NiFi Flow Files Stuck at Outbound Port - for remote connections - apache-nifi

I maintain several high capacity NiFi clusters that requires regular maintenance. It's used alot.
Recently I have an odd problem I cannot fix. Need some help.
For this example I am using Cluster A sending files to Cluster B in separate network domains.
Cluster B pulls files from Cluster A outbound port C using a remote processor group.
Normally Flow files will arrive at C and hang there for only a few seconds at the most.
Recently however those same flow files are hanging at C for several hours.
What is causing the files to hang for such a long time? I recently upgraded the cluster VMs to something more powerful with more ram and cpu cores. Do I need to change something in Any help is appreciated.


deploy bolts/spout to a specific supervisor

We are running a storm application using a single type on instance in AWS and a single topology to run our system.
This is causing some resource limitation issues.
The way we want to address this is by splitting our IO intense bolts into a cluster of a few dozens t1.small machines (for example) and all our CPU intense bolts to two large machines with lots of cpu & memory.
Basically what i am asking is, is there a way to start all this supervisors and then deploy one topology that include cpu intense bolts on the big machines and to the small machines the deploy IO bolts?
You can implement a custom scheduler using interface IScheduler.

Redis cluster-network latency

There is a new Redis cluster setup, one team I know in my company is working on, in order to improve the application data caching based out on Redis. The setup is as follows, a Redis cluster with a Redis master and many slaves, say 40-50 (but can grow more when the application is scaled), one Redis instance per one virtual machine. I was told this setup helps the applications deployed in servers on every virtual machines query the data present in the local Redis instance than querying an instance in the network in order to avoid network latency. Periodically, the Redis master is updated only with whatever data are modified or newly created or deleted (data backed by a relational database), say every 5 seconds or so. This will initiate the data sync operation with all the Redis slave instances. The data-consumers (the application deployed on all the virtual machines) of the Redis (slaves) reads updated values to do processing. Is this approach a correct one to the network latency problem faced by the applications in querying from a Redis instance that is within a data center network? Will this setup not create lots of network traffic when Redis master syncing the data with all its slave nodes?
I couldn't find much answers on this from the internet. Your opinions on this are much appreciated.
The relevance of this kind of architecture depends a lot about the workload. Here are the important criteria:
the ratio between the write and read operations. Obviously, the more read operations, the more relevant the architecture. The main benefit IMO, is not necessarily the latency gains, but the scalability, the extra reliability it brings, and the network resource consumption.
the ratio between the cost of a local Redis access against the cost of a remote Redis access. Do not assume that the only cost of a remote Redis access is the network latency. It is not. On my systems, a local Redis access costs about 50 us (in average, very low workload), while a remote access costs 120 us (in average, very low workload). The network latency is about 60 us. Measure the same kind of figures on your own system/network, with your own data.
Here are a few advices:
do not use a single Redis master against many slave instances. It will limit the scalability of the system. If you want to scale, you need to build a hierarchy of slaves. For instance, have the master replicates to 8 slaves. Each slave replicates to 8 other slaves locally running on your 64 application servers. If you need to add more nodes, you can tune the replication factor at the master or slave level, or add one more layer in this tree for extreme scalability. It brings you flexibility.
consider using unix socket between the application and the local slaves, rather than TCP sockets. If it good for both latency and throughput.
Regarding your last questions, you really need to evaluate the average local and remote latencies to decide whether this is worth it. Note that the protocol used by Redis to synchronize master and slaves is close to the normal client server traffic. Every SET commands applied on the master, will be also applied on the slave. The network bandwidth consumption is therefore similar. So in the end, it is really a matter of how many reads and how many writes you expect.

