How to integrate PayU Payment Gateway in Laravel 5.4 - laravel-5

I'm trying to integrate PayU Payment Gateway in Laravel 5.4 Project. But when I run command:
composer require infyomlabs/laravel-payumoney:"^1.3.0"
this command download incomplete packages,
Package jeremeamia/superclosure is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use opis/closure instead.
Package mtdowling/cron-expression is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use dragonmantank/cron-expression instead.
Package phpoffice/phpexcel is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use phpoffice/phpspreadsheet instead.
Package phpunit/php-token-stream is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Package phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Package swiftmailer/swiftmailer is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/mailer instead.
Package symfony/debug is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use symfony/error-handler instead.
Package zendframework/zend-diactoros is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use laminas/laminas-diactoros instead.
TO resolve these issues, I removed all these One by one and re-install these in updated version, after update my entire project code in broken now.
So what I do next ?
How I can fix it ?


I search faker-avatar for php 8

I want to use avatar in my faker users seeding and I try to use
But I got error trying to install it :
Package ottaviano/faker-gravatar has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version:
- ottaviano/faker-gravatar 0.1.2 requires php ^7.1 which does not match your installed version 8.1.0.
Looks like it does not support php 8...
Are there similar pluging supporting php 8 ?
Or maybe I can tune this plugin to work under php 8?
Thanks in advance!
You could create an issue on the repo and request that the maintainer update the package to support PHP 8. Alternatively you could fork the repo and either maintain that fork yourself, or create a pull request once you've updated the package.
With the above in mind though, something to note is that package is using an abandoned faker library. There is a new fork that is recommended for use but does not have a gravatar provider.
You could write your own provider for the newer faker library or alternatively go down the very simple route of just implementing a statement to generate a gravatar yourself.
'' . md5(strtolower(trim($faker->email()))) . '?d=identicon';
The above will look for an existing gravatar for the provided email address and return that if it finds one, otherwise will return a default gravatar image which in my example is a geometric pattern based on the email hash.
Whilst this solution might not be as flexible as the package in your question, if all you're after is a gravatar and don't care whether it's isometric or a robot (see default images in the API docs for changing the default image generated) then something simple like this might be all you need.

Configuring PhpRedis in Laravel 7

I've set up a fresh installation of Laravel in Homestead and I've installed PhpRedis as recommended in the Laravel docs
I followed this guide for installing PhpRedis
In both the Laravel docs, and the guide I've linked for installing PhpRedis, I'm instructed to rename the Redis alias in config/app.php.
If you plan to use PhpRedis extension along with the Redis Facade alias, you should rename it to something else, like RedisManager, to avoid a collision with the Redis class. You can do that in the aliases section of your app.php config file.
- Laravel Docs
To further add to my confusion, the Laravel docs then go on to say that you should remove the alias entirely.
To avoid class naming collisions with the Redis PHP extension itself, you will need to delete or rename the Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis facade alias from your app configuration file's aliases array. Generally, you should remove this alias entirely and only reference the facade by its fully qualified class name while using the Redis PHP extension.
- Laravel Docs
My main questions are:
What does, "If you plan to use PhpRedis extension along with the Redis Facade alias", mean?
When should I rename the alias, remove it, or leave it as-is?
Depending on if I rename or remove the alias, how will this affect using Redis?
There are two different configurations/ways to use redis in a laravel project.
First one is to use predis and it is in your vendor folder. This one is "Flexible and feature-complete Redis client for PHP and HHVM" located here. It is a package/library written in php.
The other way to do is using PhpRedis, it is an extension written in C and located here.
protected function connector()
switch ($this->driver) {
case 'predis':
return new Connectors\PredisConnector;
case 'phpredis':
return new Connectors\PhpRedisConnector;
What does, "If you plan to use PhpRedis extension along with the Redis Facade alias", mean?
In the framework there is a check. While creating the PhpRedis client of Redis, it is checking whether the new Redis instance is Facade because PhpRedis is also using Redis name is you can see from here. So if you want to use PhpRedis in your laravel framework you better rename your facade because it will cause collision.
When should I rename the alias, remove it, or leave it as-is?
If you are going to use predis as client, then you can leave it as-is. If you are going to use PhpRedis as client, then you need to rename alias.
Depending on if I rename or remove the alias, how will this affect using Redis?
You will use RedisManager::someMethod() if you choose PhpRedis. You will use Redis::someMethod() if you use predis.

how to import and use Pear XML serializer in Laravel project

I am trying to use Pear XMLSerializer package ina Laravel project.
I have included the in composer.json and did composer install and composer update.
Now how to i call it and use it in a class - what use statement I should use at top of class to use it in the class?
I spent a quite long time in order to get it work, but I couldn't, I found "StreamParser", It gave me the same functionality, hopefully, it will help you.

How to run package in laravel 5?

How to run package in laravel 5?
I have downloaded one chat package from INTERNET. And, I have run command vendor:publish and it successfully published.
Now I don't know how to run that.
First you need to check whether the package ships with any service provider and facade. If so, add them in your config/app.php file. Package's service provider should go under providers array and facade should go under aliases array.
As soon as you specify providers under providers array, Laravel now know that you have called an external package, so it will load them. Thus, the package now will be available for your usage.
The easy way to run a package in laravel is:
add the package to composer.json file
then in terminal write composer dump-autoload

Laravel selfregistering ServiceProvider

In Laravel 4.2 is it possible to create a package which automatically registers the ServiceProvider without the user adding the path manually to the app.php file?
This way one could just run composer update after adding a package to the composer.json file and would be ready to go.
I think that there is no way to register your main service provider than putting it in the app.php file. In fact you can, but it will always require something from the developer. You can't get away with it with a simple composer update.
You can register sub service providers with App::register('MyApp\Providers\MyServiceProvider'); inside your package.
No, there is no way for a package to register itself.
