems like Visual Studio is not updating the window when I e.g. Open a project, tries to write in command line, open a file.. or do anything. But a soon as I manually resize the window of Visual Studio, all the things I have pressed or typed appears.
I have Visual Studio installed on two computers. At first it was all fine and dandy on my laptop, everything worked as it should.
Then the problem started on my desktop computer, so I decided to go back to my laptop, but surprise! Now my laptop had been cursed with the same problem! (They use the same user in Visual Studio).
I have tried to re-install VS, repair VS and delete the cache folder inside "App Data"-folder, but no luck.
It seems like Visual Studio works fine, but it just won't show me. (Unless I resize the window)
Can anyone please help me?
Found the problem!
It was the voice communication app called "Mumble" that created all the fuss!
Mumble has a feature called "Overlay" - That feature makes VS go crazy, apparently!
Turning it off, makes all of my troubles go away.
Thank you all for the input anyways.

Visual Studio 2013 Community Problems

Im tearing my hair out with this one Im afraid and am down hours and hours.
Firstly I wanted to install VS Community to use with Unity. Im running windows 8.1 pro.
But I had trouble installing. Long story short there were some fonts in windows\fonts that the VS installer didnt like. So I moved the fonts and the installer ran through successfully. I then installed the VS 2013 Tools for Unity.
So then I imported the Unity VS tools to my project. Now my unity project hangs when unity opens. I fixed unity by removing the Unity VS stuff form the project directory.
I started getting errors on screen that said "An unhandled exception System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException) occurred in ZAPrivacyService.exe[3168]
The Just In Time Debugger was launched without necessary security permissions etc etc
Also the above error message appears very frequently and even if i ignore the dialogue it just keeps popping up every minute or so. I just off the JIT prompts but then I get an error message saying that no JIT is available. instead of the other error message. ZAPrivacyService seems to be part of ZoneAlarm. So I downloaded and reinstalled it. No joy. I tried uninstalling the Unity VS tools. I then went to Programs and Features to remove VS. However when I click on VS I only get the option to change. So I click change and the VS splash screen briefly appears. Then nothing. I also tried rerunning the VS installer(from the ISO and the web exe) and the same thing happens.
I do want to get VS running I thought a reinstall could fix it. But not to even be able to reinstall.....
Also how can I set Vs to ignore everything except the projects im working on IN VS?
Any ideas????

Visual Studio crash at start-up

My Visual Studio began crashing at start-up. In my search for finding a remedy, I found these two suggestions, but neither worked for me:
Launching Visual Studio while running in safe mode, and
Running repair on Visual Studio.
However, I found that if I logged into a different Windows account, Visual Studio was able to run from that account without crashing.
Here is an error code that that I observed in the crash report:
LCID: 1033
Can anyone provide a solution for returning my Visual Studio to working order?
For me it turned out to be the plugin that GitExtensions installed into Visual Studio 2013.
-- UPDATE: try this before uninstalling GitExtensions
#Enceradeira proposed in the comments to uncheck the Show current branch in Visual Studio option. In GitExtensions, you get there via Tools -> Settings -> Appearance:
After uninstalling GitExtensions and reinstalling it with all VS plugin unselected my VS runs smoothly again.
I even put together a blog post about this issue because it bugged me so much.
Since you're able to run with another user login, something may be wrong with your local settings, you can try to reset them: devenv /resetsettings in Start menu -> Run.
Warning: this will restore visual studio to default settings.
In my case VS used to crash on a single solution. I resolved the problem by deleting the respective solutions's user file: SolutionName.suo
My colleague recently experienced a problem with Visual Studio 2013 crashing on start-up. Unfortunately, we found that the approach recommended in the answer by #Arun M did not solve the problem:
devenv.exe /ResetSettings
...however, using a different command line argument did:
devenv.exe /ResetUserData
An easy way to run devenv.exe is via the Visual Studio command prompt; on Windows 10, it can be found here:
Start Button => All Apps => Visual Studio 2013 => Visual Studio Tools =>
VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt
For more about these command line arguments for devenv.exe, see this answer to this related question: How do I truly reset every setting in Visual Studio 2012?. ⚠ In particular, please note the cautionary statement in that answer about the /ResetUserData command line argument!
Try to run VS as administrator. That's necessary in my case.
If coincident to these Visual Studio crashes you are getting "Heap corruption" (Exception code: 0xc0000005) errors in your Windows Application log (Faulting module name: WindowsCodecs.dll), here is something worth checking into: A faulty WIC component within Expression Blend can cause ALL versions of Visual Studio to crash upon launch, as well as cause Internet Explorer to crash upon visiting many, if not most sites. Even though Microsoft distributes this component, they call it a "non-Microsoft component". As such, a Visual Studio reinstall won't fix this,, an OS reinstall over existing Windows installation won't fix this, and a system file integrity check won't detect it.
If my case, the misbehaving codec was "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Expression\Common\Imaging\4.0.360.0\PSDCodec.dll", and simply unregistering this component got my Visual Studio working again from consistent startup launch crashes.
I post this in hopes this solution to one source of Visual Studio crashing might save others from the $500 Microsoft support incident fee and week of downtime this caused me.
I just changed the windows language in the bottom right to "EN", then started as admin. And it worked, interesting..
I had the very strange phenomenon that both Visual Studio 2010 and 2013 on a Windows 7 machine crashed when run in a remote desktop session, started from a Windows 10 pc. Debugging the crash showed a CultureNotFound exception. It was caused by regional settings on the Windows 10 pc, which could not be translated in something understood by Windows 7. I had language English(Belgium) with an Azerty keyboard. I added and selected English(UK) with an Azerty keyboard and the crashes disappeared. No other programs suffered from this.
For me it was being caused by Web Essentials and I was able to resolve by disabling it, restarting VS, enabling it back , restart again. Works now.
I had a crash on startup (or soon after startup, before opening any solution) occurring in git2-msvstfs.dll, caused by placing a 3GB temp file into a directory within my solution. Deleting the file fixed it.
Once I accidentally pressed a random key combination (maybe something like ctrl+', but I didn’t realize I was holding ctrl down so I forgot what keys I hit by the time I realized something bad had happened) that resulted in VS Professional 2017 15.3.5 crashing within half a minute. After relaunching, I found that VS would be interactive for a few seconds before it would crash within half a minute. It was really too fast for me to try to figure out what I had accidentally activated or for me to disable it before VS would crash. Also, it would even crash if I didn’t open any solution, so I figured it was not something that deleting a .vs (per project/solution Solution Explorer/open files state) folder would fix.
To fix, I followed Arun M’s comment and renamed my %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_3f4d04be folder. You will need to adjust the path for the edition/version of VS that is crashing. On my machine, I think 15.0_3f4d04be is Professional and 15.0_0fed6c59 is VS Community Edition. You’ll probably have to guess based on the folder’s modification timestamp which is probably going to reflect the date you last used that edition of VS.
After renaming the versioned dotfolder, VS launched without crashing. It started with default settings but automatically restored some of my settings through the cloud sync stuff after a minute of running and it even remembered my account information so I didn’t need to sign in.
I did not need to rename my %LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\VSCommon folder (which Arun M had also suggested).
I had a similar problem, both VS2015 and VS2013 would crash at startup. Tracked it down to an application I installed which put .net 4.7.2 on the system. Once i removed that app, removed .net, and reinstalled .net 4.6, Visual Studio started working again.

