An audio error has occurred, player will skip forward in 2 seconds - ajax

I added the music player plugin to my own blog and recently opened it to find that the music player is not working with the following prompt:
An audio error has occurred, the player jumps forward in 2 seconds.
Please tell me what the problem is and how to solve it, thanks a lot!


Screeching Feedback sound in Node.js

I implementing webRTC with with for signaling, but earlier as soon as I opened the URL it used to give screeching sound, but then after some research, I added a muted attribute in the local video tag so it got fixed but now when I call someone then both the browser have a high pitched screeching sound(less on macOS chrome and more on android chrome), the code which I using as a basis is from this tutorial, I modified the code on line 148 to have audio: true and the HTML video tag for the local video to have muted, rest of the code is exactly same as the repo.
I have read a lot of articles on it but I am not able to find a solution to the screeching. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
If both the devices are near to each other, then it causes this sound. If you move the devices far away, then there won't be screeching sound...
This happens with other video chat applications like zoom and google-meet also...

QMediaPlayer doesn't change status at the end of file

I'm using Qt 5.1 (from here) on a MacBook Pro (OSX 10.8.4).
I have a movie player application consisting of little more than a QMediaPlayer and a QVideoWidget. Video from a local file URL plays fine.
I can connect and monitor the player's mediaStatusChanged and positionChanged signals, and increase the rate at which they're reported with QMediaPlayer::setNotifyInterval to several times per second.
This all seems to work fine except for one annoying thing:
When the player reaches the end of the file, it doesn't change status, it just reports the same position repeatedly. Only (and this is where things get strange) if I resize the window or minimise/maximise it, does it seem to "flush out" the expected status change to QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia. Even just raising another application to cover the video app seems to flush the status change.
Any suggestions? Bug in QMediaPlayer? Me doing something wrong? Suggestions for workrounds?
Update: Now reported in Qt Jira.

AUGraph resume after stop

I created a project in which I have included various audio AudioUnit type: generator, mix, highpass, IOU in Augraph enviroments. I can get working almost everything I had planned for the app, but I can not explain why I can hear the fileplayer with the (action auGraphStart), but if I press the action (augraphStop) and then again (auGraphStart) this action does not resume audio. the only thing I can hear after pressing start again is a small chunk of audio and then total silence.
can you put me in right direction to solve this issue?

WP7 background audio resources are no longer available

I'm using BackgroundAudioPlayer for my Windows Phone 7 music & video application. After I play some music, I play video using MediaPlayerLauncher, then press Back to return to my app. There whenever I use BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance. I receive error "The background audio resources are no longer available".
Someone on MSDN suggests using try/catch, but this is not a good idea, and can slow down the app.
Other suggests call BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Close() before launch MediaPlayer. However, when I play music, the agent load .dll again, which takes very much time.
How to fix this ?
If you play a video after your audio the OS will definitely "terminate" your Background Audio Player. From your question it seems this is reproducible 100% of the time which would confirm this. Your only option is to restart the background audio player again after you have called BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Close(), and then played your video. Which as you said will require reloading your player DLL when you start the BAP.
Update following up from comments
If you aren't implementing a streaming audio agent but only an AudioPlayer agent there isn't a process for you to kill anyway. The OS spins up a process as and when it needs to get you to process an action (e.g.: user action, track ended, shutdown).
BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Close() just makes sure that the OS releases those resources cleanly in a scenario such as the OP has.
To restart background audio, just call BackgroundAudioPlayer.Instance.Play() again.

How to play mp3 file in loop in WP7

I'm implementing a game for WP7, and I need that a mp3 file plays in background, while I navigate through some screens. How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
Use background Audio agent for this purpose to play , even when user navigate between pages.
Also you can achieve the continuous playback by 2 ways
1. set the repeat option to play continuously
2. start play back again upon receiving the stop message, this can be achieved by putting code for starting playback again in Application Background player state handler upon receiving "PlayState.Stopped" message.
Please refer this link "How to: Play Background Audio for Windows Phone" for more details.
Hm.. what about global MediaPLayer instance?
See this link
