Is there a Stanford NLP Group program for comparing two essays? - stanford-nlp

I'm trying to find an NLP program that will take two essays (long), compare the, and spit out some number representing a similarity score. Does Stanford NLP Group have one?
I have tried a Twinword's Document Similarity Checker API. It works well BUT can't do long essays.


POS/NER able to differentiate between the same word being used in multiple contexts?

I have a collection of over 1 million bodies of text. Within those bodies are multiple entities whose names mimic common stop words and phrases.
This has created issues when tokenizing the data, as there are ~50 entities with the same problem. To counteract this, I've disabled the removal of the matched stop words before their removal. This is fine, but Ideally I'd have a way to differentiate when a token is actually meant to be a stop word vs an entity, since I only care for when it's used as an entity.
Here's a sample excerpt:
A determined somebody slept. Prior to this, A could never be comfortable with the idea of responsibility. It was foreign, something heard about through a story passed down by words of U. As slow as it could be, A began to find meaning in the words of a story.
A and U are entities/nouns in most of their usages here. POS tagging so far has only labelled A as a determiner, and NER either won't tag any instances of the word. Adding the target tags to the NER list will result in every instance being tagged as an entity, which is not the case.
So far I've primarily used the Stanford POS Tagger and SpaCY for NER.
I think you should try to train your own NER model.
You can do this in three steps, as follows:
label a number of documents in your corpus.
You can do this using the spacy-annotator.
train your spacy NER model from scratch.
You can follow the instructions in the spacy docs.
Use the trained model to predict entities in your corpus.
By labelling a good amount of entities at step 1, the model will learn to differentiate between a determiner and an entity.

Determining the "goodness" of a phrase based on "grammatical" or "contextual" relevancy

Given a random string of words, I would like to assign a "goodness" score to the phrase, where "goodness" is some indication of grammatical and contextual relevancy.
For example:
"the green tree was tall" [Good score]
"delicious tires swim open" [Medium score]
"jump an con porch calmly" [Poor score]
I've been experimenting with the Natural Language Toolkit. I'd considered using a trained tagger to assign parts-of-speech to each word in a phrase, and then parse a corpus for occurrences of that POS pattern. This may give me an indication of grammatical "goodness". However, as the tagger itself is trained on the same corpus that I'm using for validation, I can't imagine the results would be reliable. This approach also does not take into consideration the contextual relevancy of the words.
Is anyone aware of existing projects or research into this sort of thing? How would you approach this?
You could employ two different approaches - supervised and semi-supervised.
Assuming you have a labeled dataset of tuples of the form <sentence> <goodness label> (like the one in your examples), you could first split your dataset up in a train:test fold (e.g. 4:1).
Then you could simply use BERT feature vectors (these are pre-trained on large volumes of natural language text). The following piece of code gives you the vector for the sentence the green tree was tall (read more here).
nlp_features = pipeline('feature-extraction')
output = nlp_features('the green tree was tall')
np.array(output).shape # (Samples, Tokens, Vector Size)
Assuming you vectorize every sentence, you could then train a simple logistc regression model (sklearn) that learns a set of parameters to minimize the errors in these predictions on the training set and eventually you throw the test set sentences at this model to see how it behaves.
Instead of BERT, you could also use embedded vectors as inputs to an LSTM network for training the classifier (like the one here).
This is applicable when you don't have sufficient labeled data (although you need a few to get you started with).
In this case, I think what you could do is to map the words of a sentence into POS tag sequences, e.g.,
the green tree was tall --> ARTICLE ADJ NOUN VERB ADJ (see here for more details).
This step would make your method depend less on the words themselves. A model trained on these sequences would try to discover some latent distinguishing characteristics of good sentences from the bad ones.
In particular, you could run a standard text classification approach with Bidirectional LSTMs for training your classifier (this time not with words but with a much smaller vocabulary of POS tags).
You can use a transformer model from HuggingFace that is fine tuned for sentence correctness. Specifically, the model has to be fine tuned on the Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability (CoLA). Here's a medium article on HuggingFace, transformers, and the fine tuning process.
You can also get a model that's already fine-tuned and you can put in the text classification pipeline for HuggingFace's transformers library here. That site hosts fine-tuned models and you can search for a few others that are fine tuned for the CoLA task there.

Finding concepts from a large corpus using Word embeddings

I am trying to find out new concepts in a Corpus from Konkani language.
I had trained two models on 1) a domain specific corpus 2) on newspaper corpus.
I have used Gensim word2vec to train the model however I am unable to get the terms of similar meaning on close proximity in vector space.
The closes words show no relation of being synonym with each other. Their similarity is as good as just some random words.
What am i doing wrong?
How big is your corpus?
For your trained vector to be meaningful, you would need at least 100 million word corpus (assuming about 1-2 million unique words).
You can suspect a sampling method if you had used Negative sampling instead of hierarchical, but I still think that small corpus size is the main problem of yours.

Sentence-level to document-level sentiment analysis. Analysing news

I need to perform sentiment analysis on news articles about a specific topic using the Stanford NLP tool.
Such tool only allows sentence based sentiment analysis while I would like to extract a sentiment evaluation of the whole articles with respect to my topic.
For instance, if my topic is Apple, I would like to know the sentiment of a news article with respect to Apple.
Just computing the average of the sentences in my articles won't do. For instance, I might have an article saying something along the lines of "Apple is very good at this, and this and that. While Google products are very bad for these reasons". Such an article would result in a Neutral classification using the average score of sentences, while it is actually a Very positive article about Apple.
On the other hand filtering my sentences to include only the ones containing the word Apple would miss articles along the lines of "Apple's product A is pretty good. However, it lacks the following crucial features: ...". In this case the effect of the second sentence would be lost if I were to use only the sentences containing the word Apple.
Is there a standard way of addressing this kind of problems? Is Stanford NLP the wrong tool to accomplish my goal?
Update: You might want to look into
This is a very active area of research so it would be hard to find an off-the-shelf tool to do this (at least nothing is built in the Stanford CoreNLP). Some pointers: look into aspect-based sentiment analysis. In this case, Apple would be an "aspect" (not really but can be modeled that way). Andrew McCallum's group at UMass, Bing Liu's group at UIC, Cornell's NLP group, among others, have worked on this problem.
If you want a quick fix, I would suggest to extract sentiment from sentences that have reference to Apple and its products; use coref (check out dcoref annotator in Stanford CoreNLP), which will increase the recall of sentences and solve the problem of sentences like "However, it lacks..".

Natural Language Parsing using Stanford NLP

How Stanford natural Language Parser uses Penn Tree Bank for Tagging process ? I want to know how it finds the POS for the given input?
The Stanford part-of-speech tagger uses a probabilistic sequence model to determine the most likely sequence of part-of-speech tags underlying a sentence. Some of the features provided to this model are
Surrounding words and n-grams
Part-of-speech tags of surrounding words
"Word shapes" (e.g., "Foo5" is translated to "Xxx#")
Word suffix, prefix
See the ExtractorFrames class for details. The model is trained on a tagged corpus (like the Penn Treebank) which has each token annotated with its correct part of speech.
At run time, features like those mentioned above are calculated for input text and are used to build per-tag probabilities, which are then fed into an implementation of the Viterbi algorithm (ExactBestSequenceFinder), which finds the most likely arrangement of tags for the entire sequence.
For more information to get started with POS tagging:
Watch the Week 5 lectures of the Coursera NLP class (co-taught by the CoreNLP lead)
Check out the code in the edu.stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent package
Part-of-speech tagging in NLTK
