Handling a specific runtime error in Go loop - for-loop

I'd like to catch panic: runtime error: index out of range in the following loop (inside function without returning) and concat X for each panic: runtime error: index out of range to the result:
func transform(inputString string, inputLength int) string {
var result = ""
for index := 0; index < inputLength; index++ {
if string(inputString[index]) == " " {
result = result + "%20"
} else {
result = result + string(inputString[index])
return result
for example for inputString = Mr Smith and inputLength = 10 the result is Mr%20SmithXX. It has two X because 10 - 8 = 2.
I know I can catch the panic in returning from transform() but I'd like to handle it inside the loop without returning the function.

inputString = Mr Smith and inputLength = 10 the result is Mr%20SmithXX. It has two X because 10 - 8 = 2.
package main
import "fmt"
func transform(s string, tLen int) string {
t := make([]byte, 0, 2*tLen)
for _, b := range []byte(s) {
if b == ' ' {
t = append(t, "%20"...)
} else {
t = append(t, b)
for x := tLen - len(s); x > 0; x-- {
t = append(t, 'X')
return string(t)
func main() {
s := "Mr Smith"
tLen := 10
fmt.Printf("%q %d\n", s, tLen)
t := transform(s, tLen)
fmt.Printf("%q\n", t)
"Mr Smith" 10


How to find sum of integers using recursion(without loops) in Golang?

Program should ask values "number of numbers" and "numbers" for each "number of inputs", answers are sum of squares of these numbers. My code works but it shows answers in wrong order, how to make it work properly? Outputs should be shown after all inputs.
I think its easier to understand this program by reading inputs and outputs:
Enter the number of inputs // output
2 // input
Enter the number of numbers // output
2 // input
Enter the numbers // output
1 2 // input (second ans)
Enter the number of numbers // output
2 // input
Enter the numbers
2 3 // input (first ans)
ans = 13 // ans = 2^2 + 3^2
ans = 5 () // ans = 1^2 + 2^2
package main
import (
func main() {
reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of inputs`)
n, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
n = strings.TrimRight(n, "\r\n")
test_cases, err := strconv.Atoi(n)
if err != nil {
process_test_case(test_cases, reader)
func process_test_case(test_cases int, reader *bufio.Reader) {
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of numbers`)
_, _ = reader.ReadString('\n')
fmt.Println(`Enter the numbers`)
input, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
input = strings.TrimRight(input, "\r\n")
arr := strings.Split(input, " ")
test_cases -= 1
if test_cases != 0 {
process_test_case(test_cases, reader)
fmt.Println("ans = ", process_array(arr, 0))
func process_array(arr []string, result int) int {
num, _ := strconv.Atoi(arr[0])
if len(arr) > 1 {
next := arr[1:]
if num < 0 {
num = 0
result = num*num + process_array(next, result)
return result
} else {
if num >= 0 {
return num * num
return 0
How to find sum of integers using recursion (without loops) in Go?
The program should ask "number of numbers" and "numbers" for each "number of inputs", answers are sum of squares of these numbers.
Here is an answer to the question, a recursive solution in Go:
$ go run sumsq.go
Enter the number of inputs:
Enter the number of numbers:
Enter the numbers:
Enter the number of numbers:
Enter the numbers:
Sum of Squares:
package main
import (
func readInt(r *bufio.Reader) int {
line, err := r.ReadString('\n')
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if err != nil {
if len(line) == 0 {
return 0
i, err := strconv.Atoi(line)
if err != nil {
return 0
return i
func nSquares(n int, r *bufio.Reader) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
i := readInt(r)
return i*i + nSquares(n-1, r)
func nNumbers(n int, r *bufio.Reader, sums *[]int) int {
if n == 0 {
return 0
fmt.Println("\nEnter the number of numbers: ")
i := readInt(r)
fmt.Println("Enter the numbers: ")
*sums = append(*sums, nSquares(i, r))
return nNumbers(n-1, r, sums)
func nInputs(r *bufio.Reader) []int {
fmt.Println("Enter the number of inputs: ")
i := readInt(r)
sums := make([]int, 0, i)
nNumbers(i, r, &sums)
return sums
func sumSqrs(sums []int) {
if len(sums) == 0 {
func main() {
r := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
sums := nInputs(r)
fmt.Println("\nSum of Squares:")
I have created a sample code for your scenario. You can modify it by using bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
func process_array(arr []string) int {
res := 0
for _, v := range arr {
num, err := strconv.Atoi(v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("num :", num)
res += num * num
return res
func process_test_case() int {
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of numbers`)
num := 2
fmt.Println("number of numbers :", num)
fmt.Println(`Enter the numbers`)
input := "1 2"
fmt.Println("the numbers :", input)
arr := strings.Split(input, " ")
res := process_array(arr)
return res
func main() {
fmt.Println(`Enter the number of inputs`)
test_cases := 1
fmt.Println("number of inputs :", test_cases)
for test_cases >= 1 {
res := process_test_case()
test_cases -= 1
You can run it here : https://go.dev/play/p/zGkAln2ghZp
As commented by #phonaputer you can change the sequence. Return the slice and print it from the end.
I think this code answer your title of the question:
package main
import "fmt"
func SumValues(x int, y ...int) (sum int) {
q := len(y) - 1
sum = y[q - x]
if x < q {
sum += SumValues(x + 1, y...)
return sum
func main() {
sum := SumValues(0,1,2,3,4,5)
fmt.Println("Sum is:", sum)

