Find the number of displayed lines, with folding in Ace - ace-editor

Within an Ace editor, it is easy to find the number of lines in the edited document with the following:
But languages like JSON or XML can be "folded." That is, children properties or elements can be collapsed so only one single line is displayed for the parent.
Is there a way to get the number of lines actually displayed? Something like the following:
Note: the ultimate goal is to have an editor that adapts its height on the page to the content it displays (if lines are collapsed, then it should shrink, and if collapsed lines are expanded again, it should increase its height.)
UPDATE: After a user's response, I use the following. This is not the answer to the specific question I asked above, but rather the perfect answer to what I was trying to achieve overall:
const myEditor = ace.edit(elem, {minLines: 5, maxLines: 50});

To automatically change the height of the editor use maxLines option, but don't set it to a very large value as performance depends on the number of displayed lines.


iText7 MoveText vs SetFixedPosition different results

Why do I get different results when I use MoveText vs SetFixedPosition? I use the same x and y value but they print on the page in different location. If I use canvasPage.BeginText can it be formatted to use a width and word wrap
.SetFontAndSize(PdfFontFactory.CreateFont(StandardFonts.HELVETICA_BOLD), 21)
Paragraph p = new Paragraph()
.SetFixedPosition(X,Y, canvasPage.W)
The locations between the cases when you add text onto the canvas manually with low-level operations versus the case when you use high-level layout Paragraph objects will be different because Paragraph is responsible for multi-line layout and adds necessary margins / spacings for the text to look nice and not overlap with other content. The locations are still different only by a minor offset.
You cannot combine low-level beginText operation with high-level layout requirements (wrapping text across lines etc) - this is the responsibility of layout's Paragraph.

Looking to find text columnar position verification tool. Does one exist?

I am working on creating text based data feed files that have fixed column widths. Example: Position 1-5 is record layout ID, position 6-35 is part number, position 36-70 is description, etc.
I wish there were a tool I could provide these data input widths, then paste in the raw text to visually see where it lines up. Conceptually, this would seem to be a pretty simple tool.
Do you know of any solutions or creative ideas?
Layout Id would be str.substr(1, 5)
Part number would be str.substr(6, 35)

How to make two rows of words as big as one word in InDesign?

Im not sure how to express it so I posted a picture in link below.
It should look like this
Just enter the text on 3 lines like so:
Then adjust the point sizes, leading, kearning, etc. to create the aesthetic you want.
In this case line 1 and 3 could have full justification.
You can use scaling of the text(as shown in the character panel in attached snapshot) because changing font size also moves the baseline and causes the text to shift downward.
These attributes are also exposed via scripting.

How to Embed ace editor with arbitrary line number start

I'd like to embed code snippets into a page with Ace Editor as demonstrated here.
However since these snippets are to be drawn from a larger file, I'd like the line numbers in the gutter to reflect the original line number of the code. In other words I'd like to be able to specify for an embedded instance, what number it should assign to the first line and count from.
Can Ace Editor be configured (or hacked) to behave in this way?
easily, call
editor.setOption("firstLineNumber", 10)
// this is same as editor.session.setOption(...)

Independently jumping over full column span rows in the grid regardless of source order

I'm using singularitygs as my grid system and am really like the flexibility but I have come across a fairly unique situation and I'm not sure if singularity (or any other grid system) addresses
I have a row that span the entire column width, that breaks up the header portion and the content portion of the document. There is an element, div.b, that sits within above the full column bars next to div.a in larger layout. But on a medium sized layout and below, that element falls below the full span row. Here is the source order and the desired output, showed using a 10 column layout for simplicity.
Source Order
Large Layout
Medium Layout
Thanks in advance for any help and ++ to the creators of the grid system
Interesting use case. Honestly it’s going to be pretty hard until CSS grid layout comes out. While Singularity can handle any order horizontally, the vertical reordering like "D" and "G" stacked is going to be tricky. There might be a clever use of floats to get this working but it will probably be more hand manipulation of elements than pure Singularity magic.
