CANopen ifm Input/output module CR203x - go

I would like to use Input / output module CR203x family with GoLang. The manuals all carry examples for CodeSys. Where can I find the CanOpen sequence to activate, write and read the connected probes?
Normally I would send a COB-ID and 8 bytes but I don't understand if TPDO1 or RPDO1 and even less what the 8 bytes mean. Thank you.
I downloaded the related .eds file but it doesn't help me much.


how can i read and write on iso 14443 cards?

I'm trying my hand at using iso 14443 cards. I can't find a way to read or write on them via android app. Anyone have any solutions?
For now I have downloaded android apps like NFC tools, but I'm not very smart in using them.
So as these are sort of like Type 2 NfcA Tags (though not fully Type 2 compliant) and have a datasheet of what commands they support and what their memory organisation is like.
So to read and write data to these Tags you need to transceive a byte array containing the right commands and then you will receive back another byte array with the results of the command.
So here is an example of how to transceive to NfcA on Android.
So your Tag does not support the Fast Read (0x3A) command used in this example but does support a more standard Read command
e.g. send the byte array
0x30,0x00 to read the first 4 blocks of data (16 bytes) from the Tag (see section 6.2.1 of the datasheet and note the CRC is calculated for you.)
A write command begins with 0xA2,0x05 with 4 more bytes of data to write to the first user data area memory block

Generic option bytes on STM32F4

I'm currently tuning some code written for an STM32F070, where we use one byte on user option byte to keep some flags between Resets, using:
FLASH_ProgramOptionByteData(ADRESSE_OPTION_BYTE_DATA0, status_to_store);
Reading carefully the datasheet from our new STM32F446 lets me think that it is no longer possible to use option bytes to store one user byte...
1 - Am I Right with this assertion ? If not, what did I miss ?
2 - Is there some workaround, not involving to rewrite a sector of the flash ?
I am not an expert on stm32, rather still a beginner, but maybe you could have a look on the RTC backup register to hold your data ?

How to use modbus 16 function in ScadaLTS

I don't make sure, but I think the ScadaLTS no have the modbus 16 function. I need write in 9 registers simultaneously, but the data type that ScadaLTS give does not satisfy my need. I did try to use the type data "fixed length string" but I can't represent the code 0 in ASCII, if I could, it would work.
Finally, I hope to find help and thank you very much in advance.
Modbus function 16 is writing multiple holding register address at once, we cannot write it one by one, and must use fc 16 code. But there is no option to write to multiple address at modbus datapoint. I need this feature also,

TFTP packet example?

I'm writing a TFTP server in Ruby and I don't understand a couple things.
First, I read through the entire RFC and I understand the TFTP part of the packet (2 bytes opcode, etc), but I don't know where the TID's go. Also, I've never done anything in Ruby at a byte level. I don't know how to create a variable that's 2 bytes this and then 1 byte that and then whatever.
If someone could show me an example of how to construct a read request packet in ruby, that'd be sweet. Say I'm on the client side and I select port #20000 (for my local TID) and I want to read the file named /Users/pachun/documents/hello.txt on the server which has a TID of 69 right now because it's the first request. How would I construct that packet in Ruby?
Check out this project:
The code there should answer your questions regarding how to construct byte sequences for communicating with tftp protocol.

serial port communication

HI all,
I am doing serial port communication program. How do I achieve the following.
Need to know number bytes available for reading.
Note: I am creating File with Overlapped option.
thanks in advance
~ Johnnie
You are trying to query the number of bytes available first, and then read them. The standard way would be to just allocate a buffer (say 1000 chars), then call ReadComm() which tells you how many bytes were actually used (e.g. less than or equal to 1000).
You can flush the buffer of serial io using FlushFileBuffers() ( but since you want asynchronous IO, you probably only want to do that when you have written to a file and then want to move the file (certainly not on every call to WriteComm()).
More info:
