git push to create new GitHub repo not working - bash

I am trying to create a script that prompts for a name to give to a new GitHub repo, and then create the GitHub repo by pushing to the remote URL which the new GitHub repo will have. When I use the script I get these errors:
remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository '' not found
read -p"Enter the name of remote repository: " name
mkdir ~/rep/$name
cd ~/rep/$name
echo "#$name" >>
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin$name.git
git push -u origin main
echo "Done"
Why doesn't this work? What can I do to achieve my goal?
p.s. This is my first script.

You can't push to a repository to github if it doesn't already exist. Usually, you'd create one through a web browser by going on their site, but they released a cli called gh, which allows creating repositories (you have to authenticate somehow before though).


Automate gitlab project creation and push to repository

Since I have more than 100 projects to be created in Gitlab, is there a way that creation till push to repository can be automated.
Create project->Clone the repo.->Push modified files.
This flow needs to be automated.
Please provide me reference incase of no specifics.
Projects don't have to be created in advance. You can just push to any namespace to create projects.
git remote add origin ssh://
git push -u origin --all
You'll see the server respond back with a message like this:
remote: The private project mynamespace/my-newprojct was successfully created.
If you wanted a script to create a project from scratch, you might do something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
gitlab_host="" # replace with your host
project_name="$(basename "${project_path}")"
mkdir "$project_name"
pushd "$project_name"
echo "# ${project_name}" >
# Put any additional project file creation steps here
git init
git checkout -b main
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git remote add origin "ssh://git#${gitlab_host}/${project_path}.git"
git push -u origin main
./ mynamespace/my-newproject
This will create a directory my-newproject, setup repo files, remote, and push it to GitLab creating the project.

How can i upload a Spring Java project to GitHub so i can show my work?

I've tried through various ways, directly uploading the files wont work. I've tried through bash and nothing.
Do you have git installed?
# Create a new repository on the command line
#Go to Project Directory on your Computer, Open git Bash here
# run the following 1 by 1
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Comment here"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
If you have a git profile and a repository you can take these simple steps to get it online:
Open a terminal and go inside the folder of the project you want to push to your git repository
Check if you are on the right git branch: git checkout
git add .
git commit -m "your messagge to commit"
git push origin -u "yourbranchName
If you have never set up your origin branch, you should add it before using it:
git remote add origin "github link"
To see if everything went well you can do a simple: git status.
I hope it will be useful to you my friend!

How to publish Github repository

I need to publish a Github repository from a directory on my computer.
I added, committed, and pushed the origin master of the files I wanted to publish from the root directory of my project. By that, I mean I clicked the "create a new repository" button and typed all the git commands in my terminal while in the project directory I want to publish as my repository. For a list of the commands I used, see the below section labeled "Code."
I saw no errors during the terminal commands. When I finished, all I saw in my repository was the file and nothing else.
I tried to check at my terminal to see if my login name matched the Github username of the target repository. But I didn't see any commands for checking the login name at the terminal.
OS/config: Using OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) on MacBook Air
I tried this...
git init
git add # This is the problem. (See my answer below.) Should be "git add ."
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin"username"/"repository".git
git push -u origin master
Heres a basic push to GitHub, What kind of errors are you getting?
create a new repository on the command line
git init
git add . //This will add everything in the directory
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin"username"/"repository".git
git push -u origin master
…or push an existing repository from the command line
git remote add origin"username"/"repository".git
git push -u origin master
Here is what solved the problem for me...
That second git command line should be git add . not git add The . adds all the files in the directory, as mentioned by the accepted answer.
git init
git add . # This was the key line to change from what was tried in the question.
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Creating a github repository from command line

I am creating a new app and I want to be able to create a repository from the command line to be able to add commits without having to go to github and create a repo. I am totally noobian. is it possible? and if so how? Thank you!
for github you could try hub - is a command line tool that wraps git in order to extend it with extra features and commands that make working with GitHub easier.
Examples from doc:
$ git create
[ repo created on GitHub ]
> git remote add origin
# with description:
$ git create -d 'It shall be mine, all mine!'
$ git create recipes
[ repo created on GitHub ]
> git remote add origin
$ git create sinatra/recipes
[ repo created in GitHub organization ]
> git remote add origin
If you want to use git, then it is fairly straightforward, but you won't go far without going through some tutorial. I highly recommend Git Book by Scott Chacon. At least go through chapter 2 and perhaps chapter 3. To answer your questions though: Git is a distributed versioning system so you definitely do not need a repo in GitHub - you can create a repo on your own harddrive and then push it to any other repos (i.e. you could create a GitHub repository later and publish your repository there - it will be an exact clone!).
To create a repo you invoke a command: git init or git init repoName - the former creates the repo in current folder, the latter creates a new one named "repoName".
When you are ready to create a first commit invoke git add . to add all files to index (think of it as an area where you prepare what will go into the next commit) and the git commit -m "Commit message". nstead of adding all files you could also choose files to commit individualy by git add path/to/file
You will need at least some basics with git covered though before you can start using it comfortably.

Migrating forked project from Heroku to Github

Some time ago I found some code in one Github repo. I downloaded it (did not fork it), started upgrading it and when I was happy with the result, I used Heroku as a host. So now the code lives on my computer and Heroku. How could I push it to my Github account, but also give the original author of the project some credit for it (showing on my Github that I actually forked it)?
Okay, so I actually figured it out already!
First, create a new repository on github, let's name it github-project.
git clone<heroku-project>.git
cd <heroku-project>
git remote rm origin
git remote add github<github-username>/<github-project>
git pull github master
Now you'll probably see some conflicts. If you want to preserve all your changes, just add them all.
git add .
git commit -m "some message"
git push github master
This is quite simple:
Create an empty repository on GitHub, let's call it github-project
Clone from Heroku, let's call it heroku-project
Add a remote for github
Push to GitHub
The commands to perform these steps:
git clone
cd heroku-project
git remote add github
git push -u github master
That's it!
Note: if you already created the GitHub project with a README file in it, then it is NOT empty anymore, and the last push will be refused. In that case you can force the push, effectively overwriting the project on GitHub, by using the --force flag, for example:
git push -u github master --force