Golang Calculator -- Can't divide by 0 error

I'm actually in a bit of a trouble...
I have a calculator, but when I want to divide nubers with them, I have a panic err saying that you can't divide by 0.
Well, I know that in maths we can't divide by 0, but I don't put 0 in my ints.
Any idea of the problem ?
Here is the code :
package main
import (
func mult(nums ...int) {
result := 0
total := 1
for _, num := range nums {
result = total * num
total = result
func add(nums ...int){
result := 0
total := 0
for _, num := range nums {
result = total + num
total = result
func sub(nums ...int){
result := 0
total := 0
for _, num := range nums {
result = num - total
total = result
func div(nums ...int){
result := 1
total := 1
for _, num := range nums {
result = num / total
total = result
func main() {
var d [] int
var args= os.Args[1:]
nums := make([]int, len(args))
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
nums[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(args[i]);
d = append(d, nums[i])
num := d
if os.Args[1] == "*"{
} else if os.Args[1] == "+"{
} else if os.Args[1] == "-"{
} else if os.Args[1] == "/"{
} else {
fmt.Println("Well well well, you didn't entered a right operand ! Try with +, -, /, or * between double quotes")
The command I want to run this go code is :
go run calc.exe / 3 2 [Infinite args,...]
If your first parameter will always be a operator select, you can do something like that in your main func, you have a two problems in your main, you are ignoring the convertion error of a string to int and then this index of your array are setted with 0, and you are defining the array larger than you need because your first parameter it's not a number to your div func
nums := make([]int, len(args)-1)
for i := 0; i < len(args); i++ {
ret, errAtoi := strconv.Atoi(args[i])
if errAtoi != nil {
} else {
nums[i-1] = ret
d = append(d, nums[i-1])

Too many results in a loop for Project Euler #145

I am trying to create a solution for Project Euler #145. I am writing in Go. When I run my program I get a result of 125. The expected result is 120. I have 2 different ways I have tried to write the code but both come up with the same answer. Any help pointing out my error would be appreciated.
Code option #1 using strings:
package main
import (
//checks to see if all the digits in the number are odd
func is_Odd(sum int) bool {
intString := strconv.Itoa(sum)
for x := len(intString); x > 0; x-- {
newString := intString[x-1]
if newString%2 == 0 {
return false
return true
//reverse the number passed
func reverse_int(value int) int {
intString := strconv.Itoa(value)
newString := ""
for x := len(intString); x > 0; x-- {
newString += string(intString[x-1])
newInt, err := strconv.Atoi(newString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error converting string to int")
return newInt
//adds 2 int's passed to it and returns an int
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
func main() {
//functions test code
/*y := 35
x := reverse_int(y)
z := add(x,y)
counter := 1
for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
flipped := reverse_int(i)
sum := add(flipped, i)
oddCheck := is_Odd(sum)
if oddCheck {
fmt.Println(counter, ":", i, "+", flipped, "=", sum)
fmt.Println("total = ", counter)
Code option #2 using only ints:
package main
import (
var counter int
//breaks down an int number by number and checks to see if
//all the numbers in the int are odd
func is_Odd(n int) bool {
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
if remainder%2 == 0 {
return false
n /= 10
return true
//adds 2 int's passed to it and returns an int
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
//reverses the int passed to it and returns an int
func reverse_int(n int) int {
var new_int int
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
new_int *= 10
new_int += remainder
n /= 10
return new_int
func main() {
//functions test code
/*y := 35
x := reverse_int(y)
z := add(x,y)
counter = 1
for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
flipped := reverse_int(i)
sum := add(flipped, i)
oddCheck := is_Odd(sum)
if oddCheck {
Leading zeroes are not allowed in either n or reverse(n) so in reverse(n int) int remove Leading zeroes like so:
remainder := n % 10
if first {
if remainder == 0 {
return 0
first = false
try this:
package main
import (
//breaks down an int number by number and checks to see if
//all the numbers in the int are odd
func isOdd(n int) bool {
if n <= 0 {
return false
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
if remainder%2 == 0 {
return false
n /= 10
return true
//adds 2 int's passed to it and returns an int
func add(x int, y int) int {
return x + y
//reverses the int passed to it and returns an int
func reverse(n int) int {
first := true
t := 0
for n > 0 {
remainder := n % 10
if first {
if remainder == 0 {
return 0
first = false
t *= 10
t += remainder
n /= 10
return t
func main() {
counter := 0
for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
flipped := reverse(i)
if flipped == 0 {
sum := add(flipped, i)
if isOdd(sum) {
//fmt.Println(counter, ":", i, "+", flipped, "=", sum)
You're ignoring this part of the criteria:
Leading zeroes are not allowed in either n or reverse(n).
Five of the numbers you count as reversible end in 0. (That means their reverse has a leading zero.) Stop counting those as reversible and you're done.
Some positive integers n have the property that the sum [ n +
reverse(n) ] consists entirely of odd (decimal) digits. For instance,
36 + 63 = 99 and 409 + 904 = 1313. We will call such numbers
reversible; so 36, 63, 409, and 904 are reversible. Leading zeroes are
not allowed in either n or reverse(n).
All digits of the sum must all be odd.
Try this one: https://play.golang.org/p/aUlvKrb9SB

Golang: find first character in a String that doesn't repeat

I'm trying to write a function that returns the finds first character in a String that doesn't repeat, so far I have this:
package main
import (
func check(s string) string {
ss := strings.Split(s, "")
smap := map[string]int{}
for i := 0; i < len(ss); i++ {
for k, v := range smap {
if v == 1 {
return k
return ""
func main() {
Unfortunately in Go when you iterate a map there's no guarantee of the order so every time I run the code I get a different value, any pointers?
Using a map and 2 loops :
func check(s string) string {
m := make(map[rune]uint, len(s)) //preallocate the map size
for _, r := range s {
for _, r := range s {
if m[r] == 1 {
return string(r)
return ""
The benfit of this is using just 2 loops vs multiple loops if you're using strings.ContainsRune, strings.IndexRune (each function will have inner loops in them).
Efficient (in time and memory) algorithms for grabbing all or the first unique byte http://play.golang.org/p/ZGFepvEXFT:
func FirstUniqueByte(s string) (b byte, ok bool) {
occur := [256]byte{}
order := make([]byte, 0, 256)
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
b = s[i]
switch occur[b] {
case 0:
occur[b] = 1
order = append(order, b)
case 1:
occur[b] = 2
for _, b = range order {
if occur[b] == 1 {
return b, true
return 0, false
As a bonus, the above function should never generate any garbage. Note that I changed your function signature to be a more idiomatic way to express what you're describing. If you need a func(string) string signature anyway, then the point is moot.
That can certainly be optimized, but one solution (which isn't using map) would be:
(playground example)
func check(s string) string {
unique := ""
for pos, c := range s {
if strings.ContainsRune(unique, c) {
unique = strings.Replace(unique, string(c), "", -1)
} else if strings.IndexRune(s, c) == pos {
unique = unique + string(c)
fmt.Println("All unique characters found: ", unique)
if len(unique) > 0 {
_, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(unique)
return unique[:size]
return ""
This is after the question "Find the first un-repeated character in a string"
krait suggested below that the function should:
return a string containing the first full rune, not just the first byte of the utf8 encoding of the first rune.

How to compare two version number strings in golang

I have two strings (they are actually version numbers and they could be any version numbers)
a := ""
b := ""
I want to compare which one is bigger. How to do it in golang?
There is a nice solution from Hashicorp - https://github.com/hashicorp/go-version
import github.com/hashicorp/go-version
v1, err := version.NewVersion("1.2")
v2, err := version.NewVersion("1.5+metadata")
// Comparison example. There is also GreaterThan, Equal, and just
// a simple Compare that returns an int allowing easy >=, <=, etc.
if v1.LessThan(v2) {
fmt.Printf("%s is less than %s", v1, v2)
Some time ago I created a version comparison library: https://github.com/mcuadros/go-version
version.CompareSimple("", "")
//Returns: 1
Enjoy it!
Here's a general solution.
package main
import "fmt"
func VersionOrdinal(version string) string {
// ISO/IEC 14651:2011
const maxByte = 1<<8 - 1
vo := make([]byte, 0, len(version)+8)
j := -1
for i := 0; i < len(version); i++ {
b := version[i]
if '0' > b || b > '9' {
vo = append(vo, b)
j = -1
if j == -1 {
vo = append(vo, 0x00)
j = len(vo) - 1
if vo[j] == 1 && vo[j+1] == '0' {
vo[j+1] = b
if vo[j]+1 > maxByte {
panic("VersionOrdinal: invalid version")
vo = append(vo, b)
return string(vo)
func main() {
versions := []struct{ a, b string }{
{"", ""},
// Go versions
{"1", "1.0.1"},
{"1.0.1", "1.0.2"},
{"1.0.2", "1.0.3"},
{"1.0.3", "1.1"},
{"1.1", "1.1.1"},
{"1.1.1", "1.1.2"},
{"1.1.2", "1.2"},
for _, version := range versions {
a, b := VersionOrdinal(version.a), VersionOrdinal(version.b)
switch {
case a > b:
fmt.Println(version.a, ">", version.b)
case a < b:
fmt.Println(version.a, "<", version.b)
case a == b:
fmt.Println(version.a, "=", version.b)
Output: >
1 < 1.0.1
1.0.1 < 1.0.2
1.0.2 < 1.0.3
1.0.3 < 1.1
1.1 < 1.1.1
1.1.1 < 1.1.2
1.1.2 < 1.2
go-semver is a semantic versioning library for Go. It lets you parse and compare two semantic version strings.
vA := semver.New("1.2.3")
vB := semver.New("3.2.1")
fmt.Printf("%s < %s == %t\n", vA, vB, vA.LessThan(*vB))
1.2.3 < 3.2.1 == true
Here are some of the libraries for version comparison:
I have used blang/semver.
Eg: https://play.golang.org/p/1zZvEjLSOAr
import github.com/blang/semver/v4
v1, err := semver.Make("1.0.0-beta")
v2, err := semver.Make("2.0.0-beta")
// Options availabe
v1.Compare(v2) // Compare
v1.LT(v2) // LessThan
v1.GT(v2) // GreaterThan
This depends on what you mean by bigger.
A naive approach would be:
package main
import "fmt"
import "strings"
func main() {
a := strings.Split("", ".")
b := strings.Split("", ".")
for i, s := range a {
var ai, bi int
fmt.Sscanf(s, "%d", &ai)
fmt.Sscanf(b[i], "%d", &bi)
if ai > bi {
fmt.Printf("%v is bigger than %v\n", a, b)
if bi > ai {
fmt.Printf("%v is bigger than %v\n", b, a)
Based on Jeremy Wall's answer:
func compareVer(a, b string) (ret int) {
as := strings.Split(a, ".")
bs := strings.Split(b, ".")
loopMax := len(bs)
if len(as) > len(bs) {
loopMax = len(as)
for i := 0; i < loopMax; i++ {
var x, y string
if len(as) > i {
x = as[i]
if len(bs) > i {
y = bs[i]
xi,_ := strconv.Atoi(x)
yi,_ := strconv.Atoi(y)
if xi > yi {
ret = -1
} else if xi < yi {
ret = 1
if ret != 0 {
Striving for clarity and simplicity:
func intVer(v string) (int64, error) {
sections := strings.Split(v, ".")
intVerSection := func(v string, n int) string {
if n < len(sections) {