Visual Studio 2010 (devenv) Hung Process After Closing

I have problem with Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. After some time of work VS starts consuming ~50% CPU and UI responding slows down. When I close VS then UI disappear but process stay.
When I forgot to kill those hung processes at the end of day, I will end up with numerous devenv.exe processes.
I have reinstall Visual Studio and reinstall Windows and ended up with the same problem... doesn't change anything. Please help. :/
Remove and/or uninstall all third-party Visual Studio add-ins and extensions. Disabling is not good enough.
Visual Studio 2010 relies heavily on graphics. Therefore:
Update your video driver.
Turn off "Enable rich client visual
Turn off "Use Hardware graphics acceleration if
There are also temporary files that Visual Studio uses that may need to be cleared out.
Clear out your %temp% folder.
Clear out %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache
Clear out %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ProjectAssemblies
Your project and solution user settings may be corrupt due to so many "crashes".
Delete .user and .suo files (you will lose the startup project, bookmarks, breakpoints, and other user settings specific to projects and solutions.)
Begin where you began before - it may seem overkill but this is the only way to be sure we are addressing everything short of hardware issues.
Reinstall Windows - make sure you are using a validly licensed copy, and patch the hell out of it before installing Visual Studio.
Note: I doubt it is a GPU driver issue, but it never hurts to use the most up to date driver and this is the place to do it right after a fresh OS install.
Install Visual Studio .Net 2010 but do not start it up. Let it get the frameworks installed fresh.
Use Windows Update to install the VS 2010 SP1 patch, and any/all patches for .Net frameworks.
Make an images for yourself right here so you have something to build from if you need to try this again. It will save you lots of time.
Fire up Visual Studio, and test your closing before installing anything else.
If it does not work here, there's likely some conflict between PC hardware and window OS, and you should try to find this symptom in other applications to get more info.
Here's what i would be looking for:
Does it happen EVERY TIME?
Does it happen after you debug your project ? does it happen for ALL projects?
Does it also happen when you don't load any projects? (simply start the IDE and wait).
Does it happen after a debug session of your application? maybe the application is not closed properly?
Do you have any other apps running at the same time that may cause this? try reproducing with a minimal set of apps/services running.
What are you doing exactly when it starts freezing ? anything in particular?
I would try to get 2-3 memory dumps at the time of hanging, post it here as well as to MSFT people. That would be a good start.

Starting Visual Studio causes all running apps to hang and stop responding

After my laptop fell on the floor and its screen was a little damaged, I was able to continue working with it, but failed to build a project of mine. At some point, the system froze, and I was forced to restart the laptop. Ever since, I’m not able to start Visual Studio 2008 or 2010. Moreover, when I do try to start one of the versions, I see no splash screen, and at some point, all running applications stop responding, and I’m forced to restart the laptop.
When I started Visual Studio 2008 with the /SafeMode flag it started OK and worked perfectly, but when I tried it with Visual Studio 2010, I did see a splash screen and the application main window was opened, but then the system got stuck again and forced me to restart.
I use Windows XP SP3, and the addins I recall I have are Visual Assist, IncrediBuild, and Productivity Power Tools for VS 2010 (how can I check what other addins are installed without having Visual Studio running?)
I tried using the /Log flag to find out what’s happening, but there was nothing that seemed related in the generated log.
At the time of the hang, the CPU and memory of the system was low.
The problem happens whether I open Visual Studio with no solution, or with an existing solution.
Do you have any idea why this might happen, or how it can be solved?
I run chkdsk /R /V and it is stuck on "1 percent
completed." for hours now. Is there anything I can do?
I'll try to re-install Visual Studio 2010 next week, when I'm in the office. I hope that will help.
Thanks a lot,
Your drive is torched. Buy a new drive, and salvage whatever you can from the existing drive, then swap them out. If you're lucky you can salvage enough of the existing drive to not need to do a full OS reinstall, but it's likely you're going to need to do some reinstallation.
Looks like the cause if the fall of your laptop. Though what changes happened is unknown it is more likely to be a hardware issue.
Did you reinstall the softwares and check how they work.
If I was diagnosing this issue, I would start from the ground up.
Start of with a basic CheckDisc - CheckDisk Instructions for XP
Progress from that to try re-installing over your existing VS install.
I can't see it being a software problem, so I reckon the checkdisk will discover/fix something, or a reinstall should resolve it.
You've probably damaged your hard disk in an area which is touched by VS. Windows often grinds completely to a halt when it's struggling to read a damaged area of disk.
Check the Windows event log for errors to do with disk drives.
