I'm on Windows 10.
I thought that only the gradlew.bat script can be run from the terminal/command prompt, And gradlew only on linux/mac terminal.
I was wondering why I can still run gradlew from windows terminal/command prompt ?
I've tried to debug like descript in docu:
Windows with cmd.exeset PWDEBUG=consolenpm run test
Windows with PowerShell$env:PWDEBUG="console"npm run test
Therefore I've tried in ubuntu:
PWDEBUG=console npm run test
This also doesn't work.
How is the right way to debug in Windows 10?
Next, I've tried the following command in ubuntu:
PWDEBUG=1 npx playwright test
This worked in Ubuntu but not in Windows 10
If you're using visual studio code the default terminal is powershell.
You can open this by going to menu bar: Terminal > New Terminal
If you're not using VS code, just open a new powershell window from the start menu.
You'll know it's powershell as the terminal line start with "PS".
You need to kick off the debugger with two lines. One to turn on the debugger and one to run the tests:
npx playwright test --headed --browser=chromium
That second lines runs everything as I create this folder with just 1 test file. Refer to the CLI if you want to run a specific tests
VS Code with the terminal window looks like this:
When you run the second line that opens the playwright inspector to allow you to debug:
one liner works for me from VSCode terminal:
set $env:PWDEBUG=1 && npx playwright test --headed --browser=chromium
I am running a sh script in VSCode, using Windows environment. When i run the .sh script from the internal VSCode terminal, it opens a new window from git-bash.
The problem is that inside the .sh there is some Docker commands that aren't recognized inside the git terminal, only outside, like running in integrated console from VSCode, in PowerShell.
How do I prevent to open this windows and allow the execution of these scripts inside the integrated VSCode console?
I use IntelliJ to launch a gradle build task for my project, but it seems that IntelliJ is using the command prompt (or cmd.exe) to launch the gradle wrapper, because during my build I'm getting the error:
'cp' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I have git bash installed, and running gradlew build from my bash shell succeeds without any such errors.
Is there a way to tell IntelliJ to use my bash executable to run gradle tasks rather than the default Windows cmd.exe?
I tried changing the default IntelliJ terminal (File->Settings->Terminal) from cmd.exe to my bash.exe, but that didn't work.
I solved this problem by first opening a Git Bash, and then running IntelliJ from there. The IntelliJ terminal is then automatically set to a Bash terminal, and all of the great Bash commands are available to Gradle.
If you want the Git Bash window to close automatically after starting IntelliJ, try running this command from PowerShell:
& git-bash.exe -c 'cmd //c start idea64.exe'
I use the Bash for Windows terminal in Intillij by setting the following as my default terminal.
cmd.exe "/K set LINES=9999&C:\windows\system32\bash.exe"
I am trying to use Neo4j 3.0.3 (zip file) command line tools in the command prompt on Windows 10. The problem is that it won't execute the files unless I run the command prompt as administrator. This is an issue for me because I can't run the command prompt as administrator on my machine I use for production. How can I run the Neo4j command prompt tools (neo4j-import.bat, etc.) without administrator mode? Is it possible?
I have a Jenkins setup on windows machine,I also have shell script which i want to run using Jenkins. How to run this script any idea.
Install Cygwin on windows
Make use of the
Cygpath plugin for Jenkins