return fmt.Sprintf("%04s", sections[n])
} else {
return "0000"
s := ""
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
s += intVerSection(v, i)
return strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64)
func main() {
a := ""
b := "087.2345"
va, _ := intVer(a)
vb, _ := intVer(b)
Comparing versions implies parsing so I believe these 2 steps should be separate to make it robust.
tested in leetcode: https://leetcode.com/problems/compare-version-numbers/
func compareVersion(version1 string, version2 string) int {
len1, len2, i, j := len(version1), len(version2), 0, 0
for i < len1 || j < len2 {
n1 := 0
for i < len1 && '0' <= version1[i] && version1[i] <= '9' {
n1 = n1 * 10 + int(version1[i] - '0')
n2 := 0
for j < len2 && '0' <= version2[j] && version2[j] <= '9' {
n2 = n2 * 10 + int(version2[j] - '0')
if n1 > n2 {
return 1
if n1 < n2 {
return -1
i, j = i+1, j+1
return 0
import (
func main() {
j := ll("" ,"")
func ll(a,b string) int {
var length ,r,l int = 0,0,0
v1 := strings.Split(a,".")
v2 := strings.Split(b,".")
len1, len2 := len(v1), len(v2)
length = len2
if len1 > len2 {
length = len1
for i:= 0;i<length;i++ {
if i < len1 && i < len2 {
if v1[i] == v2[i] {
r = 0
if i < len1 {
if number, err := strconv.Atoi(v1[i]); err == nil {
r = number
l = 0
if i < len2 {
if number, err := strconv.Atoi(v2[i]); err == nil {
l = number
if r < l {
return -1
}else if r> l {
return 1
return 0
If you can guarantee version strings have same format (i.e. SemVer), you can convert to int and compare int. Here is an implementation for sorting slices of SemVer:
versions := []string{"1.0.10", "1.0.6", "1.0.9"}
sort.Slice(versions[:], func(i, j int) bool {
as := strings.Split(versions[i], ".")
bs := strings.Split(versions[j], ".")
if len(as) != len(bs) || len(as) != 3 {
return versions[i] < versions[j]
ais := make([]int, len(as))
bis := make([]int, len(bs))
for i := range as {
ais[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(as[i])
bis[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(bs[i])
// If X and Y are the same, compare Z
if ais[0] == bis[0] && ais[1] == bis[1] {
return ais[2] < bis[2]
// If X is same, compare Y
if ais[0] == bis[0] {
return ais[1] < bis[1]
// Compare X
return ais[0] < bis[0]
tested in go playground
// If v1 > v2 return '>'
// If v1 < v2 return '<'
// Otherwise return '='
func CompareVersion(v1, v2 string) byte {
v1Slice := strings.Split(v1, ".")
v2Slice := strings.Split(v2, ".")
var maxSize int
{ // Make them both the same size.
if len(v1Slice) < len(v2Slice) {
maxSize = len(v2Slice)
} else {
maxSize = len(v1Slice)
v1NSlice := make([]int, maxSize)
v2NSlice := make([]int, maxSize)
// Convert string to the int.
for i := range v1Slice {
v1NSlice[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(v1Slice[i])
for i := range v2Slice {
v2NSlice[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(v2Slice[i])
var result byte
var v2Elem int
for i, v1Elem := range v1NSlice {
if result != '=' && result != 0 { // The previous comparison has got the answer already.
return result
v2Elem = v2NSlice[i]
if v1Elem > v2Elem {
result = '>'
} else if v1Elem < v2Elem {
result = '<'
} else {
result = '='
return result
Convert "" to "0001"+"0005"+"0000"+"0156", then to int64.
Convert "" to "0001"+"0000"+"0221"+"9289", then to int64.
Compare the two int64 values.
Try it on the Go playground
