How to take first class using xPath? - xpath

I have a problem with xPath. I have 8 class .xyz and I want to only first class take. I use //span[#class='xyz'] but this return all 8 classes. How can I take only first class ?

Your question is not clear, but I guess this should work for you:


get element based on class name - Cypress

I want to get the following element from the dom.
<span class="MuiBadge-badge MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightRectangle MuiBadge-colorError">5</span>
I'm looking for a simple syntax like: cy.contains('.MuiBadge-badge'). I can pass the full list of classes but it is not what I'm looking for.
You should also be able to use cy.get('[class*="MuiBadge-badge"]'). The asterisk usually represents a wildcard, and indicates that, in this case, the class contains this string.
You're close. You would just use the .get() command.
In your example, you could select based on one or more classes. Note for each class name you are selecting the period before the class.
For a single class: cy.get('.MuiBadge-badge');
For multiple classes: cy.get('.MuiBadge-badge .MuiBadge-anchorOriginTopRightRectangle .MuiBadge-colorError');
The documentation is here:

Back ground Subtraction class pros please answer

Can someone define the class BackgroundSubtractorMOG2.What does history(argument for the BackgroundSubtractor class mean).Is some technique like code books available using BackgroundSubtractorMOG2 class??
Thanks in advance
I made a new class from scratch and that solved the problem.Use the accumulator and frame subtraction methods to recreate the backgoundSubtractorMOG and i developed my own codebook model.

Is it possible to create a Visual Studio snippet which adds code explicitly in a class constructor?

I want to set up a code snippet (in this case in C#) to create a property which is additionally initialized in the class constructor, which includes that code is not only inserted in the class body but also explicitly in the constructor. Is that possible with just one snipped, and if yes: how?
Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure i've completely understood your question, but you can use this tool :
You can write a snippet for a class which contains one property set in the class constructor
Take a look at the class and prop or propfull snippets, it should help you

Extending the CI_DB_active_record class in codeigniter 2.0

I am writing my first program with Codeigniter, and have run into a problem. I will start with a focused description of the problem and can broaden it if I need to:
I need to write a multi-dimensional array to the DB and want to use the insert_batch function from the CI_DB_active_record class to do so. The problem is that I need to write empty values as NULL for some fields while other fields need to be empty strings. The current function wraps all values with single quotes, and I cannot find a way to write null values to the database for specified fields.
I would also like to increase the number of records per batch.
I see how to extend models, libraries, etc., but is there a way to extend the CI_DB_active_record class without modifying core classes? The minimal amount of core class modification to make this work that I have found is modifying the following lines in the DB.php file (changing the require_once file to the new file that extends the CI_DB_active_record class and changing the CI_DB_active_record class name to the new class name):
if ( ! class_exists('CI_DB'))
eval('class CI_DB extends CI_DB_active_record { }');
Can I do better?
There is no out-of-the-box solution to do this. Your hack is a reasonable solution and if it does the job then spot on.
If you have any changes to make to the core (plenty of room for improvement in some parts of AR) then why not hop on BitBucket and help out with Reactor?

sender class in ruby?

Anyone know how to get the sender class/module in ruby?
caller[0] is helpful to derive the filename and linenumber sending.
But knowing the class would be helpful. Can't find it any searches?
This would be impossible. You shouldn't be specialising your behaviour in a method based on the calling class anyway.
Think about it this way - the caller could be an anonymous function (proc) created in one class, then given to another one and invoked from a third place. You wouldn't get anything useful.
Instead, I'd look at what you're trying to achieve here, and think of another way to get there! :)
Check out this gem:
