How to close the web page and kill the process at the same time? - spring

Using exe4j jar package (springboot project) into an exe file, the program test are no problem.
However, after closing the web page, the windows system processes, the exe file name of the process still exists, only through the task manager to kill the process.
Is there any way to close the web page at the same time, this process closed. Hope someone can help. I will thank you very much!
Only through the task manager to kill the process.


How to execute code when stopping application from debugger

When running an application, the application start many secondary processes that run on their own. When the app close those process are stopped.
My problem is that the only place i could figure out that work is using the Application.ApplicationExit event. It works when running the app and even when it crashes but the problem is when debugging with Visual Studio if you stop the code it doesn't trigger that code and we have couple hundreds of processes to kill.
I am looking for a better way than writing a batch file and list all processes to kill that i have to run every time a dev stop the code from running from within visual studio.
Maybe there is another event that is triggered when an app that is stopped by visual studio that i missed ?
If you want your child processes to always be killed when the parent is terminated, you could consider using a Job Object to associate them all. As each child process is started, add it to the job object shared by the parent; when the parent is terminated, Windows will also terminate all of the processes associated with that job object.

Get from a started program path to .lnk file that started it

Is there a way in Windows OS to detect whether you program has been started from .bat or .lnk file and obtain the full path to it?
I know I can get the parent process, but how to detect... for the lack of a better term let's name it 'way'... the way a program has been started?
Some malware modifies .lnk file (adding an ad to its params) pointing to my app. Also it starts my app from .bat. I want to check hash of the .lnk file and just quit if it's been started from .bat.
How does the program get started? Is it a SERVICE or does it run on startup?
If you killed the program, can you re-start it predictably?
I would use Processs Monitor to triangulate on what launched the app.
Process Monitor logs EVERYTHING the machine is doing. You can filter out all the noise to just .lnk, .bat, and/or your specific program.
Kill the program
Start Process Monitor (with filters applied)
Start the program
Stop Process Monitor
Search Process Monitor log by your program name
Scroll back to see what processes lead up to the program running
Hope it helps.

Task Scheduler WorkItem Not Running

I have a very specific problem that I need fixing. The major issue is that I don't exactly know how to properly search the remnants of my problem on google. Therefore I am coming to StackOverflow for advice in hopes that someone will assist me.
So I am writing an application which is to be PCI-compliant for the company which I am starting. The application involves IPC (Inter-process communication) and two "watch-dog" apps which monitor the status of the main application. One of these "watch-dog" applications is an updater (sends an HTTP Request to the server looking for updates of the application).
So! This method which I am using to check the server if the application is up-to-date is using the WinInet library and InternetOpen() to send the request. Then read the response of the page and use GetCookie() to store the response in a buffer. It shall then parse the response accordingly.
If the response says that the current version of my application is less than the version located on the server. It will then tell the customer (user) that their application is out of date, and ask them whether or not they want to update the software. If they choose to update the software, it will perform a Download And Execute from the internet and launch the update-installer on the user's PC.
The Problem
Unfortunately, windows is very "secure" when it comes to having an "unauthorized" application send an HTTP Request to an outgoing url, let alone download something from the server then execute it on the users PC.
My conclusion to this issue was to add the watch-dog programs to the Task Scheduler. That way after the main application is run, it will spawn the watch-dog programs and check if they are running with NTAUTHORITY privileges (which are granted by the Task Scheduler).
After implementing the code to create the task and point it to the location of the watch-dog programs, naming it, writing a description and everything. I executed the program. It ran without errors though here the REAL PROBLEM:
1) Programs executes
2) Spawns watch-dog programs
3) Watchdog program checks for new version
4) Version is found
5) Installer is downloaded, execute ... but
6) The installer does not appear on the screen!
When I run my 'Process Hacker' application to monitor all process actions. I can see that the new installer is download & executed. It is running as NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM just like the watch-dog programs but it doesn't appear on the system.
I made sure that in my code the status of the window is set to SW_SHOWNORMAL not SW_HIDE. I also made sure that all flags are set accordingly. Though it doesn't appear on the screen!
When I run the application without adding it to the Task Scheduler as my user without NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM status and just regular user status. It executes (obviously since I am already running as administrator) -- everything works fine. But after adding it to Task Scheduler and having it run with SYSTEM level privileges. The window doesn't appear on the screen visually. Why's that?
I would greatly appreciate anyone that is able to assist me with this problem. Thank-you!
edit 1
Can anyone help me understand how this user applied his fix in the registry? By reading the problem I can somewhat interpret that he had the same issue as me.
App is invisible if started from Task Scheduler without any user logged in
In any case, I am trying to use the advice that Gisley gave me to run the application in Interactive Mode. Possibly going to try to give that a try. Still looking for more answers but I am going to be working no this none-the-less in the meantime.
edit 2
I tried setting the INTERACTIVE FLAG and it had no effect unfortunately.
Allow me to just emphasize my problem:
For example I write a program which has message boxes and put it in a loop.
message box
get current pid
make process in the task scheduler
spawn new process as the task scheduler proc with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM
kill last proc pid
end for
Then when I execute it:
I get the message box. Then after new process opens with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM the message box does not appear anymore.
Same for if I open a calculator for example.
System("cmd.exe start /c calc.exe")
Program runs... opens calculator
Program gets NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM status
ON the next loop it executes the calc.exe
I see it in my task manager but it doesnt appear on the screen
I hope the above helped emphasize the core of my issue. I dont see the processes opened by the task scheduler process id with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM rights... I dont see the procs executed by it on my screen, though I see them in the task manager | process hacker and they are running with NTAUTHORITY/SYSTEM privileges too.
A shot in the dark - try running the task in interactive mode, but you'll need to have a user logged on.
Alternatively, or additionally, pass parameters to the installer so that it installs silently.
Silent installation of a MSI package

Immortal process in Windows; no way to kill it

I am writing a normal, innocent C++/Qt program in Windows 7/MinGW.
It is the second time in two days that after closing the program the executable remains among the active processes, and there is no way to kill it (I try both from the command line and from Windows Task Manager).
One inconvenience is that I cannot re-link my code, because the binary code cannot be overwritten, being running.
The reason is that the executable was running under the control of the debugger, and this protected the process against any attempt to kill it. Stopping it through the debugger has been successful.
I did not know that the debugger could shield a process from any external attempt to kill it so well...

How do I launch an updater properly?

I've got a program that needs to be able to update itself. I have a second program that will perform the updates, downloading and installing. The updater will obviously need to be able to update the main program, and for that, the main program can't be running. So I want to have the main program launch the updater with a call to ShellExecuteEx, but the MSDN documentation has me a little confused.
It says that:
The SEE_MASK_NOASYNC flag must be specified if the ... process will
terminate soon after ShellExecuteEx returns. Under such conditions,
the calling thread will not be available to complete the DDE
conversation, so it is important that ShellExecuteEx complete the
conversation before returning control to the calling application.
Failure to complete the conversation can result in an unsuccessful
launch of the document.
And under SEE_MASK_NOASYNC, it says that the ShellExecuteEx call won't return until the operation is complete. What I want is to launch the updater and then immediately terminate the main program, so the updater can run without trouble. Is that the correct way to do it? And is there anything special I need to do to keep the launched updater from being marked as a "child process" that will be killed when the main process shuts down?
Do you have to call ShellExecute? I do something similar and launch via CreateProcess and it works fine.
(In reality, cmd.exe is launched which runs a batch file. The batch file waits, starts the updater and waits for it to finish, then waits a bit, then launches the main app again. Never had any trouble with it)
DDE won't be used to launch an EXE directly. (It's only used to launch certain types of files if they are regsitered as needing to be launched that way. If you're just running an EXE by name, DDE should be irrelevant.)
So you should specify SEE_MASK_NOASYNC (to make sure the ShellExecuteEx call finishes doing all it needs to do and your app is then free to end the thread as soon as the call returns) and the API should return very quickly.
here's a good CodeProject article about launching an updater:
