sass variable not working in container query - sass

SCSS variables don't seem to work when used in a container query. For example this code works just fine:
.parent {
container-type: inline-size;
background: yellow;
#container (max-width: 800px) {
.child {
See pen:
But when I try to use a sass-variable to define the breakpoint, it fails.
$width: 800px;
.parent {
container-type: inline-size;
background: yellow;
#container (max-width: $width) {
.child {
See pen:
What's the problem here? Any workaround?

I cannot find the definitive sass lang entry, but hash and curly brace is often used in #media queries.
#container (max-width: #{$width}) {
.child {
In Brave it works in that codepen; and so do the following:
#container (max-width: ${width} ) {

As "A Boston" already pointed out the issue seems to be that you don't use the hash syntax like in his first example.
I use quite often to check what it compiles to.
In your Codepen you forgot to add a semicolon after
$width: 800px;
According to:
#container queries are not supported for Firefox yet. Only Firefox Nightly supports it.
I've tested it in Chrome and it worked with the tweaks. Make sure your browser version is supported. My current Safari version did not work either (due to the version mismatch).


Inline scss variable as the name part in the evaluation of another scss variable

Suppose I have the following scss variables:
$until-xs: "(max-width: 377px)";
$until-sm: "(max-width: 640px)";
$until-xl: "(max-width: 4000px)";
And based on them the following helper css classes are constructed:
.until-sm {
display: none;
#media #{$until-xs} {
display: block !important;
.until-md {
display: none !important;
#media #{$until-sm} {
display: block !important;
/* plus a lot of classes like this */
I am trying to create a mixin that would help me define those classes more easily by passing the $until-x variable as an input to the mixin, like so:
#mixin until($x) {
display: none;
#media #{'$until-'#{$x}} {
display: block !important;
Such that the classes above will be defined simply as:
.until-xs { #include until($until-xs); }
The problem is the media variable inlining part does not evaluate the way I wanted, like:
#{'$until-'#{$x}} (when x is 'xs') =>
#{'$until-xs'} =>
#{$until-xs} =>
(max-width: 377px)
Any way I can achieve this? Since this can be applied in multiple places in my project I am more interested in the possibility of inlining vars like this than the solution to the particular problem from the example.
Instead of defining lots of variables like $until-xs, $until-sm and so on, you can define a map that contains information of your medias like the code below:
#use "sass:map";
$until-var: ("xs": "(max-width: 377px)", "sm": "(max-width: 620px)", "md": "(max-width: 807px)");
#mixin until($x) {
display: none;
#media #{map.get($until-var, $x)} {
display: block !important;
/* using that in your classes */
.until-xs { #include until("xs"); }
.until-sm { #include until("sm"); }
I'm not sure what you mean by inlining vars! But if you want a single mixin that works for different medias, I think that works.

Laravel mix - Change production CSS output options

I am trying to change the CSS output style in webpack.mix.js, however it only seems to affect the Development build. How do I apply outpoutStyle options to the Production build?
Here, is my code in the webpack.mix.js file, changing the value of "outputstyle" only affects the Development build.
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css', {
outputStyle : 'expanded'
.copy(`resources/images`, `public/images`, false);
laravel-mix: version 5.0.4
sass-loader: version 7.1.0
EDIT - Additional Information:
The problem I'm trying to solve is that my code works fine with a developer build, but then goes pear-shaped when I run a production build. I suspect it has something to do with how the production build takes something like this:
.selector-1 {
background-color: green;
color: red;
.selector-2 {
background-color: blue;
color: red;
and compiles it to this:
.selector-1 {
background-color: green;
.selector-1, .selector-2 {
color: red;
.selector-2 {
background-color: blue;
In my case, that's undesirable behavior and I believe it's causing scoping issues with my CSS Custom Properties. The compiled code is thousands of lines long so I haven't been able to pinpoint the exact problem - but I notice the development build doesn't do that and everything works fine.
Basically, I’ve got something like this, which I’m using for theming:
:root {
—theme-base: red;
.theme-green {
—theme-base: green;
everything works fine in Dev mode… but in Prod some of the elements are inheriting the wrong colour value.
So turns out the specific CSS you're trying to output is quite key. From private messaging you I found out it's to do with borders, and your original code is this:
.selector-1 {
border-top-width: 2px;
border-top-style: solid;
border-color: get-color(base, body);
In production mode that compiles to
.selector-1 {
border-color: var(--color-base-body)
.selector-1 {
border-top: 2px solid;
The problem is that if those border properties are in different class selectors, even though they're the same the browser doesn't know what to do with it. We need a way to have all of the relevant border properties in one selectors. Like so:
.selector-1 {
border: 2px solid get-color(base, body);
border-width: 2px 0 0;
That compiles to
.u-border-top-2 {
border: solid var(--color-base-body);
border-width: 2px 0 0;
...which renders correctly in the browser.
I'm not sure if this is a bug in sass-loader or if a new version fixes it - on first view it looks like the correct behaviour but the cases of borders not so much.

