How Does The Magento 2 Product Discounts Work? - magento

Looking at the Magento Quick Reference Documentation , in product -> extension_attributes -> discounts, the API offers an array of objects one can use for discounting products in Magento 2.
Why is an array of objects needed?
Is there somewhere to view "discounts" by navigating from the Magento Dashboard?
Could each key/value pair field options be explained in plain English?
JSON Example
"discounts": [
"discount_data": { "amount": 0.00, "base_amount": 0.00, "base_original_amount": 0.00, "original_amount": 0.00 },
"rule_id": 0,
"rule_label": ""
Key Value Pairs:
discount_data ->
a) amount
b) base_amount
c) base_original_amount
d) original_amount

What are you trying to do to create a custom REST API for the discounted product? Meanwhile, to answer your questions:
1: Third-party developers cannot change the API Data interface in the Magento core. So, adding extension attributes is the only way to affect interfaces using configuration. The array is formed in the coding structure of the main object of the product, so please make sure to attach the additional details.
So, this custom data, i.e., your extension attribute, will be added as an array for the extensible product object.
2: Navigate to Marketing->cart price rules or catalog price rules applied to the product category.
Also, check the product as:
Navigate to Products > Catalog, select the required item and click 'Edit.'
You can scroll down and click on Advance Price to check if the special price and date are set.
3: Key Value Pair
Please specify for which API you want to create so we can explain the key value like order or product.
To order the object:
"paymentMethod": {
"method": "banktransfer"
"billing_address": {
"email": "",
"region": "New York",
"region_id": 43,
"region_code": "NY",
"country_id": "US",
"street": ["160 1st St."],
"postcode": "11501",
"city": "Mineola",
"telephone": "516-555-1111",
"firstname": "Jane",
"lastname": "Doe"
Full documentation:


Magento Global Special Price - Create or Update - HTTP Request

Problem: I would like to update the global special price of a product in Magento using a HTTP POST or PUT request.
Whilst I've seen the endpoint /V1/products/special-price in the docs, this is per store and not global.
Which endpoint should I send to, with what data?
Use Cases:
I'll be creating a whole new product, with a special price included at the start
I'll be updating an existing product with a new special price
I'll be deleting the special price from a product
This code worked for scheduling an update. To make it global, I set the store_id to 0.
"prices": [
"price": 45.00,
"store_id": 0,
"sku": "virtualProductTest",
"price_from": "2023-01-13 08:43:00",
"price_to": "2024-10-16 22:30:45",
"extension_attributes": {}

FHIR: Extending the Basic resource with extensions

I'm an absolute FHIR newbie and I'm trying to create a set of StructureDefinitions and examples for an upcoming medical project.
For this project, we need a very specific resource, which is not supported by any FHIR resource yet. Here's our use case:
We are placing sensors on our Patients while they execute certain exercises (e.g. a leg squat) - we capture the sensor measurements and based on those we assign a pre-calculated bio-mechanical body model to each individual Patient. Those body models are calculated and assigned somewhere else in our system (this process is not relevant here). In a first step, I would like to add all the pre-calculated body models itself to our FHIR dataset as resources - so that I'm able to output all existing body models in our system.
Such a body model consists of an unique identifier, a human readable title and a set of attributes which describe the body model. The crucial part are the attributes - those might vary for each body model and we don't know the set of possible attributes beforehand, hence I need a dynamic format representing key and value of each attribute. If I were to represent this in a simple json structure I'd look as follows:
"id": "0",
"attributes": [
"key": "ATTRIBUTE_1",
"value": "EXAMPLE_1"
"key": "ATTRIBUTE_2",
"value": "EXAMPLE_2"
My goal now is to create a StructureDefinition corresponding to the custom resource I've described above.
Hence I looked up the topic of "custom resources" and found this article on the HL7 site: - explaining that the Basic resource should be used for custom resources.
So I went ahead and tried to create a basic resource and extending it:
"resourceType": "StructureDefinition",
"type": "Basic",
"differential": {
"element": [
"id" : "Basic",
"path": "Basic",
"definition": "This element describes a general body model captured during an exercise or a movement, e.g. whilst doing leg squats."
"id" : "",
"path": "",
"definition": "ID of the body model"
"id": "Basic.extension:title",
"path": "Basic.extension",
"sliceName": "definition",
"definition": "Title of the body model",
"min": 0,
"max": "1",
"type": [
"code": "string" // I know that's wrong, but I somehow would like to restrict this to a string only
"id": "Basic.extension:attributes",
"path": "Basic.extension",
"sliceName": "attributes",
"definition": "Attributes of the body model",
// This is where I'm stuck - how do I define this to be a list of objects consisting of attributes key and value?
To sum it all up: How do I create a new StructureDefinition from a basic resource allowing me to specify a new required attribute named "attributes", which consists of one-to-many elements, which again contain the attributes key and value for the key and value of the body model attributes?
Hope this makes sense - otherwise please feel free to let me know and I'll try to rephrase my question.
Many thanks in advance!
First, for a newbie, you're doing really well :) (And nice job on framing the question well too!)
Your first extension slice has a few issues:
sliceName should be "title", not "definition" - essentially the 'extra' bit in the id is the slicename
The 'type' needs to be Extension. (The type of all extensions is always Extension.) However, you should also specify a specific profile on Extension that indicates the canonical URL the StructureDefinition you've used to define the 'title' extension. That extension will have a context of Basic and will constrain extension.value[x] to be of type string and will also establish a fixed URL for extension.url.
Your second slice will be similar. However, the profile on extension it points to won't constrain extension.value. Instead, it'll slice extension.extension to have two slices, one with a fixed url of "name" and the other with a fixed url of "value". There's an example here of a 2-element complex extension. Your slice names and data types will differ, as will the context, but it should make a good model for you.
If you still have issues, add your revised version to your question and we'll see if we can help further.

