Mac OS Clipboard manager with dropdown like Ditto - clipboard

Does anyone know a clipboard manager for macOS that can be triggered via keyboard?
I used Windows for a while and found this wonderful clipboard manager, Ditto,
which has a shortcut (CTRL + ~) and had the same shortcut for navigating through all my items in the clipboard history. Pressing again ~ would go to the previous item in the history, and releasing CTRL key would trigger a dump of that value at the position of the current cursor(s).
I find that workflow just perfect and I want to recreate it somehow for mac.
Maybe write myself some utility in java/python/rust/jai? Maybe someone knows some good libraries.

a clipboard manager for macOS that can be triggered via keyboard?
I wanted to get the same thing for some time now,
The latest free one that has this same description is named:
Not the best-looking one, but its functionalities are good enough for me.


overriding system-wide (Windows) key shortcuts in Qt app

Ctrl+Escape is a global Windows shortcut for opening main system menu. But I would like my Qt application to use this shortcut without triggering Windows main menu. I know it is probably a bad idea to override system shortcuts in general, but I would like to use this shortcut is a very limited use case.
This usecase is as follows. I have a popup window containing several rows or items. This window is opened by Ctrl+Tab and while the user holds Ctrl and keep pressing Tab, the current rows are cycled through. When the user releases Ctrl, the current row is used for some operation... But sometimes it happens that user presses Ctrl+Tab and then realizes he does not want to continue. He usually presses Escape while still holding Ctrl. And then it triggers Windows system menu and normal user gets confused, choleric user get angry... which is a bad thing. In other words I would like to be able to close the popup window when user presses Ctrl+Escape. How to do that? It is even possible?
If I write the code using this shortcut like any other short, it does not work and it always triggers Windows main menu.
As I understand it, Qt will typically not receive the key event if the underlying window system has intercepted it. For example even QtCreator cannot override system-wide shortcuts.
This question is almost a duplicate of: C++/Qt Global Hotkeys
While that question is asking specifically to capture shortcuts in a hidden/background application, I think the basic concept is the same -- capture shortcuts before the window system processes them.
From that answer, UGlobalHotkey seems pretty good, and the How to use System-Wide Hotkeys in your Qt application blog post could be useful for your limited-use case (but read the comments on that blog post about fixing the example).
Also found: (looks like a more detailed version of above)

How to make iTerm2 appear on the current screen?

Under Preferences -> 'Keys' It is possible to tick Show/hide iTerm2 with a system-wide hotkey.
However iTerm always appears on the main display (monitor) instead of where the cursor currently resides.
e.g. if I have three monitors, and am working on the third screen, the hotkey makes iTerm appear on first monitor, instead of where I am currently working.
Any advice how to solve this please?
The bug strikes back again in v.3.1.6. If any workarounds are known, please share.
I'm on Sierra using iTerm 3.1 and I have the option under window to put the screen where the cursor is (bottom right drop down options). I'm using it with a hotkey.
The answer by Grant works.
The only thing you need to do is to install the beta version since there was a bug in the stable version.
This bug was fixed in 3.1.beta.1
Here's the link to the latest beta version
This may be a couple more keystrokes than you were hoping for, but if you install window management software like Size Up, you can get this working with just a few keystrokes.
Maintain your ⌥Space hotkey preference on Iterm2. Go to Size Up -> Preferences and change 'Send Window Prev Monitor' to an easy keystroke. I used ⌥1.
Now, you can do ⌥Space to get the terminal open and ⌥1 one or two times to get it to your monitor of choice. It takes a couple of key combos, but not too many!
I had this problem with macos monterey and iterm 3.4.15. I'm using the hotkey to show the terminal with slide-out window. After some search on the internet I found that disabling the option on system preferences to reopen closed documents solved the issue and the hotkey is now opening terminal on the screen with cursor as it should.
mac -> System preferences -> General -> (deselect this) Close windows when quitting an app
Neither of the above worked for me, but this helped, even though the question was quite different in that thread.

Tool selection with mouse in emacs for Mac OS X

After watching this video I decided to install the artist for emacs. I'm using and I've been successful in using the tools provided in the artist install and they're awesome!
However, I want to know if it's possible to change and select tools like the guy in the video does, i.e. right click -> select tool. When I right click in Emacs I see nothing. Is this possible?
I don't know about on OSX but on my GNU/Linux machine, middle click is what brings up the tool selection menu. Is that insufficient? If so, you can manually bind artist-mouse-choose-operation to your key of choice.

List of globally available shortcuts on a Windows system including 3rd party

Is there a way to get a list of globally available shortcuts on a Windows system, including 3rd party software?
Random examples:
WndHop - WinKey + Enter to move a window between monitors
Dexpot - Ctrl + Spacebar to open task switcher
Launchy - Alt + Spacebar
My goal is to track down shortcut conflicts. Most of the above software can be customised to change the shortcuts aside from WndHop, the later which is not working for me, probably due to a conflict. Currently winkey+enter toggles a windows normal size and maximised, I'm not sure what introduced this shortcut.
I can't see that it would be possible to find all 3rd party short cuts. If an application has created a global keyboard hook to listen for a certain keyboard event there's no way that Windows can tell which keys will make it do various things.
Gathering a universal Shortcut list seems like rather a long winded way to achieve the result you want.
Instead I would suggest a process of elimination.
Start to eliminate apps running on your machine one by one by killing them off using either Task Manager or Process Explorer.
After killing off each of your programs, attempt the key combo in question again and if the action still occurs, then you have not yet found the program in question.
Eventually the effect in question will cease, and you'll know that the last app you killed off was causing this behaviour.

Unable to use X clipboard in Screen

I read the following code in Unix Power Tools on page 117
*VT100.Translations: #override\
Button1 <Btn3Down>: select-end(primary,CUT_BUFFER0,CLIPBOARD)\n\
!Shift <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)\n\
~Shift ~Ctrl ~Meta <Btn2Up>: insert-selection(primary,CUT_BUFFER0)
I have not managed to see any effect of the above code.
How can you use X clipboard in Screen, without your mouse?
Using the mouse. Left-click drag to select and usually the middle mouse button pastes but some terminals may differ (PuTTY uses right-click). If you only have two buttons you click them both together (left mouse button + right mouse button).
In reply to comment below ("Can you do it without your mouse?"):
ctrl-insert : copy
shift-insert : paste
shift-delete : cut
shift-ctrl-C : copy
shift-ctrl-V : paste
Not all applications will support the last three (though Konsole does). In fact most console applications will not allow you to delete text once it's printed.
As far as selecting text without a mouse I'm not sure there's a generic mechanism for that. It's probably terminal and/or application specific (ie, vim has it's own keys for marking and copying text - but only within vim). You could do it with mouse emulation but I'm sure that would be a painful process.
You can't use the traditional Mac/Windows shortcuts in a terminal because they were reserved for different actions long before these OS existed (ie, Ctrl-C terminates the running process).
I'm trying to use Ctrl-C in X
X does not handle these operations directly, they are handled by the application. That's why modern GUI programs like Firefox or Gedit support Ctrl-C for copy but terminals and command-line programs generally do not. As I said, it's a conflict in established conventions and Ctrl-C for kill got in first.
BTW, you could do some key-remapping if it drives you nuts but then you would be learning bad habits when you use a different machine. Best to just get used to it or do most of your editing in a GUI application.
More Information
EDIT: For a Mac, this may help: MacOSX-to-Konsole or This or This. It looks like you need to replace Ctrl with Command on Mac keyboards. It seems like Terminal the mac console has a right-click context menu for copy-paste so to do it the traditional way you me need to install a different console program or change some settings in Terminal.
