How to solve gradle error: javafx jar file not found - gradle

When refreshing the gradle in intelIJ-IDEA, specifically in the zap-extensions folder for adding our custom plugin, we get the following error.
Could not find javafx-web-11-mac-aarch64.jar (org.openjfx:javafx-web:11).
Searched in the following locations:
Possible solution:
- Declare repository providing the artifact, see the documentation at
The error only occurs on a Macbook Pro M1, and works on other architectures.
We tried adding our own javafx jar file as an artifact in the project structure, but we can't figure out how to do this exactly. Does anyone have a clue how to solve this? Are we on the right track with adding a random javafx jar file as an artifact?

It looks like the version of JavaFX we are currently using is not supported on the M1. But it looks like JavaFX 17 may well support it:
You could try using that and if it works submit a PR?
I dont currently have access to an M1 to test it...


Intellij complaining about JDK location

First Image
Second Image
As I attached 2 images, I am having trouble running my spring boot gradle project written in groovy.
As soon as I open the project, intellij tries to build the project and it fails saying Gradle Sync failed.
Since it is complaining about java home in the jdk setting, I was trying to change the path as my intellij expects. but as soon as I change it, it tells me that it cannot find android sdk location. and I have no idea why it cares about android sdk. This project is about spring batch job using gradle and groovy.
I have been searching why it happens for days now and online is talking about ardroid studio solution. and those solution do not apply to my problem.
Can someone help me with this issue please?
Thank you in advance.
It looks like you are running Android Studio instead of IntelliJ IDEA.
The former doesn't support projects other than targeted for Android, so your project will not work there.
Make sure you run IntelliJ IDEA. You can get it at

IntelliJ SpringBoot dependency problems

I'm trying to follow several tutorials on how to use Spring Boot, however I keep running into issues where none of my dependencies are working properly. Below is an image displaying my problem.
I've tried making sure that I installed Maven correctly, however I imagine there is something that I'm doing wrong. I think that I have Maven in the proper Paths but, but I can't tell why it would still be providing the errors that it does. I've followed what it stated to do for Windows users, and have as follows.
Whenever I run mvn -version I am getting the following.
Can anyone help guide me in order to properly have Maven working on IntelliJ?
If you are using IntelliJ IDEA then I suggest using Spring Initializr which would create sample application with correctly configured maven setup is you choose Maven Project for Type:
Are you using Gradle or Maven to import required dependencies? If not, follow the guides here:
If you have them setup, try to click one of the error and then click the red light bulb icon, see what it suggests you to do.

fiji plugin : imgOpener exception (scifio class)

I'm using Fiji for the first time, I need to open an image as a FloatType so I followed the example found here but I get this error:
WARN: Ignoring non-Maven build directory: /home/utente/workspace/my_project/bin
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No compatible service: io.scif.SCIFIOService
at org.scijava.service.ServiceHelper.loadService(
at org.scijava.service.ServiceHelper.loadService(
at org.scijava.service.ServiceHelper.loadServices(
at org.scijava.Context.<init>(
at org.scijava.Context.<init>(
at org.scijava.Context.<init>(
at io.scif.img.AbstractImgIOComponent.<init>(
at io.scif.img.ImgOpener.<init>(
at SGP_db.StartingJFrame.getGn(
at Plugin.SGP_deblurring_boundary.main(
Can't undertand why I get this error, any ideas?
It is almost certainly a build path issue in Eclipse. Are you using the M2E plugin to manage your projects?
If you are not, or aren't sure, please follow the directions on the Fiji web site at:
I would strongly suggest not to manually juggle JAR files in non-Maven Eclipse projects. The Eclipse Maven integration will make your life much easier. For more details, see:
I've solved importing the ImgOpener class from
Please note that imglib2-io no longer exists; the up-to-date way to access the ImgOpener is to use the io.scif:scifio library instead. If you are basing your work off of the ImgLib2 Examples, please note that you can grab the source from GitHub, which includes a Maven POM with the correct dependencies specified. Start from there, or from the minimal-ij1-plugin project if you need to use ImageJ 1.x routines as well.

Including LWJGL on Netbeans via Maven

I have a problem with including LWJGL on Netbeans via Maven 2.
I create my own project, and I added new depency. I haven't problems with writting code, but when I try to compile and run it I always getting exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path
I read some articles about this problem, because it is common problem; And I know that I should use -Djava.library.path=/native/
I don't get so much Maven and I cannot find the path, where maven stored these libraries. Maybe should I make some other things?
BTW I have not idea, why maven not linked it
if you are running the project via exec-maven-plugin, you need to tell netbeans to include the exec.args property when running and within that property have the right -Djava.library.path=. That's done in the Actions panel in project customizer.

Springsourcetoolsuite sample project throwing maven dependency issues

I am new to STS and installed the latest version yesterday. Once installed I went to New->Spring Template Project->Simple Spring Batch Project and followed the instructions like giving a project name, specifying a package name and clicked finish.
The project is showing a lot of errors. I tried updating maven dependencies and clicked almost all logical options in maven. I even see that org.springframework is not resolved. I see "Failed to read artificat descriptor errors".
Can anybody guide me here? Since this is a sample project I expected it to compile and run straight away. Am i missing something?
My STS version is 2.7.2 and maven is 4.0
Unfortunately, some of the template projects are a bit out of date. I'd recommend posting on the STS forum for a bit of help on getting them working.
