#fawmi/vue-google-maps GMapAutocomplete not working - events

place_changed event does not return place information
I tried to add GMapAutocomplete as like this :
But the setPlace function does not return place infomation.
It just only returns { name: "search string" }


If condition in Kendo UI grid template

field: 'Status' ,
width: '70px' ,
template: "#if(Status == 'On Request') {#<div class='redAndBold'>#:Status</div>#}#"
I have a kendo UI grid where the "Status" is being filled in from the javascript file. The Status in the model can be "On Request", and what I want is: if it is "On Request", add a class to it, "redAndBold". The syntax in this particular example gives a "user is not defined" error.
Could anyone give me some pointers on how to correctly do this?
The kendo.templates depend on #=fieldName# or #:fieldName#. In the current case, there is a missing closing "#" after 'Status'. The templates are evaluated with the value of the field when bound to a data item during initialization. For executing JavaScript logic use only "#JS logic goes here#". Further information can be found here Kendo UI templates.
To avoid confusion of the template syntax, plain JavaScript function can be used instead:
template: "#=templateFunc(data)#"
// JS hander
function templateFunc(dataItem){
if(dataItem.Status== 'On Request') {
return "<div class='redAndBold'>"+dataItem.Status+"</div>";
} else{
return dataItem.Status;
I think you are missing a # after Status. When you inject the value of a variable it needs a # before and after. If you split the template code over several lines whilst you write it, it can be easier to get it right.
#if(Status == 'On Request') {#
<div class='redAndBold'>
A good check is to count the number of # symbols in your template. It should always be an even number.
As many people pointed out, you're missing a pound sign. I would like to point out that you can set the template as a function that returns a string. I generally do this because there are nuances with the string template such as escaping pound signs among other things:
field: 'Status',
width: '70px',
template: function(dataItem) {
var div = $('<div />');
if (dataItem.Status === 'On Request') {
return div.prop('outerHTML');
Just use function for a template :
}, {
field: "TrackingNumber",
title: "#T("Admin.Orders.Shipments.TrackingNumber")",
}, {
field: "ShippingMethodName",
title: "#T("Admin.Orders.Shipments.ShippingMethodName")",
template:function(dataItem) {
var template;
var ShippingMethodPluginName = dataItem.ShippingMethodPluginName;
var IsReferanceActive = dataItem.IsReferanceActive;
var ShippingMethodName = dataItem.ShippingMethodName;
var CargoReferanceNo = dataItem.CargoReferanceNo;
var ShipmentStatusId = dataItem.ShipmentStatusId;
if (ShipmentStatusId == 7) {
return "<div align='center'><label class='label-control'><b style='color:red'>Sipariş İptal Edildi<b></label></div>";
} else {
if (ShippingMethodPluginName == "Shipping.ArasCargo" || ShippingMethodPluginName == "Shipping.ArasCargoMP") {
template =
"<div align='center'><img src = '/content/images/aras-kargo-logo.png' width = '80' height = '40'/> <label class='label-control'><b>Delopi Aras Kargo Kodu<b></label>";
if (IsReferanceActive) {
template =
template +
"<label class='label-control'><b style='color:red; font-size:20px'>"+CargoReferanceNo+"<b></label></div>";
return template;

I want access the component snippet in nette framework

I have using the template code like:
{snippetArea wrapper}
{control addFormControl}
and in addFormControl component code is like:
{snippet clientSnippet}
I am using ajax with method presenter method:
public function handleClientChange(){
But it is not redraw the snippet snippet id is snippet-addFormControl-clientSnippet. Please help me to fix it.
I dont think you can call $this->redrawControl('clientSnippet'); in presenter and expect to redraw component. You should call this in the component.
Something like $this['addFormControl']->redrawControl('clientSnippet');
this is how you can do it.
In my latest project i was doing something quite similiar, it's pretty simple tho.
For Nette I use this Ajax: https://github.com/vojtech-dobes/nette.ajax.js
.latte file:
<input type="text" id="search-car" data-url="{plink refreshCars!}">
{snippet carlist}
{foreach $cars as $car}
{var $photo = $car->related('image')->fetch()}
{if $photo}
<img src="{plink Image:image $photo->filename}"/>
Notice the '!' at the end of the text input. It's tells Nette to look after the handle function.
The presenter:
public function handleRefreshCars()
public function renderDefault($foo = null)
if ($foo === null || $foo === '') {
$this->template->cars = array();
} else {
$this->template->cars = $this->carDao->getFiltered($foo);
And JS:
function callFilterAjax(url, data) {
url: url,
data: data
$("#search-contract-car").on('load focus focusout change paste keyup', function () {
callFilterAjax($(this).data('url'), {"foo": $(this).val()});
This should be it. I hope you find this useful

ColdFusion ajax validation

in cf9 i have a page where i want to check if field value exist in db (via ajax). If it doesn't exist, i want to stop processing (return false). Everything works fine, except i don't know how to pass back to the main function the result of the ajax call
please help
<cfajaximport tags="cfmessagebox, cfwindow, cfajaxproxy">
<cfajaxproxy cfc="reqfunc" jsclassname="jsobj" />
<script language="JavaScript">
function checkRequired() {
var testVal = document.getElementById('myField').value;
return testAjax(testVal);
/* more processing that should stop if ajaxCallBack returns false */
function testAjax(testVal) {
var instance = new jsobj();
function ajaxCallBack(returns) {
// returns correctly "true" if value checks against db, "false" if it doesn't
// HOW DO I PASS THIS VALUE BACK TO checkRequired ???
<input type="text" name="myField" id="myField" value=""><p>
<input type="button" value="Check with Ajax" onClick="return checkRequired()">
many thanks
Unless you build your main function to 'wait' for the return, you can't return your result to that instance of the function; it has already exited, so to speak. Using cfajax it is probably possible to tweak the main function to call and wait, but the simple solution is to have the callback subsequently recall your main function and treat the existence of the result/return as the flag as to whether to process or call the ajax.
function checkRequired(return) {
if(return != null) {
/* more processing */
} else {
function ajaxCB(return) {
I would probably refactor a bit more but you should get the idea.
it's really kind of a hack, not what i was looking for, but for what it's worth: if i put this stanza at the very end of my function, with the callBack collapsed within the main function, it would work
function checkRequired() {
var testVal = document.getElementById('myField').value;
var instance = new jsobj();
var r = instance.setCallbackHandler(
function(returns) {
if(returns == 1) {
} else { alert("Something wrong"); }

AngularJS: Is there any way to determine which fields are making a form invalid?

I have the following code in an AngularJS application, inside of a controller,
which is called from an ng-submit function, which belongs to a form with name profileForm:
$scope.updateProfile = function() {
if($scope.profileForm.$invalid) {
//error handling..
Inside of this function, is there any way to figure out which fields are causing the entire form to be called invalid?
Each input name's validation information is exposed as property in form's name in scope.
<form name="someForm" action="/">
<input name="username" required />
<input name="password" type="password" required />
// > false
// > { required: true }
The exposed properties are $pristine, $dirty, $valid, $invalid, $error.
If you want to iterate over the errors for some reason:
// > { required: [{$name: "username", $error: true /*...*/},
// {$name: "password", /*..*/}] }
Each rule in error will be exposed in $error.
Here is a plunkr to play with http://plnkr.co/edit/zCircDauLfeMcMUSnYaO?p=preview
For checking which field of form is invalid
this will output the array of invalid fields of the form
If you want to see which fields are messing up with your validation and you have jQuery to help you, just search for the "ng-invalid" class on the javascript console.
It will list all DOM elements which failed validation for any reason.
You can loop through form.$error.pattern.
$scope.updateProfile = function() {
var error = $scope.profileForm.$error;
angular.forEach(error.pattern, function(field){
var fieldName = field.$name;
I wanted to display all the errors in the disabled Save button tooltip, so the user will know why is disable instead of scrolling up and down the long form.
Note: remember to add name property to the fields in your form
if (frm) {
disable = frm.$invalid;
if (frm.$invalid && frm.$error && frm.$error.required) {
frm.$error.required.forEach(function (error) {
disableArray.push(error.$name + ' is required');
if (disableArray.length > 0) {
vm.disableMessage = disableArray.toString();
For my application i display error like this:
<ul ng-repeat="errs in myForm.$error">
<li ng-repeat="err in errs">{{err.$name}}</li></ul>
if you want to see everything, just user 'err' that will display something like this:
"$validators": {},
"$asyncValidators": {},
"$parsers": [],
"$formatters": [],
"$viewChangeListeners": [],
"$untouched": true,
"$touched": false,
"$pristine": true,
"$dirty": false,
"$valid": false,
"$invalid": true,
"$error": { "required": true },
"$name": "errorfieldName",
"$options": {}
Not this well formatted, but you will see these things there...
When any field is invalid, if you try to get its value, it will be undefined.
Lets say you have a text input attached to $scope.mynum that is valid only when you type numbers, and you have typed ABC on it.
If you try to get the value of $scope.mynum, it would be undefined; it wouldn't return the ABC.
(Probably you know all this, but anyway)
So, I would use an array that have all the elements that need validation that I have added to the scope and use a filter (with underscore.js for example) to check which ones return as typeof undefined.
And those would be the fields causing the invalid state.
If you want to find field(s) which invalidates form on UI without programmatically, just right click inspect (open developer tools in elements view) then search for ng-invalid with ctrl+f inside this tab. Then for each field you find ng-invalid class for, you can check if field is not given any value while it is required, or other rules it may violate (invalid email format, out of range / max / min definition, etc.). This is the easiest way.

Validate $.getJSON before its being sent to the server in JQmobile

I'm trying to Validate my form before it's being sent to the server. I tried couple of J/S plugins for regular validation and none of them seem to work.
I tried looking for getJSON validation method with jquerymobile but haven't seen anything related. Is using $.getJSON the right approach?
Here is a fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/Kimbley/kMsXK/2/
Thanks :D
Code Here:
function mAddBusiness() {
$.getJSON("API.php", {
command: "addBusiness",
bsnName: $("#mBsnName").attr("value"),
bsnCity: $("#mBsnCity").attr("value"),
bsnAddress: $("#mBsnAddress").attr("value"),
bsnMenu: $("#mBsnMenu").attr("value"),
bsnLat: bsnLat,
bsnLong: bsnLong
function () {
$("#mBsnName").attr("value", "");
$("#mBsnCity").attr("value", "");
$("#mBsnAddress").attr("value", "");
$("#mBsnMenu").attr("value", "");
alert("Business was added successfully ");
Inside your mAddBusiness() function you can just do your validation before sending the AJAX request. Something like:
function mAddBusiness() {
if ($("#mBsnName").val() !== '') {
$.getJSON("API.php", {
command: "addBusiness",
bsnName: $("#mBsnName").val(),
bsnCity: $("#mBsnCity").val(),
bsnAddress: $("#mBsnAddress").val(),
bsnMenu: $("#mBsnMenu").val(),
bsnLat: bsnLat,
bsnLong: bsnLong
function () {
alert("Business was added successfully ");
} else {
alert('Please enter a business name.');
Note that you will have to add the data-ajax="false" attribute to the <form> tag in question so that jQuery Mobile does not attempt to submit the form itself.
Also, note that $('input').attr('value') will not return the current value of an input, it will return the initial value before the user had a chance to input anything. To get the current value of a form input, use .val(): http://api.jquery.com/val