Microsoft 365 API : Issue at attaching Contact to Campaign Response

I am trying to attach a contact to campaign response.
I am using rest API for that.
Post Data :
"firstname": "TestFirst",
"lastname": "TestLast",
"emailaddress": "",
"telephone": "1234567890",
"prioritycode": 0,
"responsecode": 1,
"subject": "Test Subject",
"statuscode": 1,
"regardingobjectid_campaign#odata.bind": "/campaigns(xxxx90c-11ef-e811-a966-000d3ad24a0d)",
"regardingobjectid_contact#odata.bind": "/contacts(xxxxfa2e-c3b5-e811-a962-000d3ad24a0d)"
Here is my JSON.
I am getting Error : “Campaign as RegardingObject must be supplied”. Without contact, it works fine.
I had the same problem and the documentation is not very clear about it, I had to check all the relationships of the CampaignResponse in order to understand how to solve this.
If you want to create a CampaignResponse linked to both a Campaign and a Contact you need to do the following:
Create a CampaignResponse with the "regardingobjectid_campaign#odata.bind" in the params sent.
"regardingobjectid_campaign#odata.bind": "/campaigns(CAMPAIGN_ID_HERE)",
"description": "some desc",
"subject": "some subject "
Then find the CampaignResponse you just created to get its activityid (every CampaignResponse is an Activity)
Finally, you need to create a new ActivityParty, that will link the Contact to the CampaignResponse.
"partyid_contact#odata.bind": "/contacts(CONTACT_ID_HERE)",
"participationtypemask": 11 //this is the code for customers
The "Regarding" lookup field can only be set to a single "regarding" record. Even though it appears that there are different Regarding fields, one for each entity type, those are "helper" fields that let you easily set the main Regarding field by setting one of those regardingobjectid_xxx fields.
You must choose to use either a campaign or a contact as your Regarding field. You can of course create other lookups, so you could use the Regarding field for your campaign and then add an additional Contact lookup field, for example.

Laravel 5 Eloquent model dynamically generated at runtime

I am looking to make some sort of "GenericModel" class extending Eloquent's Model class, that can load database configuration (like connection, table name, primary key column) as well as relationships at runtime based on a configuration JSON file.
My reasons for wanting this are as follows: I'm going to have a lot of database tables and thus a lot of models, but most don't really have any complicated logic behind them. I've developed a generic CRUD API and front-end interface to interact with them. Each model has a "blueprint" JSON file associated with it that describes things like its attributes and relationships. This lets me automatically generate, say, a view to create a new model and it knows what attributes I need to fill in, what input elements to use, what to label them, which are mandatory, how to validate, whether to check for uniqueness, etc. without ever needing code specific to that model. Here's an example, project.json:
"db_table": "projects",
"primary_key": "projectid",
"display_attr": "title", // Attribute to display when picking row from list, etc
"attributes": {
"projectid": { // Attribute name matches column name
"display": "ID", // Display this to user instead of db column name
"data_type": "integer" // Can be integer, string, numeric, bool...
"title": {
"data_type": "string",
"unique": true // Check for uniqueness when validating field
"customer": {
"data_type": "integer", // Data type of local key, matches customer PK
"relationship": { // Relationship to a different model
"type": "manytoone",
"foreign_model": "customer"
"user": "autocomplete" // User input element/widget to use, queries customer model for matches as user types
"description": {
"data_type": "string",
"user": "textarea" // Big string, use <textarea> for user input
"required": false // Can be NULL/empty, default true
"views": {
"table": [ // Show only these attributes when viewing table
"edit_form": [ // Show these when editing
This works extremely well on the front end, I don't need any more information than this to describe how my models behave. Problem is I feel like I just end up writing this all over again in most of my Model classes and it seems much more natural to have them just pull information from the blueprint file as well. This would result in the information being in one place rather than two, and would avoid extra effort and possible mistakes when I change a database table and only need to update one file to reflect it.
I'd really just like to be able to do something like GenericModel::blueprint('project.json')->find($id) and get a functioning "product" instance. Is this possible, or even advisable? Or is there a better way to do this?
Have you looked at Migrations (was Schema Builder)? It allows you to programatically build models (from JSON if necessary).
Then you could leverage Eloquent on your queries...

Changing data in every document

I am working on an application that has messages and I want to store all the messages. But my problem is the message has a from first name and last name which could change. So if for example my JSON was
"subject": "Hello!",
"message": "Hello there",
"from": {
"user_id": 1,
"firstname": "George",
"lastname": "Lastgeorge"
The user could potentially change their last name or even first name. Which would require basically looping over every record in elasticsearch and updating everyone with the user_id.
Is there a better way to go about doing this?
I feel you should use parent mapping.
Keep the user info as parent with userID as key.
"name" : "George",
"last" : "Lastgeorge"
Next , you need to maintain each chat as a child document and map the parent to the userindo type.
This way , whenever you want to make some change to the user information , simply make the change in userInfo type.
With this feature intact , you can search your logs based on user information , or search users based on chat records.
Link -