Dynamically displaying static images based on view port using Sass

I'm creating a React application that has a hero display on the landing page that displays one of three images: [hero-1.jpg, hero-2.png, hero-3.png] based on the users viewport screen size.
I have been unsuccessful trying to find resources online that show a DRY method for achieving this, for the sake of participation, I'll leave this code that I attempted that - in theory made sense to me.
N.B. I am extremely new to Sass/Scss
<section className="hero is-fullheight has-background-black">
<div className="hero-body">
<div className="container">
$i: 1;
$breakpoint-phone: 480px;
$breakpoint-tablet: 768px;
$breakpoint-desktop: 1024px;
#mixin modifier ($i:1) {
#media only screen and (max-width:$breakpoint-phone) { $i: 2; }
#media only screen and (max-width:$breakpoint-tablet) { $i: 3; }
#media only screen and (max-width:$breakpoint-desktop) { $i: 1; }
.hero {
background-position: center;
background-size: cover
#include modifier {.hero {background-image: url('../assets/hero-#{$i}.jpg');}}
Display content by default (which is pulled from #include).
Mixin modifier will modify the $i passed to the mixin, which is interpolated in the image path.
Expected Result:
Based on each breakpoint, $i will be set to the appropriate value and change the background image dynamically.
Actual Result:
The global $i is used, and the web page displays hero-1.jpg.
There are a few ways you can achieve this. If I was going about this, this is how I would do it.
Also, it would be very wise to practice mobile first development. Use min-width and go up instead of using max-width going down. The way you currently have it structured would mean you wouldn't have a valid URL if that $i variable wasn't set at 1 at the top of your document. Writing SASS or CSS will be much easier this way once you get used to it.
$tablet: 768px;
$desktop: 1024px;
#mixin hero-image() {
.hero {
background-position: center;
background-size: cover;
background-image: url('../assets/hero-2.jpg');
#media screen and (min-width: $tablet) {
background-image: url('../assets/hero-3.jpg');
#media screen and (min-width: $desktop) {
background-image: url('../assets/hero-1.jpg');
#include hero-image();
You're still going to have to write the background-image property 3 times. The way you were doing it was close, but you would have had to #include modifier() 3 times in your consuming scss file. At the end of the day SASS compiles to CSS. You could potentially use a SASS function or For Loop to achieve this, but mixins can get really complicated and powerful, but also incredibly difficult to read and understand. Here's what the mixin I just showed you compiles to in CSS.
.hero {
background-position: center;
background-size: cover;
background-image: url("../assets/hero-2.jpg");
#media screen and (min-width: 768px) {
.hero {
background-image: url("../assets/hero-3.jpg");
#media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
.hero {
background-image: url("../assets/hero-1.jpg");
I recommend putting your SCSS/SASS into this compiler to see your results before compiling your actual project.
Even though you are repeating background-image 3 times inside of the mixin this is very much still DRY code because you can include that one mixin everywhere your images will be shown and if you need to edit it, you can edit it in one place.

Ampersand and mixins in SCSS

Searched but can't find an answer..
I have an element which gets generated (by an external platform) with the following classes: p-button and button.
Now the SCSS is like this:
.p-button {
&.button {
margin: 10px;
But I want to refactor using mixin includes (this is a big project so there is no other way of making this code better except using mixins). The mixin takes the given selector and applies a . to it. I can't change the mixin, as it is used by many other teams, so I can't pass the ampersand together with the selector. I tried this:
.p-button {
& {
#include button-appearance("button") {
margin: 10px;
But that doesn't work (puts a space between it). You can't do this:
.p-button {
&#include button-appearance("button") {
margin: 10px;
Anyone have a clue?
EDIT: Here is the mixin
#mixin button-appearance(
$background-position) {
$sel: $button-selector;
#if $appearance-class {
$sel: $sel + '.' + $appearance-class;
#{$sel} {
#include normalized-background-image($background-image);
#include show($show);
background-color: $background-color;
background-position: $background-position;
EDIT 2: Here is the $button-selector (I can not edit this in the platform, but maybe overwrite it in my own project?)
$button-class: 'p-button';
$button-selector: '.#{$button-class}';
Everyone, finally found the solution. I just removed the &.button from the .p-button mixin include and now it works:
#include button-appearance ("button") { *styles* }
#include button-appearance () { *styles* }
Edited the answer after the original question was edited adding the used and un modifiable mixin
The original mixin does not append the ‘#content’ passed to the mixin to the generated selector. So if you cannot modify the original mixin, the only way is to add your properties outside the mixin. According to the mixin the selector will match a predefined ‘$button-selector’ variable, so it won’t use your class.
So, if you want to use the same class defined in ‘$button-class’, try the following:
#{$button-selector}.button {
margin: 10px;
Will output:
.p-button.button {
margin: 10px;

How to have Conditional SASS for Internet Explorer

I was wondering if there is way to have conditional statements in SASS for Internet explorer
FOr e.g. lets say this is what I am looking for:
.container {
background-color: black
if ie10 {
.container {
background-color: yellow;
I found a few hacks that work fine like for e.g.
#media screen\0 {
.container {
background-color: yellow;
This one works fine but it is a HACK!! And I want to avoid it because who knows when IE fixes this issue and then I would have to re-write my whole code.
Here is one more hack that works
.container {
background-color: black;
background-color: yellow\0/
So in this case the second statement is read by IE but not by chrome and Mozilla or Safari so this also does the trick but again, this is also a HACK!!
I dont want to use any kind of hacks in to my project because they dont have a certain life-time.
So is there anyone who has figured out a way to apply IE conditional SASS without using hacks but using something official.
I would really appreciate the help.
You could just import an ie partial (ie10.scss)
base SCSS
.ie10 {
#import "ie10";
<!--[if IE 10]> <html class="ie10"> <![endif]-->
