Gspred - How do you select 2 separate columns in one call? - gspread

I'd like to select 2 columns (A and H) from a Google Spreadsheet in one API call - is it doable? I can't seem to get it working with batch_get.

ok, I've figured it out:
datatable.batch_get(["A2:A", "H2:H"])


Google Sheet Query: Select misses data when there are different data type in a column?

I have a table like this:
note c2 is text while c3 is a number.
When I do
=QUERY(A1:C,"select *")
The result is like
The "text" in C2 has been missed. You can see the live sheet here:
How to deal with this issue?
QUERY is very useful, but it has a main limitation: only can handle one kind of data per column. The other data is left as blank. There are usually ways to try to overcome this from inside the QUERY, but I've found them unfruitful. What you can do is just to use:
You can work with filters by its own, but as a step-by-step to adapt the main features of query: If you need to add conditions, use LAMBDA INDEX and FILTER
For example, to check where A is not null:
=LAMBDA(quer,FILTER(quer,INDEX(quer,,1)<>""))({A:C}) --> with INDEX(quer,,1), I've accesed the first column
Where B is more than one cell and less than other:
For sorting and limiting an amount of items, use SORTN. For example, you want to sort by 3rd column and limit to 5 higher values in that column:
Or, to limit to 5 elements without sorting use ARRAY_CONSTRAIN:
There are other options, you can use REGEXMATCH and other options, and emulate QUERYs functions without missing data. Let me know!
If you are comfortable with adding an Google App Script in your sheet to give you a custom function, I have a QUERY replacement function that supports all standard SQL SELECT syntax. I don't analyze the column data to try and force to one type based on which is the most common data in the column - so this is not an issue.
The custom function code - is one file and is at:
After you save, you have a new function from your sheet. In your example, the syntax would be
=gsSQL("select a,b,c from testTable", {{"testTable", "F150:H152", 60, true}})
If your data is on a separate tab called 'testTable'(or whatever you want), the second parameter is not required.
I have typed in your example data into my test sheet (see line 150)

How to create a custom formula using data validation that can sort columns using column numbers in Google Sheets?

I hope someone can help with a problem I’m facing. I’m pretty new to Data Validation using Custom Formulas so I’d appreciate your guidance. I hope I have explained the situation clearly. Thanks.
I want to use data validation in cell B1 (Portfolio Tab) which creates a drop down list of the number of columns (1 to 44). I want to use the list as a way to sort a table (Column Headers - C3:AT4).
By selecting 1 from the drop down list I want my table to be sorted in Descending order by Portfolio%. Then if I want to sort by Name in Descending order I want to select 3 from the drop down list. Finally once I’m done sorting I want to revert back/reset to my original view. I want to do this without changing anything in columns A and B. Please assist. Thank You.
Issue with using asc
Issue with using asc (blank formula)
Query and hyperlink
Query and hyperlink
solution 1:
forget dropdown and use filter view inmerge row 3 & 4
delete row 1 & 4
select your range C2:AT
and creatte filter view
now you can sort one, multiple or all columns like:
solution 2:
create a duplicate of your sheet:
delete your range C3:AT
use this in C3:
=QUERY({Portfolio!C3:AT}, "order by Col"&B1&" desc", 2)
solution 3:
use sorting script...

how to make matrix based on the row data in google spreadsheet

I have a google spreadsheet which matches submodules and product. Below is what sheet looks like.
What I want to do is transform this data to matrix such like below.
Can I make it with one function? I want to use it in Mmult function so it would be better matrix without labels.
I cannot catch any ID to get through it. Hope I get good clues to do it. Thanks a lot.
Not quite the result you show from the data sample provided, but I think at least close to what you want:
=query(A2:C5,"select B, sum(C) group by B pivot A")
To get a 0 in the pivot table I added a row in the source data.

Google Spreadsheet filter

I'm trying to filter a list of employee by department in google spreadsheet
my sample data is
Name Department age
asd dep1 12
fds dep2 2
plo dep3 3
sdfsdf dep1 56
shg dep2 98
now I already got the filter part working.. my question is after filtering. how can I tell GSpreadsheet to only display specific column values... like use department as filter condition but only return name and age?
eventually I also want to move my result to a different sheet.
My first choice of approach for this issue was to use google macro like thingy and just hide the rows and comlumns not needed if you have suggestions for this please don't hesitate to provide.
The easiest way to filter is the [Data-Filter], otherwise [View-List] is also able to filter. Using a formula you will be displaying the results in a different column, usually on a different page.
My suggestion to omit column B would be to make two separate column filters like this:
The exclamation is only necessary if you are on another sheet, you may also be trying to do something like this: filter(A2:A,B2:B="dep1") the real power of the formula is where you want to manipulate the value before your comparison like this: filter(A:A,right(B:B,1)="1") otherwise I'm not sure what you are referring to, other than Google Apps Scripts I am not aware of any functionality very similar to VBA.
If this did not answer your question can you be a little bit more specific?
I would use the QUERY function here:
=QUERY(A:C, "select A,C where (B = 'dep1')")
This will return with two columns (Name and Age - that is "A" and "C" respectively). The filter condition is provided in the WHERE clause.
For moving the result to another sheet, I would do it another way around: Create another sheet, and then write:
=QUERY(employees!A:C, "select A,C where (B = 'dep1')")
Assuming that your original worksheet's name is "employees".
I hope it helped.

How do I return multiple columns of data using ImportXML in Google Spreadsheets?

I'm using ImportXML in a Google Spreadsheet to access the user_timeline method in the Twitter API. I'd like to extract the created_at and text fields from the response and create a two-column display of the results.
Currently I'm doing this by calling the API twice, with
in the cell at the top of one column, and
in another.
Is there a way for me to create this display with a single call?
ImportXML supports using the xpath | separator to include as many queries as you like.
=ImportXML("http://url"; "//#author | //#catalogid| //#publisherid")
However it does not expand the results into multiple columns. You get a single column of repeating triplets (or however many attributes you've selected) as shown below in column A.
The following is deprecated
2015.06.16: continue is not available in "the new Google Sheets" (see: The Google Documentation for continue).
However you don't need to use the automatically inserted CONTINUE() function to place your results.
=CONTINUE($A$2, (ROW()-ROW($A$2)+1)*$A$1-B$1, 1)
Placed in B2 that should cleanly fill down and right to give you sane column data.
ImportXML is in A2.
A3 and below are how the CONTINUE() functions are automatically filled in.
A1 is the number of attributes.
B1:D1 are the attribute index for their columns.
Another way to convert the rows of =CONTINUE() into columns is to use transpose():
=transpose(importxml("http://url","//a | //b | //c"))
Just concatenate your queries with "|"
=ImportXML("","/statuses/status/created_at | /statuses/status/text")
I posed this question to the Google Support Forum and this is was a solution that worked for me:
=ArrayFormula(QUERY(QUERY(IFERROR(IF({1,1,0},IF({1,0,0},INT((ROW(A:A)-1)/2),MOD(ROW(A:A)-1,2)),IMPORTXML("","//td/a | //td/a/#href"))),"select min(Col3) where Col3 <> '' group by Col1 pivot Col2",0),"offset 1",0))
Replace the contents of IMPORTXML with your data and query and see if that works for you. I
Apparently, this attempts to invoke the IMPORTXML function only once. It's a solution for now, at least.
Here's the full thread.
This is the best solution (NOT MINE) posted in the comments below. To be honest, I'm not sure how it works. Perhaps #Pandora, the original poster, could provide an explanation.
This is a very ugly solution and doesn't even explain how it works. At least I couldn't get it to work due to multiple errors, like i.e. to much parameters for IF (because an array is used). A shorter solution can be found here =ArrayFormula(iferror(hlookup(1,{1;ARRAY},(row(A:A)+1)*2-transpose(sort(row(A1:A2)+0,1,0))))) "ARRAY" can be replaced with IMPORTXML-Function. This function can be used for as much XPATHS one wants. – Pandora Mar 7 '19 at 15:51
In particular, it would be good to know how to modify the formula to accommodate more columns.
