How to convert from int to string in a while loop in c#? - methods

So I've been stuck on this problem:
Input a number from user and displays power of the number. Ask users to whether continue or not.** If user presses 'y' or 'Y' then continue and again accept a number. If a user presses any other characters or numbers then quit. (Use while loop)**
(especially on the bold part)
I have done the while loop but the next part would always give me an error.
I tried the Convert.To method and the TryParse() method but I didn't successed.
Here's what I have done that's working properly.
If you find any errors please tell me, I'm a beginner and I would appreciate it.


How to use formula CASE WHEN on Netsuite Oracle?

Hi Can someone help me with the Saved Search: So I’m trying to create a formula(numeric) that would say:
CASE WHEN {internalid} = ‘32319’ THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
— didn’t work it didn’t even show on the description
I also tried:
CASE {internalid} WHEN 32319 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END — also didn’t work and didn’t show on the description.
Not sure if perhaps using formula on my saved search is disabled on my end if so how can I know or check? Or maybe I did not use to correct syntax for the CASE WHEN? The formula is also grayed out(highlighted).
I managed to find a solution. As it turns out I just needed to put a value of 1 on the textbox for Value to validate the CASE WHEN Statement. Also whether there's a single quote for the numbers or in this case without a single quote, it still worked.
Either of those forms should work but your screen shots show a Formula(Text) rather than Formula(Numeric)

Whenever specific button clicked it does something in Pascal

Can anyone help me with scanning buttons always and when I click specific one it does something even Im writing? I want to be filling a record with like 9 attributes but when Im atc. at fourth I want to close it. I tried some readkey stuff :
procedure searching();
var p:char;search:string='';
until (p=#27) or (p=#13);
if (p=#27) then menu()
but the problem was that it written some character it was not possible to erase it and I knew that backspacing and writing again made my search filled with characters I did not wanted in there. Couldn't find a topic about it in pascal so im trying here. Don't flame for english please. Hope you get what I meant, also English is maybe the problem I can't find it, whatever. Waiting for answer, Thanks, Maroš.
but the problem was that it written some character it was not possible to erase it
Why not? Just handle #8 (backspace) and truncate your last character from the search string. You can use both System.Delete (by deleting the last character) and System.SetLength (by setting the length to current length - 1).

Creating a variable to measure string length

So I'm curious as to what I'm missing here. I have a program for school and part of the program requires that I measure the length of the input string. I have it laid out as "if String==6" which you can see in my code below. My professor would rather it be stored in a variable and that I use the .length method to measure it. His exact words are as follows, "To see if the ticket number is greater than six characters, you need to store it in a variable. Then, on line 19, you can check it by using ticket.length == 6."
I tried using his method and I put "ticket_number.length==6." but that returns an error. Im not sure why, isnt "ticket_number" the variable that needs measured? Or do I need to create another variable just for ticket length? I'm sure there is an easy answer, I just cant seem to find it. Thanks in advance for any and all help!
print "Please enter your six-digit ticket number."
if String=6 and ones_digit==remainder and ticket_number>0
print "Your ticket number is valid."
print "Your ticket number is invalid."
end while ticket_number>0
There's a couple of problems here but the biggest one is that converting to an integer means you've forfeited your opportunity to test vs. length:
ticket_number = gets.chomp
if (ticket_number.length != 6)
puts "Your ticket number must be six digits"
You can convert after the fact:
ticket_number = ticket_number.to_i
Then do your math.
Ideally you'd wrap this up in a function that, given a ticket number, will return true or false depending on validity. This de-couples it from your display and looping logic, simplifying things.

Reading user input without halting execution

I'm trying to read user input in a console interface in a Lua application.
However, I do not want to halt program execution as the title suggests. Using read() would interfere with the normal handling of ongoing events, and interface updates, while the user's typing.
The best solution I could come up with was maintaining a temporary variable I apply any user input to that isn't a function key. However, my event handler returns scancodes, and I know of no way to map these to ASCII codes short of maintaining a table for each key, which is something I really want to avoid.
Any ideas?
To give an example of what I mean:
function read_input()
local input = read()
while true do
e,param1,param2,param3 = os.pullEvent()
if (e=='key' and param1=='201') then
elseif (e=='something_else') then
As you can see, the user can at some point land in a function demanding user input. While this input is taken, I can't have any other (event-based) functions of the program being impeded by this.
You would need to read the keys continuously from the os.pullEvent()
local input
while true do
e,param1,param2,param3 = os.pullEvent()
if (e=='key') then
-- do some fancy stuff for checking which key has pressed and append it to input
-- additionally if it's enter do something other fancy
-- blah blah
I'm not sure but I thought the character of which key was pressed is in one of the params of the pullEvent, I might be mistaken tho.
Additionally if you want to do something every second or so, start a timer which also fires the pullEvent.

How to validate an optional empty textbox, Is the data valid or not - its optional... -

Today I asked myself how can I handle user input if the user have not to enter it...
A firstname and lastname is all he must enter. The adress he needs not to fill out.
Now I have to decide, is the missing data a user mistake or didn`t the user want to enter
How can I deal with such a scenario?
If the address field is perfectly valid when blank (i.e. "") then I would first do a check against the length of the data within the address text field.
If the length of the data is > 0 then the validation routine should take place, else the form should continue to process...
If you wanted to get slightly more intelligent with this (and depending on your requirements) you could perhaps put some code in place to check whether the user has entered the address box with their cursor at any point and then carry out validation accordingly.
