Show only last occurence of the field - filter

I have an issue with a report I am trying to make in SAP. The problem is that I want to only show each SR NUM only once. But there are many appearances in my report. I saw that each number has multiple activities and comments and that is why there are appearing more than once. The thing is that I only need the last appearance based on date for each SR Num and there is no filter that can help me with this. I also tried Ranking but I do not have a metric and created a new variable finding max date for each sr num. That also did not work as there are multi values.
Please help!
For example i have 3 columns sr num, date and comments. The first has 3 different nums but multiple times and the dates are all different as the comments.I need to only keep each sr num once with the most recent date and comment

I created some sample data in a free-hand SQL query which yields this...
You will need to find the maximum date for each SR Num and then only show that row for each SR Num. I used two variables to achieve this.
Var Max Activity Date...
=Max([Activity Date]) In ([SR Num])
Var Is Max Activity Date...
=If([Activity Date] = [Var Max Activity Date]; 1; 0)
Finally add a table filter to only show the rows where the Activity Date is the Max Activity Date for each SR Num.
You do not need the variables in your table in the end. I just put them there in order to visualize what is going on. That's it.


Get newest date in Sheet

i have a sheet with two tabs. In the first tab, i can select a site and i have a list of types. I have a second tab with many datas from each type (date, year, month week, and site attached to a type).
I would like in the first tab write a formula to automatically get the newest date of the type depending to the selected site.
I'm not good with formulas but i tried to write one, this one =IF((AND(C1=DATA!F:F),(B3=DATA!E:E)),LARGE(DATA!A:A),"") but i don't have result.
Anyone can help me with my problem please ? This is the link of my Sheet.
INDEX(array, [row])
Index gets the nth value in an array, when you pass in the value 1, it will get the top most value.
I created a sorted array by using the FILTER function. and the SORT function. I sorted it descending and only returned the dates in the FILTER function.

Google Sheets: When there are dupe values in a column, determine which value should be included by comparing corresponding dates in a date column

I have a dataset with an ID column and Edit Date column. There are some duplicate IDs but the Edit Dates will be different for each dupe ID. I created 2 helper columns to help me determine if I need to include the row of data in a separate analysis I'm working on. I included Notes in the sample dataset, with a short description of each column.
I want to include any rows that:
Have Count value = 1
Have Count value >1 but the Edit Date value for its corresponding ID is the lowest value of all Edit Dates listed in all rows this value is in
I don't want to include any rows that:
Have Count value >1 and Edit Date value that not the lowest Edit Date for the corresponding ID
So far all I have is the first part...I'm having trouble figuring out how to go about the comparison when Count >1, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is all I have so far...
Thank you in advance!
{SORT(A2:A&B2:B, B2:B, 1), IF(COUNTIFS(SORT(A2:A, B2:B, 1), SORT(A2:A, B2:B, 1),
ROW(A2:A), "<="&ROW(A2:A))=1, "yes", "no")}, 2, 0)))

How to create a measure to count the number of times item appears in a filtered list (power BI, DAX)

Hi, I would like to create a measure in power BI to return the number of times the terminal code appears in my list. The list is filtered from a slicer when I select the service code.
Thanks for any help! been stuck at this seemingly simple problem for a few days!
If you want to count occurence in selected filter context then use ALLSELECTED:
CountOfCode = CALCULATE( COUNTROWS(Sheet1), filter(ALLSELECTED(Sheet1), Sheet1[Terminal Code ] = SELECTEDVALUE(Sheet1[Terminal Code ]) ))

nested for loops in stata

I am having trouble to understand why a for loop construction does not work. I am not really used to for loops so I apologize if I am missing something basic. Anyhow, I appreciate any piece of advice you might have.
I am using a party level dataset from the parlgov project. I am trying to create a variable which captures how many times a party has been in government before the current observation. Time is important, the counter should be zero if a party has not been in government before, even if after the observation period it entered government multiple times. Parties are nested in countries and in cabinet dates.
The code is as follows:
use "", clear //to get the data
if this does not work, I also uploaded in a csv format, try:
import delimited "", bindquote(strict) encoding(UTF-8) clear
The loop should go through each country-specific cabinet date, identify the previous observation and check if the party has already been in government. This is how far I have got:
gen date2=cab_date
gen gov_counter=0
levelsof country, local(countries) // to get to the unique values in countries
foreach c of local countries{
preserve // I think I need this to "re-map" the unique cabinet dates in each country
keep if country==`c'
levelsof cab_date, local(dates) // to get to the unique cabinet dates in individual countries
foreach i of local dates {
egen min_date=min(date2) // this is to identify the previous cabinet date
sort country party_id date2
bysort country party_id: replace gov_counter=gov_counter+1 if date2==min_date & cabinet_party[_n-1]==1 // this should be the counter
bysort country: replace date2=. if date2==min_date // this is to drop the observation which was counted
drop min_date //before I restart the nested loop, so that it again gets to the minimum value in `dates'
The code works without an error, but it does not do the job. Evidently there's a mistake somewhere, I am just not sure where.
BTW, it's a specific application of a problem I super often encounter: how do you count frequencies of distinct values in a multilevel data structure? This is slightly more specific, to the extent that "time matters", and it should not just sum all encounters. Let me know if you have an easier solution for this.
The problem with your loop is that it does not keep the replaced gov_counter after the loop. However, there is a much easier solution I'd recommend:
sort country party_id cab_date
by country party_id: gen gov_counter=sum(cabinet_party[_n-1])
This sorts the data into groups and then creates a sum by group, always up to (but not including) the current observation.
I would start here. I have stripped the comments so that we can look at the code. I have made some tiny cosmetic alterations.
foreach i of local dates {
egen min_date = min(date2)
sort country party_id date2
bysort country party_id: replace gov_counter=gov_counter+1 ///
if date2 == min_date & cabinet_party[_n-1] == 1
bysort country: replace date2 = . if date2 == min_date
drop min_date
This loop includes no reference to the loop index i defined in the foreach statement. So, the code is the same and completely unaffected by the loop index. The variable min_date is just a constant for the dataset and the same each time around the loop. What does depend on how many times the loop is executed is how many times the counter is incremented.
The fallacy here appears to be a false analogy with constructs in other software, in which a loop automatically spawns separate calculations for different values of a loop index.
It's not illegal for loop contents never to refer to the loop index, as is easy to see
forval j = 1/3 {
di "Hurray"
But if you want different calculations for different values of the loop index, that has to be explicit.

SOQL - single row per each group

I have the following SOQL query to display List of ABCs in my Page block table.
Public List<ABC__c> getABC(){
List<ABC__c> ListABC = [Select WB1__c, WB2__c, WB3__c, Number, tentative__c, Actual__c, PrepTime__c, Forecast__c from ABC__c ORDER BY WB3__c];
return ListABC;
As you can see in the above image, WB3 has number of records for A, B and C. But I want to display only 1 record for each WB3 group based on Actual__c. Only latest Actual__c must be displayed for each WB3 Group.
i.e., Ideally I want to display only 3 rows(one each for A,B,C) in this example.
For this, I have used GROUPBY and displayed the result using AggregateResults. Here is the result.
I got the Latest Actual Date for each WB3 as shown above. But the Tentative date is not corresponding to it. The Tentative Date is also the MAX in the list.
Here is the code I used
public List<SiteMonitoringOverview> getSPM(){
AggregateResult[] AgR = [Select WB_3__c, MAX(Tentaive_Date__c) dtTentativeDate , MAX(Actual_Date__c) LatestCDate FROM Site_progress_Monitoring__c GROUP BY WBS_3__c];
for(AggregateResult SalesList : AgR){
CustSumList.add(new SiteMonitoringOverview(String.ValueOf(​t('WB_3__c')), String.valueOf(SalesList.get('dtTentativeDate')), String.valueOF(SalesList.get('LatestCDate')) ));
return CustSumList;
I am forced to use MAX() for tentative date. I want the corresponding Tentative date of the MAX Actual Date. Not the Max Tentative Date.
For group A, the Tentative Date of Max Actual Date is 12/09/2012. But it is displaying the MAX tentative date: 27/02/2013. It should display 12/09/2012. This is because I am using MAX(Tentative_Date__c) in my code. Every column in the SOQL query must be either GROUPED or AGGREGATED. That's weird.
How do I get the required 3 rows in this example?
Any suggestions? Any different approach (looping within in groups)? how?
Just ran into this issue myself. The solution I came up with only works if you want the oldest or newest record from each grouping. Unfortunately it probably won't work in your case. I'll still leave this here incase it does happen to help someone searching for a solution to this issue.
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [Select Max(Id), WBS_3__c FROM Site_progress_Monitoring__c GROUP BY WBS_3__c];
Calling MAX or MIN on the Id will let you get 1 record per group condition. You can then query other information. I my case I just need 1 record from each group and didn't really care which one it was.
