Ansible delegate_to wrong host? - ansible

I use ansible on the machine HostAnsible to configure firewalls named FW1,FW2, and so on.
I want to supervise those firewalls, so I have a task like this:
- name: Configure supervision
delegate_to: "{{ supervision_host }}"
The variable supervision_host is set at the top level of the inventory to HostSupervision.
I check it with a debug :
- debug:
var: supervision_host
It is correct on all firewalls
The task shows this :
FW1 -> HostSupervision(HostAnsible): BlahBlah
And the SSH connection is made on the HostAnsible and not the HostSupervision.
What is happening ?

I had defined a variable ansible_host: HostAnsible in my inventory, this was messing up with the delegate.
Problem solved.


Ansible role dependencies and facts with delegate_to

The scenario is: I have several services running on several hosts. There is one special service - the reverseproxy/loadbalancer. Any service needs to configure that special service on the host, that runs the rp/lp service. During installation/update/deletion of a random service with an Ansible role, I need to call the ReverseProxy role on the specific host to configure the corresponding vhost.
At the moment I call a specific task file in the reverse proxy role to add or remove a vhost by the service with include_role and set some vars (very easy example without service and inventory specific vars).
- name: "Configure ReverseProxy"
name: reverseproxy
tasks_from: vhost_add
delegate_to: "{{ groups['reverseproxy'][0] }}"
reverse_proxy_url: "http://{{ ansible_fqdn }}:{{ service_port }}/"
reverse_proxy_domain: "sub.domain.tld"
I have three problems.
I know, it's not a good idea to build such dependencies between roles and different hosts. I don't know a better way, especially if you think about the situation, where you need to do some extra stuff after creating the vhost (f.e. configure the service via REST API, which needs the external fqdn). In case of two separate playbooks with "backend"-service and "reverseproxy"-service - then I need a third playbook for configuring "hanging" services. Also I'm not sure, if I can retrieve the correct backend URL in the reverse proxy role (only think about the HTTP scheme or paths). That sounds not easy, or?
Earlier I had separate roles for adding/removing vhosts to a reverseproxy. This roles didn't have dependencies, but I needed to duplicate several defaults and templates and vars etc. which isn't nice too. Then I've changed that to a single role. Of course - in my opinion, this isn't really that, what a "role" should be. A role is something like "webserver" or "reverseproxy" (a state). But not something like "add_vhost_to_reverseproxy" (a verb). This would be something like a playbook - but is calling a parameterized playbook via a role a good idea/possible? The main problem is, that the state of reverseproxy is the sum of all services in the inventory.
In case of that single included role, including it, starts also all dependent roles (configure custom, firewall, etc.). Nevertheless in that case I found out, that the delegation did not use the facts of the delegated host.
I tested that with the following example - the inventory:
my_var: a
my_var: b
And playbook which assigns a role-a to the group webserver. The role-a has a task like:
- block:
- setup:
- name: "Include role b on delegated {{ groups['reverseproxy'][0] }}"
name: role-b
delegate_to: "{{ groups['reverseproxy'][0] }}"
delegate_facts: true # or false or omit - it has no effect on Ansible 2.9 and 2.10
And in role-b only outputing the my_var of the inventory will output
TASK [role-b : My_Var on server1] *******************
ok: [server1 -> <ip-of-server2>] =>
my_var: a
Which says me, that role-b that should be run on server2 has the facts of server1. So - configuring the "reverseproxy" service is done in context of the "backend"-service. Which would have several other issues - when you think about firewall-dependencies etc. I can avoid that, by using tags - but then I need to run the playbook not just with the tag of the service, but also with all tags I want to configure, and I cannot use include_tasks with args-apply-tags anymore inside a role that also includes other roles (the tags will applied to all subtasks...). I miss something like include_role but only that specific tags or ignore dependencies. This isn't a bug, but has possible side effects in case of delegate_to.
I'm not really sure, what is the question? The question is - what is a good way to handle dependencies between hosts and roles in Ansible - especially when they are not on the same host?
I am sure I do not fully understand your exact problem, but when I was dealing with load balancers I used a template. So this was my disable_workers playbook:
- hosts: "{{ ip_list | default( 'jboss' ) }}"
- name: Tag JBoss service as 'disabled'
resource: "{{ ec2_id }}"
region: "{{ region }}"
state: present
State: 'disabled'
delegate_to: localhost
- action: setup
- hosts: httpd
become: yes
become_user: root
uriworkermap_file: "{{ httpd_conf_dir }}/"
- name: Refresh inventory cache
region: "{{ region }}"
delegate_to: localhost
- name: Update
backup: yes
dest: "{{ uriworkermap_file }}"
mode: 0644
src: ./J2/
Do not expect this to work as-is. It was v1.8 on AWS hosts, and things may have changed.
But the point is to set user-defined facts, on each host, for that host's desired state (enabled, disabled, stopped), reload the facts, and then run the Jinja template that uses those facts.

how to set different python interpreters for local and remote hosts

Playbook 1
when we first connect to a remote host/s, the remote host will already have some python version installed - the auto-discovery feature will find it
now we install ansible-docker on the remote host
from this time on: the ansible-docker docs suggest to use ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/env python-docker
Playbook 2
We connect to the same host/s again, but now we must use the /usr/bin/env python-docker python interpreter
What is the best way to do this?
Currently we set ansible_python_interpreter on the playbook level of Playbook 2:
- name: DaqMon app
- ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ '/usr/bin/env python-docker' }}"
This works, but this will also change the python interpreter of the local actions. And thus the local actions will fail, because (python-docker does not exist locally).
the current workaround is to explicitly specify the ansible_python_interpreter on every local-action which is tedious and error-prone
the ideal solution is, if we could add '/usr/bin/env python-docker' as fallback to interpreter-python-fallback - but I think this is not possible
is there a way to set the python interpreter only for the remote hosts - and keep the default for the localhost?
or is it possible to explicitly override the python interpreter for the local host?
You should set the ansible_python_interpreter on the host level.
So yes, it's possible to explicitly set the interpreter for localhost in your inventory.
localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python
And I assume that you could also use set_fact on hostvars[<host>].ansible_python_interpreter on your localhost or docker host.
There is a brillant article about set_fact on hostvars ! ;-P
Thanks to the other useful answers I found an easy solution:
on the playbook level we set the python interpreter to /usr/bin/env python-docker
then we use a set_fact task to override the interpreter for localhost only
we must also delegate the facts
we can use the magic ansible_playbook_python variable, which refers to the python interpreter that was used on the (local) Ansible host to start the playbook: see Ansible docs
Here are the important parts at the start of Playbook 2:
- name: Playbook 2
- ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ '/usr/bin/env python-docker' }}"
- set_fact:
ansible_python_interpreter: '{{ ansible_playbook_python }}'
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: true
Try to use set_fact for ansible_python_interpreter at host level in the first playbook.
Globally, use the interpreter_python key in the [defaults] section of the ansible.cfg file.
interpreter_python = auto_silent

Dynamicly set HTTP_PROXY in an ansible playbook

I'm running a playbook either on a bunch of servers with no need of http_proxy and others with needs of it (on different runs).
I've read but it doesn't really answer this...
here's an example:
- hosts: all
- name: install vi
become: true
name: vi
state: present
I would like to launch it with a group of servers (let's say server01-atlanta) without proxy and in another run with a group of servers (let's say server01-berlin) with proxy and without changing the code between each run (so managing to do it with inventory variables).
I would
You can solve this with group_vars / host_vars in combination with environment variables. Her is a simple example based on the code from ansible docs.
- hosts: all
proxy: # default empty
- apt: name=cobbler state=installed
http_proxy: "{{ proxy }}"
This is how you define a environment variable per task. You can also use normal ansible variables for this. There is also a example with proxy settings and variables in the docs. See:
In your inventory you can define the proxy variable per host or group:
See inventory docs for more details:
For anyone wondering you can also set this via the command line with the following:
ansible-playbook --extra-vars "http_proxy=$http_proxy" ...
As found here

Can I force current hosts group to be identified as another in a playbook include?

The current case is this:
I have a playbook which provisions a bunch of servers and installs apps to these servers.
One of these apps already has it's own ansible playbook which I wanted to use. Now my problem arises from this playbook, as it's limited to hosts: [prod] and the host groups I have in the upper-level playbook are different.
I know I could just use add_host to add the needed hosts to a prod group, but that is a solution which I don't like.
So my question is: Is there a way to add the current hosts to a new host group in the include statement?
Something like - include: foo.yml prod={{ ansible_host_group }}
Or can I somehow include only the tasks from a playbook?
No, there's no direct way to do this.
Now my problem arises from this playbook, as it's limited to
hosts: [prod]
You can setup host's more flexible via extra vars:
- name: add role fail2ban
hosts: '{{ target }}'
remote_user: root
- fail2ban
Run it:
ansible-playbook testplaybook.yml --extra-vars "target="
ansible-playbook testplaybook.yml --extra-vars "target=webservers"
Is this workaround suitable for you?

Ansible dynamic hosts skips

I am trying to set up a very hacky vm deployment Environment utilizing ansible 1.9.4 for my homeoffice.
I am pretty far, but the last step just won't work. I have a written 10loc plugin which generates temporary dns names for the staging vlan and I want to pass that value as a host to the next playbook role.
TASK: [localhost-eval | debug msg="{{ hostvars[''].dns_record.stdout_lines }}"] ***
ok: [] => {
"msg": "['vm103.local', 'vm-tmp103.local']"
It's accessible in the global playbook scope via the hostvars:
{{ hostvars[''].dns_record.stdout_lines[1] }}
and should be passed on to:
- name: configure vm template
hosts: "{{ hostvars[''].dns_record.stdout_lines[1] }}"
gather_facts: no
- template-vm-configure
which results in:
PLAY [configure vm template] **************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
my inventory looks like this and seems to work. Hardcoding 'vm-tmp103.local'
gets the role running.
Thank you in advance, hopefully someone can point me in the right direction. Plan B would consists of passing the dns-records to a bash script for finalizing configuration, since I just want to configure the Network interface before adding the vm to the monitoring.
Modified a play to use add hosts and add them to a temp group
- add_host: name={{ hostvars[''].dns_record.stdout_lines[1] }} groups=just_vm
but it still doesn't match.
That's not intended behaviour I think.
#9733 lead me to a solution.
Adding this task let's me use staging as a group.
- set_fact: hostname_next="{{ hostvars[''].dns_record.stdout_lines[1] }}"
- add_host: group=staging name='{{ hostname_next }}'