what is the minimum number of computers for a slurm cluster

I would like to setup a SLURM cluster. How many machines do I need at minimum? Can I start with 2 machines (one being only client, and one being both client and server)?
As #Carles wrote, you can use only one computer if you want, running both the controller (slurmctld) and the worker (slurmd) daemon.
If you want to test some configurations and observe Slurm's behavior, you can even run multiple worker daemon on a single machine to simulate a larger cluster, using the -N <hostname> option.
If you want to actually get some computation done, you can run the controller and the worker daemon on the same node. If you want the system to still be responsive, just configure Slurm to let it believe the system has 1 core and 2GB of RAM less than it actually has to leave some room for the OS and the Slurm daemons.
As a side note, the pages you link in your question correspond to a very old version of Slurm. The newer version of the documentation is hosted on Schedmd's website.
You can start using only one machine, but 2 machines will be the most standard configuration, being one machine the controller and the other the "worker" node. With this model you can add as many machines to the cluster being "worker" nodes. This way the server will not execute jobs, and will be not suffering jobs interference.

Marklogic latency : Document not found

I am working on a clustered marklogic environment where we have 10 Nodes. All nodes are shared E&D Nodes.
Problem that we are facing:
When a page is written in marklogic its takes some time (upto 3 secs) for all the nodes in the cluster to get updated & its during this time if I then do a read operation to fetch the previously written page, its not found.
Has anyone experienced this latency issue? and looked at eliminating it then please let me know.
It's normal for a new document to only appear after the database transaction commits. But it is not normal for a commit to take 3-sec.
Which version of MarkLogic Server?
Which OS and version?
Can you describe the hardware configuration?
How large are these documents? All other things equal, update time should be proportional to document size.
Can you reproduce this with a standalone host? That should eliminate cluster-related network latency from the transaction, which might tell you something. Possibly your cluster network has problems, or possibly one or more of the hosts has problems.
If you can reproduce the problem with a standalone host, use system monitoring to see what that host is doing at the time. On linux I favor something like iostat -Mxz 5 and top, but other tools can also help. The problem could be disk I/O - though it would have to be really slow to result in 3-sec commits. Or it might be that your servers are low on RAM, so they are paging during the commit phase.
If you can't reproduce it with a standalone host, then I think you'll have to run similar system monitoring on all the hosts in the cluster. That's harder, but for 10 hosts it is just barely manageable.

AppFabric Redundancy

We just tested an AppFabric cluster of 2 servers where we removed the "lead" server. The second server timeouts on any request to it with the error:
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.DataCacheException: ErrorCode<ERRCA0017>:SubStatus<ES0006>:
There is a temporary failure. Please retry later.
(One or more specified Cache servers are unavailable, which could be caused by busy network or servers. Ensure that security permission has been granted for this client account on the cluster and that the AppFabric Caching Service is allowed through the firewall on all cache hosts. Retry later.)
In practive this means that if one server in the cluster goes down then they all go down. (Note we are not using Windows cluster, only linking multiple AppFabric cache servers to each other.)
I need the cluster to continue operating even if a single server goes down. How do I do this?
(I realize this question is borderlining Serverfault, but imho developers should know this.)
You'll have to install the AppFabric cache on at least three lead servers for the cache to survive a single server crash. The docs state that the cluster will only go down if the "majority" of the lead servers go down, but in the fine print, they explain that 1 out of 2 constitutes a majority. I've verified that removing a server from a three lead-node cluster works as advertised.
Typical distributed systems concept. For a write or read quorum to occur in an ensemble you need to have 2f + 1 servers up where f is number of servers failing. I think appfabric or any CP (as in CAP theorem) consensus based systems need this to happen for working of the cluster.
Thats actually a problem with the Appfabric architecture and it is rather confusing in terms of the "lead-host" concept. The idea is that the majority of lead hosts should be running so that the cluster remains up and running. So if you had three servers you'd have to have at least two lead hosts constantly communicating with each other and eating up server resources and if both go down then the whole cluster fails. The idea is to have a peer-to-peer architecture where all servers act as peers meaning that even if two servers go down the cluster remains functioning with no application downtimes. Try NCache:
