installation of Neuraxle package with dependancies conflicts - pip

Trying to install Neuraxle, i am facing to conflict caused by dependancies :
neuraxle 0.8.1 depends on markupsafe==2.0.1
jinja2 3.1.2 depends on MarkupSafe superior or =2.0
werkzeug 2.2.2 depends on MarkupSafe superior or =2.1.1.
Is it possible to force dependancies configuration files to end installation ?
Trying to update each package with pip processus manually.

The jinja2 and werkzeug packages are not required to run most features of Neuraxle, only the REST API serving feature.
There is a way to install a library on pip without all of its dependencies. See here:
--no-deps, --no-dependencies
Ignore package dependencies
So you can run pip with a --no-dependencies flag.
If you want to manually install the other dependencies, you can find them here:


module mxnet has no attribute nd

I am trying to use gluonts library. I installed gluonts 0.12.2 and when I try to import gluonts it says 'module mxnet has no attribute nd'. mxnet was installed by dependence with version 1.6.0. I am using macos, m1 pro. how can I solve this problem?
I tried to install mxnet from github repo and without dependence install, tried to install from pip with "pip install -U mxnet". they did not work.

Does pip only use PyPI or does it use other domains to find packages?

I know that by default, pip uses PyPI to look for packages. I would like to know if there are other domains other than PypI that pip uses.
PIP Can install from
VCS project URL
Local project directories
Local or remote source archives
to run from a local passage you can input pip install /opt/mypackage
Finally, run pip install --help to see all installation options
PIP can install from many different sources. You can find the whole list here
You can also setup your own Python package repository and configure pip to install from there.

why poetry is failing at installing a freshly released pypi package?

I want to install the freshly released version 2.4.0 of datasets (
With pip, it works:
$ pip install datasets==2.4.0
With poetry, it fails:
$ poetry add datasets==2.4.0
Could not find a matching version of package datasets
Poetry uses PyPi's JSON Api to retrieve necessary metadata. They had some problem yesterday, which is fixed in the meantime. See

Installing Python Package to Conda Env Without Using Conda

I have a fresh Anaconda environment in which I would like to install the latest release of mysql-connector-python (v2.1.3). I'm on a CentOS6 system. The problem is, the newest Conda-hosted package is 2.0.3 and because the connector is not currently hosted on PyPI, it cannot be installed via Pip. (Pip's --allow-external option has been deprecated.)
I know that I can easily install the package via yum install, but I believe that will install it outside of the Conda environment.
Is there any way, using yum or otherwise, to isolate this package solely to this particular Conda environment?
Turns out this is surprisingly simple. Just download the source for the Python package that is not available on PyPI and pip install at the source directory. Just remember to have the Conda environment you want to install to active and Pip will correctly isolate the install to env scope.
I was unaware of Pip's install from local options, so big thanks to the folks on the Anaconda mailing list for their help with this.

How to avoid installing an "install_requires" package of a pip requirement?

When installing with pip from a requirements.txt file, is there a way to override a requirement's dependencies which are installed due to being listed under install_requires in of the package?
My specific case is south being installed as a dependency of django-paypal, even though I'm using Django 1.8 so I don't want south installed - it just confuses django's own migrate command.
